Tool that opens the door to the future of electronic music

Photo by Roger Linn in his home office, made March 19, 2015 i>
Why is the music in the movie "Blade Runner" has on the viewer such a strong impact? Because mad genius-Greek Vangelis, wrote and performed the music for the film, almost never used any other tools besides YamahaCS-80 .
So this special synthesizer era 70s makes a wonderful feature called «PolyphonicPressure». Model CS-80 was one of the last, which supports the functions of volume change notes by clicking on the button with different force. As a result, it was possible to achieve the acoustic effect, in which the music was dark and incredibly expressive. Pressing the keys with different force, Vangelis could create a plaintive moans unicorns foil or crying lovers replicants. Sadness and melancholy has never been sounded so good.
However, as the heroes of "Blade Runner" and Roy Preece, model CS-80 was doomed. In 1980, when nerds financiers declared too high cost of production synthesizer and reducing profit margins, the company ceased production of these models. Since then, the function is no longer supported PolyphonicPressure synthesizers Yamaha.
For musicians who then mourned the disappearance of the cult analog synthesizer, now there is a reason for joy. 35 years later there were sensory polyphonic instruments of the new generation. In the field of electronic music, they are known as polyphonic touch controller capture multidirectional movement (PMC - polyphonic multi-dimensional controllers). A very important role is played here by the word "omnidirectional". Unlike favorite Vangelis CS-80, which can recognize some one motion, these advanced MIDI-device a > can detect finger movement in three directions simultaneously: in addition to the volume control, musicians have the ability to change the pitch and timbre in real time.

Musical Instruments Linnstrument, photographed in the house of Roger Linn March 19, 2015 i>
The emergence of these revolutionary devices accompanied by a kind of slogan: MIDI-keyboard, the ubiquitous musical instrument popularized by British synth-pop groups in the era of Reagan, now - the technology of the Stone Age. Thanks to the development of smart materials, sensors, software, and computer performance, there was a streamlined interface that supports recognition function pressed during 3-D. This tool gave freedom to musicians, making it possible to perform complex and unbearably beautiful music, the likes of which no one had heard of.
What's going on in the field of electronic music h4> Website , completely dedicated to digital music and incredibly detailed analysis of each model touch Controller PMC, has quite a bit of equal competitors in this area. There is a tool , unusual piano, soft to the touch keys which resemble human flesh. There are , scarlet ribbon that looks like the world's longest mouse pad, which has a range of admirers, including bassist and keyboardist Led Zeppelin John Paul Jones. Another device - , carving board made of walnut, which can be confused with the board for board games. Dark horse in this list stands musical instrument - clever device, a kind of post-modern Scottish bagpipes, converting a musician in the "one-man band." In addition to 132 keys and two flat controllers along the sides of the tool, it also has a mouthpiece to change the tone or apply effects and filters.
However, if in any Las Vegas casino to bet on different device models PMC, yet it would be more profitable to bet on . Firstly, its price is optimal. At a cost of $ 1, 500, it is the most affordable among the "clever» PMC-devices are made to order (Seaboard Grand worth almost $ 9, 000, and Eigenharp Alpha and Continuum also not cheap: for $ 7, 328, and $ 5, 290, respectively) . In addition, the tool LinnStrument easy to use and relatively compact - to fit in a backpack.
Buy this tool can be mainly from its creator - Roger Linn. As part of the music business, he has quite a successful brand, established itself as a manufacturer of tools that are in demand worldwide.
Starting from Prince and Stevie Wonder and ending Dr. Dre and Puff Daddy, inventions workshop Lynn helped to create popular music performers over the past two decades. , the world's first programmable drum machine was beatbox device 80. Remember «Thriller» Michael Jackson's best-selling album of popular music of all time. Each drums on this record, from the sounds of snare drums and finishing blows were created cumbersome chips LM-1.
Self-taught engineer consolidate its success by creating a - classic 16-button controller, which made the process of creating samples of children's fun and let hip-hop artists from unknown projects get on MTV. Miraculously, a series of victories continued. After creating (model, which is very fond of using John Mayer, Green Day and Red Hot Chili Peppers) and < a href = "http://www.rogerlinndesign.com/tempest-drum-machine.html"> Tempest
(drum machine, designed with the assistance of electronic musical instruments guru Dave Smith), Lynn continues to influence the sound of music hits to this day. 
Photo workshop where instruments are Linnstrument, made in the house of Roger Linn i>
In an interview on Skype (he does not use Face Time, because the sound quality with the "poor"), Lynn evaluate its contribution to the music industry as follows: "It seems that each of my drum machines found its rightful place in the industry creation of popular music. " In his response is not a drop of boasting or job satisfaction. His words sound like a statement of fact, almost detached, just as the veteran professor would give a lecture on the recording device at the end of the 20th century. "I'm just trying to create a device that does not require any great technical skills to manage them - he explains. - When I was a musician, the use of electronic devices require optimization of various options and knowledge of technical terms. I do never liked. "
This may explain the success of Lynn. Before becoming the "father of all drum machines," he was a professional composer. In 1976, Leon Russell hired him as a guitarist for the tour and part-time studio engineer. He has also been in good standing with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), taking part in the recording of one of the 10 best songs of Eric Clapton («Promises») and Mary Chapin Carpenter («Quittin 'Time»). As a former studio sound engineer, who is no stranger to the activities of the touring group, he knows exactly what tools are needed musicians. And today he believes that musicians need a PMC-controller from Roger Linn.