Unexplained sounds of the ocean

The world is full of sounds, some of which still remain a mystery to science. Scientists studying the oceans, discovered a number of sounds that are difficult to explain and understand. These sounds were recorded by hydrophones, or underwater microphones National Office on the ocean and atmosphere (NOAA) in the United States. Here are the 6 most mysterious sounds heard in the depths of the ocean and assumptions concerning their origin. 1. Sound «Bloop» In 1997, the hydrophones caught one of the loudest sound ever recorded at the southern coast of South America. Sound, named »Bloop» (from the English. "Roar") was recorded by two hydrophones at a distance of about 4800 km. from each other. He resembled the sound of marine animals, but the volume was so great that he could not issue a sea creature known to science. Besides the version of the deep-sea monster, scientists have suggested that «Bloop» caused by the formation of large cracks of the iceberg. However, many still tend to believe that the sound was of biological origin. 2. Sound «Julia» A strange sound like the cooing or whining, was recorded March 1, 1999. Sound «Julia» («Julia") was recorded autonomous network of hydrophones in the eastern equatorial Pacific. There is speculation that it is a source of ice, namely the sound of falling to the bottom of a large Antarctic iceberg. 3. Sound «Upsweep» This sounds like a howling ambulance or the roar of unearthly creatures. Sound «Upsweep» («ascent") was recorded seasonally since 1991, mainly in spring and autumn. om sound is probably the area of submarine volcanic activity, but scientists have yet to figure out what actually causes it. 4. Sound «Slow Down» The sound was recorded May 19, 1997, and got its name because its frequency is reduced for 7 minutes. The researchers found the sound of «Slow Down» («retardation") of the Antarctic Peninsula, which gave them the idea that it was the result of the fact that drifting iceberg hit the seabed, creak of a heavy fall. Sound sensor was fixed at a distance of about 5000 km apart. 5. Sound «Train» Sound «Train» («train») reminds the friction of the wheels of the train on the tracks. It was registered in 1997 and most likely originated in the Ross Sea in West Antarctica. What is the alleged source? Scientists believe that this is again an iceberg, which drove its lower part of the ocean floor. 6. Sound «Whistle» Sound «Whistle» («whistle») is similar to the sound of boiling water in a kettle that does not make it less mysterious. It was recorded in July 1997, just one hydrophone, which is why it is almost impossible to specify the source. However, scientists say that similar sounds published erupting underwater volcano. Possibly, in contrast to other sounds, caused by the fire, rather than ice.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/6-strannyh-i-neob-yasnimyh-zvukov-okeana.html