Monsters, in which I want to believe - 2
Continuing the theme of Monsters, in which I want to believe
Like the theme relished so today I prepared a second, more detailed compilation about different mysterious creatures whose existence has not been proven. Yesterday I asked a question about Nes. Here are the most famous animal photos.
I admit, I thought everyone knows that several scientific expeditions proved absolutely impossible to stay in the lake dinosaur. It was filmed several movies on this theme and explored the lake up and down - neither the animal nor the evidence of his life were found. For these photos, which are considered some of the most important evidence of the existence of dinosaurs (there is video, but it concluded that this ugr) That perhaps, is to tell Clark's explanation paleontologist. Neil Clark said that the unexplained fact of observation in the area of the monster of Loch Ness could actually be associated with elephants. Dr. Clarke, who for two years has studied this myth, suggested that the idea of Nessie emerged as "a large-scale example of marketing", carried out by a circus impresario after he saw one of his elephants bathing in the lake. In 1933 - this year is the first modern "evidence" Nessie appearance - Bertram Mills offered 20,000 pounds (one million pounds today's money) to anyone who could capture the monster for his circus in London, which caused an international sensation and aroused interest in Nessie. Clark, who made a name for himself, having found in 2004 near the lake Sky trail the dinosaur age 165 million years, says that the legend of the Loch Ness monster was "largely a product of the XX century". He said: "Most of the observations of the monster took place after 1933, when the west side of the lake was completed construction of the highway A82. All we have is fuzzy photos, testimonies, videos taken from a distance, and exposing fake. " "Most of the episodes can be explained by floating logs or waves bizarre, but there are a number of unexplained sightings of gray creature with a long neck and a curved back, especially relating to 1933". "My research confirms that these were circus elephants. Circus troupe coming to the fairs in this area, stopped at Loch Ness to allow the animals needed rest. " "When the animals swam in the lake, the water could be seen only the trunk and two bends: the first - the head, and the second - the back of the animal." "The result could well give the impression that the animal is in front of you with a long neck and two humps - especially if the water was at that moment a few elephants. No wonder then, that Bertram Mills offered a large reward to anyone who could capture the monster and take him to the circus. Loch Ness monster and so was already in his circus. " Dr. Clark's findings are published in the March issue of the Open University Geological Society. However, fans of Nessie is not troubled new attempts to debunk this myth - only in 2005, four people claimed to have seen Nessie. In addition, it is known that local residents and authorities are interested in maintaining the hype around the monster. Since the influx of tourists is gradually reduced, and thus reduced the budget ....
In my opinion, a much greater interest, the so-called "flyers" or "flying wands" or skayfisha. Here are the photos.
Unfortunately the picture is not entirely clear what is at stake, and the video, unfortunately I could not find. I will try to explain what is at stake. These strange being similar to deep inhabitants: they have long worm-like body and wide ridges on the sides by which they are moved as if the wings.
Approximately under water "fly", for example, ramps, making undulating movements. And they discovered quite by accident - when viewing the camera recording, for example. The most interesting is that the people close to them, they do not see - discover when viewing a video or photo materials.
Scientists are interested in this phenomenon, and as a result of the study materials has several versions. 1. unknown species. Prove that is not possible until you caught any one instance. However, the behavior of these creatures similar to the behavior of animals.
Version 2 - a certain proof of the presence of aliens. Whether it is their vision devices, whether it themselves. The fact that very often the flyers steel enters the lens recently. Version 3 of the skeptics - a defect of flight known insects. Like flying insects quickly and turns her on video image footprint of their flight. It is stipulated that the researchers have seriously approached this issue and have taken this version is not yet counted the number of "wings" flyers. The bottom line is that all known insect wings pair number, and therefore at high speed processes in the video should be an even number. In the case of the flyers many shots show that the wings an odd number, and thus leave no trace of insects.
A giant bear, a bear Bergman
Chukchi and Koryak told a visiting hunters on the terrible monster - a huge bear with excessively long forepaws and adipose fat tail hanging from the croup. Interested in these stories Sten Bergman, Swedish zoologist. Especially since in 1920 he caught the eye of a huge bearskin. The first thing that catches the eye, described by Bergman - a short coat of black color, which is not typical for brown bears living in the surrounding areas of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Described Bergman and should probably belonged to a relative of the bear, which was removed from the vision of the hide of a large size. It is also impressive dimensions - about 36h25 cm.
Later, Bergman described a new species of brown bear - Ursus arctos piscator. The scientific world reacted to it with interest, and the bear Bergman long forgotten. In the 70 years the expedition has made independent geologist Oleg Kuvayev. The benchmark its search were stories of local residents about the terrible Chukotka brown bear - Akleyev which size is twice rather big polar bear. Expedition Kuvaeva examined for obmedvezhennosti El'gygytgyn Lake region. In those days it was quite difficult terrain, where she could hide from investigators population legendary giant bears Bergman. However, Kuvaeva met only ordinary, unremarkable brown bears. To resurrect the topic Bear Bergman, often referred to as a fugitive from the sight of human Ursus arctos piscator, in the second half of the 80-ies of the last century has Rodion Sivolobov hunter, hunted server Kamchatka coast of the Bering Sea. According Sivolobova, he repeatedly met with an unusually large bear, with some specific morphological features - longer than the front legs back, rump, because of which the locals called giant Irkuyem - "loose pants", short muzzle. On offer biologists from Leningrad to show the remains of irkuyema, Sivolobov vividly responded. That's just from the skins and bones extracted several times giant bear constantly befall stories (burned in the barn, taken Koryak shaman for their needs) and the biology they have not got. Nikola Kuzmich Vereshchagin, professor at the Zoological Institute in St. Petersburg, on the basis of the description Sivolobova theorized origin irkuyema. The press saw the light of the theory of the magazine "Fishing and Hunting" in 1987. According to the theory Vereshchagin Sivolobov met with surviving descendants Arctodos symus, fossil short-faced bear. The remains of the short-faced bear, paleontologists have found, and you can read them in the natural science museums in America. Here are found the remains predominantly in North America and never in Eurasia. Therefore, the scientific world skeptical of the theory Vereshchagin. Again giant bear to remember when in the magazine "Around the World" in April 1989, an article appeared Valery Orlov called "Unknown kaynyn-kugho." Kaynyn-kugho - is another name disproportionately large bear. Translated from the Koryak it means god-bear. The article tells the story of Sivolobova. And so it remains unproved existence Bear Bergman - no photos of a live animal or remains. However, this bear was shot here in the United States. Impressive. The truth is it does not bear Bergman. Muzzle this instance not
Much has been written about the Chupacabra, so I give here excerpts of articles from site Kriptid.ru. From myself I will only add that I think it's too raspiarenny instance, and to my knowledge at the disposal of the bodies of scientists rank to the family dog. Whether Kayoty, or dogs, but both of them with some serious skin disease. In any case, stories about a small humanoid creature - a lie. Monster came up with an original name - Chupacabra.
Word Chupacabra - of Spanish origin and can be translated as "sucking goat" "goat vampire." This name is not accidental. For the first time in a characteristic way it goats were sacrificed. One fine morning, the owners discovered a completely bloodless body of his goats. The bodies were not damaged except for minor trim wounds on his neck. Neither give not to take - a vampire. Over time, such incidents began to occur outside of Puerto Rico - in the nearby regions and very remote. Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Panama, Peru, Brazil and even the United States - in those countries marked victim Chupacabra - bloodless corpses of animals with small wounds on his neck. The largest number of such reports from Mexico. During his bloody operations accumulated a lot of eyewitness testimony. It should be noted, in some cases quite controversial. In 1996, there were an attack on the chupacabra Puerto Rican woman in her own apartment. She described bloodsucker as a small white creature with spikes and wings on the back. White troublemaker trying to bite a woman's neck. Other evidence from the same region - from the local Osvaldo Claudio Rosado. According to him, he was attacked from behind a white gorilla.
In memory of the meeting being called gorilla Rosado left scars from claws and teeth. First aid was provided to the injured in the hospital, and there are corresponding records in the hospital records. Rosado was attacked at night when returning home. All anything, except for one small thing: not found in Puerto Rico Guanica gorilla in the province, especially white. Chupacabra - a humanoid? Or reptile? Or closer to mammalian? According to some eyewitnesses of the city and the surrounding area Canovanas, a town in the state, the chupacabra is a kangaroo fanged creature with red eyes. For example, Misael Negron told that chupakkabra, whom he saw was the growth of three or four feet (which is 90-120 cm) behind the head and torso - spikes. Grin crowned with long fangs and ferocity give bright red big eyes. Some witnesses to point out a greenish or greenish-brown skin like a lizard, or a dinosaur. Billy Nabian, who lives in Arizona, described the goat attacked his creature as "a large, krysopodobnoe." Complete the picture of an elongated head and webbed fingers. In general, the image of the Chupacabra way intertwined with the legends of South American rainforest inhabitants of Moca vampire mosquito man who drinks the blood of those caught in its path people with the help of his long nose, which resembles that of a mosquito or a mosquito. Many familiar with this legend, and identify moskitomena Chupacabra. Thus, it appears that the chupacabra - a longtime friend of the population of tropical forests. Origin chupacabra raises many questions, arguments and hypotheses. From the simplest explanation for the emergence of modern man and the close - a mutation. For example, there was a jump-like spontaneous mutation, showing a change in genotype, accumulated over thousands of years in the chromosomes.
According to some assumptions, there could be a regression to the level of earlier evolutionary ancestors who could well lead such a secretive and murderous lifestyle. Described in most cases, meetings with chupacabra, kangaroo body shape with small front and large hind limbs developed may belong to both dinazavrov descendants and ancestors of modern kangaroos diverse. Some researchers argue paleontologists carnivorous evolutionary progenitors kangaroo. There is to be another biological theory of the birth of a monster. We call it the theory of a secret lab. A significant part of the interested parties Chupacabra believed that the birthplace of the voracious bloodsuckers - one of the American strictly secret biological laboratories. No wonder that in most cases the government recommended not to divulge what had happened and to write off the strange incident with livestock on account of stray dogs, crocodiles (!?), Or sectarian machinations and horrible rites.
The giant squid. Everyone knows about the movie about a dashing pirate Sparrow Kraken. Kraken called a huge monster that rises from the ocean depths and tentacles entangle ships, stoked it and devoured sailors. Most likely, this belief is based on meetings with the giant squid. For example, in 1931, said the squid was caught 20 meters long. The best thing about the giant squid told Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Konstantin Nesis. Here are his article: What kind of monsters do not just tell us newspapers and magazines, which only terrifying beasts does not show us a movie! They have in common one thing - no one has ever been able to put them on the bench, measure, weigh, to study the structure and put in a museum. The only exception - the giant squid. Yet in 1856, nearly half a century ago, the famous Danish scientist Iapetus Stenstrup learned a huge beak of the squid emitted waves on the shore of Denmark in 1853, comparing it with the body parts of squid, which in 1855 picked up the north of the Bahamas, to deal with old records of other giant monsters, beached Denmark (1545) and Iceland (1639, 1790), and described as a mysterious sea monster really exists present the animal, the giant squid, giving him the name Architeuthis dux (in translation - sverhkalmar-Prince).
Since then, many have written about the giant squid - by Alexandre Dumas and Jules Verne to Igor Akimushkin. Even James Bond had to escape from the tentacles of the monster (in the story of Ian Fleming "Dr. No", one of the first works of James Bond). It became a bestseller published in 1991 the book "The Beast" by Peter Benchley, author of the famous "Jaws." On it was filmed, past the screens around the world. The public interest is not quenched. He actually goes in waves, fueled by the newspaper reports, the new book or movie. I recently went out video "sea monster. The search giant squid "(hour videotape tion National Geographic Society of the USA) is an interesting and popular science book by Richard Ellis with almost the same name -" The search giant squid "(New York, 1998). The book is interesting, Alice sent it to me, thanks to him (illustrations of the article is partially taken from this book). The author - an artist by profession, but in recent years, wrote popular books about the sea - whales, dolphins, great white shark, lives in the depths of the ocean and, of course, about sea monsters. So the giant squid - just on its interests. A huge literature shoveled! Incidentally, Ellis as an artist and a connoisseur of the giant squid was involved in the creation - well, as it is called, not stuffed yet? - Say, the layout of the giant squid for the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, and his own hand painted. But what is most surprising: until now the giant squid fall into the hands of scientists only of dead or dying. Thrown to the sea shore, extracted from the stomachs of sperm whales, or caught in the dead as a trawl. What tricks were not scientists, if not to catch arhiteytisa alive, then at least take a picture of him in his element: use and automatic and manned submersibles, and even cameras, hung to the living sperm whales. The money spent - the abyss, but the result - zero. And in the movie arhiteytisa live there, only computer models.
I'll talk about the giant squid, not as a monster, but as a more or less than usual (or unusual - which side view) the worlds oceans. So, who is he? What does he look like?
What is the reason?
Like the theme relished so today I prepared a second, more detailed compilation about different mysterious creatures whose existence has not been proven. Yesterday I asked a question about Nes. Here are the most famous animal photos.

I admit, I thought everyone knows that several scientific expeditions proved absolutely impossible to stay in the lake dinosaur. It was filmed several movies on this theme and explored the lake up and down - neither the animal nor the evidence of his life were found. For these photos, which are considered some of the most important evidence of the existence of dinosaurs (there is video, but it concluded that this ugr) That perhaps, is to tell Clark's explanation paleontologist. Neil Clark said that the unexplained fact of observation in the area of the monster of Loch Ness could actually be associated with elephants. Dr. Clarke, who for two years has studied this myth, suggested that the idea of Nessie emerged as "a large-scale example of marketing", carried out by a circus impresario after he saw one of his elephants bathing in the lake. In 1933 - this year is the first modern "evidence" Nessie appearance - Bertram Mills offered 20,000 pounds (one million pounds today's money) to anyone who could capture the monster for his circus in London, which caused an international sensation and aroused interest in Nessie. Clark, who made a name for himself, having found in 2004 near the lake Sky trail the dinosaur age 165 million years, says that the legend of the Loch Ness monster was "largely a product of the XX century". He said: "Most of the observations of the monster took place after 1933, when the west side of the lake was completed construction of the highway A82. All we have is fuzzy photos, testimonies, videos taken from a distance, and exposing fake. " "Most of the episodes can be explained by floating logs or waves bizarre, but there are a number of unexplained sightings of gray creature with a long neck and a curved back, especially relating to 1933". "My research confirms that these were circus elephants. Circus troupe coming to the fairs in this area, stopped at Loch Ness to allow the animals needed rest. " "When the animals swam in the lake, the water could be seen only the trunk and two bends: the first - the head, and the second - the back of the animal." "The result could well give the impression that the animal is in front of you with a long neck and two humps - especially if the water was at that moment a few elephants. No wonder then, that Bertram Mills offered a large reward to anyone who could capture the monster and take him to the circus. Loch Ness monster and so was already in his circus. " Dr. Clark's findings are published in the March issue of the Open University Geological Society. However, fans of Nessie is not troubled new attempts to debunk this myth - only in 2005, four people claimed to have seen Nessie. In addition, it is known that local residents and authorities are interested in maintaining the hype around the monster. Since the influx of tourists is gradually reduced, and thus reduced the budget ....

In my opinion, a much greater interest, the so-called "flyers" or "flying wands" or skayfisha. Here are the photos.

Unfortunately the picture is not entirely clear what is at stake, and the video, unfortunately I could not find. I will try to explain what is at stake. These strange being similar to deep inhabitants: they have long worm-like body and wide ridges on the sides by which they are moved as if the wings.

Approximately under water "fly", for example, ramps, making undulating movements. And they discovered quite by accident - when viewing the camera recording, for example. The most interesting is that the people close to them, they do not see - discover when viewing a video or photo materials.

Scientists are interested in this phenomenon, and as a result of the study materials has several versions. 1. unknown species. Prove that is not possible until you caught any one instance. However, the behavior of these creatures similar to the behavior of animals.


Version 2 - a certain proof of the presence of aliens. Whether it is their vision devices, whether it themselves. The fact that very often the flyers steel enters the lens recently. Version 3 of the skeptics - a defect of flight known insects. Like flying insects quickly and turns her on video image footprint of their flight. It is stipulated that the researchers have seriously approached this issue and have taken this version is not yet counted the number of "wings" flyers. The bottom line is that all known insect wings pair number, and therefore at high speed processes in the video should be an even number. In the case of the flyers many shots show that the wings an odd number, and thus leave no trace of insects.


A giant bear, a bear Bergman
Chukchi and Koryak told a visiting hunters on the terrible monster - a huge bear with excessively long forepaws and adipose fat tail hanging from the croup. Interested in these stories Sten Bergman, Swedish zoologist. Especially since in 1920 he caught the eye of a huge bearskin. The first thing that catches the eye, described by Bergman - a short coat of black color, which is not typical for brown bears living in the surrounding areas of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Described Bergman and should probably belonged to a relative of the bear, which was removed from the vision of the hide of a large size. It is also impressive dimensions - about 36h25 cm.

Later, Bergman described a new species of brown bear - Ursus arctos piscator. The scientific world reacted to it with interest, and the bear Bergman long forgotten. In the 70 years the expedition has made independent geologist Oleg Kuvayev. The benchmark its search were stories of local residents about the terrible Chukotka brown bear - Akleyev which size is twice rather big polar bear. Expedition Kuvaeva examined for obmedvezhennosti El'gygytgyn Lake region. In those days it was quite difficult terrain, where she could hide from investigators population legendary giant bears Bergman. However, Kuvaeva met only ordinary, unremarkable brown bears. To resurrect the topic Bear Bergman, often referred to as a fugitive from the sight of human Ursus arctos piscator, in the second half of the 80-ies of the last century has Rodion Sivolobov hunter, hunted server Kamchatka coast of the Bering Sea. According Sivolobova, he repeatedly met with an unusually large bear, with some specific morphological features - longer than the front legs back, rump, because of which the locals called giant Irkuyem - "loose pants", short muzzle. On offer biologists from Leningrad to show the remains of irkuyema, Sivolobov vividly responded. That's just from the skins and bones extracted several times giant bear constantly befall stories (burned in the barn, taken Koryak shaman for their needs) and the biology they have not got. Nikola Kuzmich Vereshchagin, professor at the Zoological Institute in St. Petersburg, on the basis of the description Sivolobova theorized origin irkuyema. The press saw the light of the theory of the magazine "Fishing and Hunting" in 1987. According to the theory Vereshchagin Sivolobov met with surviving descendants Arctodos symus, fossil short-faced bear. The remains of the short-faced bear, paleontologists have found, and you can read them in the natural science museums in America. Here are found the remains predominantly in North America and never in Eurasia. Therefore, the scientific world skeptical of the theory Vereshchagin. Again giant bear to remember when in the magazine "Around the World" in April 1989, an article appeared Valery Orlov called "Unknown kaynyn-kugho." Kaynyn-kugho - is another name disproportionately large bear. Translated from the Koryak it means god-bear. The article tells the story of Sivolobova. And so it remains unproved existence Bear Bergman - no photos of a live animal or remains. However, this bear was shot here in the United States. Impressive. The truth is it does not bear Bergman. Muzzle this instance not

Much has been written about the Chupacabra, so I give here excerpts of articles from site Kriptid.ru. From myself I will only add that I think it's too raspiarenny instance, and to my knowledge at the disposal of the bodies of scientists rank to the family dog. Whether Kayoty, or dogs, but both of them with some serious skin disease. In any case, stories about a small humanoid creature - a lie. Monster came up with an original name - Chupacabra.

Word Chupacabra - of Spanish origin and can be translated as "sucking goat" "goat vampire." This name is not accidental. For the first time in a characteristic way it goats were sacrificed. One fine morning, the owners discovered a completely bloodless body of his goats. The bodies were not damaged except for minor trim wounds on his neck. Neither give not to take - a vampire. Over time, such incidents began to occur outside of Puerto Rico - in the nearby regions and very remote. Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Panama, Peru, Brazil and even the United States - in those countries marked victim Chupacabra - bloodless corpses of animals with small wounds on his neck. The largest number of such reports from Mexico. During his bloody operations accumulated a lot of eyewitness testimony. It should be noted, in some cases quite controversial. In 1996, there were an attack on the chupacabra Puerto Rican woman in her own apartment. She described bloodsucker as a small white creature with spikes and wings on the back. White troublemaker trying to bite a woman's neck. Other evidence from the same region - from the local Osvaldo Claudio Rosado. According to him, he was attacked from behind a white gorilla.

In memory of the meeting being called gorilla Rosado left scars from claws and teeth. First aid was provided to the injured in the hospital, and there are corresponding records in the hospital records. Rosado was attacked at night when returning home. All anything, except for one small thing: not found in Puerto Rico Guanica gorilla in the province, especially white. Chupacabra - a humanoid? Or reptile? Or closer to mammalian? According to some eyewitnesses of the city and the surrounding area Canovanas, a town in the state, the chupacabra is a kangaroo fanged creature with red eyes. For example, Misael Negron told that chupakkabra, whom he saw was the growth of three or four feet (which is 90-120 cm) behind the head and torso - spikes. Grin crowned with long fangs and ferocity give bright red big eyes. Some witnesses to point out a greenish or greenish-brown skin like a lizard, or a dinosaur. Billy Nabian, who lives in Arizona, described the goat attacked his creature as "a large, krysopodobnoe." Complete the picture of an elongated head and webbed fingers. In general, the image of the Chupacabra way intertwined with the legends of South American rainforest inhabitants of Moca vampire mosquito man who drinks the blood of those caught in its path people with the help of his long nose, which resembles that of a mosquito or a mosquito. Many familiar with this legend, and identify moskitomena Chupacabra. Thus, it appears that the chupacabra - a longtime friend of the population of tropical forests. Origin chupacabra raises many questions, arguments and hypotheses. From the simplest explanation for the emergence of modern man and the close - a mutation. For example, there was a jump-like spontaneous mutation, showing a change in genotype, accumulated over thousands of years in the chromosomes.

According to some assumptions, there could be a regression to the level of earlier evolutionary ancestors who could well lead such a secretive and murderous lifestyle. Described in most cases, meetings with chupacabra, kangaroo body shape with small front and large hind limbs developed may belong to both dinazavrov descendants and ancestors of modern kangaroos diverse. Some researchers argue paleontologists carnivorous evolutionary progenitors kangaroo. There is to be another biological theory of the birth of a monster. We call it the theory of a secret lab. A significant part of the interested parties Chupacabra believed that the birthplace of the voracious bloodsuckers - one of the American strictly secret biological laboratories. No wonder that in most cases the government recommended not to divulge what had happened and to write off the strange incident with livestock on account of stray dogs, crocodiles (!?), Or sectarian machinations and horrible rites.

The giant squid. Everyone knows about the movie about a dashing pirate Sparrow Kraken. Kraken called a huge monster that rises from the ocean depths and tentacles entangle ships, stoked it and devoured sailors. Most likely, this belief is based on meetings with the giant squid. For example, in 1931, said the squid was caught 20 meters long. The best thing about the giant squid told Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Konstantin Nesis. Here are his article: What kind of monsters do not just tell us newspapers and magazines, which only terrifying beasts does not show us a movie! They have in common one thing - no one has ever been able to put them on the bench, measure, weigh, to study the structure and put in a museum. The only exception - the giant squid. Yet in 1856, nearly half a century ago, the famous Danish scientist Iapetus Stenstrup learned a huge beak of the squid emitted waves on the shore of Denmark in 1853, comparing it with the body parts of squid, which in 1855 picked up the north of the Bahamas, to deal with old records of other giant monsters, beached Denmark (1545) and Iceland (1639, 1790), and described as a mysterious sea monster really exists present the animal, the giant squid, giving him the name Architeuthis dux (in translation - sverhkalmar-Prince).

Since then, many have written about the giant squid - by Alexandre Dumas and Jules Verne to Igor Akimushkin. Even James Bond had to escape from the tentacles of the monster (in the story of Ian Fleming "Dr. No", one of the first works of James Bond). It became a bestseller published in 1991 the book "The Beast" by Peter Benchley, author of the famous "Jaws." On it was filmed, past the screens around the world. The public interest is not quenched. He actually goes in waves, fueled by the newspaper reports, the new book or movie. I recently went out video "sea monster. The search giant squid "(hour videotape tion National Geographic Society of the USA) is an interesting and popular science book by Richard Ellis with almost the same name -" The search giant squid "(New York, 1998). The book is interesting, Alice sent it to me, thanks to him (illustrations of the article is partially taken from this book). The author - an artist by profession, but in recent years, wrote popular books about the sea - whales, dolphins, great white shark, lives in the depths of the ocean and, of course, about sea monsters. So the giant squid - just on its interests. A huge literature shoveled! Incidentally, Ellis as an artist and a connoisseur of the giant squid was involved in the creation - well, as it is called, not stuffed yet? - Say, the layout of the giant squid for the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, and his own hand painted. But what is most surprising: until now the giant squid fall into the hands of scientists only of dead or dying. Thrown to the sea shore, extracted from the stomachs of sperm whales, or caught in the dead as a trawl. What tricks were not scientists, if not to catch arhiteytisa alive, then at least take a picture of him in his element: use and automatic and manned submersibles, and even cameras, hung to the living sperm whales. The money spent - the abyss, but the result - zero. And in the movie arhiteytisa live there, only computer models.

I'll talk about the giant squid, not as a monster, but as a more or less than usual (or unusual - which side view) the worlds oceans. So, who is he? What does he look like?
What is the reason?