"Thawed sounds"
The book about the adventures of Baron Munchausen has a story about the thawed sounds. Once famous liar had to ride in a carriage in such bitter cold that the driver, no matter how much horn blowing in the mail, he could not learn from it, and the weakest squeak. But when they came to the inn, and hung on the wall of the horn, the sound of it thawed, and he began to play the pipe itself in different ways, cheerful surrounding. It seems that in reality this does not happen.
But some evidence: talk, laughter and crying people, growling and bleating animals, knock and rattle of inanimate objects and all that, there was once, could "preserve", and then from time to time be repeated.
If a person says that he hears voices or sounds foreign, it is most often mistaken for a madman. If this claim, several people, it is considered that there is a mass hysteria or auditory hallucination. But sometimes strange sounds coming out of nowhere, we hear all kinds of people for a long time. Noises recorded on tape, and they can not be declared either a hallucination or hoax.
In January 1973, a resident of Maryland (USA) Gerald Sword in his own house began to wake up at night by the sounds of slamming doors, move furniture and steps. But the next morning the man did not find any traces of the night bedlam. Determined to ensure that all imagining him, Gerald left overnight in the tape recording mode. Beyond expectations on the film is actually written some vague noises. Among them were pieces of someone's conversation, the meaning of which boiled down to a discussion of the treatment of Anenii. Later, experts Sword which turned for advice, was found in a local library of documents relating to his house. It turned out that during the war between North and South there was a hospital. The level of medical knowledge, driven by scraps of recorded conversations, just match the middle of the XIX century.
Church singing and tap dancing Red Army
In 1930 in one of the country clubs in the Vologda region at night became distinctly heard the sound of a church service, including the singing of songbirds. News of this spread quickly among the local people who have taken it for granted, because the club was located in the building of the church. "Ideologically dubious" hastened to demolish the building.
Under Novosibirsk before the war, a big solid house was used as the farm store. Live in it no one wanted because at night it 'loomed': you could hear the sounds of the accordion and the tramp of feet dancing. Vi-
bureaucrats of "devilry" considered the Red Army, the force of which in 1920 stayed at the house for a long wait. Soldiers staged every night there drinking and dancing.
In 1934, in a forest near the town of Langhorne (Pennsylvania, USA) throughout January were heard muffled groans, screams and crying. Search expeditions repeatedly combing the forest, but did not identify the source of sounds: they are constantly removed from the researchers. Among the votes he could make out the words on the Indian language. Specialists anomalous phenomena sure langhornskie sounds associated with the events of the beginning of the XVIII century, when the forest was surrounded and killed off a large group of Indians, which included women and children.
Vintage, music coming from nowhere from time to time heard at night in some of the palaces of St. Petersburg. In the 1980s, the study of this phenomenon was a musicologist. In his conclusion, "otherworldly" musicians performed works of the XVIII century, style of play did not correspond to our time, and the sound of instruments issued to their ancient origin.
The mysterious echo of the war
In some cases, abnormal noise is heard not everyone who is in the area of sound, but only individuals. One example of such selective effects on humans - known case of two Englishwomen, relax in the seaside village a few kilometers from Dieppe (France).
Early in the morning August 4, 1951 women woke up distant sounds of rifle fire. Then for a while it was quiet, and then we heard artillery fire and the roar of exploding bombs. All that could be heard from the coast, from the French port and continued until six o'clock in the morning, and then all was quiet.
Alarmed tourists consultation to the management of the hotel and other guests, and were surprised when they said that they had heard nothing of the sort. But according to villagers - for them it is quite a usual thing.
Analysis of the situation carried out by British experts, showed that the onset of the phenomenon - 4 am - coincides with the beginning of the collision with the allies by German troops August 19, 1942, and pause and sound equipment are ensuing bombardment of Dieppe British aircraft. Women were completely unaware of this little-known episodes of World War II and in any case could not, even with such precision, to describe his sound within. Besides except Englishwomen encountered with such other people. The case occurred in the acknowledged fact, but he remained unexplained.
At the time, the British newspapers wrote about the unusual phenomena in the hangar, where the bomber was "Abraham Lincoln." Once he took part in World War II. Now this is a museum exhibit Aerospace in Wolverhampton (England). Since the beginning of the 1980s in the hangar at night began to hear human voices, screams, groans, grinding, the sound of blows. This interested the famous explorer Peter Thornycroft. In the fall of 1989, he and his colleagues conducted a series of tape recordings, leaving the equipment next to the "Abraham Lincoln." On the tape, then were fixed ulcer - ing some mechanical action, such as to close the door of the aircraft, and implemented in some reasonable pace, suggesting that their "human" origin. However, the museum's director Len Uordgeyt categorically stated that "dead" aircraft with inoperative instruments in this way "to make noise" could not. In its conclusions, Thornycroft was forced to admit that the sound in the museum hangar is a phenomenon that is still unknown to science.
The phenomenon of mysterious sounds can be taken as a manifestation of poltergeist. But it is not so simple. Researchers are well aware of how difficult it is when "noisy spirit" to use any devices. Photographic film in most cases provided the illuminated, tape - or "jams", or if it does not write anything. Most often "invisible" simply break or incapacitate vehicles. In the same places where heard mysterious noises, no problems with the devices, including recorders, does not happen.
There are other differences between the sound of the poltergeist phenomenon: at first it is a distinct lack of human carrier y second such carriers are usually teenagers; first occurs in residential areas or in the countryside - the second appears only in homes; the first lasts for years and even decades - the second is usually "live" long, rarely more than a year.
The effect is similar to the described phenomenon is found when listening to stations in the ether-free radio VHF. Sometimes these areas can make out the familiar everyday sounds - the hum of the street, unintelligible voices of people knock and gnashing of working mechanisms, scratches, stamping of feet, trams calls, dogs barking. Where all this is taken into the air - is unclear. It is impossible to imagine that somewhere there is a radio station that all day and only those deals that conveys all this noise confusion. Sometimes the sounds, including voices, cut more clearly. And then the listener creeps thought of our time, whether
heard it all, and maybe from the past - the distant and not so?
Some researchers see the relationship of the phenomenon of mysterious sounds of the phenomenon of voices from the other world, opened in 1959 by Friedrich Jurgenson. Last initiated the creation of devices that allow people to communicate with the dead. However, the lack of factual material and research base fluctuation is difficult to conduct any parallel. One can only conclude that the voices "from nowhere" is clearly more "reasonable": they, like spirits at seances, are able to communicate with people and answer their questions. Mysterious noises as more mechanistic. It seems that it just play random sounds that emerged once and seemed to be "frozen" in place of its appearance. From time to time they are somehow "thaw" frozen like a horn sounds in the mail from a book about Munchausen, making people wonder again and again.

But some evidence: talk, laughter and crying people, growling and bleating animals, knock and rattle of inanimate objects and all that, there was once, could "preserve", and then from time to time be repeated.
If a person says that he hears voices or sounds foreign, it is most often mistaken for a madman. If this claim, several people, it is considered that there is a mass hysteria or auditory hallucination. But sometimes strange sounds coming out of nowhere, we hear all kinds of people for a long time. Noises recorded on tape, and they can not be declared either a hallucination or hoax.
In January 1973, a resident of Maryland (USA) Gerald Sword in his own house began to wake up at night by the sounds of slamming doors, move furniture and steps. But the next morning the man did not find any traces of the night bedlam. Determined to ensure that all imagining him, Gerald left overnight in the tape recording mode. Beyond expectations on the film is actually written some vague noises. Among them were pieces of someone's conversation, the meaning of which boiled down to a discussion of the treatment of Anenii. Later, experts Sword which turned for advice, was found in a local library of documents relating to his house. It turned out that during the war between North and South there was a hospital. The level of medical knowledge, driven by scraps of recorded conversations, just match the middle of the XIX century.
Church singing and tap dancing Red Army
In 1930 in one of the country clubs in the Vologda region at night became distinctly heard the sound of a church service, including the singing of songbirds. News of this spread quickly among the local people who have taken it for granted, because the club was located in the building of the church. "Ideologically dubious" hastened to demolish the building.
Under Novosibirsk before the war, a big solid house was used as the farm store. Live in it no one wanted because at night it 'loomed': you could hear the sounds of the accordion and the tramp of feet dancing. Vi-
bureaucrats of "devilry" considered the Red Army, the force of which in 1920 stayed at the house for a long wait. Soldiers staged every night there drinking and dancing.
In 1934, in a forest near the town of Langhorne (Pennsylvania, USA) throughout January were heard muffled groans, screams and crying. Search expeditions repeatedly combing the forest, but did not identify the source of sounds: they are constantly removed from the researchers. Among the votes he could make out the words on the Indian language. Specialists anomalous phenomena sure langhornskie sounds associated with the events of the beginning of the XVIII century, when the forest was surrounded and killed off a large group of Indians, which included women and children.
Vintage, music coming from nowhere from time to time heard at night in some of the palaces of St. Petersburg. In the 1980s, the study of this phenomenon was a musicologist. In his conclusion, "otherworldly" musicians performed works of the XVIII century, style of play did not correspond to our time, and the sound of instruments issued to their ancient origin.
The mysterious echo of the war
In some cases, abnormal noise is heard not everyone who is in the area of sound, but only individuals. One example of such selective effects on humans - known case of two Englishwomen, relax in the seaside village a few kilometers from Dieppe (France).
Early in the morning August 4, 1951 women woke up distant sounds of rifle fire. Then for a while it was quiet, and then we heard artillery fire and the roar of exploding bombs. All that could be heard from the coast, from the French port and continued until six o'clock in the morning, and then all was quiet.
Alarmed tourists consultation to the management of the hotel and other guests, and were surprised when they said that they had heard nothing of the sort. But according to villagers - for them it is quite a usual thing.
Analysis of the situation carried out by British experts, showed that the onset of the phenomenon - 4 am - coincides with the beginning of the collision with the allies by German troops August 19, 1942, and pause and sound equipment are ensuing bombardment of Dieppe British aircraft. Women were completely unaware of this little-known episodes of World War II and in any case could not, even with such precision, to describe his sound within. Besides except Englishwomen encountered with such other people. The case occurred in the acknowledged fact, but he remained unexplained.
At the time, the British newspapers wrote about the unusual phenomena in the hangar, where the bomber was "Abraham Lincoln." Once he took part in World War II. Now this is a museum exhibit Aerospace in Wolverhampton (England). Since the beginning of the 1980s in the hangar at night began to hear human voices, screams, groans, grinding, the sound of blows. This interested the famous explorer Peter Thornycroft. In the fall of 1989, he and his colleagues conducted a series of tape recordings, leaving the equipment next to the "Abraham Lincoln." On the tape, then were fixed ulcer - ing some mechanical action, such as to close the door of the aircraft, and implemented in some reasonable pace, suggesting that their "human" origin. However, the museum's director Len Uordgeyt categorically stated that "dead" aircraft with inoperative instruments in this way "to make noise" could not. In its conclusions, Thornycroft was forced to admit that the sound in the museum hangar is a phenomenon that is still unknown to science.
The phenomenon of mysterious sounds can be taken as a manifestation of poltergeist. But it is not so simple. Researchers are well aware of how difficult it is when "noisy spirit" to use any devices. Photographic film in most cases provided the illuminated, tape - or "jams", or if it does not write anything. Most often "invisible" simply break or incapacitate vehicles. In the same places where heard mysterious noises, no problems with the devices, including recorders, does not happen.
There are other differences between the sound of the poltergeist phenomenon: at first it is a distinct lack of human carrier y second such carriers are usually teenagers; first occurs in residential areas or in the countryside - the second appears only in homes; the first lasts for years and even decades - the second is usually "live" long, rarely more than a year.
The effect is similar to the described phenomenon is found when listening to stations in the ether-free radio VHF. Sometimes these areas can make out the familiar everyday sounds - the hum of the street, unintelligible voices of people knock and gnashing of working mechanisms, scratches, stamping of feet, trams calls, dogs barking. Where all this is taken into the air - is unclear. It is impossible to imagine that somewhere there is a radio station that all day and only those deals that conveys all this noise confusion. Sometimes the sounds, including voices, cut more clearly. And then the listener creeps thought of our time, whether
heard it all, and maybe from the past - the distant and not so?
Some researchers see the relationship of the phenomenon of mysterious sounds of the phenomenon of voices from the other world, opened in 1959 by Friedrich Jurgenson. Last initiated the creation of devices that allow people to communicate with the dead. However, the lack of factual material and research base fluctuation is difficult to conduct any parallel. One can only conclude that the voices "from nowhere" is clearly more "reasonable": they, like spirits at seances, are able to communicate with people and answer their questions. Mysterious noises as more mechanistic. It seems that it just play random sounds that emerged once and seemed to be "frozen" in place of its appearance. From time to time they are somehow "thaw" frozen like a horn sounds in the mail from a book about Munchausen, making people wonder again and again.