Message in Morse
Scientists who want to cut back on ABC, do not understand much (or understand, but deliberately do evil).
Even in ancient times, our ancestors saw ABC as a cipher creation. Many nations ABC deified. The word is always seen as the beginning of creation, and the letter was a unit atom of creation. For each letter stood its meaning, its image, its importance.
Recently, a group of Russian scientists (G.S.Grinevich, L.I.Sotnikova, A.D.Pleshanov and others) have shown that in our ABC encrypted contains knowledge of the laws of the universe.
What is the letter? Letter - a unit, meaning it atom. The letters have a certain form, schedule. For each letter is its own number, your number. More Pythagoras claimed that the letters and numbers the same vibration.
With the opening of torsion fields became known, another component of the letters. Since each letter has its own form, and the form creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information field of consciousness.
Ie, trimming ABC, we are disconnected from a particular area of common information field of the universe, of the total field of consciousness. And this leads to the degradation of man.
Each letter of the Russian alphabet is a symbol of something.
For example, the letter "F" - a symbol of life. It means the union of male and female. And she had a name appropriate - "lives».
That is, for each letter of our ancestors were in a certain way. And through the images they create. After all, we already know that in order to create something, you need to form an image.
What is the current ABCs? What images of the letters now?
A - watermelon.
B - drum.
B - crow.
And so on.
The ABC has ceased to be a living, and language became free images, ie, ugly.
Why Turgenev wrote about the great and mighty Russian language?
Yes, because even at the time it was so, until December 23, 1917 did not make the Russian alphabet another "circumcision».
And these "reforms" were a few. The first reform of the Russian alphabet made Cyril and Methodius in the X-XI centuries. Then, in 1709 during the time of Peter the Great, and then in 1735.
There is another interesting point. Prior to 1700, each letter in the ABC had its numeric value. For example: A - 1 A - 4 C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter the Great. Prior to this, all the numbers are denoted by letters with a special icon on top - "Titley».
Communication of letters and numbers is not accidental. Scientists are trying to unravel it. This is another facet of the ABC, which is responsible for our ancestors. It turns out that the Alphabet - a system of numeric codes. And, speaking words, we are dealing with the cosmos, with the universe. The Universe responds to our vibrations. Language was given to man not only to communicate with each other, but also to communicate with the cosmos.
It has long been proved that all living and non-living even in this world reacts to sounds. Sounds can enhance or inhibit the growth of plants, affect the growth of microorganisms. With sound, you can change the mind of man.
Our ancestors used the ABC, donated by God, and therefore could with words sound to create objects. They just passed the vibration of the subject with his voice. In the Indian Vedas it is said that in ancient times was a special language "Devagari" - Language of the Gods. Remember the famous oriental fairy tale about Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. It opened a special magic cave spell. With the reforms we have lost language of great strength, the ability to have a direct impact on the environment.
There is also a physical explanation of the effect of sound on humans and the environment. The sound is a high-frequency oscillations. In the brain, these vibrations are converted into electromagnetic oscillations. In addition, the sound waves cause the curvature of space, thus generating torsion fields.
All sounds are divided into noise and tones. Sounds with periodic fluctuations - it tones, with non-periodic - noise. In a speech only vowel sounds are the tones, all agree - with a touch of noise.
If you look at the spectrogram, we can see that the greater amplitude and energy have vowels.
It turns out that the more the ABC vowels, the greater the power of language, and hence the power of the people.
For comparison, in the ancient language was 19 vowels. A now - 10. almost halve energy tongue and people. Who needed it? And another vowel trying to remove from the ABC - letter Y. She just dipped in writing. As if it must be so.
And more. Each vowel sound has its own color. Because color - is also a vibration wave. For example, "A" - red "E" - light green, "AND" - blue, "O" - yellow. "Y" - green, "Y" - brown, "E" - orange, "Yu" - turquoise, "I" - pink and red.
Together with the color of vowels affect our internal organs, as every body is working at a certain frequency. No wonder Indian mantras contain virtually all the vowels. And their singing beneficial for the body.
Az Buki Veda.
Glagol the natural goodness.
Live exceedingly, land,
And others like kako people.
He Myslete our peace.
Rtsy word firmly.
Uk fert her.
Tzu, worms, shta ra yus Yati!
In modern translation it reads:
I know the letters.
Letter - a treasure.
Hard, hard, earthlings!
As befits a reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe.
Carry the word with conviction!
Knowledge - the gift of God.
Dare to delve ...
To understand the Jehovah's light!
Even in ancient times, our ancestors saw ABC as a cipher creation. Many nations ABC deified. The word is always seen as the beginning of creation, and the letter was a unit atom of creation. For each letter stood its meaning, its image, its importance.
Recently, a group of Russian scientists (G.S.Grinevich, L.I.Sotnikova, A.D.Pleshanov and others) have shown that in our ABC encrypted contains knowledge of the laws of the universe.

What is the letter? Letter - a unit, meaning it atom. The letters have a certain form, schedule. For each letter is its own number, your number. More Pythagoras claimed that the letters and numbers the same vibration.
With the opening of torsion fields became known, another component of the letters. Since each letter has its own form, and the form creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information field of consciousness.
Ie, trimming ABC, we are disconnected from a particular area of common information field of the universe, of the total field of consciousness. And this leads to the degradation of man.
Each letter of the Russian alphabet is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter "F" - a symbol of life. It means the union of male and female. And she had a name appropriate - "lives».
That is, for each letter of our ancestors were in a certain way. And through the images they create. After all, we already know that in order to create something, you need to form an image.
What is the current ABCs? What images of the letters now?
A - watermelon.
B - drum.
B - crow.
And so on.
The ABC has ceased to be a living, and language became free images, ie, ugly.
Why Turgenev wrote about the great and mighty Russian language?
Yes, because even at the time it was so, until December 23, 1917 did not make the Russian alphabet another "circumcision».
And these "reforms" were a few. The first reform of the Russian alphabet made Cyril and Methodius in the X-XI centuries. Then, in 1709 during the time of Peter the Great, and then in 1735.
There is another interesting point. Prior to 1700, each letter in the ABC had its numeric value. For example: A - 1 A - 4 C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter the Great. Prior to this, all the numbers are denoted by letters with a special icon on top - "Titley».
Communication of letters and numbers is not accidental. Scientists are trying to unravel it. This is another facet of the ABC, which is responsible for our ancestors. It turns out that the Alphabet - a system of numeric codes. And, speaking words, we are dealing with the cosmos, with the universe. The Universe responds to our vibrations. Language was given to man not only to communicate with each other, but also to communicate with the cosmos.
It has long been proved that all living and non-living even in this world reacts to sounds. Sounds can enhance or inhibit the growth of plants, affect the growth of microorganisms. With sound, you can change the mind of man.
Our ancestors used the ABC, donated by God, and therefore could with words sound to create objects. They just passed the vibration of the subject with his voice. In the Indian Vedas it is said that in ancient times was a special language "Devagari" - Language of the Gods. Remember the famous oriental fairy tale about Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. It opened a special magic cave spell. With the reforms we have lost language of great strength, the ability to have a direct impact on the environment.
There is also a physical explanation of the effect of sound on humans and the environment. The sound is a high-frequency oscillations. In the brain, these vibrations are converted into electromagnetic oscillations. In addition, the sound waves cause the curvature of space, thus generating torsion fields.
All sounds are divided into noise and tones. Sounds with periodic fluctuations - it tones, with non-periodic - noise. In a speech only vowel sounds are the tones, all agree - with a touch of noise.
If you look at the spectrogram, we can see that the greater amplitude and energy have vowels.
It turns out that the more the ABC vowels, the greater the power of language, and hence the power of the people.
For comparison, in the ancient language was 19 vowels. A now - 10. almost halve energy tongue and people. Who needed it? And another vowel trying to remove from the ABC - letter Y. She just dipped in writing. As if it must be so.
And more. Each vowel sound has its own color. Because color - is also a vibration wave. For example, "A" - red "E" - light green, "AND" - blue, "O" - yellow. "Y" - green, "Y" - brown, "E" - orange, "Yu" - turquoise, "I" - pink and red.
Together with the color of vowels affect our internal organs, as every body is working at a certain frequency. No wonder Indian mantras contain virtually all the vowels. And their singing beneficial for the body.

Az Buki Veda.
Glagol the natural goodness.
Live exceedingly, land,
And others like kako people.
He Myslete our peace.
Rtsy word firmly.
Uk fert her.
Tzu, worms, shta ra yus Yati!
In modern translation it reads:
I know the letters.
Letter - a treasure.
Hard, hard, earthlings!
As befits a reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe.
Carry the word with conviction!
Knowledge - the gift of God.
Dare to delve ...
To understand the Jehovah's light!