7 Cyrillic puzzles
May 24 we celebrate the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. It's time to think about the major mysteries Cyrillic
Three parts
Old Church Slavonic alphabet can be divided into three parts: the "higher," "lower" and "divine." The first of these letters by name carries a certain meaning message; second opposite her, the names of these letters - syllables, often unpleasant to the ear; The third - the divine characters that are in the middle of the alphabet - the mystery of mysteries.
Sacred Geometry
Faces Slavic letters already pose a riddle. Habitual letter designations familiar to us since formulations, consist of simple geometric shapes: circles, triangles, crosses. But hidden behind this sacred meaning - a symbol of eternity, the Trinity, Christ.
Researchers at the Old Slavonic alphabet found that geometrically in the Cyrillic letter "H" initially hidden symbol of communion cup, in the "X" - the cross of St. Andrew, in the "Fite" - the ark of salvation. So ABC paints a symbolic picture of the Christian world.
Some scientists hypothesize that the first Slavic alphabet was cryptography and represented a complex logical-mathematical system. In addition, there is a version that the alphabet was created by Cyril and Methodius as the whole invention, and not as a creation which was formed in part by adding new letter forms.
Letter of
The alphabetical letters were used as numbers and - and then in Cyrillic, we find new puzzles. Why Az is one and Buki does not have the number? A number of first days of consistent, but nine is at the end of the alphabet. You can not assume that such chaos - the result of chance, as St. Cyril carefully considered sacred value of his creation. To convert the letters into numbers on it is a specific sign - Titley, the meaning of which can be equated to the halo.
Cipher world order
Contact numbers, letters had its own interpretation, because in the Middle Ages the word calculated by adding the numerical values of letters, to open them a new meaning. For example, the number 888 is considered to be the Christ, this is the sum of the numbers, letters of the name Jesus in the Greek language. Therefore, those who turn to the Old Slavonic alphabet, struggling with the enigma of its numerical designation of letters, searching in ancient alphabet cipher just world order: from the Creation to the Last Judgement.
Mysterious letters
Most of the letters of the Slavic alphabet are of Greek origin. But there is a letter with a very mysterious genesis, for example, C and C. Scientists still can not figure out where the creators of the Slavic alphabet borrowed from them - with a similar mark of the letter is in the Ethiopian and Aramaic letters, but they sound quite different.
Nature spirits
It is believed that the Hebrew, Greek and Latin embodied the nature of things. "Fathers" as the Cyrillic alphabet, Saints Cyril and Methodius, creating a new script, tried to pass him with the help of the nature of the spirit. Maybe that's why in the world there is no "Cyrillic" countries in which to rule pragmatism or economic consciousness?
© Christina Gogorian German Yuryev

Three parts
Old Church Slavonic alphabet can be divided into three parts: the "higher," "lower" and "divine." The first of these letters by name carries a certain meaning message; second opposite her, the names of these letters - syllables, often unpleasant to the ear; The third - the divine characters that are in the middle of the alphabet - the mystery of mysteries.

Sacred Geometry
Faces Slavic letters already pose a riddle. Habitual letter designations familiar to us since formulations, consist of simple geometric shapes: circles, triangles, crosses. But hidden behind this sacred meaning - a symbol of eternity, the Trinity, Christ.
Researchers at the Old Slavonic alphabet found that geometrically in the Cyrillic letter "H" initially hidden symbol of communion cup, in the "X" - the cross of St. Andrew, in the "Fite" - the ark of salvation. So ABC paints a symbolic picture of the Christian world.

Some scientists hypothesize that the first Slavic alphabet was cryptography and represented a complex logical-mathematical system. In addition, there is a version that the alphabet was created by Cyril and Methodius as the whole invention, and not as a creation which was formed in part by adding new letter forms.

Letter of
The alphabetical letters were used as numbers and - and then in Cyrillic, we find new puzzles. Why Az is one and Buki does not have the number? A number of first days of consistent, but nine is at the end of the alphabet. You can not assume that such chaos - the result of chance, as St. Cyril carefully considered sacred value of his creation. To convert the letters into numbers on it is a specific sign - Titley, the meaning of which can be equated to the halo.

Cipher world order
Contact numbers, letters had its own interpretation, because in the Middle Ages the word calculated by adding the numerical values of letters, to open them a new meaning. For example, the number 888 is considered to be the Christ, this is the sum of the numbers, letters of the name Jesus in the Greek language. Therefore, those who turn to the Old Slavonic alphabet, struggling with the enigma of its numerical designation of letters, searching in ancient alphabet cipher just world order: from the Creation to the Last Judgement.

Mysterious letters
Most of the letters of the Slavic alphabet are of Greek origin. But there is a letter with a very mysterious genesis, for example, C and C. Scientists still can not figure out where the creators of the Slavic alphabet borrowed from them - with a similar mark of the letter is in the Ethiopian and Aramaic letters, but they sound quite different.

Nature spirits
It is believed that the Hebrew, Greek and Latin embodied the nature of things. "Fathers" as the Cyrillic alphabet, Saints Cyril and Methodius, creating a new script, tried to pass him with the help of the nature of the spirit. Maybe that's why in the world there is no "Cyrillic" countries in which to rule pragmatism or economic consciousness?
© Christina Gogorian German Yuryev
