Try to guess the riddles of these 20 children! They are not as simple as they seem
Remember the children's collections brainteasers and riddles to logic? Two dozen of these puzzles can be found below. Despite its apparent simplicity, the solution is not always obvious! Are you ready to smash his head? < Website I wish you good luck! Well, if any of the nuts seem too strong - the answers were published at the end. Only mind you - just do not pry, but it is not interesting!
1. What can you meet once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
2. What is the wheel spinning at the right turn?
3. It's not a living creature, but he has 5 fingers.
4. What word starts with three letters T and ends with the three letters I?
5. What is the word in the dictionary is spelled wrong?
6. The truck drove into the village. On the way he met a 4 passenger cars. How many cars went to the village?
7. We are vulnerable, not moving, we poison without touching. We can bring both a lie and the truth, we never tried to size. Who are we?
8. What is the best hand to stir the tea?
9. Feed me, and I shall live. But give me to drink - I die. Who am I?
10. Who goes sitting?
11. are born - fly to live - are die - float away.
12. What gets wet, dry yet?
13. The more of it you take, the more it becomes. What is this?
14. I'm always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance. If you try to sneak up on me - I'm going to retire.
15. Shel husband and wife, brother and sister, brother-in-law Yes. What all?
16. I live only where there is light, but once it is shining directly on me - I'm dying.
17. What can travel the world, staying in the same corner?
18. We do not have any elephant's trunk?
19. In the evening, they give me a job in the morning. I always carry it out, but I was still criticized. Who am I?
20. As always increases and never decreases?
Answers: 1. The letter M; 2. Replacement; 3. glove; 4. Trigonometry; 5. Wrong; 6. A; 7. Word; 8. Best of all - a spoon; 9. Fire; 10. Chess; 11. Snowflakes; 12. Towel; 13. Pit; 14. Horizon; 15. Troy; 16. Shadow; 17. Postage stamp; 18. chess; 19. Alarm; 20. Age.
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/20-detskih-zagadok-kotorye-dayutsya-ne-kazhdomu-vzroslomu-1099560/

1. What can you meet once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
2. What is the wheel spinning at the right turn?
3. It's not a living creature, but he has 5 fingers.
4. What word starts with three letters T and ends with the three letters I?
5. What is the word in the dictionary is spelled wrong?
6. The truck drove into the village. On the way he met a 4 passenger cars. How many cars went to the village?
7. We are vulnerable, not moving, we poison without touching. We can bring both a lie and the truth, we never tried to size. Who are we?
8. What is the best hand to stir the tea?
9. Feed me, and I shall live. But give me to drink - I die. Who am I?
10. Who goes sitting?
11. are born - fly to live - are die - float away.
12. What gets wet, dry yet?
13. The more of it you take, the more it becomes. What is this?
14. I'm always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance. If you try to sneak up on me - I'm going to retire.
15. Shel husband and wife, brother and sister, brother-in-law Yes. What all?
16. I live only where there is light, but once it is shining directly on me - I'm dying.
17. What can travel the world, staying in the same corner?
18. We do not have any elephant's trunk?
19. In the evening, they give me a job in the morning. I always carry it out, but I was still criticized. Who am I?
20. As always increases and never decreases?
Answers: 1. The letter M; 2. Replacement; 3. glove; 4. Trigonometry; 5. Wrong; 6. A; 7. Word; 8. Best of all - a spoon; 9. Fire; 10. Chess; 11. Snowflakes; 12. Towel; 13. Pit; 14. Horizon; 15. Troy; 16. Shadow; 17. Postage stamp; 18. chess; 19. Alarm; 20. Age.
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/20-detskih-zagadok-kotorye-dayutsya-ne-kazhdomu-vzroslomu-1099560/
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