8 myths about the smartphone that it is time to let go
If smartphones have not yet captured the whole world, all the developed countries have already conquered them. The smartphone is used by more than 80% of all mobile users. < Website offers a list of myths about smart phones and mobile phones, which are still very common, despite the fact that it is either true or outdated information. We recommend that you read this list, and then throw all these errors of the head, thus greatly simplify your life.
1. "Unloaded" the application, you will significantly increase battery life h3> It turns out, the most popular advice to conserve battery life smartphone - no more than a myth. According to the expert special section of retail stores Apple Store, Skoti Loveless, regular unloading applications from memory takes more energy than it saves
2. Activating Airplane saves a lot of energy h3> This mode really helps conserve battery power, but is not as hard as one might think
3. Only use the charger that was going to set h3> A technical expert Ken Shirriff tested the stability, quality and efficacy of multiple chargers and compared them. It turned out to be the worst chargers pirated versions of the original, which can cause heavy damage smartphone.
4. More megapixels camera smart phone means better quality photo h3> The quality of the photos affected by not the number of pixels and the size of the matrix camera
5. We need to fully discharge the battery before charging again h3> This advice came even before smartphones have started to use lithium-ion batteries
6. Do not leave the phone on charge overnight h3> Many believe that the risk of overheating Charging smartphone. But if you do not use chargers forged pipes purchased on the Chinese sites on the cheap, then everything will be fine.
7. You can not use a mobile phone in an airplane h3> Modern aircraft can boast highly sensitive navigation radios, as well as special antennas. According to experts, the mobile device can actually interfere with the crew.
8. Frequent use of a smartphone leads to brain cancer h3> This myth originated in the 1990s, when mobile phones have only begun to appear, and how they work has not yet been revealed to the public. "Radiation smartphones" compared with the "radiation from the microwave" and "radiation away from the TV." But no studies conducted over the past two decades, found no correlation between the disease and the brain using cellular.

1. "Unloaded" the application, you will significantly increase battery life h3> It turns out, the most popular advice to conserve battery life smartphone - no more than a myth. According to the expert special section of retail stores Apple Store, Skoti Loveless, regular unloading applications from memory takes more energy than it saves
"When you re-open the application, your smartphone need to re-download it. This is less efficient than if you just left the program running ».
2. Activating Airplane saves a lot of energy h3> This mode really helps conserve battery power, but is not as hard as one might think
While viewing videos in this mode, managed to "scrounge" in half an hour of additional battery operation. Maybe for some it's a lot, but when you consider the usual battery life, it is a trifle.
3. Only use the charger that was going to set h3> A technical expert Ken Shirriff tested the stability, quality and efficacy of multiple chargers and compared them. It turned out to be the worst chargers pirated versions of the original, which can cause heavy damage smartphone.
Despite the fact that the original chargers showed the best result, Shirriffa pleasantly surprised chargers certain brands unrelated to the manufacture of smartphones, such as Belkin and KMS.
4. More megapixels camera smart phone means better quality photo h3> The quality of the photos affected by not the number of pixels and the size of the matrix camera
And yet, in most cases, with an increase in the number of megapixels, the manufacturer, and also increases the camera's sensor, so the number of megapixels can help navigate.
5. We need to fully discharge the battery before charging again h3> This advice came even before smartphones have started to use lithium-ion batteries
Today, smart phones can be charged at any time.
6. Do not leave the phone on charge overnight h3> Many believe that the risk of overheating Charging smartphone. But if you do not use chargers forged pipes purchased on the Chinese sites on the cheap, then everything will be fine.
Shane Broeski from the manufacturer of chargers Farbe Technik explained that modern smartphones are smart enough on their own to stop the charging process when the battery is fully charged.
7. You can not use a mobile phone in an airplane h3> Modern aircraft can boast highly sensitive navigation radios, as well as special antennas. According to experts, the mobile device can actually interfere with the crew.
However, this does not mean that the device can not be used at all times of flight. Communication can be activated, while at an altitude of 3000 meters, but that did not affect the smartphone to communicate with base stations during take-off and landing it is recommended to turn off.
However, in 2013 the European Agency for aviation security has allowed the use of mobile devices without restriction even during takeoff and landing
8. Frequent use of a smartphone leads to brain cancer h3> This myth originated in the 1990s, when mobile phones have only begun to appear, and how they work has not yet been revealed to the public. "Radiation smartphones" compared with the "radiation from the microwave" and "radiation away from the TV." But no studies conducted over the past two decades, found no correlation between the disease and the brain using cellular.
To permanently lose faith in this myth, it is enough to think that in today's world, active users of smartphones and other mobile devices are almost all residents of all developed countries. All they would have to die of brain cancer, but nothing like this happens - the disease is still uncommon.
via www.infoniac.ru/news/8-mifov-i-zabluzhdenii-o-smartfonah.html
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