This simple procedure stimulates hair growth and healthier scalp
The existence of scrubs for the face and body, but about a tool like a special scrub for skin head, many women do not even realize. Meanwhile, it is the scalp and the hair most in need of such care.
Get rid of the dead cells of the skin, covered with dense hair, not so easy, but is necessary for the health and beauty of hair. Skin cleansing from dead particles allows it to breathe in the cells aktiviziruyutsya the processes of growth and recovery, the sebaceous ducts are freed from grease and dirt.
A separate comment deserves the structure of the hair. The trunk is covered with a porous protecting him keratin tiles, which accumulate sebum, the fragments of dead cells, dust, chemicals from shampoos, masks, styling products and other impurities. The usual remedies intended for hair washing are unable to remove them all, and over time, they accumulate more and more, making the hair greasy at the roots, quickly contaminate dull and lifeless.
Therefore, scrub the necessary scalp and hair, no less than the skin of the face and body.
Strictly speaking, these scrubs can be divided into two types.The first is the scrubs directly to the hair. They contain active components that significantly affect the structure of the hair, so this means it is recommended to use not more often than once in six months, and exclusively in the salon, so how to choose the right composition for a particular hair type can only master.
The second kind is actually scrubs the scalp. These tools are applied to the scalp and the hair roots, cleaning them. These scrubs you can make at home from readily available natural ingredients, and then, in your bathroom to use them. They purify and regenerate the skin, regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, removes dandruff, makes hair more strong and shiny.
To apply a scrub for the scalp valid frequently, every two weeks, and then in a week, if need be, but should not be abused, especially salt.
The main principles of the preparation of scrubs the scalp:
Abrasive base. If we were talking about creating a scrub for face or body, as the basis you could take ground coffee, crushed grains of rice or oatmeal, powdered medicinal herbs, colorless henna. It is very useful for the skin products! And scrub the hair, they can also be used, then that's just quite difficult to wash the hair from the fragments of coffee, rice, oatmeal and other little particles. If the hair is short, then why not, but owners have long hair, this procedure is unlikely to appeal.
Most popular abrasive basis for such scrubs are salt and sugar, which can dissolve in water. And sugar can be taken as a simple white and brown, which is considered to be healthier and salt – ordinary table, iodized or even marine. The main purpose of the use of such means is the cleansing of the skin, but this task can cope and the usual salt and sugar, which are in any kitchen.
Which of these components is most preferred, everyone decides for himself. Caveat only one: sea salt is useful sugar, but it, like any other salt, slightly dries the skin, so salt scrubs often do. Once a week or two, and after five or six treatments a break for a couple of months. Sugar scrub such has no contraindications, so it can be done more often.
Additional components. Here for imagination is truly limitless. The addition of base and essential oils, kefir, yogurt, or cream, broth, herbs, honey, egg yolks, flesh of fruit can turn a scrub is not just for cleansing but also nourishing, moisturizing and tonic like a mask. Optional components you can choose to your own taste, depending on the needs of the skin and the presence of these components.
Scrub for the scalp — recipes:
The easiest universal scrub: take required quantity of abrasive of base (salt or sugar), add a little water to make a thick porridge, and small portions apply the obtained spray onto dry hair roots, massaging the skin, from the nape to the forehead. This remedy will remove dead skin particles from the skin, cleans the hair roots, activates the blood circulation, thus accelerate hair growth.
Another variation of that recipe involves the use of base oil in the role of the liquid component. You can take olive, jojoba, almond, grapeseed, avocado or the other. Oil salt and sugar will dissolve much slower than in water, besides the oil sharp particles will slide and less scratching the skin. If you apply this scrub on moist head, it will be very soft and delicate.
Foaming scrub. It is based on shampoo. You need to take your regular shampoo in that quantity which is necessary for washing hair. This shampoo to add essential oil, about two times less than of shampoo, the resulting liquid is sugar or salt so as to form a fairly thick paste. Ready to scrub in small portions to put on damp hair, as in the first recipe, massage gently, lather shampoo and rinse. If will seem that the hair is not washed from the oil, wash out again with shampoo.
Pepper-cinnamon scrub, activating hair growth. That hot pepper has the ability to improve hair growth, known to many. The hair mask with the use of pepper or capsicum tincture very popular. You can use the properties of the pepper and to prepare a scrub to cleanse the skin of the head. Cinnamon can also affect the growth of hair and improve their appearance, and, in addition, has a pleasant aroma.
To prepare the scrub you need in a clean bowl, mix two tablespoons of ground pepper and ground cinnamon, add about a third Cup of sugar or salt. If such a large number of abrasive basics much for one use, then pour a smaller amount and add to the base oil, so that the result is a thick mixture. It should be applied to wet hair, massage into skin and leave for a few minutes as a mask. If the skin is sensitive and the pepper begins to burn in the first minutes after application then scrub rinse immediately. You can rinse your hair decoction of chamomile – it will not allow you to encounter irritation.
Scrub for sensitive scalps. This recipe is suitable for all skin types, but especially good for sensitive, which is not very tolerant of the influence of hard abrasive particles. For its preparation you need to mix salt or sugar with buttermilk, natural yogurt or sour cream. Dairy products moisturize the skin and make hair thick and strong.
Scrub for oily scalp with blue clay. Clay in itself is a great absorbent, and scrub effectively cleans the roots of the hair from excess sebum, toxins, and other contaminants. To prepare you need the dry clay powder and three times more sugar or salt, that is a tablespoon of clay you need to take three tablespoons of the abrasive. Dry mixture should be diluted with water and apply to wet the hair slightly massage and leave on hair for five minutes to ten, the better to work the clay.
Scrub for oily skin with Apple cider vinegar. About the benefits of Apple cider vinegar says a lot, rinse hair with water and add a couple of tablespoons of this component makes it shiny and silky. To prepare the scrub, mix salt or sugar with undiluted Apple cider vinegar and the first to hold the usual test for skin sensitivity. If all goes well, the tool can be used for its intended purpose. The useful components of vinegar nourish the scalp, improve blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and normalize the activity of sebaceous glands.
Scrub for dry skin honey and cream. As the name implies, the scrub will be present in the honey and cream. A tablespoon of honey, mix with three tablespoons of salt or sugar. Med you can take is fresh and liquid, but you can have sugar. The resulting mixture is diluted with cream to desired consistency and apply small amounts on the scalp, massage and leave for 10-15 minutes as a mask and then rinse.
Scrub for dry skin with aloe. It requires abrasive based dilute aloe juice or just mix with the crushed leaves of this plant to make a fairly thick mixture, which could be applied to the hair. Aloe juice actively moisturizes the skin and hair, making them alive and obedient.
Nourishing scrub for any skin type. The yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of any carrier oil of cognac, mix in a clean container, and then the obtained liquid mixture add salt or sugar to make a thick mixture. Apply it on the scalp, massage and leave on hair for another ten minutes. This scrub is good for cold time of the year when the hair suffer from frequent wearing of headgear and the dry air of heated premises.
A simple way of getting rid of moles, warts, papillomas and age spots
Dry skin: 5 recipes natural moisturizers
Knowing about the benefits of conventional products, which are often easy to find in any kitchen, you can think of a lot of other scrubs the scalp. Even if the idea of this hair care at first seems strange, it is enough to try only once, and the effect will not leave anyone indifferent. Beautiful and healthy hair is not always just a gift of nature, sometimes it is also the result of their own labor and care.published
Source: narod-lekar.ru/skrab-dlya-kozhi-golovy/
Get rid of the dead cells of the skin, covered with dense hair, not so easy, but is necessary for the health and beauty of hair. Skin cleansing from dead particles allows it to breathe in the cells aktiviziruyutsya the processes of growth and recovery, the sebaceous ducts are freed from grease and dirt.

A separate comment deserves the structure of the hair. The trunk is covered with a porous protecting him keratin tiles, which accumulate sebum, the fragments of dead cells, dust, chemicals from shampoos, masks, styling products and other impurities. The usual remedies intended for hair washing are unable to remove them all, and over time, they accumulate more and more, making the hair greasy at the roots, quickly contaminate dull and lifeless.
Therefore, scrub the necessary scalp and hair, no less than the skin of the face and body.
Strictly speaking, these scrubs can be divided into two types.The first is the scrubs directly to the hair. They contain active components that significantly affect the structure of the hair, so this means it is recommended to use not more often than once in six months, and exclusively in the salon, so how to choose the right composition for a particular hair type can only master.
The second kind is actually scrubs the scalp. These tools are applied to the scalp and the hair roots, cleaning them. These scrubs you can make at home from readily available natural ingredients, and then, in your bathroom to use them. They purify and regenerate the skin, regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, removes dandruff, makes hair more strong and shiny.
To apply a scrub for the scalp valid frequently, every two weeks, and then in a week, if need be, but should not be abused, especially salt.
The main principles of the preparation of scrubs the scalp:

Abrasive base. If we were talking about creating a scrub for face or body, as the basis you could take ground coffee, crushed grains of rice or oatmeal, powdered medicinal herbs, colorless henna. It is very useful for the skin products! And scrub the hair, they can also be used, then that's just quite difficult to wash the hair from the fragments of coffee, rice, oatmeal and other little particles. If the hair is short, then why not, but owners have long hair, this procedure is unlikely to appeal.
Most popular abrasive basis for such scrubs are salt and sugar, which can dissolve in water. And sugar can be taken as a simple white and brown, which is considered to be healthier and salt – ordinary table, iodized or even marine. The main purpose of the use of such means is the cleansing of the skin, but this task can cope and the usual salt and sugar, which are in any kitchen.
Which of these components is most preferred, everyone decides for himself. Caveat only one: sea salt is useful sugar, but it, like any other salt, slightly dries the skin, so salt scrubs often do. Once a week or two, and after five or six treatments a break for a couple of months. Sugar scrub such has no contraindications, so it can be done more often.
Additional components. Here for imagination is truly limitless. The addition of base and essential oils, kefir, yogurt, or cream, broth, herbs, honey, egg yolks, flesh of fruit can turn a scrub is not just for cleansing but also nourishing, moisturizing and tonic like a mask. Optional components you can choose to your own taste, depending on the needs of the skin and the presence of these components.

Scrub for the scalp — recipes:
The easiest universal scrub: take required quantity of abrasive of base (salt or sugar), add a little water to make a thick porridge, and small portions apply the obtained spray onto dry hair roots, massaging the skin, from the nape to the forehead. This remedy will remove dead skin particles from the skin, cleans the hair roots, activates the blood circulation, thus accelerate hair growth.
Another variation of that recipe involves the use of base oil in the role of the liquid component. You can take olive, jojoba, almond, grapeseed, avocado or the other. Oil salt and sugar will dissolve much slower than in water, besides the oil sharp particles will slide and less scratching the skin. If you apply this scrub on moist head, it will be very soft and delicate.
Foaming scrub. It is based on shampoo. You need to take your regular shampoo in that quantity which is necessary for washing hair. This shampoo to add essential oil, about two times less than of shampoo, the resulting liquid is sugar or salt so as to form a fairly thick paste. Ready to scrub in small portions to put on damp hair, as in the first recipe, massage gently, lather shampoo and rinse. If will seem that the hair is not washed from the oil, wash out again with shampoo.
Pepper-cinnamon scrub, activating hair growth. That hot pepper has the ability to improve hair growth, known to many. The hair mask with the use of pepper or capsicum tincture very popular. You can use the properties of the pepper and to prepare a scrub to cleanse the skin of the head. Cinnamon can also affect the growth of hair and improve their appearance, and, in addition, has a pleasant aroma.
To prepare the scrub you need in a clean bowl, mix two tablespoons of ground pepper and ground cinnamon, add about a third Cup of sugar or salt. If such a large number of abrasive basics much for one use, then pour a smaller amount and add to the base oil, so that the result is a thick mixture. It should be applied to wet hair, massage into skin and leave for a few minutes as a mask. If the skin is sensitive and the pepper begins to burn in the first minutes after application then scrub rinse immediately. You can rinse your hair decoction of chamomile – it will not allow you to encounter irritation.
Scrub for sensitive scalps. This recipe is suitable for all skin types, but especially good for sensitive, which is not very tolerant of the influence of hard abrasive particles. For its preparation you need to mix salt or sugar with buttermilk, natural yogurt or sour cream. Dairy products moisturize the skin and make hair thick and strong.
Scrub for oily scalp with blue clay. Clay in itself is a great absorbent, and scrub effectively cleans the roots of the hair from excess sebum, toxins, and other contaminants. To prepare you need the dry clay powder and three times more sugar or salt, that is a tablespoon of clay you need to take three tablespoons of the abrasive. Dry mixture should be diluted with water and apply to wet the hair slightly massage and leave on hair for five minutes to ten, the better to work the clay.
Scrub for oily skin with Apple cider vinegar. About the benefits of Apple cider vinegar says a lot, rinse hair with water and add a couple of tablespoons of this component makes it shiny and silky. To prepare the scrub, mix salt or sugar with undiluted Apple cider vinegar and the first to hold the usual test for skin sensitivity. If all goes well, the tool can be used for its intended purpose. The useful components of vinegar nourish the scalp, improve blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and normalize the activity of sebaceous glands.
Scrub for dry skin honey and cream. As the name implies, the scrub will be present in the honey and cream. A tablespoon of honey, mix with three tablespoons of salt or sugar. Med you can take is fresh and liquid, but you can have sugar. The resulting mixture is diluted with cream to desired consistency and apply small amounts on the scalp, massage and leave for 10-15 minutes as a mask and then rinse.
Scrub for dry skin with aloe. It requires abrasive based dilute aloe juice or just mix with the crushed leaves of this plant to make a fairly thick mixture, which could be applied to the hair. Aloe juice actively moisturizes the skin and hair, making them alive and obedient.
Nourishing scrub for any skin type. The yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of any carrier oil of cognac, mix in a clean container, and then the obtained liquid mixture add salt or sugar to make a thick mixture. Apply it on the scalp, massage and leave on hair for another ten minutes. This scrub is good for cold time of the year when the hair suffer from frequent wearing of headgear and the dry air of heated premises.
A simple way of getting rid of moles, warts, papillomas and age spots
Dry skin: 5 recipes natural moisturizers
Knowing about the benefits of conventional products, which are often easy to find in any kitchen, you can think of a lot of other scrubs the scalp. Even if the idea of this hair care at first seems strange, it is enough to try only once, and the effect will not leave anyone indifferent. Beautiful and healthy hair is not always just a gift of nature, sometimes it is also the result of their own labor and care.published
Source: narod-lekar.ru/skrab-dlya-kozhi-golovy/
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