A natural remedy for a smooth and beautiful skin. This coffee scrub - a real miracle!
Make a scrub at home - a great idea. You not only save time and money by canceling the trip to the salon, but will be sure your scrub made from natural ingredients that will not harm the skin. Coffee Scrub - an ideal option for those who like to cherish your body. Take care of the natural beauty and take care of her, and .cc will gladly help you with that!
To get started - understand, what a scrub and why you need your skin. Scrubbing - a process by which there is exfoliation of dead cells, so - the skin is updated more quickly. Scrub with coffee cope with this task best. The skin becomes smoother, the pores are cleansed, the complexion miraculously aligned. Here are some beneficial effects of using a scrub:
Due to the presence of antioxidants in scrubs smoothes the skin, leaving the wrinkles. Kofesoderzhaschie mixture in contact with the skin, promote collagen and elastin in the tissues. Due to caffeine skin toned, getting good protection from the adverse effects of the environment. Implemented enhanced microcirculation, so the skin looks healthier. Improves the speed of movement of lymph, which helps hydrate the skin, elimination of edema, acquisition of tissue elasticity.
Several recipes for the most effective and widely used scrubs of coffee:
Honey-coffee scrub
Take a teaspoon of honey, olive oil and yogurt, two teaspoons of drinking of coffee. All this should be well grind to a maximum of a homogeneous mixture. Massaging the face scrub takes a few minutes, then leave it standing on your face for five minutes and then rinse with cool water.
Body Scrub is more appropriate, in which coffee with honey (100 grams of coffee grounds, a tablespoon of melted honey) complemented by components: a tablespoon of shampoo, 20 drops of essential oil, a couple of tablespoons of clay. All should be well mixed in a single container, and then scrub can be applied to the body in order to smooth the skin and eliminate the "orange peel" in problem areas.
Sugar and coffee scrub
The main components of coffee (2 tablespoons), sugar (half a cup), cinnamon Melen (one teaspoon). Elements of the future scrub mix, Bay of couple of tablespoons of oil (such as almond or olive) and added simultaneously to the mixture a few drops of essential oil. Magic scrub ready! Before applying the scrub pre-wetting the skin.
Oat-coffee scrub
A tablespoon of grounds, left after brewing, mix with the same amount of sour cream (any fat). In the resulting mass add well-milled oatmeal flakes (about two to three tablespoons). Mix and apply on problem skin.
With these simple recipes you will understand what a truly healthy skin. Try to make this an excellent tool once and look at the result - sure, you want to use it often. And most importantly - such simple ingredients that will always be in the kitchen. No preservatives or chemicals, all natural. Just fabulous recipes!
Let your beauty blooms every day more and more! Give native people care about them - come these wonderful recipes for her friends. Many of them, of course, know, but for such a miracle is possible and recall. Healthy and beautiful skin - it just!
via takprosto cc
To get started - understand, what a scrub and why you need your skin. Scrubbing - a process by which there is exfoliation of dead cells, so - the skin is updated more quickly. Scrub with coffee cope with this task best. The skin becomes smoother, the pores are cleansed, the complexion miraculously aligned. Here are some beneficial effects of using a scrub:
Due to the presence of antioxidants in scrubs smoothes the skin, leaving the wrinkles. Kofesoderzhaschie mixture in contact with the skin, promote collagen and elastin in the tissues. Due to caffeine skin toned, getting good protection from the adverse effects of the environment. Implemented enhanced microcirculation, so the skin looks healthier. Improves the speed of movement of lymph, which helps hydrate the skin, elimination of edema, acquisition of tissue elasticity.
Several recipes for the most effective and widely used scrubs of coffee:
Honey-coffee scrub
Take a teaspoon of honey, olive oil and yogurt, two teaspoons of drinking of coffee. All this should be well grind to a maximum of a homogeneous mixture. Massaging the face scrub takes a few minutes, then leave it standing on your face for five minutes and then rinse with cool water.
Body Scrub is more appropriate, in which coffee with honey (100 grams of coffee grounds, a tablespoon of melted honey) complemented by components: a tablespoon of shampoo, 20 drops of essential oil, a couple of tablespoons of clay. All should be well mixed in a single container, and then scrub can be applied to the body in order to smooth the skin and eliminate the "orange peel" in problem areas.

Sugar and coffee scrub
The main components of coffee (2 tablespoons), sugar (half a cup), cinnamon Melen (one teaspoon). Elements of the future scrub mix, Bay of couple of tablespoons of oil (such as almond or olive) and added simultaneously to the mixture a few drops of essential oil. Magic scrub ready! Before applying the scrub pre-wetting the skin.
Oat-coffee scrub
A tablespoon of grounds, left after brewing, mix with the same amount of sour cream (any fat). In the resulting mass add well-milled oatmeal flakes (about two to three tablespoons). Mix and apply on problem skin.
With these simple recipes you will understand what a truly healthy skin. Try to make this an excellent tool once and look at the result - sure, you want to use it often. And most importantly - such simple ingredients that will always be in the kitchen. No preservatives or chemicals, all natural. Just fabulous recipes!
Let your beauty blooms every day more and more! Give native people care about them - come these wonderful recipes for her friends. Many of them, of course, know, but for such a miracle is possible and recall. Healthy and beautiful skin - it just!
via takprosto cc
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