Effective skin cleansing is a natural scrub for bath with his hands
I dare to say that the greatest inventions of mankind are bath, sauna and Hamam. Under the influence of high temperature and humidity is cleansed, refreshed and to soften our skin, we are hardened, the body gets rid of toxins and unwanted moisture. The heat calms the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on mental abilities. Body and soul come into complete harmony. Not accidentally, in the construction of private homes, bath turnkey is a loyal companion for centuries.
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To enhance the effect and for more filling of the skin's youthful beauty in the bath is recommended to use body scrubs and nourishing masks. It could be cosmetic products from manufacturers or made at home from natural ingredients: coffee, honey, healing clay, and salt.
Made masks and scrubs for the bath is quite effective and more accessible, because often they contain simple ingredients that are in every home.
How to make homemade body scrub of coffee for a bathPrepare a body scrub of coffee in several ways, depending on your skin type, your preferred scents and reactions to its ingredients.
To start prepare coffee. You can use fresh ground beans, and coffee grounds from last night's alcohol flavored drink. The coffee grinder should be small enough so as not to injure the skin, but at the same time and not quite a dust to observed mild massage effect.
Add in the homemade coffee body scrubs for bathCoffee scrub with sour cream. Mix the prepared coffee with cream in a ratio of 1:2. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Instead of sour cream you can use yogurt or heavy cream in proportions 1:3 and add a little cardamom. A very simple coffee scrub with shower gel. Add in a small amount of shower gel coffee grounds. A great exfoliant ready. For dry skin perfect scrub recipe with coffee, honey and olive oil mixed in the proportions 1:1:3. Rubbing the body scrub should be circular massage movements between calls in a steam room, sauna or Hamam. To start after the second call to the steam room. Pay special attention to thighs, stomach, buttocks, elbows. After rubbing you can cover with a towel and a little lie down, relax, then rinse the scrub with warm water.
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Coffee grounds gently exfoliate neoprene skin cells, contribute to its alignment and give it a light Golden hue. The high temperature makes the use of natural cosmetics in the bath more effective. The useful components of coffee scrub penetrates deeper into the epidermis. Coffee contains essential oils, antioxidants and active substances have unique properties. They eliminate toxins from the body, well-toned, improve blood circulation, break down fat and therefore have a high efficiency in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.
The effect of this procedure will be noticeable immediately — it is smooth, soft, velvety, younger-looking skin. Great coffee aroma will help you relax and get a lot of pleasure.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: coffee-klatsch.ru/beauty-coffee/kofeinie-recepti-krasoti/744-domaschnii-skrab-iz-kofe-dlya-bani-sauni-hamama.html