The smoke sauna (7 photos)
The smoke sauna - old Russian bath, which was used by our ancestors, many, many years, and now this kind of baths still preserved in the northern Russian villages and Sibiri.Ona is a log cabin, which combines steam and washing. Space heating is carried out from the fire that burns in the hearth, usually located in the center of the room under a pile of stones.
Tube in a bath there in black, and the smoke from the furnace, passing through the stones accumulating heat is circulated throughout the room, heating walls, ceiling, and then goes through the hole in the roof (ceiling), and the walls and through the half-open door.
The ceiling and walls in such a bath always blackened, hence the name of the bath - in black. When bath istoplena, after complete combustion of wood remaining embers and coals thrown into the yard. Then, close all the holes through which the smoke coming out of the fire. Bath should be to stand an hour and a half left to carbon monoxide; then doused the walls with water, washed the floor, shelves
For oparivaniya bath necessarily succumb to the hot stones one scoop or two of water.
In remote villages can still be found Russian baths, buried in the ground partially or completely, which also drown in black. The walls of this bath log, they retain heat well, while ensuring constant air circulation. When the door is closed the air in the bath replaced 6-7 times per hour.
Surprisingly, the heat is retained for a long time in the bath. This room is very economical, even in the harsh northern cold it does not require a lot of firewood. At the entrance porch satisfied, on which stands a roof bath, forming a canopy. Porch usually do with log walls and thus it can be used as a dressing room and storage for firewood.
Afraid of soot in the bath in the smoke does not mean there Copts generally only the walls and ceilings; benches, shelves are not enveloped in smoke and stay clean. For a full guarantee them enough to pour water. If you only use birch or aspen wood is formed when combustion is very little soot. Available also in the bath black useful in that it absorbs all the bad odors, soot literally disinfect the premises steam. Smoke sauna, no pipe has a number of advantages over the bath and white, which is derived for smoke pipe. The smoke sauna is simpler and cheaper construction, it is not necessary to output tube through wooden structures and comply with the strict rules of fire safety.
Walls smoke sauna warms faster and stronger, because the heat from the stove, the stove, having passed through the stones would not fly into the pipe, heating the white light, and spreads inside the room and all the heats. Firewood for a bath, especially for recessed, need much less to heat smoke sauna in the morning is not necessary as white, and only two or three hours. In the bath in a black felt much stronger and more pleasant smell from the log walls, ceiling, spruce twigs and herbs scattered in advance; the air in it is literally full of flavor. At the same bath and white flavors and aromas emerge only when the worn out broom or plesnesh on the hot stones decoction of herbs.
The smoke sauna is attractive for its romanticism, it has something ancient, primitive, fabulous, and not in vain in the old girl came to tell fortunes precisely smoke sauna. Bath and white - very easy to make black bath, if that was not to the taste of any family or if the family wealth came. To do this, equip the furnace stove dome, withdraw the tube, and all - the white room is ready. Fig. Figure 2 shows the simplest bathhouse and white, consisting of only two buildings: the changing room and steam rooms.
Author Antonida

Tube in a bath there in black, and the smoke from the furnace, passing through the stones accumulating heat is circulated throughout the room, heating walls, ceiling, and then goes through the hole in the roof (ceiling), and the walls and through the half-open door.

The ceiling and walls in such a bath always blackened, hence the name of the bath - in black. When bath istoplena, after complete combustion of wood remaining embers and coals thrown into the yard. Then, close all the holes through which the smoke coming out of the fire. Bath should be to stand an hour and a half left to carbon monoxide; then doused the walls with water, washed the floor, shelves

For oparivaniya bath necessarily succumb to the hot stones one scoop or two of water.

In remote villages can still be found Russian baths, buried in the ground partially or completely, which also drown in black. The walls of this bath log, they retain heat well, while ensuring constant air circulation. When the door is closed the air in the bath replaced 6-7 times per hour.
Surprisingly, the heat is retained for a long time in the bath. This room is very economical, even in the harsh northern cold it does not require a lot of firewood. At the entrance porch satisfied, on which stands a roof bath, forming a canopy. Porch usually do with log walls and thus it can be used as a dressing room and storage for firewood.

Afraid of soot in the bath in the smoke does not mean there Copts generally only the walls and ceilings; benches, shelves are not enveloped in smoke and stay clean. For a full guarantee them enough to pour water. If you only use birch or aspen wood is formed when combustion is very little soot. Available also in the bath black useful in that it absorbs all the bad odors, soot literally disinfect the premises steam. Smoke sauna, no pipe has a number of advantages over the bath and white, which is derived for smoke pipe. The smoke sauna is simpler and cheaper construction, it is not necessary to output tube through wooden structures and comply with the strict rules of fire safety.
Walls smoke sauna warms faster and stronger, because the heat from the stove, the stove, having passed through the stones would not fly into the pipe, heating the white light, and spreads inside the room and all the heats. Firewood for a bath, especially for recessed, need much less to heat smoke sauna in the morning is not necessary as white, and only two or three hours. In the bath in a black felt much stronger and more pleasant smell from the log walls, ceiling, spruce twigs and herbs scattered in advance; the air in it is literally full of flavor. At the same bath and white flavors and aromas emerge only when the worn out broom or plesnesh on the hot stones decoction of herbs.

The smoke sauna is attractive for its romanticism, it has something ancient, primitive, fabulous, and not in vain in the old girl came to tell fortunes precisely smoke sauna. Bath and white - very easy to make black bath, if that was not to the taste of any family or if the family wealth came. To do this, equip the furnace stove dome, withdraw the tube, and all - the white room is ready. Fig. Figure 2 shows the simplest bathhouse and white, consisting of only two buildings: the changing room and steam rooms.
Author Antonida
