I work in Finland.
Our company won the tender for the change of rail lashes on the Finnish railway. And now we turn we go to Finland who has worked there for two weeks, then two weeks working at home. Before you go to Finland, all employees have been 8 hour course in safety have passed tests receive «työturvllisuuskortti» (it's something like "card work permit" for a period of 8 years), and only then go. And I will tell you a little about life, a little bit about the work.
The company took off for us, "farm house" The exact house equipped with everything necessary for a long prozhivaniya.On not private, but refers to a complex kempengov in which during the harvest strawberries live "guest workers" .Voobsche in Finland, many of these systems, they are in beautiful places outside the city and living in them are relatively expensive.
48 photos
But the kitchen in the house in which we zhivёm.Posudomoyka, microwave, trash bags, even a packet of coffee found in the closet ...
This fireplace (or oil lamp?) On kuhne.Na guys it's there-I do not know who we can and we must.
This is the room in which live ya.Ispolzuya official position to grab a single.
And this is my room parney.Oni rest, t.k.nochyu to work.
Shower and electric banya.Banya but normalnaya.Kogda moved in, Finnish enterprising lad came and we tried vtyuhat birch brooms, but when I learned that we are Russian, faded and dumped.
Fina rotated to fire smoke bezopasnosti.Vezde datchiki.No, we must pay tribute, on their fires killed far less people than anyone else nibylo.Eti centralized sensors are in the kitchen and we were immediately alerted, false positive 780-euro fine. T.ch.zharim-soar, we very carefully
Ladder, spets.hrenoviny.Vsё for that would in the fire you had the chance to fall down, and from the second floor.
Fina rotated on a healthy way zhizni.Ryadom our house is a children's dom.I what would the kids have not seen smoking, smoking, we have identified the house away from human glaz.I still once there priperlis aunt with a poster "Stop smoking!" A man from Narva them in Esperanto explained where to go with this poster.
Fina rotated in sorting musora.Vot standard place for tank musorki.Slevo compost.
Entrance to the house with garbage cans (why the heck door heck, it is not clear)
Posters at the entrance to the trash-Finnish, English, and on the great and mighty!
And here is the trashcan-heap of the tanks, but each to their trash! If it is not clear on the label for something just look and smell.
Our "workhorses" -VWTransporter.Kstati before a trip to Fink, I changed the side door and forget to connect the central zamok.I the second week I do not put it on the alarm.
But this is normal, wood-banya.Edinstvennoe restriction does not go into the shoe and use of glass-taru.Opyat also check for wheelchairs.
Fully air conditioned with bath-fun!
Pointers different tur.marshrutov.Tipa- "To Berlin!»
I have already said-camping villages are placed in a beautiful mestah.Nash ozera.V on the shores of this part of Finland's lakes in general with all their fine-Sea! And here is a place for barbecue-mashlyka.
And with granite in Finland, too, all too normalno.A-more.Poetomu BBQ and some benches made of granite.
Before the entrance to the pier lake-stend.S a bunch of useful information.
This, as I understand it-himichisky analysis of water in ozere.Izvraschentsy!
On the shore are boats and oars-beri who want swim wherever you want! My children often use them for fishing, but are not ochen.Vsya poklёvka fish on the far left cordon.
And here on the pier and buoys ozer.Polotentsa-complete.
But the lake itself!
Again ono.Lepota!
The water in the lake-naichesteyshaya.Hot drink it! And judging by the omission of the pump, we do.
And in the winter, like these "boats" on the lake rassekayut.Vbivayut stake into ice, tied to his sled and drive around.
In this (and maybe not only in this) of the Finnish love loshadey.Vezde their pastures or grazing.
But the horses themselves.
And here is the house for the horses.
By the way, watched in the morning from a kartinu.Detishek det.doma because we smoke them as guerrillas, in the morning brought out into the yard, handed spets.germaki and whips, and led to ride horses ever.
Plain village house with parking near loshadkami.I these are not clear white boxes on sticks.
I could not resist zaglyanul.Prikurivatel-starter and just 220.
Well, a little bit about rabote.V will not go into details, the professionals already know what kind of work, and the rest may ponyat.Skazhu single "window" here give ... how anyhow! ("Window" -zaplanirovany break in the movement of trains for repair) or something tak.Koroche-delayed start of the "window" of 10 minutes to a half chasov.Esli consider that the "window" is only 4:00 .... "Windows" give only nochyu.Dnёm bunch elektrichek.Voobsche one measure of the wealth of the State of its passenger dvizhenie.Finlyandiya-rich country, and passenger traffic (which initially unprofitable) razvito.Ya was very much in the night "window" under Kerava.Po adjacent path walked all night train (stage was double track) .and it was a passenger train! Only one was a truck, and then a relatively open platforms gruzovym.Na rode ranged trucks, and at the end of the composition was a passenger carriage in which, most likely, these drivers were driving trucks.
And so a change of lashes on my face peregone.Vot excavators (we call them "Atlas") in anticipation of the "window".
This is my "workplace" .In the heart of the new tracks are "whip" (track length of 150 meters and above), which should be put to replace the old one (which are fixed on the sleepers and who are now the train ride).
All right! Driving is closed and the "Atlas" in turn begin to climb on put.Luchshe just do it at the train \ d move, but unfortunately there are none nearby, so choose a less flat ground, spiked with a little schebёnki and climb up on the sides of the roll ney.Po old rails.
Stand fast on the road in these conditions, it is not prostoe.Poprobuyte 20 ton edifice put on the rails, when the wheels slip, it's all rocks, etc. etc ... Although I saw the Finns stand on their "Ackermann" -verh perfection! No more than 20 seconds have it uhodit.U my Estonians in mid a minute and a half.
Well, finally! "Atlas" stood down special iron wheels to push my way to the place relsy.I raboty.Za it gets on the path of the second "Atlas".
Meanwhile, the guys spets.gaykovёrtami spun from old rail sleepers.
Fotik-mylnitsa.Da more rain from the clouds push my way ... In short the work front is seen badly.
The first "Atlas" their bucket removes old rails and puts it on the sidelines puti.Pri he backs his back, as if taking away behind the way.
Men shoot from the old (rail), stuck gum lining and put them back into the tie.
"Atlas" -ekskavator very moschnyy.Adaptirovanny to work on the railroad, that his protections half stupidly cut down, with ofitsalno.Ya he saw the excavator itself raised together with the railroad (Munchausen damn!). Therefore, if the excavator little stronger on the side of the rail dёrnet because he did out of themselves and pull out.
Meanwhile, behind him, another "Atlas" special device in prostonarode- "video" puts a new rail on the place of the old
He puts in front of him and rides on it, his iron swivel casters putting it into place.
And behind him, the new guys are arranged fastening and fasten the new rails to the sleepers.
That "workplace" after finishing the raboty.Stary rail lies on the side of the road, the new rail simplicity in the way, and it will fly the Finnish trains with a speed of 120 km \ h.
That's all I wanted to say!
The company took off for us, "farm house" The exact house equipped with everything necessary for a long prozhivaniya.On not private, but refers to a complex kempengov in which during the harvest strawberries live "guest workers" .Voobsche in Finland, many of these systems, they are in beautiful places outside the city and living in them are relatively expensive.
48 photos

But the kitchen in the house in which we zhivёm.Posudomoyka, microwave, trash bags, even a packet of coffee found in the closet ...

This fireplace (or oil lamp?) On kuhne.Na guys it's there-I do not know who we can and we must.

This is the room in which live ya.Ispolzuya official position to grab a single.

And this is my room parney.Oni rest, t.k.nochyu to work.

Shower and electric banya.Banya but normalnaya.Kogda moved in, Finnish enterprising lad came and we tried vtyuhat birch brooms, but when I learned that we are Russian, faded and dumped.

Fina rotated to fire smoke bezopasnosti.Vezde datchiki.No, we must pay tribute, on their fires killed far less people than anyone else nibylo.Eti centralized sensors are in the kitchen and we were immediately alerted, false positive 780-euro fine. T.ch.zharim-soar, we very carefully

Ladder, spets.hrenoviny.Vsё for that would in the fire you had the chance to fall down, and from the second floor.

Fina rotated on a healthy way zhizni.Ryadom our house is a children's dom.I what would the kids have not seen smoking, smoking, we have identified the house away from human glaz.I still once there priperlis aunt with a poster "Stop smoking!" A man from Narva them in Esperanto explained where to go with this poster.

Fina rotated in sorting musora.Vot standard place for tank musorki.Slevo compost.

Entrance to the house with garbage cans (why the heck door heck, it is not clear)

Posters at the entrance to the trash-Finnish, English, and on the great and mighty!

And here is the trashcan-heap of the tanks, but each to their trash! If it is not clear on the label for something just look and smell.

Our "workhorses" -VWTransporter.Kstati before a trip to Fink, I changed the side door and forget to connect the central zamok.I the second week I do not put it on the alarm.

But this is normal, wood-banya.Edinstvennoe restriction does not go into the shoe and use of glass-taru.Opyat also check for wheelchairs.

Fully air conditioned with bath-fun!

Pointers different tur.marshrutov.Tipa- "To Berlin!»

I have already said-camping villages are placed in a beautiful mestah.Nash ozera.V on the shores of this part of Finland's lakes in general with all their fine-Sea! And here is a place for barbecue-mashlyka.

And with granite in Finland, too, all too normalno.A-more.Poetomu BBQ and some benches made of granite.

Before the entrance to the pier lake-stend.S a bunch of useful information.

This, as I understand it-himichisky analysis of water in ozere.Izvraschentsy!

On the shore are boats and oars-beri who want swim wherever you want! My children often use them for fishing, but are not ochen.Vsya poklёvka fish on the far left cordon.

And here on the pier and buoys ozer.Polotentsa-complete.

But the lake itself!

Again ono.Lepota!

The water in the lake-naichesteyshaya.Hot drink it! And judging by the omission of the pump, we do.

And in the winter, like these "boats" on the lake rassekayut.Vbivayut stake into ice, tied to his sled and drive around.

In this (and maybe not only in this) of the Finnish love loshadey.Vezde their pastures or grazing.

But the horses themselves.

And here is the house for the horses.

By the way, watched in the morning from a kartinu.Detishek det.doma because we smoke them as guerrillas, in the morning brought out into the yard, handed spets.germaki and whips, and led to ride horses ever.

Plain village house with parking near loshadkami.I these are not clear white boxes on sticks.

I could not resist zaglyanul.Prikurivatel-starter and just 220.

Well, a little bit about rabote.V will not go into details, the professionals already know what kind of work, and the rest may ponyat.Skazhu single "window" here give ... how anyhow! ("Window" -zaplanirovany break in the movement of trains for repair) or something tak.Koroche-delayed start of the "window" of 10 minutes to a half chasov.Esli consider that the "window" is only 4:00 .... "Windows" give only nochyu.Dnёm bunch elektrichek.Voobsche one measure of the wealth of the State of its passenger dvizhenie.Finlyandiya-rich country, and passenger traffic (which initially unprofitable) razvito.Ya was very much in the night "window" under Kerava.Po adjacent path walked all night train (stage was double track) .and it was a passenger train! Only one was a truck, and then a relatively open platforms gruzovym.Na rode ranged trucks, and at the end of the composition was a passenger carriage in which, most likely, these drivers were driving trucks.
And so a change of lashes on my face peregone.Vot excavators (we call them "Atlas") in anticipation of the "window".

This is my "workplace" .In the heart of the new tracks are "whip" (track length of 150 meters and above), which should be put to replace the old one (which are fixed on the sleepers and who are now the train ride).

All right! Driving is closed and the "Atlas" in turn begin to climb on put.Luchshe just do it at the train \ d move, but unfortunately there are none nearby, so choose a less flat ground, spiked with a little schebёnki and climb up on the sides of the roll ney.Po old rails.

Stand fast on the road in these conditions, it is not prostoe.Poprobuyte 20 ton edifice put on the rails, when the wheels slip, it's all rocks, etc. etc ... Although I saw the Finns stand on their "Ackermann" -verh perfection! No more than 20 seconds have it uhodit.U my Estonians in mid a minute and a half.

Well, finally! "Atlas" stood down special iron wheels to push my way to the place relsy.I raboty.Za it gets on the path of the second "Atlas".

Meanwhile, the guys spets.gaykovёrtami spun from old rail sleepers.

Fotik-mylnitsa.Da more rain from the clouds push my way ... In short the work front is seen badly.

The first "Atlas" their bucket removes old rails and puts it on the sidelines puti.Pri he backs his back, as if taking away behind the way.

Men shoot from the old (rail), stuck gum lining and put them back into the tie.

"Atlas" -ekskavator very moschnyy.Adaptirovanny to work on the railroad, that his protections half stupidly cut down, with ofitsalno.Ya he saw the excavator itself raised together with the railroad (Munchausen damn!). Therefore, if the excavator little stronger on the side of the rail dёrnet because he did out of themselves and pull out.


Meanwhile, behind him, another "Atlas" special device in prostonarode- "video" puts a new rail on the place of the old

He puts in front of him and rides on it, his iron swivel casters putting it into place.

And behind him, the new guys are arranged fastening and fasten the new rails to the sleepers.

That "workplace" after finishing the raboty.Stary rail lies on the side of the road, the new rail simplicity in the way, and it will fly the Finnish trains with a speed of 120 km \ h.
That's all I wanted to say!
