Why Finland is recognized as the happiest country in the world year after year and what is life there?

Features of Finland On the world stage, they stand out among other states very much. However, this is not surprising, because for many years this country is considered the happiest on Earth. Is there such a high standard of living? Let's deal with it together!

Life in Finland attracts everyone who loves the harsh beauty of northern nature and appreciates the honesty and benevolence of its inhabitants. However, there are moments that you will not know from travel guides and travel notes. These are features of the Finnish mentality, and they are learned only after a few years of living here.

For Finns, the concept of happiness is very vague. This people can be called more satisfied than happy. The Finns, like most northern peoples, are very private people. They are not used to expressing their emotions.

For this people, true happiness is in stability, security and confidence in the future. If all these moments are already present in the life of the Finn, then this will be the greatest pleasure for him.

The real Finnish relaxation is called “Kalsarikanny”. Literally, this word means drinking hot drinks at home in underwear. What do Finns really mean? Kalsarikianni means the ability to be here and now, to capture the maximum pleasure from the moment and not to think about what will happen tomorrow or even in a couple of hours.

Finland has led the World Happiness Report many times. It's very easy to define. Experts assess the quality of life in countries. These are GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy and levels of corruption. Sociological surveys are also conducted among the population.

It would seem, how can you be happy when the window is six months of winter, always cold and cloudy? It's pretty simple. Happiness is determined primarily by how safe you feel in a country. Since the crime rate in Finland is very low, it is easy to live happily there.

In addition, the Finns carried out a successful educational reform. As a result, children receive a decent education, after school they have many opportunities. You can read more about this in the article at the link.

Also, do not forget about the first-class health care system. Finns with any income can study and receive medical assistance without any problems. Compared to other countries, there are almost no homeless people in Finland. All thanks to the national program Housing First, which appeared in 2008 and provided people with housing.

The people of Finland are closely connected with nature. These are people for whom there is no bad weather. Even in the worst blizzard or rain, Finns will find something to do on the street. All year round they lead an active lifestyle: go to the bath and hiking, ride bicycles and kayaks, play different games.

And the Finns just love saunas! There are 2 million saunas in Finland, with a population of 5.3 million. This relaxing ritual has long been part of Finnish culture. In the old days, Finns even gave birth in saunas, as it was the most sterile place with hot water.

Nordic laws of Yante In Scandinavia there are special unspoken laws. It’s a whole philosophy, the meaning of which is that people in society cooperate, not compete with each other. Equality in everything is the main principle according to which Finnish society exists.

Finland is a country with rich and poor people. However, the former are very few, and the latter are banally ashamed to show their wealth. Why show off how much money is on your credit card? So it's easy to see some rich man in an old car on the streets. He just doesn't need a new one.

Modest Finns live in peace and harmony with each other. Perhaps we all have something to learn from them. Make sure to add Finland to the list of countries to visit. This is a really beautiful and unusual place!


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