The oldest room in Odessa
1.Dvor bath number 4 on the street Astashkina (former Proviantskaya) - a historical place. It was here in the already distant 1997, the murder of Victor Kulivara (aka Karabas), the legendary crime boss, who was also called "Odessa Robin Hood." But "Duma" went to the bath is not only to remember the good old nineties ...
The walls of an old building built of limestone, absorbed the more than one valve sweat first Odessa settlers dashing smugglers and their uninhibited girlfriends, creatures of the fallen, but cute ... Two-storey house, which today houses a steam room, shoe repair and residential apartments, was built in 1861. Banja there - from the very first day. Then she worked at the inn with "by numbers" as they used to say in the old days.
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2 - Why is this street called Proviantskaya? Nearby is the Provision warehouses where goods brought were kept in quarantine, - says the deputy director-shaechno pomyvochnaya places Viktor Leonov. - And those who brought them, rested here at the inn, which started some merchant of the second guild. Build a house out of limestone, which is selected at the same place for a long time, here is the entrance to the catacombs. Here we lived on the second floor neighbor. So he told me that during the occupation cycled through the catacombs dating to his girl, who lived in the Gradonachalnitskoy. On top of this one and a half kilometers away, and the underground left the road a few minutes! But in our memory when burst sewers underneath the house, the entrance to the catacombs walled, sagging wing reinforced supports, put on a concrete base.
3. There are all working for a long time, to the grave. No staff turnover! For many years, he retired only one person, and that in connection with his departure from the country. Not by chance the National Business Rating of the year in Odessa announces bath №4 industry leader. That's just for the medals to the capital, they do not go - once.
4. Victor Olgerdovich leads us to the press photographer in the dressing room - are all remnants of former luxury bath and laundry plant, defunct in the time of Gorbachev! For example, it is currently working with an electric hair dryer hood. Oak bench of not existing baths at Richelieu ("Just sitting dragged, and it is still outlive us all!"). That is a pity, of course, that there is such luxurious marble baths, which were the oldest bath city that was in Hawaii ... Recently one of these baths identified in the frame of the film of Kira Muratova "Two in One" - there is seized some lucky ... Filmmakers bath for Proviantskaya also did not escape the attention, here are a few scenes filmed for the series "Diamond Hunters". Alexei Serebryakov starred in the title role, at the same time warm up.
5. The inscription on the cash register is strictly prescribes: "Pay the money and go to the bath." On the jamb door carved life motto: "Sweating - not the old" (that's right - all employees bath precocious cheerful and fresh, rosy face, smooth, without wrinkles). The whole "visual propaganda" in the bath at Proviantskaya - the handiwork of a regular customer, the famous painter and art historian, senior researcher of the Museum of Western and Eastern Art Sergey Ilyin.
6. The Director Vladimir bath Radzilevich working here for 27 years, confirms that regular visits to the sauna ensures health and vitality. He himself, in spite of the disability of the second group and the presence of two artificial hips, agile and energetic. True, injury, make it invalid, gained here, in a bath - rearranged kotel- "mine" (those no longer do - cast iron with an admixture of non-ferrous metals), and suddenly this jewel in the half ton led aside, the director kept but while injured his spine and joints.
7. "mine" are here as a true jewelry. It works on heavy fuel oil, which falls today carry much of Russia. If, God forbid, will through crack - where it patched? "Centrolit" covered himself with a copper basin, pardon the pun, take him to the Ball - the cost of "mine" will grow so that it is easier to do once the new work of pure gold.
8. Steam saw without the slightest embellishment of many outstanding people! For example, a regular customer was now living in America, the artist Lucien Dulfan. Artists comic troupe "Masks show" zahazhivali warm up, and Vladimir Komarov still comes. KVN team "Odessa gentlemen," spent his youth here, and the most zealous of bathers was Oleg Filimonov! In 1999, warm up, taking advantage of this opportunity, he Viktor Chernomyrdin, who had come here for the company "Lukoil". And the singers, musicians - do not count, because the nearby conservatory beside her densely populated many of today's professors in childhood facilities no longer had and receives bathing on a strict ritual - with a gang, bathhouse attendant in long satin pants (this uniform so they had, Now people come to the companies themselves to each other with brooms whipped).
9. Once in the bath was the women's section, but the pair went to the apartment tenants the top, and in 1969 it closed the SES, now there's the principal's office. The men's section stories, no one interferes, then steamed and women in groups at the weekend, which had a bath on Wednesdays.
10. Private enterprise "Bank" (abbreviated - "bathing comfort") running on schedule, all his regular customers of the week. Large soared on Monday, doctors on Saturdays, Sundays - the students, the poor half discount.
11. - With regard to students, is strictly for the payment does not follow, educate the customer in the future - smiles Vladimir Borisovich. - Bath - this is such a relationship! I went three times, and the body still requires There is no getting, all itching to start the day ... bathrobe Students graduate institute, go to work, come here already with colleagues, grow to the big bosses, so that students we love!
12. Victor Kulivar (Karabas) soared here every Monday, could come at seven in the morning, could in six or six-thirty. This habit and helped catch the killer prestige surprise. Director of the bath shows a front from which the shot gunner (he left at the crime scene muffler from the Czech "Scorpio", ran into the street, where he was waiting for the rider, and was gone), as well as a place on the pavement, where he found still alive Karabas:
13. Here killed Kulivara
14. - in his hand the keys were so fingers still moving ... It was hard for me to see it. The police came, chanted: "Victor, Victor, you also warned ..." respected him. We all used to the bandits and the police together soared, weapons handed over in the locker room: "Where is someone?" - "We know where someone!". I did then with weapons went, was such a time. Bright was the time ... What Karabas respected? Do not allow lawlessness in the city, that's what. When it was impossible to demolish the house and do not give people the apartment, city council was always thinking: what would say Karabas? Me personally, he introduced in the office of the chairman of Leninsky district executive committee, when I have a problem arose. Do not get along with Hurwitz, he was opposed to giving the land to the city of the Chechens, for it did not like him ... Tribute to Horowitz tsehovikov collected, yes, but he himself had helped to achieve the desired solutions authorities received money to expand production. I myself was at that time tsehoviki (bath - rather a hobby of mine), I worked two cutter, 67 seamstresses, four Gladilschikov, two on the package, plus a storekeeper and an accountant, and all were formalized, the taxes I paid. Now the Chinese have to sew, and not the fact that it is better.
15. As described by the director baths, Karabas was a prominent man, tall, with a somewhat stern expression, sports, and often before the bath, he played soccer barefoot on the cinder field, so that if it were not a murderer, but to live it live, the body was calculated long. Once in the bath itself extinguished perfectly conflict: authority Kolya Repin (he, too, is no longer alive) decided to expel all out, and bathe alone, but it is reasonable to Karabas recalled that in the bath are all equal, no generals! Strange but true: there are people who seem to be contrary to the law and the law lived, and remember them only a kind word, decorated with fresh flowers and a plaque on the grave of the cemetery, that's what happened to Karabas. And there seems to be quite law-abiding and even called to enforce the law, but even during the life of a good word about them no one will say.
16. - can be seemingly law-abiding and do nasty things to people, and Karabas was fair! - Worried Viktor Borisovich. - He helped the poor, he could borrow money without interest. Me why the prosecutor's office after his death two years, dragged in for questioning? He's on the phone my call was the last. So I called him - such a conclusion is made. No, not everything was. I had to borrow money from him, I just bought an apartment, and the old have not had time to sell, and that's called him and asked if he would in the bath, as usual, wanted it to talk to him. It did not happen. Soon after his death a lot in Odessa went wrong ...
Most afraid of the legendary director of the bath, which will begin next building, which is now protesting against the residents of the area. Three skyscrapers "kill" all the old buildings, not only aesthetically.
- I have great respect Matkowski (former vice-mayor, now - Deputy Governor Valery Matkovskiy), is a true professional, knew the city each tube, it was he who saved our building when the burst sewer - sigh Vladimir Radzilevich. - But now it is not in the team of the City Council. Will it be possible to maintain our unique region, which forms the feature of a free port? Start of construction - it will be our last hour. And we want to live and not to bathe on such occasions, and sweating for real, with a birch broom ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1361438642 [/ mergetime]
17. The Director of the unsung song remains the revival of the famous baths at Siltings where in 1941 bombarded with stones and rubble bombed pools, which receives water from the blue in the world of the Black Sea. And pipeline connecting bath with our Gulf under the rubble, and pumps. Perhaps if Karabas alive today, this company would have flourished, as of old, "first in the sea baths, and after - for sofas ..." And the old bath at Proviantskaya not have to tremble battered walls, fearing the destructive vibrations from unneeded ( except for those who steal it) construction. You never know, you never know ...
Author - Irene Adler, photo Vladimir Andreev
The walls of an old building built of limestone, absorbed the more than one valve sweat first Odessa settlers dashing smugglers and their uninhibited girlfriends, creatures of the fallen, but cute ... Two-storey house, which today houses a steam room, shoe repair and residential apartments, was built in 1861. Banja there - from the very first day. Then she worked at the inn with "by numbers" as they used to say in the old days.
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2 - Why is this street called Proviantskaya? Nearby is the Provision warehouses where goods brought were kept in quarantine, - says the deputy director-shaechno pomyvochnaya places Viktor Leonov. - And those who brought them, rested here at the inn, which started some merchant of the second guild. Build a house out of limestone, which is selected at the same place for a long time, here is the entrance to the catacombs. Here we lived on the second floor neighbor. So he told me that during the occupation cycled through the catacombs dating to his girl, who lived in the Gradonachalnitskoy. On top of this one and a half kilometers away, and the underground left the road a few minutes! But in our memory when burst sewers underneath the house, the entrance to the catacombs walled, sagging wing reinforced supports, put on a concrete base.

3. There are all working for a long time, to the grave. No staff turnover! For many years, he retired only one person, and that in connection with his departure from the country. Not by chance the National Business Rating of the year in Odessa announces bath №4 industry leader. That's just for the medals to the capital, they do not go - once.

4. Victor Olgerdovich leads us to the press photographer in the dressing room - are all remnants of former luxury bath and laundry plant, defunct in the time of Gorbachev! For example, it is currently working with an electric hair dryer hood. Oak bench of not existing baths at Richelieu ("Just sitting dragged, and it is still outlive us all!"). That is a pity, of course, that there is such luxurious marble baths, which were the oldest bath city that was in Hawaii ... Recently one of these baths identified in the frame of the film of Kira Muratova "Two in One" - there is seized some lucky ... Filmmakers bath for Proviantskaya also did not escape the attention, here are a few scenes filmed for the series "Diamond Hunters". Alexei Serebryakov starred in the title role, at the same time warm up.

5. The inscription on the cash register is strictly prescribes: "Pay the money and go to the bath." On the jamb door carved life motto: "Sweating - not the old" (that's right - all employees bath precocious cheerful and fresh, rosy face, smooth, without wrinkles). The whole "visual propaganda" in the bath at Proviantskaya - the handiwork of a regular customer, the famous painter and art historian, senior researcher of the Museum of Western and Eastern Art Sergey Ilyin.

6. The Director Vladimir bath Radzilevich working here for 27 years, confirms that regular visits to the sauna ensures health and vitality. He himself, in spite of the disability of the second group and the presence of two artificial hips, agile and energetic. True, injury, make it invalid, gained here, in a bath - rearranged kotel- "mine" (those no longer do - cast iron with an admixture of non-ferrous metals), and suddenly this jewel in the half ton led aside, the director kept but while injured his spine and joints.

7. "mine" are here as a true jewelry. It works on heavy fuel oil, which falls today carry much of Russia. If, God forbid, will through crack - where it patched? "Centrolit" covered himself with a copper basin, pardon the pun, take him to the Ball - the cost of "mine" will grow so that it is easier to do once the new work of pure gold.

8. Steam saw without the slightest embellishment of many outstanding people! For example, a regular customer was now living in America, the artist Lucien Dulfan. Artists comic troupe "Masks show" zahazhivali warm up, and Vladimir Komarov still comes. KVN team "Odessa gentlemen," spent his youth here, and the most zealous of bathers was Oleg Filimonov! In 1999, warm up, taking advantage of this opportunity, he Viktor Chernomyrdin, who had come here for the company "Lukoil". And the singers, musicians - do not count, because the nearby conservatory beside her densely populated many of today's professors in childhood facilities no longer had and receives bathing on a strict ritual - with a gang, bathhouse attendant in long satin pants (this uniform so they had, Now people come to the companies themselves to each other with brooms whipped).

9. Once in the bath was the women's section, but the pair went to the apartment tenants the top, and in 1969 it closed the SES, now there's the principal's office. The men's section stories, no one interferes, then steamed and women in groups at the weekend, which had a bath on Wednesdays.

10. Private enterprise "Bank" (abbreviated - "bathing comfort") running on schedule, all his regular customers of the week. Large soared on Monday, doctors on Saturdays, Sundays - the students, the poor half discount.

11. - With regard to students, is strictly for the payment does not follow, educate the customer in the future - smiles Vladimir Borisovich. - Bath - this is such a relationship! I went three times, and the body still requires There is no getting, all itching to start the day ... bathrobe Students graduate institute, go to work, come here already with colleagues, grow to the big bosses, so that students we love!

12. Victor Kulivar (Karabas) soared here every Monday, could come at seven in the morning, could in six or six-thirty. This habit and helped catch the killer prestige surprise. Director of the bath shows a front from which the shot gunner (he left at the crime scene muffler from the Czech "Scorpio", ran into the street, where he was waiting for the rider, and was gone), as well as a place on the pavement, where he found still alive Karabas:

13. Here killed Kulivara

14. - in his hand the keys were so fingers still moving ... It was hard for me to see it. The police came, chanted: "Victor, Victor, you also warned ..." respected him. We all used to the bandits and the police together soared, weapons handed over in the locker room: "Where is someone?" - "We know where someone!". I did then with weapons went, was such a time. Bright was the time ... What Karabas respected? Do not allow lawlessness in the city, that's what. When it was impossible to demolish the house and do not give people the apartment, city council was always thinking: what would say Karabas? Me personally, he introduced in the office of the chairman of Leninsky district executive committee, when I have a problem arose. Do not get along with Hurwitz, he was opposed to giving the land to the city of the Chechens, for it did not like him ... Tribute to Horowitz tsehovikov collected, yes, but he himself had helped to achieve the desired solutions authorities received money to expand production. I myself was at that time tsehoviki (bath - rather a hobby of mine), I worked two cutter, 67 seamstresses, four Gladilschikov, two on the package, plus a storekeeper and an accountant, and all were formalized, the taxes I paid. Now the Chinese have to sew, and not the fact that it is better.

15. As described by the director baths, Karabas was a prominent man, tall, with a somewhat stern expression, sports, and often before the bath, he played soccer barefoot on the cinder field, so that if it were not a murderer, but to live it live, the body was calculated long. Once in the bath itself extinguished perfectly conflict: authority Kolya Repin (he, too, is no longer alive) decided to expel all out, and bathe alone, but it is reasonable to Karabas recalled that in the bath are all equal, no generals! Strange but true: there are people who seem to be contrary to the law and the law lived, and remember them only a kind word, decorated with fresh flowers and a plaque on the grave of the cemetery, that's what happened to Karabas. And there seems to be quite law-abiding and even called to enforce the law, but even during the life of a good word about them no one will say.

16. - can be seemingly law-abiding and do nasty things to people, and Karabas was fair! - Worried Viktor Borisovich. - He helped the poor, he could borrow money without interest. Me why the prosecutor's office after his death two years, dragged in for questioning? He's on the phone my call was the last. So I called him - such a conclusion is made. No, not everything was. I had to borrow money from him, I just bought an apartment, and the old have not had time to sell, and that's called him and asked if he would in the bath, as usual, wanted it to talk to him. It did not happen. Soon after his death a lot in Odessa went wrong ...
Most afraid of the legendary director of the bath, which will begin next building, which is now protesting against the residents of the area. Three skyscrapers "kill" all the old buildings, not only aesthetically.
- I have great respect Matkowski (former vice-mayor, now - Deputy Governor Valery Matkovskiy), is a true professional, knew the city each tube, it was he who saved our building when the burst sewer - sigh Vladimir Radzilevich. - But now it is not in the team of the City Council. Will it be possible to maintain our unique region, which forms the feature of a free port? Start of construction - it will be our last hour. And we want to live and not to bathe on such occasions, and sweating for real, with a birch broom ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1361438642 [/ mergetime]
17. The Director of the unsung song remains the revival of the famous baths at Siltings where in 1941 bombarded with stones and rubble bombed pools, which receives water from the blue in the world of the Black Sea. And pipeline connecting bath with our Gulf under the rubble, and pumps. Perhaps if Karabas alive today, this company would have flourished, as of old, "first in the sea baths, and after - for sofas ..." And the old bath at Proviantskaya not have to tremble battered walls, fearing the destructive vibrations from unneeded ( except for those who steal it) construction. You never know, you never know ...
Author - Irene Adler, photo Vladimir Andreev
