Earth Kola
Outside, -10, snows. Looking through here in the morning summer photos, I decided to share with you. Location: Kola Peninsula or Murmansk region. The village is called Kuzreka, from the name of the river - the south of the peninsula, with the Kandalaksha and even Umboy. The location is excellent, climate, ocean - White Sea. Fishing: sea, river, lake. Fish, respectively, Bath (and black and white), the virgin forest with mushrooms, berries, animals, including bears., + Unforgettable beauty.
Bath ...
The kids having fun at the same time pose
Beautifully bliknulo, and grass out diamond
Again glare
4 am - the time of low tide the fish, bib
Bright turned
Sunset (with a bit wiser Shooting)
And this, in fact, there is a river Kuzreka with once elektrifitsirovannnoy village on the banks, where every house has not been translated fish and berries, mushrooms, with simple people of mind, memory of which remained in vvide rickety houses. Although recently added new homes. Goes the people, the place is excellent, spa

Bath ...

The kids having fun at the same time pose


Beautifully bliknulo, and grass out diamond

Again glare

4 am - the time of low tide the fish, bib

Bright turned

Sunset (with a bit wiser Shooting)

And this, in fact, there is a river Kuzreka with once elektrifitsirovannnoy village on the banks, where every house has not been translated fish and berries, mushrooms, with simple people of mind, memory of which remained in vvide rickety houses. Although recently added new homes. Goes the people, the place is excellent, spa
