Seven human records (16 photos)
Exactly 60 years ago, August 1, 1953, the Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard and his son Jacques completed the construction of the bathyscaphe "Trieste". Seven years later, Jacques Piccard first descend on it at the bottom Marinsky basin, reaching a depth of 10,911 meters. In honor of this event - the selection of the seven most famous conquests, the perfect man.
1. Mariana Trench: maximum depth
Bathyscaphe "Trieste" was designed by Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard, taking into account his previous development FNRS-2, the world's first bathyscaphe. Trieste - is the name of the Italian city, where they were produced major work on its creation. From 1953 to 1957 it was made a few dives in the Mediterranean Sea, including in it was a record depth at that point 3.150 meters. In 1958 this unit was purchased by the US Navy. After buying it finalized - was established more sturdy and durable Gondola. Although the purchase of the main pilot and the technician's unit in 1958-1960 remained Jacques Piccard, son of the designer.
Jean Picard (center) and Lt. Don Walsh during a record dive. Mariana Trench, 23 January 1960:
The deepest known depression on the earth is named after the nearby Marianas. Its depth was measured for the first time in 1875 by a British ship "Challenger", whose name was called, and the deepest point of the trough. Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh managed to make the first dive into the abyss of January 23, 1960. On the bathyscaphe "Trieste" they reached the level of 10,911 m.
Only later, in '52, March 26, 2012, the record of James Cameron repeated that alone dropped into "the abyss Challenger." Canadian filmmaker dives in the submersible Deepsea Challenger, during which made filming in the format of 3D, which formed the basis of the documentary National Geographic.
After the dive, Cameron posted a tweet: "Just reached the deepest point of the ocean. Hitting bottom never been so enjoyable. I can not wait to share what they saw with you ».
2. Everest is the highest peak
The highest point of the Earth was subjected to man before the lowest at 7 years. 60 years ago on May 29, 1953, for the first time in the history of Mount Qomolangma height of 8,848 meters set foot man. The honor of becoming pioneers had the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. On the "roof of the world", they spent only 15 minutes, but the "15 minutes of fame" forever etched their names in history. Hillary and Norgay reached the summit during the ninth British expedition to the summit of Mount Everest. By the way, as the British Qomolangma owes its more common name, which was in honor of the top of the Welsh geographer and surveyor George Everest.
New Zealander Edmund Hillary (left) and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay - the first people on Earth to conquer Everest. Photo 1953:
2-meter New Zealander Edmund Hillary photographed stunted Sherpa on snow dome with a raised ax, decorated with the flags of the UN, UK, Nepal and India. Climbers use oxygen devices.
3. The Moon: Earth's most remote from the place where the person was?
In order not to offend God, and not to spread American version of the history of space exploration, I consider it appropriate to make a reservation of the astronauts, "walked on the moon."
There were Americans or were not - not a simple question. For several reasons, I doubt it, so keep an excerpt from the original post - according to the design.
American party alleged that in July 1969 the Terrans first landed on the moon. From left to right crew "prilunivshegosya" "Apollo 11": Neil Armstrong (left), Buzz Aldrin (right) and Michael Collins:
The phrase has become a pattern - "a small step has been made, became a giant leap for mankind," Armstrong came down the stairs from the lander, "Apollo 11" on the lunar surface. According to the official chronicle, the second satellite of the Earth has become a guest of Edwin Aldrin, who joined the captain of the flight 15 minutes.
It is possible that these events took place in quite a terrestrial specially equipped pavilion - the final point in the debate about "lunar conspiracy" has not yet delivered.
Nevertheless, the Americans claim that only a part of the program of flights to the Moon "Apollo" on the surface of Earth's satellite was visited 12 astronauts.
E. Aldrin on the lunar surface (?), July 20, 1969:
4. Kola ultradeep: the deepest well, man-made
May 24, 1970 began drilling the deepest "hole" of all, ever made by man. As part of the Soviet scientific program in the Murmansk region (10 km from the city Polar) was drilled, which reached a record high of 12,262 meters - in 1990.
Kola ultradeep well. Drilling of the first stage (depth 7600 m), 1974:
The grandiose project lasted until 1992. Only the first 7 km of drilling took about 7 years. In 1983, the drill for the first time entered the terrestrial rocks for 12 km. Later, due to accidents and technical difficulties of the work had to be suspended. Only in 1990 it had a final world record of drilling. With the help of the Kola super-deep, scientists want to study the ancient rocks of our planet by the example of the Baltic Shield granite.
Kola ultradeep sometimes called "the well to hell." There is a legend: at a depth of about 12 thousand meters, microphones, researchers recorded the cries and moans of people. This is certainly a myth, although in the course of drilling did occur phenomena, explanations that scientists could not find.
Kola ultradeep. Photo 2007. At the moment, an object abandoned building is actually destroyed, and very well brewed:
5. Flying Felix Baumgartnera: the highest jump in the history of
October 14, 2012 Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner has made the highest jump in history, jumping from a height of 39 kilometers (39.450 meters). At this level 43-year-old athlete stood for 2 hours 16 minutes in a special capsule. During the fall, Felix has exceeded the speed of sound, reaching a speed of 1357 6 km / h.
He hopped in a suit for the first time without the help of the flying equipment is in free fall for 4 minutes 19 seconds. This "star" time could be fatal for Baumgartner in the event of depressurization, but fortunately, the experiment was successful. For extreme jump, which was broadcast live, we watched about 8 million people.
6. Garrett McNamara: the conquest of the biggest wave
The biggest wave height of 10-storey house, subdued Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara. He "straddled" the 30-foot wall of water from the Portuguese coast near the small town of Nazar January 29, 2013. Garrett McNamara wins the "100-foot storm»:
Giant Tree formed above an underwater canyon, which is famous for its reputation as "generator" of the highest waves in the world. This is not the first world record set by 45-year-old athlete. In 2013, Garrett won his own world record, set in November 2011 at the same Portuguese coast. Then Hawaiian daredevil subdued wave height of 24 meters.
Garrett McNamara wins the "100-foot storm»:
7. Burj Khalifa: the conquest of the highest skyscraper in the world
At that time, all the major natural peaks conquered by French climber Alain Robert took the tops created by man. And entered the Guinness Book of Records as the conqueror of skyscrapers. On account of "Spider-Man" more than 70 ascents of the highest buildings in the world, including the Empire State Building (New York), Eiffel Tower (Paris), Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur), Taipei 101 (Taipei) and the main building of Moscow State University (Moscow).
Alain Robert, known as Spiderman conquers the world's tallest building Burj Khalifa (828 meters):
First climber managed to climb on the tallest building of the world 828-meter Burj Khalifa. On the ascent, which occurred on 28 March 2011, it took more than 6 hours. Alain Robert is known that performs his tricks without equipment, but this time it has satisfied the organizers and took the insurance.
After implementation of the project «Kingdom Tower» for fans of the conquest of the skyscrapers will open up new prospects:

1. Mariana Trench: maximum depth
Bathyscaphe "Trieste" was designed by Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard, taking into account his previous development FNRS-2, the world's first bathyscaphe. Trieste - is the name of the Italian city, where they were produced major work on its creation. From 1953 to 1957 it was made a few dives in the Mediterranean Sea, including in it was a record depth at that point 3.150 meters. In 1958 this unit was purchased by the US Navy. After buying it finalized - was established more sturdy and durable Gondola. Although the purchase of the main pilot and the technician's unit in 1958-1960 remained Jacques Piccard, son of the designer.
Jean Picard (center) and Lt. Don Walsh during a record dive. Mariana Trench, 23 January 1960:

The deepest known depression on the earth is named after the nearby Marianas. Its depth was measured for the first time in 1875 by a British ship "Challenger", whose name was called, and the deepest point of the trough. Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh managed to make the first dive into the abyss of January 23, 1960. On the bathyscaphe "Trieste" they reached the level of 10,911 m.

Only later, in '52, March 26, 2012, the record of James Cameron repeated that alone dropped into "the abyss Challenger." Canadian filmmaker dives in the submersible Deepsea Challenger, during which made filming in the format of 3D, which formed the basis of the documentary National Geographic.
After the dive, Cameron posted a tweet: "Just reached the deepest point of the ocean. Hitting bottom never been so enjoyable. I can not wait to share what they saw with you ».

2. Everest is the highest peak
The highest point of the Earth was subjected to man before the lowest at 7 years. 60 years ago on May 29, 1953, for the first time in the history of Mount Qomolangma height of 8,848 meters set foot man. The honor of becoming pioneers had the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. On the "roof of the world", they spent only 15 minutes, but the "15 minutes of fame" forever etched their names in history. Hillary and Norgay reached the summit during the ninth British expedition to the summit of Mount Everest. By the way, as the British Qomolangma owes its more common name, which was in honor of the top of the Welsh geographer and surveyor George Everest.
New Zealander Edmund Hillary (left) and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay - the first people on Earth to conquer Everest. Photo 1953:

2-meter New Zealander Edmund Hillary photographed stunted Sherpa on snow dome with a raised ax, decorated with the flags of the UN, UK, Nepal and India. Climbers use oxygen devices.

3. The Moon: Earth's most remote from the place where the person was?
In order not to offend God, and not to spread American version of the history of space exploration, I consider it appropriate to make a reservation of the astronauts, "walked on the moon."
There were Americans or were not - not a simple question. For several reasons, I doubt it, so keep an excerpt from the original post - according to the design.
American party alleged that in July 1969 the Terrans first landed on the moon. From left to right crew "prilunivshegosya" "Apollo 11": Neil Armstrong (left), Buzz Aldrin (right) and Michael Collins:

The phrase has become a pattern - "a small step has been made, became a giant leap for mankind," Armstrong came down the stairs from the lander, "Apollo 11" on the lunar surface. According to the official chronicle, the second satellite of the Earth has become a guest of Edwin Aldrin, who joined the captain of the flight 15 minutes.
It is possible that these events took place in quite a terrestrial specially equipped pavilion - the final point in the debate about "lunar conspiracy" has not yet delivered.
Nevertheless, the Americans claim that only a part of the program of flights to the Moon "Apollo" on the surface of Earth's satellite was visited 12 astronauts.
E. Aldrin on the lunar surface (?), July 20, 1969:

4. Kola ultradeep: the deepest well, man-made
May 24, 1970 began drilling the deepest "hole" of all, ever made by man. As part of the Soviet scientific program in the Murmansk region (10 km from the city Polar) was drilled, which reached a record high of 12,262 meters - in 1990.
Kola ultradeep well. Drilling of the first stage (depth 7600 m), 1974:

The grandiose project lasted until 1992. Only the first 7 km of drilling took about 7 years. In 1983, the drill for the first time entered the terrestrial rocks for 12 km. Later, due to accidents and technical difficulties of the work had to be suspended. Only in 1990 it had a final world record of drilling. With the help of the Kola super-deep, scientists want to study the ancient rocks of our planet by the example of the Baltic Shield granite.
Kola ultradeep sometimes called "the well to hell." There is a legend: at a depth of about 12 thousand meters, microphones, researchers recorded the cries and moans of people. This is certainly a myth, although in the course of drilling did occur phenomena, explanations that scientists could not find.
Kola ultradeep. Photo 2007. At the moment, an object abandoned building is actually destroyed, and very well brewed:

5. Flying Felix Baumgartnera: the highest jump in the history of
October 14, 2012 Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner has made the highest jump in history, jumping from a height of 39 kilometers (39.450 meters). At this level 43-year-old athlete stood for 2 hours 16 minutes in a special capsule. During the fall, Felix has exceeded the speed of sound, reaching a speed of 1357 6 km / h.

He hopped in a suit for the first time without the help of the flying equipment is in free fall for 4 minutes 19 seconds. This "star" time could be fatal for Baumgartner in the event of depressurization, but fortunately, the experiment was successful. For extreme jump, which was broadcast live, we watched about 8 million people.

6. Garrett McNamara: the conquest of the biggest wave
The biggest wave height of 10-storey house, subdued Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara. He "straddled" the 30-foot wall of water from the Portuguese coast near the small town of Nazar January 29, 2013. Garrett McNamara wins the "100-foot storm»:

Giant Tree formed above an underwater canyon, which is famous for its reputation as "generator" of the highest waves in the world. This is not the first world record set by 45-year-old athlete. In 2013, Garrett won his own world record, set in November 2011 at the same Portuguese coast. Then Hawaiian daredevil subdued wave height of 24 meters.
Garrett McNamara wins the "100-foot storm»:

7. Burj Khalifa: the conquest of the highest skyscraper in the world
At that time, all the major natural peaks conquered by French climber Alain Robert took the tops created by man. And entered the Guinness Book of Records as the conqueror of skyscrapers. On account of "Spider-Man" more than 70 ascents of the highest buildings in the world, including the Empire State Building (New York), Eiffel Tower (Paris), Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur), Taipei 101 (Taipei) and the main building of Moscow State University (Moscow).
Alain Robert, known as Spiderman conquers the world's tallest building Burj Khalifa (828 meters):

First climber managed to climb on the tallest building of the world 828-meter Burj Khalifa. On the ascent, which occurred on 28 March 2011, it took more than 6 hours. Alain Robert is known that performs his tricks without equipment, but this time it has satisfied the organizers and took the insurance.
After implementation of the project «Kingdom Tower» for fans of the conquest of the skyscrapers will open up new prospects: