10 records that no one would want to beat
Records that we associate with victories, medals and cotton stoppers from bottles of champagne. But not all the records - the planned and desired. The heroes of our list is definitely not trying to become champions - it just happened.
Website has collected a selection of bizarre records set willy-nilly.
Move to a tornado in the distance and survive h3> Matt Suter was 19 years old when, in March 2006, a storm snapped his Fordland City (USA). That Sunday Suter was in a trailer with his grandmother and uncle disabled. Gusts of wind and rain hit the trailer, and Suter got on the sofa, wearing some shorts to close the window.
The most heavy people h3> Probably no surprise that the heaviest known man and a woman - the Americans. US firmly holds the primacy of obesity among other developed countries.
The most prolific parents h3> 87 children - this record is recorded in the "Guinness Book of Records" for Fyodor Vasilyev, a peasant from Shuya 18th century Moscow. Fedor and his two wives gave birth to 22 pairs of twins, nine times in the triple and quadruple quadrupled.
The largest number and size of kidney stones h3>
The longest time spent on a medical gurney in the hallway of the hospital h3> The "Guinness Book of Records" has introduced a new category when Tony Collins, the 40-year-old Briton said that lay on a gurney 77 hours and 30 minutes
amputation at the same arm h3> The first amputation Hallam occurred in 1984, when he was jailed for fraud in his native New Zealand. Circular saw cut off his right arm above the wrist. Surgeons are returned back to the limb, but she was infected, and her newly amputated in 1988.
Website has collected a selection of bizarre records set willy-nilly.
Move to a tornado in the distance and survive h3> Matt Suter was 19 years old when, in March 2006, a storm snapped his Fordland City (USA). That Sunday Suter was in a trailer with his grandmother and uncle disabled. Gusts of wind and rain hit the trailer, and Suter got on the sofa, wearing some shorts to close the window.
At that moment he heard the roar of Suter. "He was getting louder and louder, as if the ten military aircraft flew directly to us," - he told me later. rear and front door of the trailer blew, the walls, floor and ceiling started to move "like jelly». The trailer began to tip over, the walls were crumbling. Lamp Sutera struck on the head and he fell unconscious. My grandmother saw his limp body pulled out directly into the vortex.
It was a whirlwind of category F2, and he suffered Sutera 398, 37 meters - the length of four football fields. He woke up in the field alive and unharmed, except for a small wound on his head. Miraculously, his grandmother and uncle, too, survived the destruction of their homes, but were filled with furniture.
The most heavy people h3> Probably no surprise that the heaviest known man and a woman - the Americans. US firmly holds the primacy of obesity among other developed countries.
John Brouwer Minnoh from Washington State at the age of 12 years weighed 135 kg. His weight grew steadily until it reached a peak at around 635 kg in 1978. In March, he suffered a heart attack and lung failure, and it took 12 firefighters to bring him to the hospital. The doctor recorded in his body 400 liters of excess fluid. Minnoh lay in the hospital for two years.
During his stay in the hospital Minnoh married to a woman named Jeanette, and as she weighed only 50 kg, They have established a record as a pair with the largest difference in weight the highest number of dropped kilograms ever recorded
In the "Guinness Book of Records" record of the heaviest woman Rosalie Bradford refers to Florida, which reached a peak weight of 544 kg. As Minnoh, Bradford has struggled with obesity all my life. She was so depressed that she tried to commit suicide, but because of her weight loss pills just made her sleep for a few days.
After becoming acquainted with the "weight loss guru" Richard Simmons, Rosalie sat on a diet and start the training program. During the first year she dropped 190 kg, and just lost 317 kg - the weight of the record, dumped the woman
The most prolific parents h3> 87 children - this record is recorded in the "Guinness Book of Records" for Fyodor Vasilyev, a peasant from Shuya 18th century Moscow. Fedor and his two wives gave birth to 22 pairs of twins, nine times in the triple and quadruple quadrupled.
Vasiliev was born around the year 1707 and became a father for the first time in 18 years. He claimed that all of his children, but two survived infancy, it was surprising at the time. And when Fedor reached old 75 years, all of its 84 child were still alive. Fertility farmer was so extreme that he was summoned to St. Petersburg for a meeting with the Empress Catherine II.
And who is the most prolific mother? This, of course, the first wife of Feodor. Unfortunately, her name is lost - and yet it deserves to be remembered! This woman has gone through an incredible 27 pregnancies and 69 births. The second wife of Theodore - and unknown - gave birth to "just something" 18 times.
The largest number and size of kidney stones h3>
In 2009, the 45-year-old Dhanradzh Vadillo from India addressed to the doctor with acute abdominal pain. Dr. Ashish Ravandale-Patil has determined that the patient was suffering from kidney stones. Patil spent four hours removing the 172 155 stones of calcium oxalate and phosphate, ranging in size from 2 mm to 5 cm from the left kidney Vadillo.
Helpers Dr. Patil counted the stones for a month and then send a request to the "Guinness Book of Records." Of course, there could not recognize the record Vadillo, pobivshy the previous record of 14,098 stones, remote in one patient.
Happy champion, holder of the largest size of stone is also from India - Police Vilas Guge, who surgically removed the stone size of 13 cm in diameter (usually no larger than 9 cm).
The longest time spent on a medical gurney in the hallway of the hospital h3> The "Guinness Book of Records" has introduced a new category when Tony Collins, the 40-year-old Briton said that lay on a gurney 77 hours and 30 minutes
"My back ached, there was no personal space, and I had to rely on nurses wearing me a drink because there was nowhere to put the jug».
Finally. for him to find a room at 8:30 pm - Tuesday.
Ironically, while the Guinness studied the application of Collins, he again fell ill and returned to the hospital. This time he lay on the gurney 60 hours.
amputation at the same arm h3> The first amputation Hallam occurred in 1984, when he was jailed for fraud in his native New Zealand. Circular saw cut off his right arm above the wrist. Surgeons are returned back to the limb, but she was infected, and her newly amputated in 1988.
Ten years later, Hallam was offered the opportunity to get first hand-transplant. He was sent to Lyon, France, where he successfully sewn hand late French motorcyclist. Hallam said that hated new hand from the very beginning:
«Hand of the donor was bigger than mine, bald and pink. My own skin is olive shade, and have hair on it. It is not appropriate ».
blockquote> Hallam quarreled with the doctors and stopped taking anti-rejection medication. Inevitably, his body is a stranger to her hand, and it had to be amputated the third time in the year 2001. The medical world was outraged actions of the patient, who had no use to spend a lot of labor and donor organ. Hallam asked for another transplant in the year 2002, but so far it has not received.
The largest number of broken bones h3> stuntman Robert Craig Nivelles, known as Iweala Nivelles, his career has made 150 jumps on a motorcycle on the ramp to ramp through various obstacles. 18 of these jumps were unsuccessful. As a result, more than 433 Nivelles suffered a fracture in the 35 different bones - a world record. He broke the skull, nose, jaw, both collarbones, both hands, both wrists, brisket, each rib and back five times. In addition, he broke both ankles, some toes, right calf, right knee and coccyx, left thigh and three times broke the pelvis.
Even after a career stunt Nivelles no longer exposed to the hospital. Fall on the golf course led to hip prosthesis. Nivelles twice fell into its own swimming pool, breaking ribs and knee. He transplanted liver. By the end of the life of Nivelles he wore on his stomach pump that delivered strong pain medication directly into the spinal column. He died in 2007 from lung fibrosis.
the luckiest dog in the World h3>
In Doshi, a cross between a pit bull ten-living with its owner in California, April 15, 2003 turned out to be a very bad day. That morning, she jumped master's fence to walk, and it was immediately shot down a pickup truck. The driver called the police, who, having decided that the dog mortally wounded, shot her in the head to stop her suffering. Arrived service control stray animals folded what was left of it, in the package. They were brought into the fold Dosh and thrown into the freezing chamber. Two hours later, when the employee opened the chamber, he saw sitting live Dosh, with still in the package.
Officer bullet passed along the skull Doshi without hitting the brain, and lodged in the skin under the jaw. After the accident, the dog was a shock, but nothing was broken. And even hypothermia in the freezer did not cause serious harm to the animal. Because Dosha three managed to escape death , Guinness called it the most successful dog in the world.
Surviving a car accident at a very high speed h3> Donald Campbell has eight world speed records on land and on water. It is - still the only person who broke both kinds of records for one year. However, September 16, 1960 Campbell set the record, which is not counted.
Donald was the only son of Sir Malcolm Campbell, a pioneer of the races and 13 speed records (nine on the ground and four on water). Shortly after the death of his father, Donald learned that an American is going to beat the speed record on the water, and his father decided to keep the banner of his family. In the fifties Campbell steadily raised his record of 257 to 418 kilometers / hour. He constantly compares his success with his father and often asked his best friend, would be proud of them, Sir Malcolm. In 1960, the young Campbell took the land speed record, which broke the record of his father.
This record speed was 634 km / h set by Briton John Cobb. Cobb also set records on land and on water, and in 1952, he died trying to break the record of Donald. Donald was sure of his «Bluebird CN7» you can squeeze 643 km / h, and it was in his sixth test run, when he lost control at a speed of 586 km / h. Structural strength «Bluebird» saved his life on that fateful day in 1960, but ended skull fracture and rupture the eardrum.
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