Scientists Monday is not the most difficult day of the week

A group of scientists from Britain managed to establish the reason why Monday should not be considered a difficult day of the week.
Having a simple survey among representatives of the young and adults of different professions, the experts came to the conclusion that Monday not only is the worst day, but rather sets up of people on enhanced efficiency and productivity in addressing the complex and urgent issues.
Other experts believe otherwise, believing that on Monday, people have great difficulty before the beginning of the week, which would require high accountability and productivity.
However, in most cases interviewed in the course of questioning, the person agreed that Monday should not be considered complex. We will remind that earlier, this opinion was nothing more than a stereotype, people are inspired by someone's incorrect opinion.
On Wednesdays women look older just.High Jinks at the weekend and stress at work leave its mark on the appearance of any woman. Researchers have found that women on Wednesdays at 15.30 look as old. The energy level decreases to a minimum at this point, whereas the working stress reaches its climax, so the appearance of women is not the best. This Wednesday in the second half of the day, are manifested to the maximum, and the consequences of the riotous weekend. These are the results of the study

The transition to daylight saving time can negatively affect the heart. A small group of American scientists a study was conducted at the conclusion of which revealed that the transition to daylight saving time increases risk of negative symptoms of cardiovascular disease by twenty percent. Medical experts, it was precisely established that the largest part of the heart attacks in the first day of the week on Monday, it initiates daylight saving time. Their some assumptions, the formation of heart attack symptoms associated with stress in the early days
The number of people killed during the collapse of the rig "Kola" has risen to 16 people
Closed the boat was found local time on Monday afternoon in the sea of Okhotsk in the place of death rig "Kola", said the representative of the far Eastern regional center of EMERCOM of Russia RIA Novosti. The platform "Kola", which was towed to Sakhalin from Kamchatka, перевернулась18 Dec Sunday in storm conditions when waves with a height of 5-6 meters and a water temperature of 0 degrees Celsius, from Sakhalin to 200 kilometers. The installation went completely under the water.
Source: globalscience.ru