Quantum transitions consisting of:

Still remember waiting in 2012, fear of the unknown, waiting cataclysm that frightened us ... Go take place, but not where he expected ...
In January 2013, it was told about the experiment, which lasted 10 years, since 2003. Scientists nuclear scientists worked with a hydrogen atom (aka - proton), and recorded the first ripple of proton particles, it then decreases, again became normal size. Scientists believe this is an error, the influence of other components from the outside, but in the end, the proton took on new meaning. It was discovered that the particle proton has decreased by 4%.
Everything has changed - its speed, rotation direction, the diameter. At first glance - think of it, I changed the proton, bullshit! But after him, "he went" all organic, as It consists of hydrogen. It changed the density of matter. (Levashov wrote about the properties of matter that we move to another space where there will be more light).
For the proton and other particles moved and what was considered inviolable nuclear physics, appears in a completely different form, in another. As if we were aliens and on other planets.
Those laws that were established before 2013, suddenly stopped working, because the density of matter was the other.
This is a huge work of many laboratories of the scientific world has forced scientists around the world to unite, forgetting all strife.
About 10 leading institute of nuclear physics, reactor, laser technology rechecked each other, but all the time to come to one of the new value of the hydrogen atom.
Judging by the Laws of the three-dimensional world, it is impossible, but nevertheless - physics beginning to disclose their measurement. This is confirmed by calculations of Astrophysics of multi-dimensional spaces.
WE LIVE in another dimension!
There was a quantum transition from one level of the particle energy has moved to another level of energy at the same time acted as a neutron star - was large, and became small.
Consider that we are living on another planet, so all laws are beginning to work on another. Scientists are faced with this at every step. Our laws - a world of the past!
January - March 2013 became a wealthy radical scientific discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics, which fell in abundance.
On Earth orbit flies German telescope Spitzer, who more accurately the famous Hubble several orders, he saw the infrared (we know an infrared radiation, and here, the ultra - new physical term means - even deeper into the matter) of the galaxy, they are brighter than the ordinary 60 times.
This discovery was made spontaneously. Judge for yourself, even in December 2012 they were not, and January 2013. They appeared one day.
It does not happen! They are either there or not ..., then something happened over the night, forcing to change the world?
Ordinary electromagnetic range, which is presented in physics textbooks, reference books, increased by three octaves in the infrared and ultraviolet three octaves.
WE BECAME TO ABOVE sixth instrument.
It opened mother, who until 2013 was not, it was for different reasons are not exercised, but now revealed and physical devices it can fix.
Another discovery - until 2013, scientists knew, and we with you scared that our solar system was moving into the black hole.
Novosibirsk Scientists say that we are going to totally unexplored energy that was not there before, and it is not clear that this will continue.
This astrophysical object, and he was gone. In the center of our galaxy is now the Black hole there.
Scientists are scared to death, and the discovery of the secret list of the Internet it was gone two months after the announcement. There was a site of "membrane", where scientists publish their findings, and now there is this e-zine. In a black hole, he ceased to exist)).
What happened? It turned out that the black hole - a door that we are gone, and the door closed.
But instead of the Black hole appeared another object, it is also a scientific discovery already in 2014 - magnetars.
Pulsating stars, but not the pulsar. This star in all directions sprays liquid magnetic field. This kind of substance, which has no name (not plasma). It is reasonable, consists of granules. The pellets come in her small, on the level of elementary particles and large, for example, the size of the Earth.
At first, this magnetar heard in March 2014 in the radio and watched, and in May - saw.
By cosmic standards - is a tremendous time. Normally, or they hear or see, that is, the brain was ready to accept the information.
Thus, we were on the first floor of the Thin Plan, in fact, "the other world", with which we congratulate you! ))
Frequencies other organic and the other, this should not scare you in any way, our bodies reveal their own.
But, magnetars lit in blue (to May 2014 he did not light).
Back in 2005, scientists, neuroscientists discovered a man in the hippocampus region which is called blue or blue spot. It has long been known, but it did not pay much attention, well, you never know what in the brain of a person has ...
By itself, the human brain - a black box.
In the summer of 2014 is a blue spot in the brain lit up, too, at all. Gipokam projected on the point of life and the life of man in charge of the higher plane or higher. This blue color if the squint, sometimes seen as a silver halo over his head. This new organic body, and it pulsates in tune magnetars.
It is a single system, they have the same basic rhythm - a waltz.
The basic rhythm of the universe is also a waltz, in different versions, in different octaves. Octave, which performed a waltz blue stain and magnetars in the center of the galaxy - it works in the new scale, including three new octave.
It turns out that the energy spectrum of a new hydrogen is quite different from the old spectrum of hydrogen.
This range of infrared color more depth than infrared light. It became the band leader. We live and not know what to perceive a completely different energy spectra. And it all goes back to the consciousness of man.
It's time, which we were told - that will live in the Subtle World, and there - everything is controlled by thought, wanted - moved the chair, he wanted - he took off ... But as long as we have not reached such a concentration of mind and to self-awareness.
In this regard different phenomena began ....
The first basic phenomenon - the glow of a halo, before the transition was gold (halos of the saints on the icons ...) and thus owned the only Master, because it was very rigid magnetic field around the Earth, this field was tough, and it hindered our genetic structure. And now this field is in fact ceased to be tough, ie, it is, but something else entirely.
It is very soft and gentle and yet very strong, like a spider web, try to tear it, tear it is stronger than steel.
Here, about the structure of a new magnetic field goes.
You have all heard the term, as the Akasha, this is the gold structure, which is named Proteus, Blavatsky also mentions it.
So this Proteus went into incarnation. It has become our new nervous system, and now we have it filled with light the Proteus.
We have a different nervous system, we no longer see the three-dimensional, we have other eyes.
In the past thousands of years before the transition, at least 26 000 years, we have in front of all was the so-called blind spot.
This is the optic nerve, which goes deep into the skull, he shut up a certain protein tissue as a stub. This blind spot has closed three-quarters of our sphericity. We do not see a black hole because the brain and eliminates various nuances and creates the illusion that we can see everything.
Nevertheless, the existence of blind spots allowed us to live in a 3-dimensional space defined, hard.
It was experimental conditions. We had to study the dense plan and we accomplished this task.
Now we have moved to "the Light" Our experiment was successfully completed and it has become a blind spot to dissolve and disappear in the eye, and now we offer access to the multi-dimensional vision.
The discovery of planetary scale, and noticed scientists of all countries.
CHANGES thymus, the thymus gland, it itself is very sacred. She mentioned, and Helena Blavatsky and Roerich.
Now thymus lives the same mind. Here it is localized, and then sprayed on to all our subtle nerve channels. Solar, lunar meridians, everything here is activated, they, too, have changed.
And immune surveillance Proteus changed, if earlier, the system of immunity was formally, it now tracks each human thought and has now become so important - to be able to think!
Think before thought. Everything is sold there and then and now, and the main thing is clear why ...
The next change of the body - the amygdala. This is also in the vicinity of the hippocampus, mozhevichka.
It switches to conscious perception. Before the transition, it was a "house of terror", they rule the limbic system. A limbic system - a "hit" or "run" like animals.
Now it corresponds to the level of cellular mechanism. Instead of "beat" and "Run" begins to manifest a conscious perception of the moment. Pa-s-Smart. Do not sit back and be afraid to think: what will be there?
Now everything as they become available, I will come and understand. I live here and now.
We do not need to know - how to do this, our new organics it makes itself.
You do not sit in meditation, you do not eat only vegetarian food, you live as they have lived, and organic changes itself. That is, your Higher Self has given permission to change this situation, the permission to change your current consciousness. You do not need to know how it happens?
That is the Divine freebie. Previously, we are responsible for our actions, but now we will learn to respond for your thoughts!
In the brain neurons dissolve old packets. How it manifests itself in everyday life?
Older packages neurons - it's materialized habit, who entered at the level of the autopilot in our blood, flesh, everything that we are doing mechanically (took a match and put the kettle and lit the gas ....)
All what we are accustomed since childhood and that we have not realized, but they materialize, we often do not notice and action - how.
Now comes the pseudo memory loss, it occurs when the person is not subject to any external influence.
For example, sitting on a bench outside the house or in a quiet state, and suddenly time - I do not remember ... This last moment, for 3-5 seconds and you'll get in your current life. But at the same time you turn off some old bags, old knowledge.
For example: an old childhood habits that have you do not need, you're an adult and the situation will not happen again. In energy terms, they were in the structure of the brain, and so the brain is freed from those old habits. (Learn to walk, to sit, to talk.)
Now it is you do not need, and it's a great energy reservoir. Psevdozabyvchivost - it makes room for the new. It is filled with these new and, at the right moment, I'm just beginning to know something new. It comes clairvoyance.
Before the transition, we did not, we had to go through the school, to gain experience, gain knowledge, experience and now he appears as a gift!
Up to a certain point you do not know more than have, but there is a situation, and you start to enjoy the experience ready. Saving time, saving power, a lot more then ...
And you do not see the situation on the one hand, and from several sides, and see not to condemn, but merely as information.
For myself accept that when you come psevdozabyvchivost or something like MS, you take it quietly and know that this is not a disease but a planetary transition.
And this is only the first stage.
Striatum in the brain - a conscious coordination of muscle activity. Previously, you could sit and chat leg, and did not think - talking and talking. And after the transition begins to realize: what it is and I chat leg? I'm not comfortable ...))
Send other connections in the brain, axons changed, other nerve impulses. They are not bad - they're different!
Hydrogen proton is the same. Hydrogen is, in all organic matter, there is an expression: oil - is hydrocarbons. If you pour a little oil in a jar and put on the sunny side of the window, then after a while the oil ceases to be in oil and transformed into a pure water.
Water on new subtle level - a boiling substance, but not boiling. Just a new hydrogen instantly rebuilds the structure of water. Its formula was H2O, and now it varies.
Thoughts calm - water of a formula, active consciousness - the water takes the properties of the other formulas. It can change within seconds and immediately change the entire biochemistry, cell metabolism completely different. Kreps cycle "drove" to the other side, the cycle of Kreps - a power mill, where it is necessary hydrogen is released, which should be absorbed. And if the other hydrogen, then the other goes and biochemistry.
Doctors, by the way know it and pharmacologists have sounded the alarm, because the pharmacological drugs suddenly become poison. Since the proton another, changed the symmetry inside the nucleus of an atom, it just became another.
Quantum transitions HELD: Part 2
It does not mirror the reflected and the other. If another symmetry within the atom nucleus, respectively, is another molecular substance? And it all started in the spring of 2013.
First there were the timid statements - well, who knows what imagined? At first they were isolated cases, and now - an avalanche!
"Every man for himself!" Brings enormous shaft.
Many pharmaceutical companies have sounded the alarm because they are forced to stop his line in the full sense of the word. Do not make their products, and this business is money.
It will change the economy. Formally changed hydrogen and pulled a economic affairs. No one really thought about it, to blame the quantum transition.
Accordingly changed and uranium, it has other isotopes and is divided differently. There are different nuances at the expense of nuclear power plants. No explosions and horror stories, no increase in radiation levels, a uranium began to live less than lived before.
If the collapse of the earlier period was 235 years, now maybe two years to decay. Or it would be more likely to download or Station will switch to another type of fuel.
If you worked before moving intuition, and we were advised to develop it, this is the line between 3 and 4-dimensional Worlds, and now she can give a range of solutions and, go figure it out which of them is right, you can get confused.
Now you need to develop a deep feeling.
This new relationship with the world. You express your intention and the universe begins to build for you the events that lead to the fulfillment of your desires.
The question is: how?
Words ..., thoughts.
The brain begins to change.
The two halves are starting to coalesce. Meander starts on one half and goes, goes to the other and the result of the brain changes, formed another brain.
He gives iridescent glow, it's someone eye sees very clearly shows aurokamera.
But the brain is not just changing light, it becomes divergennym (ie the action is not the beaten road, deduce the deadlock). It was the brain of the typical insider (insider - illumination) .It comes insight in life, right here and now.
This is a series of divine freebies, otherwise these things are hard to explain, because it falls to us just for a handful. It is not out there somewhere ... and right here with you.
Suddenly you begin to see the wrong side of the process, not as much as we used to - to judge, but to understand the motives of participants, which led to this situation.
It is a peaceful state and the knowledge - well, okay, it happens ...
Questions about the politics, economics are not interesting, because the brain gives a whole new perspective of relations with oneself and with nature.
And that attitude is very exciting!
Sometimes you can get sick - fever, chills or fever, the thermometer under his arm, and there is 36, 6, or at least 35, 5.
How so? I am, so to speak, all in snot, grief, no strength ...
The temperature of 36, 6 is not an indicator that you're okay.
Such short-term increase of the energy density in the body, the cell needs to move to another level.
Such jumping from step to step is to knock out your physics are not of the usual condition.
This corresponds organic! This is your body goes to another level.
If at some point the heart stops beating, there is no pulse, shallow breathing - this is a short-term transition to a multi-dimensional brain work, what is called in esoteric Fire Prana. (Indian yoga, a lot of evidence when they buried or immersed in a water well in a few days, and then to get them, and they begin to live again).
Our body of rigid, durable structure, due to reduced hydrogen, became a kind of "thinning" switch on the light level.
This is called - BIOKRISTALLICHESKAYA basis.
However, the crystal is not hard, and the water - an amorphous, which may take any structure. We were with you water creatures and while they remained.
There are two revolutionary discoveries of the last century - that the whole matter is condensed light, and she Matter, controlled by the human mind, it is a confirmation of all the esoteric doctrines.