One way to determine the compatibility of people based on the principle of interaction of the five elements. We are naturally more attracted to people whose elements in the cycle of generation located on either side of ours. And, most likely, we will have problems in relationships with those who belong to the elements adjacent to the destruction of our cycle.
FIRE 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957, 1666, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997.
WOOD 1944, 1945, 1954, 19555, 1964, 1965, 1974, 1975, 1984, 1985, 1994, 1995
WATER 1942, 1943, 1952, 1953, 1962, 1963, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993
METAL 1940, 1941, 1950, 1951, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991.
EARTH 1948, 1949, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1988, 1989
Find your year of birth and year of birth of a loved one. Determine the elements to which you belong with him. Below is a description of the possible types of relationships with various combinations of elements.
People are full of the fire of enthusiasm and optimism. The combination of two fires can be extremely powerful combination. People fire can bring to life the best in the other representatives of this element that makes this union long as none of its parts does not tire from another.
Fire - Earth
This harmonious combination of hand stimulate and excite each other. Fire magnificent imagination combined with the sensuality of the Earth defines the relationship, successful at all levels.
Fire has the ability to melt metal, and it is difficult to couple's relationship. The representative of the metal will try to impose their will on the partner, with disastrous consequences. Fire will gradually destroy Metal. Both are prone to fight and will try to defeat each other. Fortunately, they do not lack a sense of humor, with which you can solve the most difficult situations. They should be in the house any subject related to the earth element, to somewhat reduce the negative effect of this combination.
Fire - Water
This combination is considered to be disadvantaged as water extinguishes fire. However, water can make a creative moment in the energy and enterprise of Fire, and representatives of the fire can inspire representatives of water. Although both sides have excellent communication skills, it will be difficult to convey to each other their deepest feelings. This pair should be kept in the house of a symbol of the element tree to neutralize the negative aspects of such a combination.
This harmonious combination of elements. Man of wood attached to the stability of impulsiveness of Fire. Energy and enthusiasm can coerce Fire Wood for greater achievements than those which he has made to himself. Both are optimists, they like the new ideas and concepts.
This is a very good combination, as both sides will take care of the highest standards and the needs of each other. Externally, such a relationship may seem boring, but in fact they are deep, strong and passionate. Problems can arise because of the mutual stubbornness. However, if both sides show love and goodwill, the output of these time constraints must exist.
Earth - Metal
This is an excellent combination because the parties in this alliance will support and respect each other, to feel admiration for each other. Metal Man by nature is patient, it is necessary in a relationship with the Earth, which requires time to make a decision. In this pair Metal Earth will open wider, more breathtaking vistas. Earth will cherish financial ambitions of metal, which will provide reliable financial position of the pair.
Earth - Water
This is a complex union, because the parties can emotionally hurt each other. Earth provides stability, which is not enough water, but the stubbornness of the Earth will cause constant irritation over water sensitivity. This union can be extremely effective in a business relationship, as Waters creativity combined with common sense and practical approach Earth inevitably brings success. This pair should be kept in the house objects, symbolizing metal to neutralize possible conflicts.
Earth - Tree
Wood dries the earth, and it makes such a combination of unfavorable. Earth is stable, conservative and cautious while progressively Tree, sociable and expansive. Once they decide to help each other, instead of arguing and spar, this combination can be successful, provided that both are willing to openly express their feelings. This pair should be kept in the house of an object element of fire to neutralize the negative aspects of the combination.
Metal - Metal
This alliance is successful because the parties understand each other intuitively. They are common to all pairs of ups and downs, but they are always ready to help each other for the common good. From their relationship may not seem too tight. This svyazanos the fact that people usually prefer metal go their own way and do things his own way. However, they get along well with each other and tied a strong, long-term relationships.
Metal - Water
This alliance is very successful because the parties firmly support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches the water is not too be influenced by others. Water helps metals are more effectively express their feelings and go with the flow, rather than stubbornly cling to the past.
Metal - Wood
This pair may have difficulty because both tend to rule and will insist that they know better what to do in certain situations. The tree will seek the company, while Metal thrives in solitude. This penchant for solitude will be put out by nature gregarious, Convivial tree. Both of them have a high sense of responsibility. Easy to get along with the trees, and it is likely to adapt to the fact that the metals of the periodic needs alone. Metal will often fall into despair from the desire tree to perfection. If the metal is a bit lost and agree with the ideas of the Tree, their relationship will improve, but the parties will often have to make compromises.
Water - Water
The ratio of water with Water often seem just paradise. Both feel a deep affinity and instinctively guess desires and needs of each other. This alliance strengthens the resolve of both, their relationship is less susceptible to outside influences. Each party draws in another strength and self-confidence.
Water - Tree
This is quite a good combination, as water nourishes wood, helping it to grow and blossom. Water helps the tree, giving it stability and a sense of purpose. Water Tree gives a sense of compassion and helps him express himself. Wood gives strength Water prone to frequent changes in mood. Both are honest, tactful and able to empathize. Between them formed an intuitive bond that develops over time and is growing.
This is a very active and harmonious combination. People usually wood by nature prone to all sorts of activities, like to do all in a row. When the two trees together, this quality is enhanced, and they have, in addition to their own careers and hobbies weight each, will be a lot of common interests. Such a union part may seem exhausting, but both trees in it literally blossom. This patient, trusting, tolerant people, always ready to help each other.
Of course, these descriptions can not give a complete picture of the compatibility of people. This requires full horoscopes of both parties. Chinese astrology - a difficult art, and the fact that we have considered in this section is similar to the definition of compatibility of people belonging to the signs of the zodiac in western astrology.