16 most unusual Applications Fena, which you never knew existed!
Hairdryer is, perhaps, in every family. Most people use this thing only for drying wet hair, although its capabilities do not stop there. What else is capable of hair? Find out now!
1. Wash pencil drawings on the walls
If your house is growing small artist tries to put all fill a wall - you should not scold him. Simply heat the hair dryer and wipe the stain with a rag. From the drawings will be over!
2. Peel sticker
Sometimes it happens that the label does not want to come unstuck. Do not worry - take a hair dryer and a little warm up the sticker, and then he would go easily.
3. Fit new glasses under the parameters
Dropping points? Turn the dryer on full blast, and warm up the bow points. At some point they will become completely soft, and you can easily adjust them.
4. Dry nails
You need to quickly dry your nails? No problem - take a hairdryer and make simple manipulations. your nails dry for a few seconds.
5. Remove wax
If the wax dripped on the table, and you can not remove it, the simple-minded action with a hairdryer to help you in this.
6. Fan the embers
Hairdryer copes with this task. Great barbecue, you are guaranteed.
7. Clean the bathroom mirror
The mirror in the bathroom and misted frequently covered spots, stains. Point the hair dryer on it and warm. Stains disappear by themselves.
8. Peel the patch
Hairdryer very good help unstick a sticky patch. It is worth a little blow warm air and the patch would go smoothly.
In this video you can see how to remove the patch without any pain.
9. Complete culinary masterpiece
If your cake is ready, you covered it with glaze, but it does not lie flat - urgently take a hair dryer. One has only to heat it with hot air, it suddenly straighten. And if you then turn on cold air - the icing is smooth as glass.
10. Support heat compress
If you put a warm compress, then the hair is not easy to give it to cool.
11. Take the burnt cake
If burnt cake, warm hairdryer bottom of the form, and then easily remove the cakes.
12. Dry socks
Socks are dried in a very short time - you do not even have time to read a chapter of your favorite book!
13. To warm the bed before going to sleep
Especially important in winter. Just a few minutes to hold hair on the sheets, and a warm bed ready.
14. Coaching creative abilities
Clock will help you to feel as show business stars. It is enough to be with him in front of the mirror and voila - the world meets the new idol!
15. Draw a picture
To draw such a masterpiece need crayons, easels and a hairdryer. Secure crayons on an easel and heat of a hairdryer. It turns rainbow effect!
16. Poschekoat nerves cat
If your cat strong nerves - before a hairdryer, he is not exactly stand.
1. Wash pencil drawings on the walls
If your house is growing small artist tries to put all fill a wall - you should not scold him. Simply heat the hair dryer and wipe the stain with a rag. From the drawings will be over!

2. Peel sticker
Sometimes it happens that the label does not want to come unstuck. Do not worry - take a hair dryer and a little warm up the sticker, and then he would go easily.

3. Fit new glasses under the parameters
Dropping points? Turn the dryer on full blast, and warm up the bow points. At some point they will become completely soft, and you can easily adjust them.

4. Dry nails
You need to quickly dry your nails? No problem - take a hairdryer and make simple manipulations. your nails dry for a few seconds.

5. Remove wax
If the wax dripped on the table, and you can not remove it, the simple-minded action with a hairdryer to help you in this.

6. Fan the embers
Hairdryer copes with this task. Great barbecue, you are guaranteed.

7. Clean the bathroom mirror
The mirror in the bathroom and misted frequently covered spots, stains. Point the hair dryer on it and warm. Stains disappear by themselves.

8. Peel the patch
Hairdryer very good help unstick a sticky patch. It is worth a little blow warm air and the patch would go smoothly.

In this video you can see how to remove the patch without any pain.
9. Complete culinary masterpiece
If your cake is ready, you covered it with glaze, but it does not lie flat - urgently take a hair dryer. One has only to heat it with hot air, it suddenly straighten. And if you then turn on cold air - the icing is smooth as glass.

10. Support heat compress
If you put a warm compress, then the hair is not easy to give it to cool.

11. Take the burnt cake
If burnt cake, warm hairdryer bottom of the form, and then easily remove the cakes.

12. Dry socks
Socks are dried in a very short time - you do not even have time to read a chapter of your favorite book!

13. To warm the bed before going to sleep
Especially important in winter. Just a few minutes to hold hair on the sheets, and a warm bed ready.

14. Coaching creative abilities
Clock will help you to feel as show business stars. It is enough to be with him in front of the mirror and voila - the world meets the new idol!
15. Draw a picture
To draw such a masterpiece need crayons, easels and a hairdryer. Secure crayons on an easel and heat of a hairdryer. It turns rainbow effect!

16. Poschekoat nerves cat
If your cat strong nerves - before a hairdryer, he is not exactly stand.

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