9 camyh Shocking tragedy During the filming
Ordinary spectator seems that the creation of the film - it is a very interesting and exciting process. But few know that in the resounding success of this or that movies should not only hard work of actors and stuntmen, and human tragedies.
1. The Expendables 2While filming a stunt killed and another was in critical condition after something went wrong in the scene with the exploding rubber boat. It took five hours to bring the surviving understudy in stable condition.
2. Illusion obmanaVo the filming of the episode Henley Reeves escape from the water chamber actress Isla Fisher almost drowned for real. The chain of the handcuffs, which was an actress, got stuck, and she held under water for about three minutes!
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1Dublёr Daniel Radcliffe David Holmes on the set of his neck injury and was paralyzed. 25-year-old took part in the stunt scene heroes flight and crashed into the wall, leaving him partially paralyzed was the upper part of the body.
4. The Hangover 2Kaskadёr Scott McLean received a head injury and other injuries during the filming of an episode in which the two cars collide. During the execution of tricks MacLean leaned out the window when his car crashed into another car. As a result, he filed a lawsuit against the company Warner Bros. and demanded compensation for damage caused to his health.
5. Dark rytsarOperator Conway Wickliffe was killed when a stunt during the filming of his car was not included in the rotation at high speed and crashed into a tree.
6. VoronProizoshedshaya because of a fatal error the accidental death of the son of the famous Bruce Lee Brandon Lee shocked the whole Hollywood. During the filming of the fake gun flew cap and hit the actor in the stomach. Brandon Lee was killed by ongoing hemorrhage.
7. Three iksaDublёr Vin Diesel Garry O'Connor starred in a scene where he had to go down on a paraglider and land on the boat, hurtling at breakneck speed. However, the stunt did not calculate the trajectory, he crashed into a bridge and died of a heavy blow. The creators of the militant left that scene in the movie (except death understudy), to pay tribute to O'Connor's last work.
8. Best strelokLёtchik Art Scholl stunt during the filming of the blockbuster "Top Gun" lost control of the aircraft on which he performed stunts, and fell into the Pacific Ocean. The rescue team has not found any body stunt or aircraft.
9. Twilight zonaVo the filming of the Vietnamese battle helicopter pilot lost control, and he fell to the ground, killing the three actors - Vic Morrow, 7-year-old Mu-Ca Dinh Lee and 6-year-old Renee Shin-Yi. At the same man, and one of the children was beheaded helical blades. The film's director John Landis was prosecuted, but the judge, view the captured images of the tragedy, found him not guilty.
1. The Expendables 2While filming a stunt killed and another was in critical condition after something went wrong in the scene with the exploding rubber boat. It took five hours to bring the surviving understudy in stable condition.

2. Illusion obmanaVo the filming of the episode Henley Reeves escape from the water chamber actress Isla Fisher almost drowned for real. The chain of the handcuffs, which was an actress, got stuck, and she held under water for about three minutes!

3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1Dublёr Daniel Radcliffe David Holmes on the set of his neck injury and was paralyzed. 25-year-old took part in the stunt scene heroes flight and crashed into the wall, leaving him partially paralyzed was the upper part of the body.

4. The Hangover 2Kaskadёr Scott McLean received a head injury and other injuries during the filming of an episode in which the two cars collide. During the execution of tricks MacLean leaned out the window when his car crashed into another car. As a result, he filed a lawsuit against the company Warner Bros. and demanded compensation for damage caused to his health.

5. Dark rytsarOperator Conway Wickliffe was killed when a stunt during the filming of his car was not included in the rotation at high speed and crashed into a tree.

6. VoronProizoshedshaya because of a fatal error the accidental death of the son of the famous Bruce Lee Brandon Lee shocked the whole Hollywood. During the filming of the fake gun flew cap and hit the actor in the stomach. Brandon Lee was killed by ongoing hemorrhage.

7. Three iksaDublёr Vin Diesel Garry O'Connor starred in a scene where he had to go down on a paraglider and land on the boat, hurtling at breakneck speed. However, the stunt did not calculate the trajectory, he crashed into a bridge and died of a heavy blow. The creators of the militant left that scene in the movie (except death understudy), to pay tribute to O'Connor's last work.

8. Best strelokLёtchik Art Scholl stunt during the filming of the blockbuster "Top Gun" lost control of the aircraft on which he performed stunts, and fell into the Pacific Ocean. The rescue team has not found any body stunt or aircraft.

9. Twilight zonaVo the filming of the Vietnamese battle helicopter pilot lost control, and he fell to the ground, killing the three actors - Vic Morrow, 7-year-old Mu-Ca Dinh Lee and 6-year-old Renee Shin-Yi. At the same man, and one of the children was beheaded helical blades. The film's director John Landis was prosecuted, but the judge, view the captured images of the tragedy, found him not guilty.

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