Why is Russia a little creative outdoor advertising
Site considered all the problems of non-standard outdoor advertising, excluding the usual "can not be creative, and the client does not want to" .Vsyaky time a site appears on a selection of non-standard solutions in the world of outdoor advertising in the comments certainly is someone who gets old song "here there may be, and our neeeet ».
The editors decided to understand the reasons for relatively modest share of creative outdoor advertising in Russia in comparison with the common market. We have deliberately omitted the reasons lie on the surface: not the most creative opportunities and the reluctance of the client. How much can already catch the wind in a net. Together with our experts, we were looking for other objective reasons for the audience inundated with billboards and 3 × 6 Citilayts without frills.
The total accumulated three difficulty avoidable causes, in which everything rests.
ByurokratiyaRossiya - a bureaucratic hell. Unimaginable number of instances, the officials in these instances and diversify interpreted the legislation does not add optimism creatives. Even if they come up with something brilliant, or at least to stand out, then to implement this idea it can not happen - it is a separate hemorrhoids, for which neither the agency nor the client has neither the strength nor the time. Desire to communicate with this large object, too, in fact, not very much.
Anna Itina , Director of the Instinct of corporate strategy and business development, told the website of the difficulties encountered by the agency in the course of the campaign Nike Running in a Moscow park:
"We were able to realize our ideas with the 3D images in the parks, though
I had to sacrifice branding and have a number of comments, including by our colleagues, it's vandalism. In addition to 3D-images on the asphalt, we wanted to do and ambient with park benches. But it was impossible. The same fate befell a few years ago, and our attempt to start another IKEA catalog furnish at least one subway car in Moscow items from IKEA, turning it into a cozy modern apartment. Then it was possible to realize only in Novosibirsk, and only in very truncated version.
If the client or agency there is a need in the most precarious form and thus quickly get his message across, we must be Sergei Polonsky and "own" the Federation Tower, so no problems there place beating heart. And so, there is no tower - no heart.
Our officials operate with the legislative acts which, on sensations, taken many years ago and for a long time do not correspond to reality. Although some changes yet emerged, and if earlier approval and production of non-standard outdoor advertising operators had to spend half a year, but now for a group of our colleagues are doing everything for a half or two months ».
The agency Leo Burnett Moscow have told about the problems in coordination:
"We had a great idea to submit a building with columns in Moscow in the form of the grille of the car. But to realize it did not work out. Implement good ideas into special built virtually impossible because of legal restrictions and complicated approval procedures with the authorities. And media agencies are reluctant to take up such projects. While in the West, these solutions are very common, they work well and become a truly urban decorations. For example, solutions for McDonald's, developed by Leo Burnett Chicago: Sundial, Fresh Salad and Egg Ad Contacts.
In general, we still thrives in a creative billboard. But I would like to encourage the government and non-standard projects, since it is useful even for a city that is changing and pleases its people interesting creative objects ».
Director of the outdoor advertising OMD MD | PHD Group Sergei Gumel remembered a story that demonstrates the power of the bureaucracy corrosive:
"In preparation for the implementation of non-standard project for the production of" flying germs "for Domestos, held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we were refused in accordance with government safety standards of the road -" evil "eyes glowed red germs. As a result, we had to hurry to make changes to the extender and microbes do little "kinder».
Price voprosaNi no secret that non-standard outdoor advertising is non-standard money, and therefore, in the first place, it must first be long cheat before offering the customer, and secondly, it just might not be such a sum in the budget of the advertising campaign.
Copywriter RA "Sunrise" Alexander Parkhomenko shared with sites History of how the agency five years ago for the first time faced with the problem of inhumane cost of creative outdoor advertising:
"The agency asked friends who own salons climatic equipment (air conditioners, split systems, air purification systems, etc.). We just wanted to make them something out of the ordinary, of course. As outdoor advertising we dreamed a huge nose volumetric meters 8 tall, hanging on a building in the city center. A built-in "harmony" in advertising, he was, by design, to shock the citizens one of its kind, calling for "Breathe!» ...
The idea and the layout passed on hurray, but when considered estimates of construction, the shock has grasped us. It was a wild amount of money! Only the cost of the assembly and installation has been higher than the price a decent foreign car. We decided that we ran into too greedy contractors, began to look for other options. Somewhere promised a little cheaper, but the time to create a laid too much, somewhere promised cheaper-and-right, but there was no objective faith that right. A fellow customers listened to reports from the manufacturing sites, and gave up after a while. Very expensive. A costly, because no specialized, and still does not specialize in such non-standard, especially on such a scale ...
But there are plenty of successful experiments. Our outdoor advertising for Paparazzi - and firewall Bondarchuk, pulling in his mouth huge spagettiny on a fork, plus their extensions, which are wound on a fork were quite plausible - as living - spaghetti. And Brande and stretching each spagettina done manually from a banner fabric sewn into the sleeve and packed with special filler type syntepon, light and voluminous. How much time, patience and talent managers at all the negotiations, clarify and harmonize been spent - a separate conversation.
Recently, we often offer non-standard in outdoor advertising, but many customers tend to be cautious when choosing "proven track". You can recall the "running man" water "Clean sip" in Saratov city-formats for ANTA, in which the characters were like, leaving traces on the asphalt. And yet we live in the money thrown REHAU windows firewall «.
Technical trudnostiDazhe if the negotiation with the authorities and overcome the budget approved, the agency is facing another challenge: how to translate all this. Advertising design should be well thought-out from the engineering point of view, a stable, secure and accurately embody the idea.
Director of the outdoor advertising OMD MD | PHD Group Sergei Gumel:
"The biggest challenge - the embodiment of ideas. There is a whole bunch of restrictions that must be taken into account in the implementation of non-standard project in outdoor advertising, not to mention the "whims" of customers.
For example:
It is necessary to make a non-standard element in such a way that it does not exceed the maximum permissible load on the surface of the shield.
Given the difference in the structural features of the advertising media must be adapted each to the preparation of non-standard fasteners for concrete construction.
Each advertising structure, connected to the network of public lighting, has restrictions on the maximum power consumption. And bold and innovative ideas can be unrealized because of the restrictions around the world.
In addition, not all vendors have a staff qualification is sufficient for quality installation of non-standard elements ».
One of the biggest, brightest and most complex projects in the outdoor advertising was a bottle filled with broken machines, invented and embodied in the agency ZAVOD Consulting in 2009. Zavod relatively easy to overcome the first two problems, but had to work hard on implementing:
Development of the technical realization of the monument engaged a contractor Zavod Consulting, engineering and construction company. Height bottles of welded steel beams - 12 meters, weight - about 8 tons. She was supposed to meet two main requirements - to be mobile and endure multiple transfers.
We are collecting bottles on the suburban enterprises engaged in the manufacture of cement farms.
"It consisted of three parts, - says the project manager Vadim Melnikov. - The base of the neck and middle. To install it, it required more sand cushion and the base of the plate, which is attached to the bottle itself already. The center of gravity has been designed so that it does not require any additional fasteners or extensions ».
While builders welded construction workers sought by Zavod near Moscow cemeteries vehicles suitable machine. They should not be too rusty, and different - foreign cars, domestic - in order to reflect the real situation on the roads.
"Travelling by car cemeteries unpleasant lesson - recalls Melnikov. - Most of the machines can not be restored, they see blood, triggered airbags. We have traveled a lot of lounging, and seized 13 vehicles and one motorcycle that very well fit in the neck of the bottle ».
When the car was brought to the workshop, it became clear that in a bottle, they simply do not fit. "We had to cut them, and pressed against the walls, - says Melnikov. - In one of the trucks was gasoline, and the whole shop nearly blown up. As a result, the bottle fit vehicles 7-8, only three of which were integral ».
Giant construction carried it to Moscow by parts two tractors rangefinder and Kamaz. "In order to carry it had to calculate the carrying capacity of bridges, tunnels height - drove it as the Kremlin Christmas tree, with accompanying traffic police - continued the manager. - Carried on the government's highway - Kutuzovsky Prospekt, protected FSO. Therefore, it was necessary to carry the night ».
Harmonization of transport and installation, thanks to the assistance of traffic police and the government of Moscow, took place without problems. The problems were more of a technical nature. On the night of the installation revealed that the electrical capacity of ITC lacks welding. It was necessary to urgently seek a generator.
Collect bottles with the help of a construction crane. Miraculously, all the details matched in size with each other, and the assembly was held without any particular problems. After installation, who took three hours, even a few hours to give light weight design of the wires - so that it is highlighted and visible in the dark, and fixed on it a metal "label" with the word "drunk - do not start. Break it! »
When dawn broke, it became evident that a silver bottle of white braided wires. But all members of the installation process has been exhausted to the limit - transport and assembly took all night. The color of the wires was postponed for a few hours.
In the evening a bottle of shine, lit lamps. Passing drivers braked, considering it. Passers photographed symbolic monument of drunk driving. The evening of 15 November, the International Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the monument was inaugurated.
Technical details of the project have requested colleagues from Portugal and Israel, which have also been installed similar monuments to victims of drunk driving.
Now our bottle warns of the dangers of drinking and driving motorists, drives off the Minsk Highway Odintsovo «.
And does it make sense to deal with difficulties? The question, in fact, is rhetorical. Special solutions in outdoor advertising attracts more attention, decorate the city and even changed the audience's attitude to advertising from rejection to interest. And besides, it gives the agency the benefits in the form of awards and satisfied customers.
If you go through the chain of command harmonization is not possible, why not invent something that necessarily harmonize. For example, orange duck "motive", launched in the city pond "Sunrise" last fall, did not require any bureaucracy. And who would have thought to resent - it is good and beautiful ambient. Nothing spoiled, nothing is altered, the mood of the citizens has improved.
The effectiveness of non-standard outdoor advertising is confirmed by studies and specialist media market.
Natalya Agre , General Director ZAVOD Consulting
Sergey Gumel of OMD MD | PHD Group is convinced that "despite the complexity of the preparation, negotiation and implementation of non-standard projects ooh, studies" Espar analyst "confirmed higher performance indicators such placements compared to standard campaigns. Successful projects are remembered for a long time, and they have an extremely positive impact on the audience. When it comes to accommodation, labor invested in the development, testing and placement of non-standard, justified ».
Xenia Lukicheva
via # image2949555
The editors decided to understand the reasons for relatively modest share of creative outdoor advertising in Russia in comparison with the common market. We have deliberately omitted the reasons lie on the surface: not the most creative opportunities and the reluctance of the client. How much can already catch the wind in a net. Together with our experts, we were looking for other objective reasons for the audience inundated with billboards and 3 × 6 Citilayts without frills.
The total accumulated three difficulty avoidable causes, in which everything rests.
ByurokratiyaRossiya - a bureaucratic hell. Unimaginable number of instances, the officials in these instances and diversify interpreted the legislation does not add optimism creatives. Even if they come up with something brilliant, or at least to stand out, then to implement this idea it can not happen - it is a separate hemorrhoids, for which neither the agency nor the client has neither the strength nor the time. Desire to communicate with this large object, too, in fact, not very much.
Anna Itina , Director of the Instinct of corporate strategy and business development, told the website of the difficulties encountered by the agency in the course of the campaign Nike Running in a Moscow park:
"We were able to realize our ideas with the 3D images in the parks, though
I had to sacrifice branding and have a number of comments, including by our colleagues, it's vandalism. In addition to 3D-images on the asphalt, we wanted to do and ambient with park benches. But it was impossible. The same fate befell a few years ago, and our attempt to start another IKEA catalog furnish at least one subway car in Moscow items from IKEA, turning it into a cozy modern apartment. Then it was possible to realize only in Novosibirsk, and only in very truncated version.
If the client or agency there is a need in the most precarious form and thus quickly get his message across, we must be Sergei Polonsky and "own" the Federation Tower, so no problems there place beating heart. And so, there is no tower - no heart.
Our officials operate with the legislative acts which, on sensations, taken many years ago and for a long time do not correspond to reality. Although some changes yet emerged, and if earlier approval and production of non-standard outdoor advertising operators had to spend half a year, but now for a group of our colleagues are doing everything for a half or two months ».

The agency Leo Burnett Moscow have told about the problems in coordination:
"We had a great idea to submit a building with columns in Moscow in the form of the grille of the car. But to realize it did not work out. Implement good ideas into special built virtually impossible because of legal restrictions and complicated approval procedures with the authorities. And media agencies are reluctant to take up such projects. While in the West, these solutions are very common, they work well and become a truly urban decorations. For example, solutions for McDonald's, developed by Leo Burnett Chicago: Sundial, Fresh Salad and Egg Ad Contacts.
In general, we still thrives in a creative billboard. But I would like to encourage the government and non-standard projects, since it is useful even for a city that is changing and pleases its people interesting creative objects ».
Director of the outdoor advertising OMD MD | PHD Group Sergei Gumel remembered a story that demonstrates the power of the bureaucracy corrosive:
"In preparation for the implementation of non-standard project for the production of" flying germs "for Domestos, held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we were refused in accordance with government safety standards of the road -" evil "eyes glowed red germs. As a result, we had to hurry to make changes to the extender and microbes do little "kinder».

Price voprosaNi no secret that non-standard outdoor advertising is non-standard money, and therefore, in the first place, it must first be long cheat before offering the customer, and secondly, it just might not be such a sum in the budget of the advertising campaign.
Copywriter RA "Sunrise" Alexander Parkhomenko shared with sites History of how the agency five years ago for the first time faced with the problem of inhumane cost of creative outdoor advertising:
"The agency asked friends who own salons climatic equipment (air conditioners, split systems, air purification systems, etc.). We just wanted to make them something out of the ordinary, of course. As outdoor advertising we dreamed a huge nose volumetric meters 8 tall, hanging on a building in the city center. A built-in "harmony" in advertising, he was, by design, to shock the citizens one of its kind, calling for "Breathe!» ...
The idea and the layout passed on hurray, but when considered estimates of construction, the shock has grasped us. It was a wild amount of money! Only the cost of the assembly and installation has been higher than the price a decent foreign car. We decided that we ran into too greedy contractors, began to look for other options. Somewhere promised a little cheaper, but the time to create a laid too much, somewhere promised cheaper-and-right, but there was no objective faith that right. A fellow customers listened to reports from the manufacturing sites, and gave up after a while. Very expensive. A costly, because no specialized, and still does not specialize in such non-standard, especially on such a scale ...
But there are plenty of successful experiments. Our outdoor advertising for Paparazzi - and firewall Bondarchuk, pulling in his mouth huge spagettiny on a fork, plus their extensions, which are wound on a fork were quite plausible - as living - spaghetti. And Brande and stretching each spagettina done manually from a banner fabric sewn into the sleeve and packed with special filler type syntepon, light and voluminous. How much time, patience and talent managers at all the negotiations, clarify and harmonize been spent - a separate conversation.
Recently, we often offer non-standard in outdoor advertising, but many customers tend to be cautious when choosing "proven track". You can recall the "running man" water "Clean sip" in Saratov city-formats for ANTA, in which the characters were like, leaving traces on the asphalt. And yet we live in the money thrown REHAU windows firewall «.

Technical trudnostiDazhe if the negotiation with the authorities and overcome the budget approved, the agency is facing another challenge: how to translate all this. Advertising design should be well thought-out from the engineering point of view, a stable, secure and accurately embody the idea.
Director of the outdoor advertising OMD MD | PHD Group Sergei Gumel:
"The biggest challenge - the embodiment of ideas. There is a whole bunch of restrictions that must be taken into account in the implementation of non-standard project in outdoor advertising, not to mention the "whims" of customers.
For example:
It is necessary to make a non-standard element in such a way that it does not exceed the maximum permissible load on the surface of the shield.
Given the difference in the structural features of the advertising media must be adapted each to the preparation of non-standard fasteners for concrete construction.
Each advertising structure, connected to the network of public lighting, has restrictions on the maximum power consumption. And bold and innovative ideas can be unrealized because of the restrictions around the world.
In addition, not all vendors have a staff qualification is sufficient for quality installation of non-standard elements ».
One of the biggest, brightest and most complex projects in the outdoor advertising was a bottle filled with broken machines, invented and embodied in the agency ZAVOD Consulting in 2009. Zavod relatively easy to overcome the first two problems, but had to work hard on implementing:
Development of the technical realization of the monument engaged a contractor Zavod Consulting, engineering and construction company. Height bottles of welded steel beams - 12 meters, weight - about 8 tons. She was supposed to meet two main requirements - to be mobile and endure multiple transfers.
We are collecting bottles on the suburban enterprises engaged in the manufacture of cement farms.
"It consisted of three parts, - says the project manager Vadim Melnikov. - The base of the neck and middle. To install it, it required more sand cushion and the base of the plate, which is attached to the bottle itself already. The center of gravity has been designed so that it does not require any additional fasteners or extensions ».
While builders welded construction workers sought by Zavod near Moscow cemeteries vehicles suitable machine. They should not be too rusty, and different - foreign cars, domestic - in order to reflect the real situation on the roads.
"Travelling by car cemeteries unpleasant lesson - recalls Melnikov. - Most of the machines can not be restored, they see blood, triggered airbags. We have traveled a lot of lounging, and seized 13 vehicles and one motorcycle that very well fit in the neck of the bottle ».
When the car was brought to the workshop, it became clear that in a bottle, they simply do not fit. "We had to cut them, and pressed against the walls, - says Melnikov. - In one of the trucks was gasoline, and the whole shop nearly blown up. As a result, the bottle fit vehicles 7-8, only three of which were integral ».
Giant construction carried it to Moscow by parts two tractors rangefinder and Kamaz. "In order to carry it had to calculate the carrying capacity of bridges, tunnels height - drove it as the Kremlin Christmas tree, with accompanying traffic police - continued the manager. - Carried on the government's highway - Kutuzovsky Prospekt, protected FSO. Therefore, it was necessary to carry the night ».
Harmonization of transport and installation, thanks to the assistance of traffic police and the government of Moscow, took place without problems. The problems were more of a technical nature. On the night of the installation revealed that the electrical capacity of ITC lacks welding. It was necessary to urgently seek a generator.
Collect bottles with the help of a construction crane. Miraculously, all the details matched in size with each other, and the assembly was held without any particular problems. After installation, who took three hours, even a few hours to give light weight design of the wires - so that it is highlighted and visible in the dark, and fixed on it a metal "label" with the word "drunk - do not start. Break it! »
When dawn broke, it became evident that a silver bottle of white braided wires. But all members of the installation process has been exhausted to the limit - transport and assembly took all night. The color of the wires was postponed for a few hours.
In the evening a bottle of shine, lit lamps. Passing drivers braked, considering it. Passers photographed symbolic monument of drunk driving. The evening of 15 November, the International Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the monument was inaugurated.
Technical details of the project have requested colleagues from Portugal and Israel, which have also been installed similar monuments to victims of drunk driving.
Now our bottle warns of the dangers of drinking and driving motorists, drives off the Minsk Highway Odintsovo «.
And does it make sense to deal with difficulties? The question, in fact, is rhetorical. Special solutions in outdoor advertising attracts more attention, decorate the city and even changed the audience's attitude to advertising from rejection to interest. And besides, it gives the agency the benefits in the form of awards and satisfied customers.
If you go through the chain of command harmonization is not possible, why not invent something that necessarily harmonize. For example, orange duck "motive", launched in the city pond "Sunrise" last fall, did not require any bureaucracy. And who would have thought to resent - it is good and beautiful ambient. Nothing spoiled, nothing is altered, the mood of the citizens has improved.

The effectiveness of non-standard outdoor advertising is confirmed by studies and specialist media market.
Natalya Agre , General Director ZAVOD Consulting
Sergey Gumel of OMD MD | PHD Group is convinced that "despite the complexity of the preparation, negotiation and implementation of non-standard projects ooh, studies" Espar analyst "confirmed higher performance indicators such placements compared to standard campaigns. Successful projects are remembered for a long time, and they have an extremely positive impact on the audience. When it comes to accommodation, labor invested in the development, testing and placement of non-standard, justified ».
Xenia Lukicheva
via # image2949555