What is harmful
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
health habits errors
If you're lying, unshaven many days on the couch,
Cigarette smoke, drink black coffee without milk,
Get the pleasure of such a lifestyle.
And anyone who dares to stop you lie,
Explain that you spend time with your exclusive use.
So it is proven by science, and that's this article here.
Text: Maria Mikulin
Illustrations: Vlad Foresters
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
Cleaning the house provokes asthma
The results of research showing the damage cleaning, have been published in the American journal "Family Psychology" in 2011. Scientists from the University of California Darby Saxby, Rena Repetti and Anthony Gracey, have thoroughly studied the behavior of 30 couples occupying the same social status. Meticulous researchers suggests a visit to a pair and recorded every 10 minutes a class partners, simultaneously measuring the levels of hormones in them. It turned out, the one who does housework, raises cortisol - a stress hormone.
Moreover, cleaners, often accompanied by cleaning, stimulate the development of asthma. That is the conclusion reached by the authors of an article published in the journal "Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology" * - Researchers University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Bernstein, researchers found that homework using cleaning agents increases the risk of asthma. Dr. Bernstein and his colleagues for 12 weeks were observed in 25 healthy women and 19 women with asthma. In addition, they admired enough housewives in different interesting angles, so also found that during the cleaning of all the participants, without exception, the experiment revealed problems with the upper respiratory tract, manifested in sneezing and nasal irritation. And in patients with asthma have any symptoms of lower respiratory tract, such as coughing and shortness of breath. As you can see, only a suicide could expose yourself to unnecessary risk of homework.
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
* - Note Phacochoerus'a Funtik:
"Ah, youth! I remember it was the first magazine to which I came to get a job. Green is still full of hopes and aspirations fledgling warthog ... And be sure to have settled down, do not be a bitch at the reception with allergies to wool »
Fatty foods slows the growth of cancer
According to research conducted in 2007 at the University Hospital of the German city of Wuerzburg and published in the magazine "Time", the food is high in fat can defeat cancer. Initially, the assumption was based on the theory of the Nazi doctor, Otto Warburg, who claimed that cancer has a biochemical origin. Researchers from Würzburg, led by Dr. Melania biologist Ulrike Schmidt and Kemmerer excluded from the diet of a few cancer patients carbohydrates like fruits, cereals and vegetables and include the bacon, beef, sausage and fatty fish.
"Recently, I was contacted by a patient who, while still a boy, was treated under my supervision. He still adheres to a diet of fat and feel great. I think the results would have been even better if we have not received as many patients with terminal cancer, when it is no diet will not help ", - complains Kemmerer. Although the study at the University Hospital are still going on, we can already say that consuming smoked pork ribs have peacefully devouring their citizen can only be one who wants him dead from cancer.
Lying on the couch stabilizes the nervous system
In 2001, 14 test volunteers took part in the "supine" experiment Space Clinic, located not far from the French city of Toulouse. The goal - to determine how the human body reacts to long-term state of weightlessness. "To participate in this experiment, we selected only men 25 to 45 years old, healthy physically and mentally," - said Dr. Jacques Bernard, one of ten scientists, oversaw the experiment. All the volunteers were lying on the bed in an inclined position, their legs were raised at an angle of 6 degrees. Departure of the toilet and hygiene procedures performed exceptionally well as participants in the supine position. In addition, their services were a computer, a TV and board games.
After the experiment, the participants underwent a series of psychological tests showing that their morale is not only shaken, but even strengthened. Subjects become calm and focused (not to mention the fact that each of the participants in the experiment was owed him 10 000 dollars). So lying lifestyle is ideal for those who are watching their mental health.
Smoking interferes with the development of Parkinson's disease
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
For 9 years, Dr. Evan Thacker from Harvard School of Public Health and colleagues studied the medical records of smokers - 79,977 women and 63,348 men. So, from all this crowd Parkinson's disease developed in only 413 people. Cases among the same number of non-smoking men and women at 73% higher. In 2007, researchers published the results of research. Chewing tobacco, they stated that they have not figured out what cigarettes hinders the development of the disease, but most likely it is tobacco. Thus, anyone who interferes with a person with a cigarette to walk to the window, standing in the way of prevention is very unpleasant disease.
Prolonged sleep contributes to weight loss
In 2006, researchers at the Medical School of New York University established the link between healthy sleep and weight loss. Give the floor to the head of the program "Healthy Sleep" New York Medical School, MD David Rappaport: "Once we can only assume that the lack or, conversely, too much sleep can affect our body. Today, we have proven this theory by observing 12 men for a few months ».
The theory is this: the lack of sleep satiety hormone leptin level falls and the person does not feel well fed, even if the cow ate abundant. But the levels of the hormone ghrelin, appetite, on the contrary, increased, and the person feels that he is ready to eat another abundant cow. Those who sleeps a lot, so there is no problem: in a dream leptin increases and decreases ghrelin. Porthos - not a hormone, and the musketeer - it said, when he advised his servant to replace food sleep.
Wash deprives the skin of its natural protection
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
One of the most common myths of the XX century is in use daily washing. Like, every day standing under a stream of steaming water companies weighty piece of soap, you can not just buy a nice pink color, but also to get rid of germs and protect yourself from many diseases. Certainly not. All the contrary: Fresh research dermatologists have proven that too frequent washing is working against us.
For example, what conclusions in 2011 came to a dermatologist Dr Nick Lowe, many years watching his neat patient in a London hospital Cranly "Hot water and disinfectant soap, especially if you use it every day, can strip the skin of its natural protection and cause desiccation, cracking and even infections. " Dr. Lowe recommends to wash as little as possible, with room temperature water and shower gel that does not contain soap.
And Professor Norman Pace of the University of Colorado in Boulder, and not lazy in 2009 carefully examined 50 watering cans shower in nine different US cities. It turned out that 30% of the Lake, especially plastics, accumulate aerobic bacteria. When the water is supplied in a watering can, it pushes the bacteria out. Those frolic in the air and are deposited in the lungs of people with weakened immune systems, providing them with a cough, shortness of breath and weakness.
Caffeine reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
Researchers in Portugal have found that coffee is effective against Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have formed two groups of 54 people: one were healthy people, the other - suffering from this disease. After a grueling interview is interrupted only for a coffee, it turned out that every member of the "Group of Alzheimer's" 25-year-olds consumed no more cups of coffee a day. And in the "healthy" group, the average amount of coffee per day was 4-5 cups.
The beds are laid by mites multiply bedding
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
Man, not made up the bed in the morning, not lazy, and circumspect. Indeed, according to British scientists from Kingston University (and we have no reason not to believe them, except for paranoia), is put bedspread - and under the bed mites begin to multiply. Suddenly withdraw the veil, shouting "Yeah! Gotcha! "- Useless, because the largest of them do not reach even half a millimeter. And one can become an ordinary bed refuge for 1, 5 million bed mites. The microparticles of the skin and moist atmosphere - everything you need bed rest pliers happiness. "Fight mites easy to try - with passion says one of the leaders of the study, Dr. Steven Pritlov. - Enough is not about making the bed in the morning, giving, thus, sheets, pillows and blankets to dry. Ticks die of dehydration. " Dr. Pritlov knows whereof he speaks: he analyzed the population of mites in bedding 36 British homes. A professor at the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Andrew Wardlaw generally believed that the "bed mites are a major cause of asthma, and the need to deal with them».
Swearing helps to endure pain
Swearing is an excellent analgesic. In December 2011, British researcher from the University of Kiel, Richard Stevens published in the scientific journal "American Journal of Pain" (as they say that the print media is curled) the results of their experiment abusive. The victims were students study the same University of Kiel in the amount of 71 people. Stevens requested each arm is first immersed in water at room temperature for three minutes, then move the same hand in a bowl of water is not higher than 5 ° C. It seems that the 5 C ° - it's not too low temperature, but prolonged exposure to such water can cause severe pain.
Those students who dipped his hands in the strongest terms the world showed their discontent device and Stevens in particular, are not longer taken out of the hands of the cup, than those who correctly silent. "Swearing inform the brain about what his master is currently uncomfortable, and then turn on the mechanism of anesthesia, known as" stress-related analgesia, "- said Stevens.
Alcohol improves hearing
This thesis is supported by research conducted by Australian scientists Philip Neville and Marianne Golding at the University of McGwire. From 1997 to 1999, Philippe and Marianne watched 2,000 people not younger than 55 years - the inhabitants of the Australian town of Blue Mountains. And found that those inhabitants who consume four servings of alcohol (beer, wine or cocktails) per day are less likely to become deaf than their non-drinking peers. This beneficial effect is achieved, apparently, due to the stimulation of alcohol circulation and a rush of blood to the hair cells of the organ of Corti.
Computer games thicken cortex
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
To think that computer games are harmful to health - so anachronistic thinking. For example, in 2009, researchers at the American University of Rochester decided that the game-shooter stimulate vision and even treat amblyopia. Typically, holders of the disease are treated to a healthy wearing blindfold. So, one hour intense game replaces the 400 hours of wearing medical dressings.
About the medicinal properties of Tetris you must have guessed. Complex brain research scientists from the American experience in Albuquerque held on 26 adolescent girls. The girls were ordered to play Tetris for half an hour every day for three months. After the experiment, the researchers found that the cerebral cortex in girls, play Tetris, thicker than that of their contemporaries, to spend this half-hour meeting with the boys, and other nonsense.
Frequent masturbation is the prevention of prostate cancer
Those who spends a lot of time alone ... with you can elegantly get around a number of health problems. For example, nasal allergies. This hypothesis put forward Sina Zarrintan neurologist at the Medical University of Tabriz in Iran. "When ejaculation sympathetic nervous system constricts blood vessels throughout the body. This is exactly what you need to have allergies, which widened blood vessels in the nose, which is why it is difficult to breathe, "- with knowledge of the matter said Dr. Zarrintan.
As to the use of frequent masturbation in the prevention of prostate cancer, it proved as far back as 2003 in the Melbourne Cancer Association of Queen Victoria Professor Chris Hill and his team. "We found that of the 2250 men's disease are less prone to those aged 20 to 50 years on a regular basis ..." - then a professor flushed and coughing.
Source: www.maximonline.ru
health habits errors
If you're lying, unshaven many days on the couch,
Cigarette smoke, drink black coffee without milk,
Get the pleasure of such a lifestyle.
And anyone who dares to stop you lie,
Explain that you spend time with your exclusive use.
So it is proven by science, and that's this article here.
Text: Maria Mikulin
Illustrations: Vlad Foresters
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
Cleaning the house provokes asthma
The results of research showing the damage cleaning, have been published in the American journal "Family Psychology" in 2011. Scientists from the University of California Darby Saxby, Rena Repetti and Anthony Gracey, have thoroughly studied the behavior of 30 couples occupying the same social status. Meticulous researchers suggests a visit to a pair and recorded every 10 minutes a class partners, simultaneously measuring the levels of hormones in them. It turned out, the one who does housework, raises cortisol - a stress hormone.
Moreover, cleaners, often accompanied by cleaning, stimulate the development of asthma. That is the conclusion reached by the authors of an article published in the journal "Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology" * - Researchers University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Bernstein, researchers found that homework using cleaning agents increases the risk of asthma. Dr. Bernstein and his colleagues for 12 weeks were observed in 25 healthy women and 19 women with asthma. In addition, they admired enough housewives in different interesting angles, so also found that during the cleaning of all the participants, without exception, the experiment revealed problems with the upper respiratory tract, manifested in sneezing and nasal irritation. And in patients with asthma have any symptoms of lower respiratory tract, such as coughing and shortness of breath. As you can see, only a suicide could expose yourself to unnecessary risk of homework.
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
* - Note Phacochoerus'a Funtik:
"Ah, youth! I remember it was the first magazine to which I came to get a job. Green is still full of hopes and aspirations fledgling warthog ... And be sure to have settled down, do not be a bitch at the reception with allergies to wool »
Fatty foods slows the growth of cancer
According to research conducted in 2007 at the University Hospital of the German city of Wuerzburg and published in the magazine "Time", the food is high in fat can defeat cancer. Initially, the assumption was based on the theory of the Nazi doctor, Otto Warburg, who claimed that cancer has a biochemical origin. Researchers from Würzburg, led by Dr. Melania biologist Ulrike Schmidt and Kemmerer excluded from the diet of a few cancer patients carbohydrates like fruits, cereals and vegetables and include the bacon, beef, sausage and fatty fish.
"Recently, I was contacted by a patient who, while still a boy, was treated under my supervision. He still adheres to a diet of fat and feel great. I think the results would have been even better if we have not received as many patients with terminal cancer, when it is no diet will not help ", - complains Kemmerer. Although the study at the University Hospital are still going on, we can already say that consuming smoked pork ribs have peacefully devouring their citizen can only be one who wants him dead from cancer.
Lying on the couch stabilizes the nervous system
In 2001, 14 test volunteers took part in the "supine" experiment Space Clinic, located not far from the French city of Toulouse. The goal - to determine how the human body reacts to long-term state of weightlessness. "To participate in this experiment, we selected only men 25 to 45 years old, healthy physically and mentally," - said Dr. Jacques Bernard, one of ten scientists, oversaw the experiment. All the volunteers were lying on the bed in an inclined position, their legs were raised at an angle of 6 degrees. Departure of the toilet and hygiene procedures performed exceptionally well as participants in the supine position. In addition, their services were a computer, a TV and board games.
After the experiment, the participants underwent a series of psychological tests showing that their morale is not only shaken, but even strengthened. Subjects become calm and focused (not to mention the fact that each of the participants in the experiment was owed him 10 000 dollars). So lying lifestyle is ideal for those who are watching their mental health.
Smoking interferes with the development of Parkinson's disease
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
For 9 years, Dr. Evan Thacker from Harvard School of Public Health and colleagues studied the medical records of smokers - 79,977 women and 63,348 men. So, from all this crowd Parkinson's disease developed in only 413 people. Cases among the same number of non-smoking men and women at 73% higher. In 2007, researchers published the results of research. Chewing tobacco, they stated that they have not figured out what cigarettes hinders the development of the disease, but most likely it is tobacco. Thus, anyone who interferes with a person with a cigarette to walk to the window, standing in the way of prevention is very unpleasant disease.
Prolonged sleep contributes to weight loss
In 2006, researchers at the Medical School of New York University established the link between healthy sleep and weight loss. Give the floor to the head of the program "Healthy Sleep" New York Medical School, MD David Rappaport: "Once we can only assume that the lack or, conversely, too much sleep can affect our body. Today, we have proven this theory by observing 12 men for a few months ».
The theory is this: the lack of sleep satiety hormone leptin level falls and the person does not feel well fed, even if the cow ate abundant. But the levels of the hormone ghrelin, appetite, on the contrary, increased, and the person feels that he is ready to eat another abundant cow. Those who sleeps a lot, so there is no problem: in a dream leptin increases and decreases ghrelin. Porthos - not a hormone, and the musketeer - it said, when he advised his servant to replace food sleep.
Wash deprives the skin of its natural protection
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
One of the most common myths of the XX century is in use daily washing. Like, every day standing under a stream of steaming water companies weighty piece of soap, you can not just buy a nice pink color, but also to get rid of germs and protect yourself from many diseases. Certainly not. All the contrary: Fresh research dermatologists have proven that too frequent washing is working against us.
For example, what conclusions in 2011 came to a dermatologist Dr Nick Lowe, many years watching his neat patient in a London hospital Cranly "Hot water and disinfectant soap, especially if you use it every day, can strip the skin of its natural protection and cause desiccation, cracking and even infections. " Dr. Lowe recommends to wash as little as possible, with room temperature water and shower gel that does not contain soap.
And Professor Norman Pace of the University of Colorado in Boulder, and not lazy in 2009 carefully examined 50 watering cans shower in nine different US cities. It turned out that 30% of the Lake, especially plastics, accumulate aerobic bacteria. When the water is supplied in a watering can, it pushes the bacteria out. Those frolic in the air and are deposited in the lungs of people with weakened immune systems, providing them with a cough, shortness of breath and weakness.
Caffeine reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
Researchers in Portugal have found that coffee is effective against Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have formed two groups of 54 people: one were healthy people, the other - suffering from this disease. After a grueling interview is interrupted only for a coffee, it turned out that every member of the "Group of Alzheimer's" 25-year-olds consumed no more cups of coffee a day. And in the "healthy" group, the average amount of coffee per day was 4-5 cups.
The beds are laid by mites multiply bedding
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
Man, not made up the bed in the morning, not lazy, and circumspect. Indeed, according to British scientists from Kingston University (and we have no reason not to believe them, except for paranoia), is put bedspread - and under the bed mites begin to multiply. Suddenly withdraw the veil, shouting "Yeah! Gotcha! "- Useless, because the largest of them do not reach even half a millimeter. And one can become an ordinary bed refuge for 1, 5 million bed mites. The microparticles of the skin and moist atmosphere - everything you need bed rest pliers happiness. "Fight mites easy to try - with passion says one of the leaders of the study, Dr. Steven Pritlov. - Enough is not about making the bed in the morning, giving, thus, sheets, pillows and blankets to dry. Ticks die of dehydration. " Dr. Pritlov knows whereof he speaks: he analyzed the population of mites in bedding 36 British homes. A professor at the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Andrew Wardlaw generally believed that the "bed mites are a major cause of asthma, and the need to deal with them».
Swearing helps to endure pain
Swearing is an excellent analgesic. In December 2011, British researcher from the University of Kiel, Richard Stevens published in the scientific journal "American Journal of Pain" (as they say that the print media is curled) the results of their experiment abusive. The victims were students study the same University of Kiel in the amount of 71 people. Stevens requested each arm is first immersed in water at room temperature for three minutes, then move the same hand in a bowl of water is not higher than 5 ° C. It seems that the 5 C ° - it's not too low temperature, but prolonged exposure to such water can cause severe pain.
Those students who dipped his hands in the strongest terms the world showed their discontent device and Stevens in particular, are not longer taken out of the hands of the cup, than those who correctly silent. "Swearing inform the brain about what his master is currently uncomfortable, and then turn on the mechanism of anesthesia, known as" stress-related analgesia, "- said Stevens.
Alcohol improves hearing
This thesis is supported by research conducted by Australian scientists Philip Neville and Marianne Golding at the University of McGwire. From 1997 to 1999, Philippe and Marianne watched 2,000 people not younger than 55 years - the inhabitants of the Australian town of Blue Mountains. And found that those inhabitants who consume four servings of alcohol (beer, wine or cocktails) per day are less likely to become deaf than their non-drinking peers. This beneficial effect is achieved, apparently, due to the stimulation of alcohol circulation and a rush of blood to the hair cells of the organ of Corti.
Computer games thicken cortex
Scientists have proven that lie on the couch, swearing is fat - it is useful, and to clean and wash often - harmful
To think that computer games are harmful to health - so anachronistic thinking. For example, in 2009, researchers at the American University of Rochester decided that the game-shooter stimulate vision and even treat amblyopia. Typically, holders of the disease are treated to a healthy wearing blindfold. So, one hour intense game replaces the 400 hours of wearing medical dressings.
About the medicinal properties of Tetris you must have guessed. Complex brain research scientists from the American experience in Albuquerque held on 26 adolescent girls. The girls were ordered to play Tetris for half an hour every day for three months. After the experiment, the researchers found that the cerebral cortex in girls, play Tetris, thicker than that of their contemporaries, to spend this half-hour meeting with the boys, and other nonsense.
Frequent masturbation is the prevention of prostate cancer
Those who spends a lot of time alone ... with you can elegantly get around a number of health problems. For example, nasal allergies. This hypothesis put forward Sina Zarrintan neurologist at the Medical University of Tabriz in Iran. "When ejaculation sympathetic nervous system constricts blood vessels throughout the body. This is exactly what you need to have allergies, which widened blood vessels in the nose, which is why it is difficult to breathe, "- with knowledge of the matter said Dr. Zarrintan.
As to the use of frequent masturbation in the prevention of prostate cancer, it proved as far back as 2003 in the Melbourne Cancer Association of Queen Victoria Professor Chris Hill and his team. "We found that of the 2250 men's disease are less prone to those aged 20 to 50 years on a regular basis ..." - then a professor flushed and coughing.

Source: www.maximonline.ru