Do not go to bed at sunset!
20 wise tips Ayurveda for healthy sleep1. Before bed wash your feet with cool water and then RUB them with oil is a natural sedative. If the person is every day massaging the feet with sesame oil, it will never hurt as restores your immune system.
2. Before going to sleep spend a few minutes breathing exercises or meditation.
3. During sleep you should be as little clothing as possible, particularly harmful to sleep in socks.
4.It is recommended to sleep head to the East.
5. Never sleep in the kitchen, and do not keep food in the bedroom.
6. During sleep not obscure the face by a blanket. The habit of close the face is very harmful, because it forces you to breathe exhaust air.
7. To sleep outdoors in the summer very useful, but if fog, rain or high humidity, it is better to go to sleep in the room.
8. Sleeping on a damp or wet bed is very bad, the bed should be comfortable.
9. Ayurveda recommends sleeping on your side. Sleep on your left side facilitates digestion and gives energy, and sleep on the right side gives you the opportunity to relax. This is because when you sleep on your left side is mostly open right nostril, which gives your body positive energy and support digestion and warm. If the room is cold, then you need to lie on your left side, and then in the body will be supported by the natural heat.
10. To sleep on your back Ayurveda does not recommend, because sleeping on the back is harmful for the brain. This is especially bad for people of Vata-type, because it starts to work both nostrils and disturbed the balance of the body (excited by Vata dosha).
11.The worst to sleep on my stomach because it breaks the breath. To sleep under the open sun is very harmful, and under an open moon — useful.
12. Lack of sleep or not going to bed, you are very harm to your health. It dehydrates the body and weakens the digestive fire.
13. Try to get up early and to bed early. With proper sleep improves health, increases vitality.
14.Particularly harmful to the body to sleep at sunset. Eating at this time of day also upsets the digestion and therefore very undesirable.
The Vedic Scriptures say that waking up with the first rays of the sun, the man charged his energy. Those who sleep long loses this power, or do you get only the negative. In addition, according to the laws of Ayurveda, sleep at sunset promises poverty.
15. Sleep in the daytime leads to diseases of the respiratory system, of heaviness in the head and several other violations. NAPs allowed for healthy people who are tired of heavy physical labor, as well as for patients experiencing severe pain or suffering from diseases of the respiratory system and nausea. Short NAPs are also allowed patients with astrologicheskie violations, as well as those who are fasting and feel the desire to NAP. People living in very warm climates, it is useful to get some sleep in the afternoon to watch the most unbearable heat, to rest it should only in a shady, cool place. Despite the recommendations, the ancient texts on yoga generally forbidden to sleep during the day, except in cases of illness.
16. Those who go to bed with a tight full stomach, not getting enough rest during sleep and you will not be able to fully digest food, in this case in the body increases the amount of toxins.
17. The air in the room in which you sleep, should be fresh. To sleep in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room very harmful.
18. According to Ayurveda, it is recommended that if a person is forced (not a habit) is not slept at night, he should sleep for half the prescribed time the next morning without eating.
19. Suffering from insomnia or insufficient sleep rekomenduetsya warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg and several veins of saffron, to do full body oil massage, take baths, to find refuge in the feeling of peace and pleasant memories. This makes up for a good night's sleep.
20. Pregnant women are advised not to pour, this may lead to the fact that the child will be lazy.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/upledger?w=wall-45869944_914
2. Before going to sleep spend a few minutes breathing exercises or meditation.
3. During sleep you should be as little clothing as possible, particularly harmful to sleep in socks.
4.It is recommended to sleep head to the East.
5. Never sleep in the kitchen, and do not keep food in the bedroom.
6. During sleep not obscure the face by a blanket. The habit of close the face is very harmful, because it forces you to breathe exhaust air.
7. To sleep outdoors in the summer very useful, but if fog, rain or high humidity, it is better to go to sleep in the room.
8. Sleeping on a damp or wet bed is very bad, the bed should be comfortable.
9. Ayurveda recommends sleeping on your side. Sleep on your left side facilitates digestion and gives energy, and sleep on the right side gives you the opportunity to relax. This is because when you sleep on your left side is mostly open right nostril, which gives your body positive energy and support digestion and warm. If the room is cold, then you need to lie on your left side, and then in the body will be supported by the natural heat.

10. To sleep on your back Ayurveda does not recommend, because sleeping on the back is harmful for the brain. This is especially bad for people of Vata-type, because it starts to work both nostrils and disturbed the balance of the body (excited by Vata dosha).
11.The worst to sleep on my stomach because it breaks the breath. To sleep under the open sun is very harmful, and under an open moon — useful.
12. Lack of sleep or not going to bed, you are very harm to your health. It dehydrates the body and weakens the digestive fire.
13. Try to get up early and to bed early. With proper sleep improves health, increases vitality.
14.Particularly harmful to the body to sleep at sunset. Eating at this time of day also upsets the digestion and therefore very undesirable.
The Vedic Scriptures say that waking up with the first rays of the sun, the man charged his energy. Those who sleep long loses this power, or do you get only the negative. In addition, according to the laws of Ayurveda, sleep at sunset promises poverty.
15. Sleep in the daytime leads to diseases of the respiratory system, of heaviness in the head and several other violations. NAPs allowed for healthy people who are tired of heavy physical labor, as well as for patients experiencing severe pain or suffering from diseases of the respiratory system and nausea. Short NAPs are also allowed patients with astrologicheskie violations, as well as those who are fasting and feel the desire to NAP. People living in very warm climates, it is useful to get some sleep in the afternoon to watch the most unbearable heat, to rest it should only in a shady, cool place. Despite the recommendations, the ancient texts on yoga generally forbidden to sleep during the day, except in cases of illness.
16. Those who go to bed with a tight full stomach, not getting enough rest during sleep and you will not be able to fully digest food, in this case in the body increases the amount of toxins.
17. The air in the room in which you sleep, should be fresh. To sleep in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room very harmful.
18. According to Ayurveda, it is recommended that if a person is forced (not a habit) is not slept at night, he should sleep for half the prescribed time the next morning without eating.
19. Suffering from insomnia or insufficient sleep rekomenduetsya warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg and several veins of saffron, to do full body oil massage, take baths, to find refuge in the feeling of peace and pleasant memories. This makes up for a good night's sleep.
20. Pregnant women are advised not to pour, this may lead to the fact that the child will be lazy.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/upledger?w=wall-45869944_914