Ayurveda: the Signs of good health
A person can live without getting sick and aging, very happily
"Sarve, Shrine bhavanti!" "Let all beings be happy!" The first commandment of Ayurveda.
© Randal Collis
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person is a cell in our universe, the cell, associated not only with "live" objects in our universe, but absolutely with all the other cosmic bodies (stars, planets, etc... We took the word in quotation marks Alive, as according to Vedic philosophy, all the objects around us are no less and often more alive than we are). Therefore, everything that happens around, be sure to affect the person, and everything that happens inside of a person is reflected on the outside world. Thus spoke Ayurvedic ViDi, it is necessary to improve their sense of responsibility for everything that comes from us, and learn to distinguish between good and evil, not to fall under bad influence. Each person has a unique development program, each person has a certain Dharma, the duty to his country, from, the planet on which he lives, before God finally.Everyone in my life needs to constantly learn, pass all kinds of tests, to take certain lessons. And when he finally attains his nature, he starts to continuously give all their energy, all their strength to the service of the common good. But the real impact comes only through the heart. It is the law of energy exchange.
Doctors Ayurveda is not simply asserted that they own example, as an example throughout his life showed that man can live without getting sick and aging, very happily. Studying the structure of the human body, they found the so-called energy centers or chakras, and determined that each chakra is characterized by its specific frequency, which corresponds to the energy-information characteristics of different planets and other space objects. On Earth this manifests itself in accordance to the rhythms of plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. They knew this law of correspondence and considered it in all spheres of life. Only the law of conformity they used herbs, formulations and other drugs for healing diseases in the initial stage. But most importantly, they showed that the root of all diseases lies in the fact that the human heart is closed.
The Ayurvedic physicians have argued that people should live with an open heart, because it's his natural state. If the heart is open, he is living harmoniously in accordance with his nature. If the heart closes, it stops the energy and information exchange of the human with the Universe and aktiviziruyutsya various vices: pride, envy, greed, anger, hatred. They not only destroy his body, causing numerous diseases, but exert a corrupting influence on society as a whole. The one who came to the Ayurvedic Physicians and asked: "What do I do, why am I sick?", — I heard unusual for us replies: "You're sick because you're too greedy." Or: "You're jealous. Get rid of that, and your disease will pass away."
In Ayurveda the word diagnosis has a very different meaning. According to the representation of doctors, adhere to the principles of Ayurveda, the diagnosis means knowledge and understanding of the patient, not the disease. When you know the true nature of the patient — then, and only then, can also be understood and the disease and underwent treatment at the most fundamental level.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, the highest form of caring for health: not just to cure the disease of the patient, but to help man to live so that the disease never went out in the first place.
Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to health starts with a simple question: who are you? This means not just: "What is your heart?" or "What are you sick?". This means: what are your physical, emotional, and spiritual characteristics? How does the energy and information of the Universe in your flesh and blood, your hopes and dreams? How does this affect your work, your relationships, the nature of the foods that you eat, your reaction to stress and even at nighttime and bedtime and rising in the morning? What makes you not like other people, and that you have shared with them? What are your innate strengths and weaknesses? According to Ayurveda, the answers to these questions can be expressed through your individual Constitution, your unique link between the mind and body.
If a person's heart is love, he has nothing to fear. Love can burn all the negative in our body. That is why true knowledge always came from people who were considered saints, from those people who did not create any religions or parties, and sought to teach people Love.
Now we have lost the Law of Love. Therefore, our main task — to return to the observance of the law of Love, to rise to the level of consciousness of Love. This is the main task of Ayurveda at the present stage, and all the rest: diagnostics, therapeutic drugs, their uses and food are secondary. We urge you, each person, to live with an open heart. Love each other! Love does not imply attachment. Love is acceptance of what is. Love will help you conquer your fear. If you defeat the fear, then the impossible will become possible for you. Because you have everything to be happy. An open heart is the basis of fearlessness, and Love is the best your protection. Happiness does not depend on health, beauty, wealth, fame or power. Happiness depends on Love! Happiness is not depends on who you are and what you have; it depends solely on what you think.
Modern Western medicine almost completely lost the vision of man as a holistic spiritual and material system and lost its connection with the source — Ayurveda. Importantly, we find it difficult to reconcile the modern approach is the transformation of a person into a "patient" — a passive observer, punctual fulfilling requirements "certified" doctors and not carrying any responsibility for their own health. Meanwhile, the main idea of Ayurveda, in our opinion States: "Health is in your hands!"
From the point of view of Ayurveda a symptom of health is not merely the absence of disease.
Signs of a healthy person are:
1. Good digestion — the presence of Agni (the digestive fire) in the body. Agni is one of the basic concepts in Ayurvedic health concept. If the world that surrounds us, Agni is the energy of the sun, the human body is the internal energy, biological fire responsible for all the processes of metabolism. It can be considered a manifestation of a Pita, as contained in this Dosha, the thermal energy – this is the metabolic fire. The author of one of the oldest Ayurvedic treatises of Charaka, says: "the body has no Agni no Pita, Pitta is Agni". Agni exists in every tissue and every cell of our body, it supports the immune system, destroying foreign microorganisms, removes and neutralizes the toxins, initiates and carries out the metabolism, breaks down food into components in the stomach and the intestine, and ensures the transportation of nutrients and their assimilation. Largely Agni is responsible for the intelligence. In addition, the biological fire is a subtle way connected with cotton Wool, and with its motion, because bodily air ignites the bodily fire.
2. The appearance of famine in due time — the feeling of hunger with good appetite. For good digestion, among its methods must pass a minimum of five (5) hours. 3. You just fall asleep when going to bed.4. You immediately get out of bed when I Wake up.5. You don't snore — no snoring. Snoring is the main symptom of obstructive apnoea during sleep — a disease that causes short cessation of breathing when the tissues of the larynx are compressed and block the passage for the air. In severe cases this can happen 60-70 times per hour. Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, memory problems, completeness and depression. 18-year-old study showed that people suffering from obstructive apnea during sleep, live 3 times longer than people with severe apnea.
6. The normal functioning of the 5 (five) senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. What was normal for you from early childhood, should be maintained and minimally diminish throughout life.
7. Normal urination.
8. Normal defecation.
9. Normal sweating. All selections should be removed from the body regularly and in the right quantity.
10. Peace of mind — peace, kindness, goodwill to ALL living beings.11. The preservation of the natural power — efficiency.
12. The preservation of immunity.
13. The preservation of the natural skin color.
14. Good memory.
15. The desire to live — a purpose in life.In General, Ayurveda defines health as the biophysical and physiological well-being, a satisfactory state of consciousness, senses and mind.
All the suffering and human disease have one single cause — GREED (SKT. 'raga' passion).
The life of someone who lives happily, possesses the following features:
Signs that life is useful, are:
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: radhakrishna.clan.su/news/ajurvedicheskie_priznaki_zdorovja_sarve_sukhrino_bkhavanti_pust_vse_zhivye_sushhestva_budut_schastlivy_pervaja_zapoved_ajurvedy/2014-02-08-5698
"Sarve, Shrine bhavanti!" "Let all beings be happy!" The first commandment of Ayurveda.

© Randal Collis
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person is a cell in our universe, the cell, associated not only with "live" objects in our universe, but absolutely with all the other cosmic bodies (stars, planets, etc... We took the word in quotation marks Alive, as according to Vedic philosophy, all the objects around us are no less and often more alive than we are). Therefore, everything that happens around, be sure to affect the person, and everything that happens inside of a person is reflected on the outside world. Thus spoke Ayurvedic ViDi, it is necessary to improve their sense of responsibility for everything that comes from us, and learn to distinguish between good and evil, not to fall under bad influence. Each person has a unique development program, each person has a certain Dharma, the duty to his country, from, the planet on which he lives, before God finally.Everyone in my life needs to constantly learn, pass all kinds of tests, to take certain lessons. And when he finally attains his nature, he starts to continuously give all their energy, all their strength to the service of the common good. But the real impact comes only through the heart. It is the law of energy exchange.
Doctors Ayurveda is not simply asserted that they own example, as an example throughout his life showed that man can live without getting sick and aging, very happily. Studying the structure of the human body, they found the so-called energy centers or chakras, and determined that each chakra is characterized by its specific frequency, which corresponds to the energy-information characteristics of different planets and other space objects. On Earth this manifests itself in accordance to the rhythms of plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. They knew this law of correspondence and considered it in all spheres of life. Only the law of conformity they used herbs, formulations and other drugs for healing diseases in the initial stage. But most importantly, they showed that the root of all diseases lies in the fact that the human heart is closed.
The Ayurvedic physicians have argued that people should live with an open heart, because it's his natural state. If the heart is open, he is living harmoniously in accordance with his nature. If the heart closes, it stops the energy and information exchange of the human with the Universe and aktiviziruyutsya various vices: pride, envy, greed, anger, hatred. They not only destroy his body, causing numerous diseases, but exert a corrupting influence on society as a whole. The one who came to the Ayurvedic Physicians and asked: "What do I do, why am I sick?", — I heard unusual for us replies: "You're sick because you're too greedy." Or: "You're jealous. Get rid of that, and your disease will pass away."
In Ayurveda the word diagnosis has a very different meaning. According to the representation of doctors, adhere to the principles of Ayurveda, the diagnosis means knowledge and understanding of the patient, not the disease. When you know the true nature of the patient — then, and only then, can also be understood and the disease and underwent treatment at the most fundamental level.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, the highest form of caring for health: not just to cure the disease of the patient, but to help man to live so that the disease never went out in the first place.
Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to health starts with a simple question: who are you? This means not just: "What is your heart?" or "What are you sick?". This means: what are your physical, emotional, and spiritual characteristics? How does the energy and information of the Universe in your flesh and blood, your hopes and dreams? How does this affect your work, your relationships, the nature of the foods that you eat, your reaction to stress and even at nighttime and bedtime and rising in the morning? What makes you not like other people, and that you have shared with them? What are your innate strengths and weaknesses? According to Ayurveda, the answers to these questions can be expressed through your individual Constitution, your unique link between the mind and body.
If a person's heart is love, he has nothing to fear. Love can burn all the negative in our body. That is why true knowledge always came from people who were considered saints, from those people who did not create any religions or parties, and sought to teach people Love.
Now we have lost the Law of Love. Therefore, our main task — to return to the observance of the law of Love, to rise to the level of consciousness of Love. This is the main task of Ayurveda at the present stage, and all the rest: diagnostics, therapeutic drugs, their uses and food are secondary. We urge you, each person, to live with an open heart. Love each other! Love does not imply attachment. Love is acceptance of what is. Love will help you conquer your fear. If you defeat the fear, then the impossible will become possible for you. Because you have everything to be happy. An open heart is the basis of fearlessness, and Love is the best your protection. Happiness does not depend on health, beauty, wealth, fame or power. Happiness depends on Love! Happiness is not depends on who you are and what you have; it depends solely on what you think.
Modern Western medicine almost completely lost the vision of man as a holistic spiritual and material system and lost its connection with the source — Ayurveda. Importantly, we find it difficult to reconcile the modern approach is the transformation of a person into a "patient" — a passive observer, punctual fulfilling requirements "certified" doctors and not carrying any responsibility for their own health. Meanwhile, the main idea of Ayurveda, in our opinion States: "Health is in your hands!"
From the point of view of Ayurveda a symptom of health is not merely the absence of disease.
Signs of a healthy person are:
1. Good digestion — the presence of Agni (the digestive fire) in the body. Agni is one of the basic concepts in Ayurvedic health concept. If the world that surrounds us, Agni is the energy of the sun, the human body is the internal energy, biological fire responsible for all the processes of metabolism. It can be considered a manifestation of a Pita, as contained in this Dosha, the thermal energy – this is the metabolic fire. The author of one of the oldest Ayurvedic treatises of Charaka, says: "the body has no Agni no Pita, Pitta is Agni". Agni exists in every tissue and every cell of our body, it supports the immune system, destroying foreign microorganisms, removes and neutralizes the toxins, initiates and carries out the metabolism, breaks down food into components in the stomach and the intestine, and ensures the transportation of nutrients and their assimilation. Largely Agni is responsible for the intelligence. In addition, the biological fire is a subtle way connected with cotton Wool, and with its motion, because bodily air ignites the bodily fire.
2. The appearance of famine in due time — the feeling of hunger with good appetite. For good digestion, among its methods must pass a minimum of five (5) hours. 3. You just fall asleep when going to bed.4. You immediately get out of bed when I Wake up.5. You don't snore — no snoring. Snoring is the main symptom of obstructive apnoea during sleep — a disease that causes short cessation of breathing when the tissues of the larynx are compressed and block the passage for the air. In severe cases this can happen 60-70 times per hour. Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, memory problems, completeness and depression. 18-year-old study showed that people suffering from obstructive apnea during sleep, live 3 times longer than people with severe apnea.
6. The normal functioning of the 5 (five) senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. What was normal for you from early childhood, should be maintained and minimally diminish throughout life.
7. Normal urination.
8. Normal defecation.
9. Normal sweating. All selections should be removed from the body regularly and in the right quantity.
10. Peace of mind — peace, kindness, goodwill to ALL living beings.11. The preservation of the natural power — efficiency.
12. The preservation of immunity.
13. The preservation of the natural skin color.
14. Good memory.
15. The desire to live — a purpose in life.In General, Ayurveda defines health as the biophysical and physiological well-being, a satisfactory state of consciousness, senses and mind.
All the suffering and human disease have one single cause — GREED (SKT. 'raga' passion).
The life of someone who lives happily, possesses the following features:
- The lack of bodily and mental diseases
- Youthfulness
- Enthusiasm
- Power, patience, strength, durability
- Energy, selfless devotion
- Good name, dignity, honor
- Perfection in action, humanity, devotion to God
- Courage, resourcefulness, entrepreneurship, proactivity
- Spiritual and material knowledge
- Spiritual knowledge based on the Scriptures and her own experience, wisdom
- Strong and healthy sense organs, concentrated on a strong and healthy facilities
- The presence in the present
- A feeling of wealth, abundance, beauty and support
- Achieving desired results and objectives
- The opportunity to go wherever you want
Signs that life is useful, are:
- Concern for the welfare and benefit for all beings
- The lack of desire to assign someone else's property
- Honesty, truthfulness, sincerity
- Modesty, calmness and poise
- The performance of any act only after carefully thinking about the consequences
- The care, sensitivity, vigilance
- A harmonious effort to achieve the first three goals of human life – purpose (Dharma), wealth (Artha) and fulfillment of desires (Kama), without conflicts between the objectives and without causing harm and disturbances to the environment and living beings around
- The mood of serving and helping others "as yourself" and showing respect to a worthy
- Stability, peace and tranquility, virtue and piety, arising from spiritual knowledge and personal spiritual experience
- Service senior
- Mind, free from passion, anger, envy and pride
- Constant diverse show gratitude to others and to God, generosity, magnanimity
- Humility is obtained through the knowledge gained via voluntary penance, abstinence and austerity
- The ability to see in yourself and in everything spiritual
- The discernment and recognition of the material and spiritual worlds
- Excellent practical memory and wisdom, enabling to act correctly
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: radhakrishna.clan.su/news/ajurvedicheskie_priznaki_zdorovja_sarve_sukhrino_bkhavanti_pust_vse_zhivye_sushhestva_budut_schastlivy_pervaja_zapoved_ajurvedy/2014-02-08-5698