We thought they were harmful, now everything is possible! A caring doctor denies the harm of these habits.
We are constantly told that it is harmful, and we cannot do this. Coffee is harmful to drink, and breakfast in any case should not be missed. And we write down a lot of little things as our bad habits. It turned out that not all of them are as harmful as we were told, and maybe even vice versa.
Editorial "Site" He'll tell you today. habitualwhich have proved very useful.
Good habits
Unexpected, right? All your life you think it's bad, and it turns out it's the opposite. But now you know that these habits are not deadly and you shouldn’t blame yourself for them.
Good and bad habits They play a big role in our lives. Sometimes they can make it worse, but it often happens that everyday trifles save us from terrible ailments. So don’t neglect it and always stay healthy!
Which of these habits did you find harmful? Share with us in the comments!

Editorial "Site" He'll tell you today. habitualwhich have proved very useful.
Good habits
- Missed breakfast
Since childhood, we have been told that not eating breakfast is harmful. In fact, breakfast is not necessary. It is believed that if you skip breakfast regularly, you can gain excess weight. But recent studies have shown that the opposite is true. Hunger strikes and skipping meals can help a person lose weight. And the lack of breakfast has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training.
DepositPhotos - Drinking coffee
It seems like an eternal argument. Some doctors say that you can not drink coffee at all, while others say that it is even useful. Not so long ago, scientists even proved that the use of this fragrant drink reduces the risk of developing oncology. Coffee can also protect us from diabetes. But it is still recommended to limit the amount of coffee consumed to 400 ml per day (no more than two cups of coffee).
DepositPhotos - Egg consumption
There are also fights around eggs about their benefit or harm. There are no eggs, only protein, only eggs once a week, whatever they tell us about this product. But still eggs are very useful for health, because they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are well absorbed. And also: you need to eat both protein and yolk.
DepositPhotos - Eating fatty foods
Many people who want to lose weight choose a diet that is low in fat and high in starch. But it doesn't work. In America, a study has found that eating low-fat foods does not help you lose weight. In addition, it has been proven that such a diet does not save from breast cancer, colon cancer and cardiovascular disease.
DepositPhotos - Energy use
It is believed that energy is a real poison for our body, they destroy our heart and spoil our health. But they are not as scary to us as we thought. The only thing bad about it is sugar. And all other ingredients, B vitamins and taurine are completely safe for the human body.
DepositPhotos - Drinking wine
Alcohol consumption is in the top of bad habits. But some researchers believe that people who drink moderately (no more than 2 glasses of wine a day) reduce the risk of developing brain diseases. A study published last year in the journal Alzheimer’s Disease suggests that people who drink a little wine are more likely to reach the age of 85 without signs of the disease.
DepositPhotos - Using social media
It is believed that frequent use of smartphones and social networks is bad for our health. But most studies confirm that smartphones are not an absolute evil, in some cases they can even be very useful. In 2017, a study was conducted, the results of which were published in Psychological Science. The study examined the effects of smartphones on 120,000 British teenagers. It turned out that the use of social networks was not harmful for most adolescents, and many were even useful, because in this way children received moral support from peers.
DepositPhotos - Phone alerts
Any list of tips on how to increase productivity necessarily includes the item “turn off alerts on the phone”. However, as it turned out, this advice is not quite correct. Recent experiments prove that people who do not receive alerts feel tense and nervous.
DepositPhotos - Long-term training
Long workouts are considered a good and useful habit, but you do not need to disappear in the hall for several hours a day to stay in shape. Studies show that an intense 7-minute workout of all muscle groups can be much more useful than an hour-long workout.
DepositPhotos - Sleep by day
An adult normally needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day. But with the current rhythm of life, such a dream is a great luxury. Therefore, 20-30 minutes of sleep during the day can add vigor and increase productivity. So do not deny yourself daytime sleep, because it can be very useful. Remember only that it should be no longer than half an hour and between 13 and 15 hours, then you will wake up cheerful and rested.
Unexpected, right? All your life you think it's bad, and it turns out it's the opposite. But now you know that these habits are not deadly and you shouldn’t blame yourself for them.
Good and bad habits They play a big role in our lives. Sometimes they can make it worse, but it often happens that everyday trifles save us from terrible ailments. So don’t neglect it and always stay healthy!
Which of these habits did you find harmful? Share with us in the comments!