Peter d'adamo: Diet for blood groups
The book of American doctor-naturopath Peter d'adamo "4 blood types — 4 ways to health" was published in the 1990s, after 10 years, it translated into all languages of the world, the book became a bestseller. The book is introduced with a unique experience in nutrition according to blood group.
The author argues that choosing foods according to blood group, the person reaches an ideal weight, stimulates the immune system and prolongs his life. For 30 years, the father and the son d'adamo tested the products and divided them into groups depending on actions on the human body. These groups are called: therapeutic, neutral, or harmful.
Note that D'adamo does not actual studies, and all the criticism nipped at the request of the owner of a series of books that people bought them and were.
The power supply system.
The main idea of the power supply system for blood group — every human body is configured for your type diet. In other words" everyone must eat the same food as his ancestors with the same blood group, otherwise the food is not fully digested and stored in the body as fat and toxins.
The theory is based on the fact that there are 4 dominant blood groups and several groups that can be called joined, or edge. Internationally accepted designation of blood groups are as follows:
Group I (O) is the most ancient. 33,5% of the world population are carriers of this blood group. If your blood group 1(0), then by definition d'adamo as a descendant of the "hunters".
"Hunter" has the strength, courage, intuition and energy — all traits that helped him survive. "Hunters" is the most adapted to the physical labor of the people.
"Hunters," as a rule, tall, strong people with a square jaw. They have a high acid content in gastric juice promotes digestion of animal protein, a strong immune and digestive system.
Harmful for "hunters" products: wheat, beans, dark beans, corn, lentils, cabbages, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pork, goose, fish eggs, fatty dairy products, including almost all cheeses; foods high in carbohydrates (lentils, potatoes, chocorua, white bread).
Are products" which slows the metabolism and, consequently, increase the weight. Also contraindicated the "hunters" spirits, excluding wines.
To medical it products include: seafood" seaweed, iodized salt, red meat, liver. Vegetables — Kale, asparagus (broccoli), spinach. These products accelerate the metabolism and reduce weight.
"Neutral" foods for "hunters" are:
meat: lamb, beef," beef heart;
the fatty fish: halibut, perch, salmon, sturgeon, sardines;
flax and olive oil;
figs, plums (including prunes), walnuts" pumpkin seeds.
If in your veins flows the blood group II (A), as a descendant of the "farmers". Representatives of this blood group are accounted for 37.8% of the world population. Unlike "hunters", "farmers" suffer from low acidity of gastric juice. Ideally, their diet should consist of foods of plant origin, in other words, d'adamo recommends that they complete vegetarianism.
Medicinal products for this category of people are: carp, perch, cod, salmon, mackerel, whitefish; useful as soy milk and cheese, lemon, apricots, pineapples, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, figs, cranberries, raisins, plums and prunes, blueberries, olive oil, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, peas, lentils, buckwheat, coffee, green tea" herbal teas, red wine, water with lemon juice, carrot juice, pineapple, grapefruit, cherry. All of these products accelerate the metabolism and thus" contribute to weight loss.
"Neutral* products are:
Products, which, according to D'adamo, are harmful to "farmers":
Blood group III (B) says that you — a descendant of the "nomads". 20,6% of the population are carriers of this blood group. This big-boned, muscular, long-legged, often red-haired or green-eyed people. They are calm, optimistic, distrustful, smart. Type arose as a result of the settlement of the races. Characterized by a strong immune system, balanced nervous system, the developed adaptation mechanisms. Like their ancestors, the modern "nomads" "omnivorous".
However, corn, wheat, lentils, peanuts and buckwheat slows down the metabolism in the body "the nomad". These products are poorly absorbed and result in excess weight. Should go to green salads, eggs, liver, soy, broth of a root licorice. Travellers ' medical will be the following products: lamb, rabbit, venison; fatty fish, caviar, dairy products with high fat content, foods rich in carbohydrates, eggplant, carrots, beets, parsley, broccoli.
"Neutral" to "nomads" are:
Media IV blood group (AB)is referred to as the "new people". It is a mixed type, it includes 7-8% of the world population. This is the most difficult group because it incorporates features of the two groups - I (0) and P (A). Type is focused on meat food that becomes a problem at low pH of the stomach, so on the "new people" difficult.
Products, from which the "new people" gain weight: red meat, kidney beans, lentils, corn, buckwheat, wheat.
Medical products:
These features, according to D'adamo, were the outward signs.
The "researchers". Muscular, escobera, broad-shouldered members of the species Homo sapiens. Blood group can be any. Courage and resourcefulness often lead to injuries.
"Researchers" have a high sensitivity to caffeine, alcohol and pain medication. Diet to research consistent with the diet for the I group of blood, still must include foods rich in copper such as lamb and beef liver, soft cheeses, parsnips, lentils, ginger, and raspberry.
The "teacher". Flexible, sinewy, by nature, calm people, persistent" with a good immune system. In their veins flows the blood of II (A) or group IV (AB).
Diet "teachers" should include pork, poultry (a Turkey) and white fish, and foods of plant origin: beans, green peas, peanuts, flax seed, avocado, carrots. Preference should be given to olive oil. Need to avoid foods high in carbohydrates (sweet, flour), lamb and beef.
"Warriors". Blood group P (A) or IV (AB). A tall, slender young people become fat. Charismatic, witty people, who struggle to relax, quickly blushing.
Diet "warriors"is a product of plant origin with low glycemic index are: peanuts, pine nuts, soybeans, walnut oil, cauliflower, and fish and cheese. Not recommended foods with high carbohydrate content: white bread, pasta and flour products. You should limit yourself to meat.
Recommendations for nutrition according to blood group
According to D'adamo, the body of a person who does not comply with these simple rules, is a violation of metabolism. Outwardly, it usually means that the person gains weight.
Inevitable and diseases of the internal organs. If you eat as prescribed D'adamo, the body gets rid of toxins, increases metabolism, improves the function of internal organs, cleansing and excretory systems, and the person loses weight. Of course, it will take time because the body needs to rebuild its work, so those who want to get instant result, this diet is not suitable.
There are a few caveats to keep in mind for those who want to lose weight using this method. I'm sure many who are not familiar with the diet for blood group who read it will be surprised that their tastes coincide with the recommendations of a nutritionist. This riddle has a simple explanation: the body knows by himself that he will harm and what will benefit. You only need to listen to his tips.
Method Peter D'adamo is not a diet for weight loss. It is a system of cleansing and healing the body. It's best to work the joints, increase vitality, improve skin color and health.
The author examines several blood groups, whereas systems of blood groups have living people on the planet there are dozens. Listen to your desires. If you don't want to eat meat or green salad - don't eat! When switching to a new system of food take your time, introduce new dishes into your diet gradually. This will help the body avoid stress. It is not necessary to translate the recommendations in the user guide. Diet is not a dogma. It should be approached creatively, to find their own way of life. Will be more good if you eat it, what was used, just reduce the portion.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/feed?w=wall-74885365_25622
The author argues that choosing foods according to blood group, the person reaches an ideal weight, stimulates the immune system and prolongs his life. For 30 years, the father and the son d'adamo tested the products and divided them into groups depending on actions on the human body. These groups are called: therapeutic, neutral, or harmful.
Note that D'adamo does not actual studies, and all the criticism nipped at the request of the owner of a series of books that people bought them and were.

The power supply system.
The main idea of the power supply system for blood group — every human body is configured for your type diet. In other words" everyone must eat the same food as his ancestors with the same blood group, otherwise the food is not fully digested and stored in the body as fat and toxins.
The theory is based on the fact that there are 4 dominant blood groups and several groups that can be called joined, or edge. Internationally accepted designation of blood groups are as follows:
- first — I (0);
- second — II (A), was the result of mutation I(0); :
- third — III(C), appeared as a result of human settlement across continents;
- fourth IV (AB), the most recent, were the result of mixing II (A) and III (B).

Group I (O) is the most ancient. 33,5% of the world population are carriers of this blood group. If your blood group 1(0), then by definition d'adamo as a descendant of the "hunters".
"Hunter" has the strength, courage, intuition and energy — all traits that helped him survive. "Hunters" is the most adapted to the physical labor of the people.
"Hunters," as a rule, tall, strong people with a square jaw. They have a high acid content in gastric juice promotes digestion of animal protein, a strong immune and digestive system.
Harmful for "hunters" products: wheat, beans, dark beans, corn, lentils, cabbages, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pork, goose, fish eggs, fatty dairy products, including almost all cheeses; foods high in carbohydrates (lentils, potatoes, chocorua, white bread).
Are products" which slows the metabolism and, consequently, increase the weight. Also contraindicated the "hunters" spirits, excluding wines.
To medical it products include: seafood" seaweed, iodized salt, red meat, liver. Vegetables — Kale, asparagus (broccoli), spinach. These products accelerate the metabolism and reduce weight.
"Neutral" foods for "hunters" are:
meat: lamb, beef," beef heart;
the fatty fish: halibut, perch, salmon, sturgeon, sardines;
flax and olive oil;
figs, plums (including prunes), walnuts" pumpkin seeds.

If in your veins flows the blood group II (A), as a descendant of the "farmers". Representatives of this blood group are accounted for 37.8% of the world population. Unlike "hunters", "farmers" suffer from low acidity of gastric juice. Ideally, their diet should consist of foods of plant origin, in other words, d'adamo recommends that they complete vegetarianism.
Medicinal products for this category of people are: carp, perch, cod, salmon, mackerel, whitefish; useful as soy milk and cheese, lemon, apricots, pineapples, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, figs, cranberries, raisins, plums and prunes, blueberries, olive oil, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, peas, lentils, buckwheat, coffee, green tea" herbal teas, red wine, water with lemon juice, carrot juice, pineapple, grapefruit, cherry. All of these products accelerate the metabolism and thus" contribute to weight loss.
"Neutral* products are:
- meat: Turkey" chicken;
- fish: sea bass, sturgeon, pike;
- homemade cheese, yogurt, kefir, goat's milk and cheese, processed cheese, cod liver oil;
- walnuts, pine and almond nuts, sunflower seeds;
- berries — currants and gooseberries of fruits — peaches, dates, apples.
Products, which, according to D'adamo, are harmful to "farmers":
- beef, veal, pork, rabbit, goose, lamb, partridge, pheasant, beef heart;
- salinity and meats;
- all seafood;
- butter, ice cream," whole milk, peanut, corn, cottonseed oil;
- fat cheeses;
- beans, eggplants, cucumbers;
- oranges and orange juice, tangerines, rhubarb, papaya, melon, bananas;
- black tea, all soda drinks.

Blood group III (B) says that you — a descendant of the "nomads". 20,6% of the population are carriers of this blood group. This big-boned, muscular, long-legged, often red-haired or green-eyed people. They are calm, optimistic, distrustful, smart. Type arose as a result of the settlement of the races. Characterized by a strong immune system, balanced nervous system, the developed adaptation mechanisms. Like their ancestors, the modern "nomads" "omnivorous".
However, corn, wheat, lentils, peanuts and buckwheat slows down the metabolism in the body "the nomad". These products are poorly absorbed and result in excess weight. Should go to green salads, eggs, liver, soy, broth of a root licorice. Travellers ' medical will be the following products: lamb, rabbit, venison; fatty fish, caviar, dairy products with high fat content, foods rich in carbohydrates, eggplant, carrots, beets, parsley, broccoli.
"Neutral" to "nomads" are:
- red meat (beef, veal, etc.), Turkey and pheasant;
- smelt, carp, herring, cod liver;
- soy milk and soy cheese;
- hard cheeses;
- Flaxseed oil, walnuts and almonds; C) green peas, green beans, potatoes.

Media IV blood group (AB)is referred to as the "new people". It is a mixed type, it includes 7-8% of the world population. This is the most difficult group because it incorporates features of the two groups - I (0) and P (A). Type is focused on meat food that becomes a problem at low pH of the stomach, so on the "new people" difficult.
Products, from which the "new people" gain weight: red meat, kidney beans, lentils, corn, buckwheat, wheat.
Medical products:
- lamb, rabbit, Turkey;
- salmon, sturgeon, mackerel, cod, sardines;
- homemade cheese, yogurt, goat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream;
- walnuts, peanuts, olive oil, red kidney beans, lentils, oatmeal;
- eggplant, Kale, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, celery, garlic;
- pineapple, grapes, grapefruit, cherries, cranberries, gooseberries, grapes, plum, lemon.
- pheasant, any the liver;
- fish, red and black caviar, clams and cod liver oil;
- milk with low-fat and low-fat dairy products;
- soy cheese and milk;
- hard cheeses;
- cereals with a high content of carbohydrates;
- apricots, pears, melon, peaches, figs, tangerines, prunes, apples;
- watermelon, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raisins;
- the wine and beer.
- pork, beef, venison, goose, chicken, partridge, quail;
- flounder, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, herring, eel;
- dairy products are high in fat: butter, ice cream, whole milk;
- corn, sunflower, cottonseed oil;
- beans and black beans;
- buckwheat, corn, artichokes, hot peppers, black olives, radish;
- avocado, orange, tangerine, bananas, pomegranates, mango, persimmon, of Linden flower tea.
These features, according to D'adamo, were the outward signs.
The "researchers". Muscular, escobera, broad-shouldered members of the species Homo sapiens. Blood group can be any. Courage and resourcefulness often lead to injuries.
"Researchers" have a high sensitivity to caffeine, alcohol and pain medication. Diet to research consistent with the diet for the I group of blood, still must include foods rich in copper such as lamb and beef liver, soft cheeses, parsnips, lentils, ginger, and raspberry.
The "teacher". Flexible, sinewy, by nature, calm people, persistent" with a good immune system. In their veins flows the blood of II (A) or group IV (AB).
Diet "teachers" should include pork, poultry (a Turkey) and white fish, and foods of plant origin: beans, green peas, peanuts, flax seed, avocado, carrots. Preference should be given to olive oil. Need to avoid foods high in carbohydrates (sweet, flour), lamb and beef.
"Warriors". Blood group P (A) or IV (AB). A tall, slender young people become fat. Charismatic, witty people, who struggle to relax, quickly blushing.
Diet "warriors"is a product of plant origin with low glycemic index are: peanuts, pine nuts, soybeans, walnut oil, cauliflower, and fish and cheese. Not recommended foods with high carbohydrate content: white bread, pasta and flour products. You should limit yourself to meat.
Recommendations for nutrition according to blood group
According to D'adamo, the body of a person who does not comply with these simple rules, is a violation of metabolism. Outwardly, it usually means that the person gains weight.
Inevitable and diseases of the internal organs. If you eat as prescribed D'adamo, the body gets rid of toxins, increases metabolism, improves the function of internal organs, cleansing and excretory systems, and the person loses weight. Of course, it will take time because the body needs to rebuild its work, so those who want to get instant result, this diet is not suitable.
There are a few caveats to keep in mind for those who want to lose weight using this method. I'm sure many who are not familiar with the diet for blood group who read it will be surprised that their tastes coincide with the recommendations of a nutritionist. This riddle has a simple explanation: the body knows by himself that he will harm and what will benefit. You only need to listen to his tips.
Method Peter D'adamo is not a diet for weight loss. It is a system of cleansing and healing the body. It's best to work the joints, increase vitality, improve skin color and health.

The author examines several blood groups, whereas systems of blood groups have living people on the planet there are dozens. Listen to your desires. If you don't want to eat meat or green salad - don't eat! When switching to a new system of food take your time, introduce new dishes into your diet gradually. This will help the body avoid stress. It is not necessary to translate the recommendations in the user guide. Diet is not a dogma. It should be approached creatively, to find their own way of life. Will be more good if you eat it, what was used, just reduce the portion.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/feed?w=wall-74885365_25622