Blood can tell more about you than you thought. Facts that are amazing!
Human blood group is determined by the structure - specific carbohydrates and proteins form different kinds of blood. The modern system of the division of blood group emerged in 1900. There are four main blood types, the most common of which - the second. To know about what you have group - is very important, because if you need a transfusion, you need to be sure of the compatibility of your blood group and the one that is poured. That's what the military on the sleeves are made with a special patch number and plus or minus indicating the Rh factor in the passport and put a special stamp. It is believed that the blood group historically formed under the influence of different conditions in which lived ancient people. Because people with the same blood groups have much in common ...
I group
It is the oldest blood group, which has been preserved from the time of the Neanderthals. In those days people ate mostly foods of animal origin, because protein, meat rich diet is especially suitable for people with this blood. People with I blood group - born leaders and managers. Their unique ability to anticipate everything in advance often helps the lucky ones find a way out of the embarrassing situations. It would have been great if it were not for some of these people and the superficiality of blatant irresponsibility. That's worth something to work, if a person with this blood group wants to be successful. The guarantee of health for the descendants of the Neanderthals - a movement. The more active a person is moving with this group of blood, the longer he lives. Men with I blood group - good lovers, love to win new women never stop there. Women with I blood group are insatiable, they have a very active temperament, and more - are terribly jealous.
II Group
Group II blood appeared a little later, when people have taken a great interest in agriculture in earnest and became omnivorous. Because people with this blood type is best to feel during a varied diet. People from the II group of blood can easily adapt to any environment, they are completely non-conflict. Owners of the group set up to communicate, find rapport with anyone in minutes, and a good command of languages. Most of the time these people have problems with vision and heart, it is necessary to follow closely the work of the liver. Men with this blood group are shy and true, they respect their partners. The woman with the II group of blood - a perfect wife, faithful and understanding, usually very loving with children.
III group
This blood group was formed at a time when the ground began to be cold. Difficult transition from heat to cold affected the composition of the blood, there was a mutation. The distinguishing feature of people with blood type III - only patience and meticulousness even. They may be different jewelers and surgeons, have the ability to do well what never learned. Suffering from diseases of the stomach and communicable diseases affecting the mucous membranes. Men often change partners, but up to a point: the only met, they become sensible and calm. Women are particularly extravagance and a sense of style in everything, they like to dominate and defend their views before the last.
IV group
This - the rarest and newest blood. She appeared about 1000 years ago. People with blood group IV have an excellent immunity to exhibit high resistance to the newly emerged diseases. But they also have vulnerabilities: hearing, skin, joints and bones. Scientists and inventors often have this blood group. Men with an IV blood type - lovely deceivers, they know what to do, so they paid attention. Women with blood group IV - a very sexy and attractive, but it is very selective in his contacts.
And what blood type you have? Do not be surprised if your response will be very accurate - this has any sense, because the character and way of life are closely connected with the peculiarities of its physiology. Tell your friends about what it means to their blood.
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I group
It is the oldest blood group, which has been preserved from the time of the Neanderthals. In those days people ate mostly foods of animal origin, because protein, meat rich diet is especially suitable for people with this blood. People with I blood group - born leaders and managers. Their unique ability to anticipate everything in advance often helps the lucky ones find a way out of the embarrassing situations. It would have been great if it were not for some of these people and the superficiality of blatant irresponsibility. That's worth something to work, if a person with this blood group wants to be successful. The guarantee of health for the descendants of the Neanderthals - a movement. The more active a person is moving with this group of blood, the longer he lives. Men with I blood group - good lovers, love to win new women never stop there. Women with I blood group are insatiable, they have a very active temperament, and more - are terribly jealous.
II Group
Group II blood appeared a little later, when people have taken a great interest in agriculture in earnest and became omnivorous. Because people with this blood type is best to feel during a varied diet. People from the II group of blood can easily adapt to any environment, they are completely non-conflict. Owners of the group set up to communicate, find rapport with anyone in minutes, and a good command of languages. Most of the time these people have problems with vision and heart, it is necessary to follow closely the work of the liver. Men with this blood group are shy and true, they respect their partners. The woman with the II group of blood - a perfect wife, faithful and understanding, usually very loving with children.

III group
This blood group was formed at a time when the ground began to be cold. Difficult transition from heat to cold affected the composition of the blood, there was a mutation. The distinguishing feature of people with blood type III - only patience and meticulousness even. They may be different jewelers and surgeons, have the ability to do well what never learned. Suffering from diseases of the stomach and communicable diseases affecting the mucous membranes. Men often change partners, but up to a point: the only met, they become sensible and calm. Women are particularly extravagance and a sense of style in everything, they like to dominate and defend their views before the last.
IV group
This - the rarest and newest blood. She appeared about 1000 years ago. People with blood group IV have an excellent immunity to exhibit high resistance to the newly emerged diseases. But they also have vulnerabilities: hearing, skin, joints and bones. Scientists and inventors often have this blood group. Men with an IV blood type - lovely deceivers, they know what to do, so they paid attention. Women with blood group IV - a very sexy and attractive, but it is very selective in his contacts.
And what blood type you have? Do not be surprised if your response will be very accurate - this has any sense, because the character and way of life are closely connected with the peculiarities of its physiology. Tell your friends about what it means to their blood.
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