Alien aliens (94 pics + text)
Section I
Alien Residency interstellar civilizations and inomernyh amenable mediated accounting and klassifikatsii.Gruppa humanoid races.
Fig.1. Type UFO GWI
a) pale watery dwarf chameleon (Fig. 2)
Germ 60 cm. Appears only at dawn in the mist, often in yadovityhbolotnyh evaporation. Gipnopotentsial 0. Sting smertelen.Prodolzhitelnost existence of up to 3 hours. Localization -severo-east of the USSR, Canada, Greenland, Iceland. Fiksirovannyhposlekontaktnyh 37 deaths. A risk group - 08.
b) hydrocephalus lozhnozryachy. (Fig. 3)
Germ to 125 cm. It has a gigantic physical strength. Obnaruzhivaetzhertvu contactee-reflex, the smell, the touch, the persecution nekonchaet to its own decay. Habitats and appearance - vaults, ravines, abandoned mines. When exposed to light skorotechnorazlagaetsya. Gipnopotentsial light. Prodolzhitelnostsuschestvovaniya up to 4 days in the swampy and damp locations - up to 6 tisutok. 72 Contact: 53 - death, 8 - very heavy sostoyanies subsequent amnesia, 9 - progressive dementia. Localization - sdostatochnoy degree of confidence is not established. Risk Group -07.
2. CIVILIZATION URHREMHR UR-OZN. RCD-021.2-I degree of presence.
a) bronegolovy pyatilapy cannibalism. (Figure 4)
Germ and 1, 5 meters. He finds himself in mountainous or rocky rayonah.Krayne aggressive. Victim-contactee devoured completely. Naiboleeustoychiv. Cadaver three Anthropophagi-bp Tsentrekosmoantropologii stored in the United States (TC Base, Virginia). Gipnopotentsial -polutorny. The ability to contact - around the clock. Puleustoychivyy.Lokalizatsiya - Northern Cordillera, the Andes, the Southern Urals, Himalayas, Kurily.41 fixed post-exposure death. A risk group - 04.
Fig. 5. Ship Type UF-4
b) Purple kalmaroandroid. (Fig. 6)
Dlinatela - up to 16 meters. It lives exclusively in the Pacific and Atlanticheskomokeanah, mostly - in the Bermuda Triangle (18 commits) .In contact with individuals not enter. Gipnopotentsial - to 6-tigigarun. It can cause low-frequency vibrations of destructive, mass psychosis, a complete loss of reason large contingents of people (passengers and crews of ships, planes, submarines) .Posledstviya contacts account can not be. Risk Group - 03.Neunichtozhaem. The duration of up to 7 days.
3. Civilization SPR-12 IH.3-th power of presence. CODE - 009.
a) Trigrong zverovidny deaf. (Fig. 7)
Germ to 2, 5 meters. The zone is not limited appearances. In direct contact nevstupaet. It uses psihoizluchateli internal deystviya.Zhertvu-contactee paralyzes telekinetically. It has a tremendous force malice. It provides resistance to. full of self-destruction iistlevaniya. Pulegranatoustoychivy. Able to keep up to four lozhnyhdubley. Two mutilated cadaver trigronga were discovered in 1968 g.posle explosion disc-shaped UFOs of the second group in the Great Lakes region 1 (US). Around 217 fixed deaths. A risk group - 04.
b) Homozoid toothed psevdomaterialny. (Fig. 8)
Germ from 0, 25 to 4 meters. It appears only in the cities and poselkahgorodskogo type. The contact comes mostly at night, able to lull the victim-contactee. Gipnopotentsial - 5 run.Prakticheski elusive, incorporeal, holographic. Telepathically vnushaetzhertve hopelessness horror. By physically affected pribegaetkrayne rarely, in exceptional cases, if necessary, contact samozaschity.Posledstviya account can not be. Group danger - 04. Tselprebyvaniya representatives of these civilizations on Earth ustanovlena.Logika contact can not be determined. The General Klassifikatoreprohodyat the category of lower risk groups, subclass humanoids.
4. CIVILIZATION UN-22.2-I degree of presence. CODE 004.
Fig. 9. Type t.UFO-f
Zhvalofag hitinopantsirny, ekstragumanoidny. (Fig. 10)
Zhvalofaghitinopantsirny, ekstragumanoidny. Height - 120 cm. Vsumerkah contacting and night. Gipnopotentsial = 0. It has poisonous dyhaniem.Zhertvu slowly draws in, frays mandibles to polnogorassasyvaniya. Localization - Central and South Africa, Indonesia. Tselprishestviya not defined. More than 25 post-exposure iskhodov.Gruppa lethal danger - 08.
5. Civilization YZH-YO.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 002.
Fig. 11. Type t.UWj
a) Cherepogryz tsiklopovidny. (Fig. 12)
Germ of up to 3 meters. The spring of more than 1, 5 m. It has a huge physical siloy.Predelno aggressive contactee kills by squeezing golovyzhertvy jaws and suck the brain. Suschestvovaniyado Duration 3 days. Gipnopotentsial 0. hiding in rocky rasselinah.Lokalizatsiya - Tien Shan, Pyrenees, Southern Urals. A risk group - 05.
b) Zveronoid psevdorazumny, saber-toothed. (Fig. 13)
Germ of up to 2 meters. Zone appearance is not limited. Contacting isklyuchitelnos women. Gipnopotentsial light. Sacrifice lulls, ostavlyaetna point of contact in a state of total amnesia. The purpose of the coming - sborinformatsii. A risk group can not be determined.
6. CIVILIZATION OM SHH1.2 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 008.
a) Homozavr yascheroglavy, plastinchatokryly. (Fig. 14)
Vysotav withers - 80 cm. The weight - about a ton. Six-legged, six-armed (BATS). Contactees perceived as a vicious nerazumnoezhivotnoe. Actual IQ significantly prevyshaetzemnye standards. Gipnopotentsial - up to 120 runes. No postkontaktnogoletalnogo outcome. Localization - the equatorial zone, Australia. Gruppaopasnosti defies definition.
b) Bioandroid pseudoreal. (Fig. 15)
Height, weight, length - not determined. Appears only soprovozhdeniiHOMOZAVRA. The role of the task unclear. More than ten cases of full raspadeniyapri contacts. Gipnopotentsial - not less than 100 runes. Group danger intractable determination. The purpose of the coming - preparatory (undefined) operations, avoiding all possible contacts.
7. CIVILIZATION Mankiw-A.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 034.
ZVINGOSTRELLORUS Crab nogoruky. (Fig. 16)
Zvingostrelloruskrabovidny nogoruky. Height - 20 cm. It is found exclusively vpribrezhnyh waters. Gipnopotentsial - 3 runes. The victim was lured naglubokovode slowly suffocates telepathic command divides (perhaps for the study). 32 deaths. Localization uninstalled. Group opasnosti- 06.
8. Civilization ARKTAR-RON-11.2-th degree of presence. CODE - 001.
Humanoid primatoobrazny. (Fig. 17)
Germ 180 cm. Weight - 90 kg. It appears at any time, exclusive woods, glades. Localization - Central, Northern Russia, Canada and Siberia. Contactees avoided. The people identified with the "Wood-Demon". When the pursuit rushes, tormented to death or iskhoda.Neredko taken as "Bigfoot." Gipnopotentsialneznachitelny. The purpose of training prishestviya- bridgeheads. Gruppaopasnosti - 06.
9. CIVILIZATION-Tron D.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 002.
Homokiler bitter bugrotsefaloidny. (Fig. 18)
-Speed three legs - up to 4m, eight - to 1, 5 m. Weight - not ustanovlen.Poyavlyaetsya at dawn. Victim-contactee without preduprezhdeniya.Chrezvychayno kills savage, merciless, there were cases of complete unichtozheniyazhiteley towns, villages. From pulling out corpses contactees mozzhechok.Tsel action is established. Virtually indestructible, puleneprobivaem.Gipnopotentsial = 0. More than 70 post-exposure lethal outcomes. Priperedvizhenii uses antigravity agents. Armed. Tritrupa HOMOKILEROV discovered after the famous Tirnesskogo "massacre" with the use of jet-setting mortar, underwent polnomuraspadu within 8 days. A risk group - 03.
10. CIVILIZATION SCHAN-00-I-FY171.3 degree of presence. Code-072.
Fig. 20. Ufo - type t.kSy.
Ihtiogadr slizistoglazy zhabovidny. (Fig. 19)
Ihtnogadrslizistoglazy zhabovidny. The amount undetectable. Able ksamorazdutiyu eighty original volume. Lives poslevysadki of UFOs in the swamps, lagoons. Gipnopotentsial - 240 run.Sposoben attract sacrifice-contactee from up to six semikilometrov. Apathetic, lethargic. Six cases of rescue and care contactees "of the mouth." The lower jaw is kept in the Air Force Museum (Moscow Gipkon and / ya7432 / 9). Likely Coming goal - the development of marshlands, the preparation of the invasion. The people identified with the "water" .Lokalizatsiya - Eastern Hemisphere. A risk group - 08.
11. CIVILIZATION ONTODILAGVA-H.5 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 074.
Fig. 21. Ufo - type Ufo-TX
Bokoed psevdozryachy armored. (Fig. 22)
Germ 2, 5 m. Appears at dusk. According bolshinstvaspetsialistov-kontaktologi is distracting artificially sozdannoymodelyu covering the actions of representatives of the main 11-oyTsivilizatsii. The victim kills lightning cast vygryzaniem pecheni.Vooruzhen. In fact blind. It has an ultrasonic locator. Before 60letalnyh post-exposure outcomes. Localization - China, Taiwan, basseynAmura. Risk Group - On.
12. CIVILIZATION ZOGA.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 003.
a) ANDROID usual. (Fig. 23)
Germ of up to 3 meters. Weight is not installed. It appears in the dark. Delaetpriglashayuschie gestures lures. Localization is not ustanovlena.Gipnopotentsial not installed. Death mask baby androids (the result of the UFO crash) is stored in the X sector, the US Air Force Museum. Tselprishestviya not installed. A risk group - 08.
Fig. 24. t. UFO-11 W
b) paralyzing Psevdoandroid (Fig. 25)
Germ of up to 2 meters. Weight ephemeral. When the full moon appears in malonaselennyhrayonah, suburbs. Publishes in the paralyzing whistle ultrazvukovomdiapazone. Catch the slightest noises and radiation on rasstoyaniineskolko kilometers. Gipnopotentsial = 7 runes. It is extremely dangerous. Nerazumen.Upravlyaetsya android or gigaandroidom. Probably performs funktsiirobota-guard intelligent crew members. Group danger kolebletsyaot 001 to 010.
c) Gigaandroid-pantsiroglav. (Fig. 26)
Germ of 1 meter. Weight - about 30 kg. It is extremely dangerous in any vremyasutok. Skeleton killed gigaandroida until 1991 kept in Kuzyg-Solskomotdelenii OKGB. Destroyed along with the archives in August 1991 Gruppaopasnosti - 02.
Fig. 27. Ufo type t.Lg
13. CIVILIZATION ARGAD Z.1-th degree of presence. CODE-005.
Fig. 28. EC type-1
WAN chameleon. (Fig. 29)
Height, weight, color, body shape defy classification. Jaws klykisposobny change the size, shape. Move freely around the walls, ceilings, arches. Fixed attacks on victim-contactee net.Postkontaktny symptom - cerebral palsy, complete loss of memory. Neisklyuchena opportunity to gather information directly from mozgazhertvy-contactee. It is identified with the "evil forces" has the ability to direct damage. Localization - North iVostochnaya Russia, Canada, Greece. A risk group - 03.
14. CIVILIZATION 456-X.2-th power of presence. CODE - 006.
Fig. 30. type t. WG04
Fig. 31. The type of t. UFO-2
ab) MNIMOTSEFAL transparent mucous. (Fig. 32, 33)
Germ to 80 cm. Weight - undetectable. Mimikrizatsiya achieved razdutiemvnekozhnyh false bubbles. No danger. At a meeting skontakterami hasty retreat. Localization - Taiwan, China, Korea, Sumatra.
15. CIVILIZATION MOP-IL3-th power of presence. CODE - 007.
Embryo ringed PSEVDORAZUMNY. (Fig. 34)
Dlinatela - 80 m. Weight - 40 kg. It appears in deserted places izpodzemnyh holes, trenches. Resistance has not. Seven embryos sluchaevpoedaniya jackals, hyenas. The purpose of the presence is not perceived as unreasonable ustanovlena.Kontakterami animal unknown tipa.Vo the construction of the Aswan High Dam severed kovshamiekskavatorov thirteen individuals, remains destroyed. Peremeschaetsyaisklyuchitelno underground. When daylight fades. Interest is not dlyakontakterov.
16. CIVILIZATION US-lago-6.1-th power of presence. CODE - 010.
Fig. 35. Ufo type t.UFO-b
Germ of up to 3 meters. Weight - more than 1 ton. It is a humanoid sverhrazumnogognidopantsirnogo parasitic yascherovidnom zverotsefalezhivotnogo origin. Completely devoid of humanistic nachal.Chrezvychayno dangerous, insidious, cunning. It appears in the late afternoon chasy.Unichtozhaet all living things around him. Gipnopotentsial - 2 runes. Razryvaetzhertvu contactee-on part in writing does not use. Spetspodrazdeleniyamibundesvera to fight captured one individual, casualties sostavili87 killed, 115 wounded. Cadaver specimen disintegrated completely za79 hours. The remaining lump of slime extraterrestrial origin stored VUSS-12, Bonn. Localization - Central, Northern and Eastern Europe, Russia (central part).
17. CIVILIZATION number 7V.1 th degree of presence. CODE-011.
Fig. 37. Type t.QPW-l
Carrion MYAGKOGOLOVY. (Fig. 38)
Germ 1, 8 meters. Weight - 80 kg. Conducted primarily nocturnal. Lives in cemeteries, eats carrion. Absolyutnoslep. It has infrasonic biolokatorom. Reported sluchaiizyasneniya on human dialects, luring contactees single ipoedaniya them. Hypno-potential = 0. Typically lavender glow emanating from the body of Carrion. Ownership transmitters unknown tipa.Chrezvychayno cautious, suspicious. The purpose of the presence - collection informatsiina molecular level. Localization - is widespread, odiniz most frequent UFO navtov.
18. CIVILIZATION TDK-OO.3 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 012.
and b) alpha-Humanoid ZHIDKOGLAZY (Fig. 39, 40)
Germ of up to 40 cm. Weight - 6 kg. Characteristic shine zhidkihsteklovidnyh hypnotic eyes. Avoided contact. Hypno-capacity - up to 100 gigarun. All attempts to capture (United States, Alabama, West Germany, Frankfurt; the Soviet Union, Vyazma) failed. It is showing increased interest kenergonositelyam, nuclear reactor launchers. Sposobenmenyat morphology of the face. Probably, it has an artificial origin * .Chrezvychayno active. It lives only in the cities, promyshlennyhtsentrah. AVOID. A risk group - 08.
* Znachitelnayachast subjects usually taken for humanoid actually yavlyaetsyabiorobotami or cultured externally controlled zhivotnymi.Zaprogrammirovannost action is often perceived as razumnoepovedenie, knocks koktaktera.
19. CIVILIZATION "black hole" 1-st degree of presence. CODE - 013.
a) GIENOGLAZ-cuckold. (Fig. 41)
Germ of up to 3 meters. Weight - about 6 tons. It appears only malonaselennyhgornyh areas at dawn. All eighteen of contacts prohodilisleduyuschim way: the victim, paralyzed contactee, polnomi staying sane, GIENOGLAZ for three hours staring smotrelna contactee, not making a sound, and then disappeared, kontaktzakanchivalsya. The purpose of contacts and presence - is unclear. All contactee terms from 3 to 4 years after contact had died, cause of death is unmounted. Additional data are available.
Interesane is. Repeatedly "captured" by special services of Israel, the Soviet Union, Germany, Iraq, Norway. Is a phantom-induced ghost employee is likely to dezinformatsiipresledovateley-contactees GIENOGLAZA-cuckold and other, yet undetected genuine representatives of civilization.
20. CIVILIZATION URLAG (double) .4 th degree of presence. CODE - 0156.
Germ of up to 2 meters. Weight - 400 kg. Localization - equatorial zona.Obitaet mainly in the jungle. It is extremely dangerous. Izlavlivaetzhertvu-contactee, the local natives, scrutinizes techenieodnoy in two weeks by successive vivisection. It shows interesisklyuchitelno to sentient beings. The first fixation - 378 BC. e.Dva stuffed BUD stored in the vaults of the National Museum of Zaire. Odinkadavr - in spetshranilische IP-KGB g.Tulchin. Gipnopotentsial not poddaetsyaizmereniyu. Invulnerable. Bulletproof. Yellow eyes shone in temnote.Napadaet always sudden, choking, paralyzing, bites gorlo.Obladaet higher intellectual abilities characteristic dlyabiotsivilizatsy. Risk Group - 001.
21. CIVILIZATION 14-78-0.1 th degree of presence. CODE - 016.
STRAUSOTSEFAL killer. (Fig. 44)
Strausotsefal-ubiytsa.Rost - up to 2 meters. Weight - 200 kg. Localization - tsentralnayaAvstraliya, Maldives. It has a huge beak iskusstvennogoproiskhozhdeniya - presumably made of metal, blizkogotitanu. Chip beak is kept in the Ethnographic Museum of Sidney.Obladaet exceptional ferocity, merciless. Destroys lyuboydvizhuschiysya object unknown way corrupts mortified obektydo plasma cell state. Withdraws.
Fig. Sometimes
Alien Residency interstellar civilizations and inomernyh amenable mediated accounting and klassifikatsii.Gruppa humanoid races.

Fig.1. Type UFO GWI
a) pale watery dwarf chameleon (Fig. 2)

Germ 60 cm. Appears only at dawn in the mist, often in yadovityhbolotnyh evaporation. Gipnopotentsial 0. Sting smertelen.Prodolzhitelnost existence of up to 3 hours. Localization -severo-east of the USSR, Canada, Greenland, Iceland. Fiksirovannyhposlekontaktnyh 37 deaths. A risk group - 08.
b) hydrocephalus lozhnozryachy. (Fig. 3)

Germ to 125 cm. It has a gigantic physical strength. Obnaruzhivaetzhertvu contactee-reflex, the smell, the touch, the persecution nekonchaet to its own decay. Habitats and appearance - vaults, ravines, abandoned mines. When exposed to light skorotechnorazlagaetsya. Gipnopotentsial light. Prodolzhitelnostsuschestvovaniya up to 4 days in the swampy and damp locations - up to 6 tisutok. 72 Contact: 53 - death, 8 - very heavy sostoyanies subsequent amnesia, 9 - progressive dementia. Localization - sdostatochnoy degree of confidence is not established. Risk Group -07.
2. CIVILIZATION URHREMHR UR-OZN. RCD-021.2-I degree of presence.
a) bronegolovy pyatilapy cannibalism. (Figure 4)

Germ and 1, 5 meters. He finds himself in mountainous or rocky rayonah.Krayne aggressive. Victim-contactee devoured completely. Naiboleeustoychiv. Cadaver three Anthropophagi-bp Tsentrekosmoantropologii stored in the United States (TC Base, Virginia). Gipnopotentsial -polutorny. The ability to contact - around the clock. Puleustoychivyy.Lokalizatsiya - Northern Cordillera, the Andes, the Southern Urals, Himalayas, Kurily.41 fixed post-exposure death. A risk group - 04.

Fig. 5. Ship Type UF-4
b) Purple kalmaroandroid. (Fig. 6)

Dlinatela - up to 16 meters. It lives exclusively in the Pacific and Atlanticheskomokeanah, mostly - in the Bermuda Triangle (18 commits) .In contact with individuals not enter. Gipnopotentsial - to 6-tigigarun. It can cause low-frequency vibrations of destructive, mass psychosis, a complete loss of reason large contingents of people (passengers and crews of ships, planes, submarines) .Posledstviya contacts account can not be. Risk Group - 03.Neunichtozhaem. The duration of up to 7 days.
3. Civilization SPR-12 IH.3-th power of presence. CODE - 009.
a) Trigrong zverovidny deaf. (Fig. 7)

Germ to 2, 5 meters. The zone is not limited appearances. In direct contact nevstupaet. It uses psihoizluchateli internal deystviya.Zhertvu-contactee paralyzes telekinetically. It has a tremendous force malice. It provides resistance to. full of self-destruction iistlevaniya. Pulegranatoustoychivy. Able to keep up to four lozhnyhdubley. Two mutilated cadaver trigronga were discovered in 1968 g.posle explosion disc-shaped UFOs of the second group in the Great Lakes region 1 (US). Around 217 fixed deaths. A risk group - 04.
b) Homozoid toothed psevdomaterialny. (Fig. 8)

Germ from 0, 25 to 4 meters. It appears only in the cities and poselkahgorodskogo type. The contact comes mostly at night, able to lull the victim-contactee. Gipnopotentsial - 5 run.Prakticheski elusive, incorporeal, holographic. Telepathically vnushaetzhertve hopelessness horror. By physically affected pribegaetkrayne rarely, in exceptional cases, if necessary, contact samozaschity.Posledstviya account can not be. Group danger - 04. Tselprebyvaniya representatives of these civilizations on Earth ustanovlena.Logika contact can not be determined. The General Klassifikatoreprohodyat the category of lower risk groups, subclass humanoids.
4. CIVILIZATION UN-22.2-I degree of presence. CODE 004.

Fig. 9. Type t.UFO-f
Zhvalofag hitinopantsirny, ekstragumanoidny. (Fig. 10)

Zhvalofaghitinopantsirny, ekstragumanoidny. Height - 120 cm. Vsumerkah contacting and night. Gipnopotentsial = 0. It has poisonous dyhaniem.Zhertvu slowly draws in, frays mandibles to polnogorassasyvaniya. Localization - Central and South Africa, Indonesia. Tselprishestviya not defined. More than 25 post-exposure iskhodov.Gruppa lethal danger - 08.
5. Civilization YZH-YO.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 002.

Fig. 11. Type t.UWj
a) Cherepogryz tsiklopovidny. (Fig. 12)

Germ of up to 3 meters. The spring of more than 1, 5 m. It has a huge physical siloy.Predelno aggressive contactee kills by squeezing golovyzhertvy jaws and suck the brain. Suschestvovaniyado Duration 3 days. Gipnopotentsial 0. hiding in rocky rasselinah.Lokalizatsiya - Tien Shan, Pyrenees, Southern Urals. A risk group - 05.
b) Zveronoid psevdorazumny, saber-toothed. (Fig. 13)

Germ of up to 2 meters. Zone appearance is not limited. Contacting isklyuchitelnos women. Gipnopotentsial light. Sacrifice lulls, ostavlyaetna point of contact in a state of total amnesia. The purpose of the coming - sborinformatsii. A risk group can not be determined.
6. CIVILIZATION OM SHH1.2 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 008.
a) Homozavr yascheroglavy, plastinchatokryly. (Fig. 14)

Vysotav withers - 80 cm. The weight - about a ton. Six-legged, six-armed (BATS). Contactees perceived as a vicious nerazumnoezhivotnoe. Actual IQ significantly prevyshaetzemnye standards. Gipnopotentsial - up to 120 runes. No postkontaktnogoletalnogo outcome. Localization - the equatorial zone, Australia. Gruppaopasnosti defies definition.
b) Bioandroid pseudoreal. (Fig. 15)

Height, weight, length - not determined. Appears only soprovozhdeniiHOMOZAVRA. The role of the task unclear. More than ten cases of full raspadeniyapri contacts. Gipnopotentsial - not less than 100 runes. Group danger intractable determination. The purpose of the coming - preparatory (undefined) operations, avoiding all possible contacts.
7. CIVILIZATION Mankiw-A.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 034.
ZVINGOSTRELLORUS Crab nogoruky. (Fig. 16)

Zvingostrelloruskrabovidny nogoruky. Height - 20 cm. It is found exclusively vpribrezhnyh waters. Gipnopotentsial - 3 runes. The victim was lured naglubokovode slowly suffocates telepathic command divides (perhaps for the study). 32 deaths. Localization uninstalled. Group opasnosti- 06.
8. Civilization ARKTAR-RON-11.2-th degree of presence. CODE - 001.
Humanoid primatoobrazny. (Fig. 17)

Germ 180 cm. Weight - 90 kg. It appears at any time, exclusive woods, glades. Localization - Central, Northern Russia, Canada and Siberia. Contactees avoided. The people identified with the "Wood-Demon". When the pursuit rushes, tormented to death or iskhoda.Neredko taken as "Bigfoot." Gipnopotentsialneznachitelny. The purpose of training prishestviya- bridgeheads. Gruppaopasnosti - 06.
9. CIVILIZATION-Tron D.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 002.
Homokiler bitter bugrotsefaloidny. (Fig. 18)

-Speed three legs - up to 4m, eight - to 1, 5 m. Weight - not ustanovlen.Poyavlyaetsya at dawn. Victim-contactee without preduprezhdeniya.Chrezvychayno kills savage, merciless, there were cases of complete unichtozheniyazhiteley towns, villages. From pulling out corpses contactees mozzhechok.Tsel action is established. Virtually indestructible, puleneprobivaem.Gipnopotentsial = 0. More than 70 post-exposure lethal outcomes. Priperedvizhenii uses antigravity agents. Armed. Tritrupa HOMOKILEROV discovered after the famous Tirnesskogo "massacre" with the use of jet-setting mortar, underwent polnomuraspadu within 8 days. A risk group - 03.
10. CIVILIZATION SCHAN-00-I-FY171.3 degree of presence. Code-072.

Fig. 20. Ufo - type t.kSy.
Ihtiogadr slizistoglazy zhabovidny. (Fig. 19)

Ihtnogadrslizistoglazy zhabovidny. The amount undetectable. Able ksamorazdutiyu eighty original volume. Lives poslevysadki of UFOs in the swamps, lagoons. Gipnopotentsial - 240 run.Sposoben attract sacrifice-contactee from up to six semikilometrov. Apathetic, lethargic. Six cases of rescue and care contactees "of the mouth." The lower jaw is kept in the Air Force Museum (Moscow Gipkon and / ya7432 / 9). Likely Coming goal - the development of marshlands, the preparation of the invasion. The people identified with the "water" .Lokalizatsiya - Eastern Hemisphere. A risk group - 08.
11. CIVILIZATION ONTODILAGVA-H.5 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 074.

Fig. 21. Ufo - type Ufo-TX
Bokoed psevdozryachy armored. (Fig. 22)

Germ 2, 5 m. Appears at dusk. According bolshinstvaspetsialistov-kontaktologi is distracting artificially sozdannoymodelyu covering the actions of representatives of the main 11-oyTsivilizatsii. The victim kills lightning cast vygryzaniem pecheni.Vooruzhen. In fact blind. It has an ultrasonic locator. Before 60letalnyh post-exposure outcomes. Localization - China, Taiwan, basseynAmura. Risk Group - On.
12. CIVILIZATION ZOGA.1 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 003.
a) ANDROID usual. (Fig. 23)

Germ of up to 3 meters. Weight is not installed. It appears in the dark. Delaetpriglashayuschie gestures lures. Localization is not ustanovlena.Gipnopotentsial not installed. Death mask baby androids (the result of the UFO crash) is stored in the X sector, the US Air Force Museum. Tselprishestviya not installed. A risk group - 08.

Fig. 24. t. UFO-11 W
b) paralyzing Psevdoandroid (Fig. 25)

Germ of up to 2 meters. Weight ephemeral. When the full moon appears in malonaselennyhrayonah, suburbs. Publishes in the paralyzing whistle ultrazvukovomdiapazone. Catch the slightest noises and radiation on rasstoyaniineskolko kilometers. Gipnopotentsial = 7 runes. It is extremely dangerous. Nerazumen.Upravlyaetsya android or gigaandroidom. Probably performs funktsiirobota-guard intelligent crew members. Group danger kolebletsyaot 001 to 010.
c) Gigaandroid-pantsiroglav. (Fig. 26)

Germ of 1 meter. Weight - about 30 kg. It is extremely dangerous in any vremyasutok. Skeleton killed gigaandroida until 1991 kept in Kuzyg-Solskomotdelenii OKGB. Destroyed along with the archives in August 1991 Gruppaopasnosti - 02.

Fig. 27. Ufo type t.Lg
13. CIVILIZATION ARGAD Z.1-th degree of presence. CODE-005.

Fig. 28. EC type-1
WAN chameleon. (Fig. 29)

Height, weight, color, body shape defy classification. Jaws klykisposobny change the size, shape. Move freely around the walls, ceilings, arches. Fixed attacks on victim-contactee net.Postkontaktny symptom - cerebral palsy, complete loss of memory. Neisklyuchena opportunity to gather information directly from mozgazhertvy-contactee. It is identified with the "evil forces" has the ability to direct damage. Localization - North iVostochnaya Russia, Canada, Greece. A risk group - 03.
14. CIVILIZATION 456-X.2-th power of presence. CODE - 006.

Fig. 30. type t. WG04

Fig. 31. The type of t. UFO-2
ab) MNIMOTSEFAL transparent mucous. (Fig. 32, 33)

Germ to 80 cm. Weight - undetectable. Mimikrizatsiya achieved razdutiemvnekozhnyh false bubbles. No danger. At a meeting skontakterami hasty retreat. Localization - Taiwan, China, Korea, Sumatra.
15. CIVILIZATION MOP-IL3-th power of presence. CODE - 007.
Embryo ringed PSEVDORAZUMNY. (Fig. 34)

Dlinatela - 80 m. Weight - 40 kg. It appears in deserted places izpodzemnyh holes, trenches. Resistance has not. Seven embryos sluchaevpoedaniya jackals, hyenas. The purpose of the presence is not perceived as unreasonable ustanovlena.Kontakterami animal unknown tipa.Vo the construction of the Aswan High Dam severed kovshamiekskavatorov thirteen individuals, remains destroyed. Peremeschaetsyaisklyuchitelno underground. When daylight fades. Interest is not dlyakontakterov.
16. CIVILIZATION US-lago-6.1-th power of presence. CODE - 010.

Fig. 35. Ufo type t.UFO-b

Germ of up to 3 meters. Weight - more than 1 ton. It is a humanoid sverhrazumnogognidopantsirnogo parasitic yascherovidnom zverotsefalezhivotnogo origin. Completely devoid of humanistic nachal.Chrezvychayno dangerous, insidious, cunning. It appears in the late afternoon chasy.Unichtozhaet all living things around him. Gipnopotentsial - 2 runes. Razryvaetzhertvu contactee-on part in writing does not use. Spetspodrazdeleniyamibundesvera to fight captured one individual, casualties sostavili87 killed, 115 wounded. Cadaver specimen disintegrated completely za79 hours. The remaining lump of slime extraterrestrial origin stored VUSS-12, Bonn. Localization - Central, Northern and Eastern Europe, Russia (central part).
17. CIVILIZATION number 7V.1 th degree of presence. CODE-011.

Fig. 37. Type t.QPW-l
Carrion MYAGKOGOLOVY. (Fig. 38)

Germ 1, 8 meters. Weight - 80 kg. Conducted primarily nocturnal. Lives in cemeteries, eats carrion. Absolyutnoslep. It has infrasonic biolokatorom. Reported sluchaiizyasneniya on human dialects, luring contactees single ipoedaniya them. Hypno-potential = 0. Typically lavender glow emanating from the body of Carrion. Ownership transmitters unknown tipa.Chrezvychayno cautious, suspicious. The purpose of the presence - collection informatsiina molecular level. Localization - is widespread, odiniz most frequent UFO navtov.
18. CIVILIZATION TDK-OO.3 AZ degree of presence. CODE - 012.
and b) alpha-Humanoid ZHIDKOGLAZY (Fig. 39, 40)

Germ of up to 40 cm. Weight - 6 kg. Characteristic shine zhidkihsteklovidnyh hypnotic eyes. Avoided contact. Hypno-capacity - up to 100 gigarun. All attempts to capture (United States, Alabama, West Germany, Frankfurt; the Soviet Union, Vyazma) failed. It is showing increased interest kenergonositelyam, nuclear reactor launchers. Sposobenmenyat morphology of the face. Probably, it has an artificial origin * .Chrezvychayno active. It lives only in the cities, promyshlennyhtsentrah. AVOID. A risk group - 08.
* Znachitelnayachast subjects usually taken for humanoid actually yavlyaetsyabiorobotami or cultured externally controlled zhivotnymi.Zaprogrammirovannost action is often perceived as razumnoepovedenie, knocks koktaktera.
19. CIVILIZATION "black hole" 1-st degree of presence. CODE - 013.
a) GIENOGLAZ-cuckold. (Fig. 41)

Germ of up to 3 meters. Weight - about 6 tons. It appears only malonaselennyhgornyh areas at dawn. All eighteen of contacts prohodilisleduyuschim way: the victim, paralyzed contactee, polnomi staying sane, GIENOGLAZ for three hours staring smotrelna contactee, not making a sound, and then disappeared, kontaktzakanchivalsya. The purpose of contacts and presence - is unclear. All contactee terms from 3 to 4 years after contact had died, cause of death is unmounted. Additional data are available.

Interesane is. Repeatedly "captured" by special services of Israel, the Soviet Union, Germany, Iraq, Norway. Is a phantom-induced ghost employee is likely to dezinformatsiipresledovateley-contactees GIENOGLAZA-cuckold and other, yet undetected genuine representatives of civilization.
20. CIVILIZATION URLAG (double) .4 th degree of presence. CODE - 0156.

Germ of up to 2 meters. Weight - 400 kg. Localization - equatorial zona.Obitaet mainly in the jungle. It is extremely dangerous. Izlavlivaetzhertvu-contactee, the local natives, scrutinizes techenieodnoy in two weeks by successive vivisection. It shows interesisklyuchitelno to sentient beings. The first fixation - 378 BC. e.Dva stuffed BUD stored in the vaults of the National Museum of Zaire. Odinkadavr - in spetshranilische IP-KGB g.Tulchin. Gipnopotentsial not poddaetsyaizmereniyu. Invulnerable. Bulletproof. Yellow eyes shone in temnote.Napadaet always sudden, choking, paralyzing, bites gorlo.Obladaet higher intellectual abilities characteristic dlyabiotsivilizatsy. Risk Group - 001.
21. CIVILIZATION 14-78-0.1 th degree of presence. CODE - 016.
STRAUSOTSEFAL killer. (Fig. 44)

Strausotsefal-ubiytsa.Rost - up to 2 meters. Weight - 200 kg. Localization - tsentralnayaAvstraliya, Maldives. It has a huge beak iskusstvennogoproiskhozhdeniya - presumably made of metal, blizkogotitanu. Chip beak is kept in the Ethnographic Museum of Sidney.Obladaet exceptional ferocity, merciless. Destroys lyuboydvizhuschiysya object unknown way corrupts mortified obektydo plasma cell state. Withdraws.
Fig. Sometimes