How do I know the stranger
1. Aggressiveness
One of the main differences between homo sapiens from other biological is aggressive behavior towards less developed forms of life. It is a struggle for survival, we have become the most successful animal species on their planet. Newcomers will also consider themselves the dominant race and treat us only as a resource, that is the same as we treat, such as draft animals. According to a document recently published by the University of Missouri, aliens, likely will face a much higher level of development. To explore the possibilities and the level of human development, they need aggressive offensive policy. But it will not necessarily take the form of an armed invasion.
2. Research interest
Any alien life form, which reached Earth, by definition, must have some research curiosity.
Interest intelligent beings from other planets to Earth will be similar to the one that led Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Marco Polo and other great travelers and explorers of the earth.
According to physicist Stephen Hawking, aliens are unlikely to destroy our planet, they will try to use it for their own subsistence.
For humanity it can turn adversity, as for any underdeveloped native tribes of colonization.
3. Immunity to earthly diseases
In the sci-fi books and motion pictures quite common assumption that the aliens can never take over the Earth, because their immune system will be extremely vulnerable to any terrestrial bacteria and viruses.
Of course, in the case of Indian civilization and conquistadors what happened - the Spaniards are not exposed to syphilis and other diseases of the Americas, which caused epidemics that caused considerable damage to the population of Europe.
But, according to Seth Shostak, an employee of the project «SETI», earth viruses are unlikely to cause harm to the newcomers.
Germs and bacteria dangerous to mankind evolved millions of years to adapt to life in man.
Terrestrial bacteria and even viruses rarely infect various species of animals (e.g., influenza virus is absolutely not dangerous for dogs), and the device is alien organisms is likely to be fundamentally different from the structure of the human body.
Bacteria simply do not "understand" how to survive in the aliens.
4. Aliens are unlikely to eat people
Mankind for thousands of years eats other inhabitants of our planet and even specially bred animals intended "to be slaughtered." The idea that aliens can do to people is the same, is dire and the desire to resist the alien invasion to the last drop of blood.
However, it is unlikely that cater to demanding taste of human flesh alien gourmets.
Most likely, aliens, going on a long journey, ensure yourself the necessary supply of products and the ability to produce them, so that prey on people they do not have to.
In addition, protein foods from the Earth is unlikely to be compatible with the digestive system visitors from another planet - is another argument in favor of the fact that travelers will capture all the food with them.
The development of civilization has always come to the fact that hunting and livestock - are not the most effective means of production of food, so the steaks from human flesh on the tables of the alien will not be gluttons.
5. Aliens - passionless killer
You've found in their home of cockroaches, ants or flies?
Further developments to predict difficult: first you violently exterminate defenseless and, by and large, harmless insects, and then put the special traps everywhere and process chemicals apartment.
Such a terrible fate may befall us: from the point of view of the aliens, people may well be something of these parasites, insects.
The new owners of the world may hold a large-scale purge, and then be safely dispose of the earth's resources.
To get rid of the planet from the parasites of people likely to be used bacteriological, climatological, or some other, unknown to mankind weapons.
6. Insects - no!
Writers of horror movies and science fiction writers sometimes imagine alien invaders in the form of huge insectoid creatures. Newcomers like giant beetles and wasps, probably one of the most terrible and disgusting creatures of the human mind. However, from a scientific point of view, this assumption can not be sustained. Rather, in such representations reflected people's fear of a purely terrestrial insect carriers of deadly diseases. Due to the specific structure of the body of insects range of comfortable living conditions for them is rather narrow. In insects, no blood, so they can not in sufficient quantities to obtain oxygen from the atmosphere - that explains their small size. Many millions of years ago, when the oxygen concentration in the air was much higher, the size of some species of insects have reached one meter, but these giants died out pretty quickly, giving way to more sophisticated and unpretentious animals.
7. Overmind
You probably noticed that almost all the cinematic and literary aliens have the Overmind. This is logical - otherwise they would be able to carry out a space flight, and even try to capture an alien planet?
However, aggression and bloodlust, which is usually attributed to the aliens, somehow did not really fit in with the way the supramental beings. If an alien civilization is at a high level of socio-political, scientific and technological development, it is unlikely it will arrange for representatives of the pashas banal world war - it can bring more problems than benefits. Mission aliens most likely will not be a military operation, and an invitation to dialogue. Politicians from the Earth and the leadership of newcomers will have to find a compromise and develop a mutually beneficial co-operation, while preventing bloodshed.
8. inhuman beauty looks
No matter how violent and was not a sophisticated fantasy people shape their fictional aliens often generally resembles the human body.
Filmmakers it makes it much more colorful and convincing depict scenes of communication between people and aliens: if the "green man" at least somewhat similar to earthling, it is already forcing sympathize with him more than, for example, there, looking like a bowling ball (this image aliens found in one of the books Clifford Simak).
However, something Simak was right: the aliens will surely be strikingly different from the animal world of the Earth.
The structure of any living being depends primarily on the environment and climate inhabited planets of other galaxies almost unknown, so if contact with their residents still take place, the appearance of the guests will be a surprise for mankind.
9. Skills speech
The development of civilization is largely determined by the development of forms of communication.
Technical, social and social progress of the last decades has allowed to raise the exchange of information between people on a completely different level - have become the main value of information, and each year the amount of transferred data grow.
Every day, people have to solve a lot of problems related to language barriers and ways of thinking in different countries, but in general any Earthman can somehow be explained with the neighbor country or continent, for example, through gestures or pictures.
If aliens visited Earth, first of all, to build relationships with people, they (and we) will need to take care of a method of transmitting information - accessible, acceptable and understandable for all participants interplanetary dialogue.
Everything is complicated by the fact that we do not know how the aliens talk to each other, because they can use to communicate electromagnetic waves, if not use telepathy.
10. Do not wait to visit alien "bodybuilders»
Numerous fans of movies and books about aliens will surely be disappointed that the burly, strong and devilishly clever alien monsters, which they say writers and creators of films, most likely, there is.
When a civilization reaches a high level of technological development, physical development of its representatives gradually slows down and may start degradation.
For example, if our ancestors to survive, had to have strong muscles and agility, many people today prefer not to torture yourself too physically demanding, because to have lunch, do not need to catch a mammoth, and you can safely buy clothes without tearing the skin with tiger .
With increasing energy the body has been steadily decreasing amount of muscle that at the same time compensated by the development of the brain.
This, in particular, refers to HG Wells (Herbert Wells) in his famous "War of the Worlds" - his Martians brain is extremely developed, but the body adapted mainly to using the buttons and levers to control a variety of mechanisms such as described in novel martial tripods.
11. Functional limb
Despite the fact that the aliens are expected will not possess the significant physical strength, they still probably be one or more limbs, their functionality similar human hand. To reach certain heights in science and technology, intelligent creatures should confidently manipulate tools and equipment, and for this they need a truly golden hands, then there are certainly capable of being precise and carefully planned movement. Tools are constantly being improved, simplified management, and at the same time expanding opportunities, but it does not always lead to a loss of skills fine manipulation of objects. For example, spears and swords as weapons is now hardly used, replaced by nuclear warheads and drones, but any adult, even if not perfectly, but he knows how to handle them.
Incidentally, these characteristics also apply to us. When we are traveling between the stars and arrival on another inhabited planet, we will be that way.

One of the main differences between homo sapiens from other biological is aggressive behavior towards less developed forms of life. It is a struggle for survival, we have become the most successful animal species on their planet. Newcomers will also consider themselves the dominant race and treat us only as a resource, that is the same as we treat, such as draft animals. According to a document recently published by the University of Missouri, aliens, likely will face a much higher level of development. To explore the possibilities and the level of human development, they need aggressive offensive policy. But it will not necessarily take the form of an armed invasion.
2. Research interest

Any alien life form, which reached Earth, by definition, must have some research curiosity.
Interest intelligent beings from other planets to Earth will be similar to the one that led Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Marco Polo and other great travelers and explorers of the earth.
According to physicist Stephen Hawking, aliens are unlikely to destroy our planet, they will try to use it for their own subsistence.
For humanity it can turn adversity, as for any underdeveloped native tribes of colonization.
3. Immunity to earthly diseases

In the sci-fi books and motion pictures quite common assumption that the aliens can never take over the Earth, because their immune system will be extremely vulnerable to any terrestrial bacteria and viruses.
Of course, in the case of Indian civilization and conquistadors what happened - the Spaniards are not exposed to syphilis and other diseases of the Americas, which caused epidemics that caused considerable damage to the population of Europe.
But, according to Seth Shostak, an employee of the project «SETI», earth viruses are unlikely to cause harm to the newcomers.
Germs and bacteria dangerous to mankind evolved millions of years to adapt to life in man.
Terrestrial bacteria and even viruses rarely infect various species of animals (e.g., influenza virus is absolutely not dangerous for dogs), and the device is alien organisms is likely to be fundamentally different from the structure of the human body.
Bacteria simply do not "understand" how to survive in the aliens.
4. Aliens are unlikely to eat people

Mankind for thousands of years eats other inhabitants of our planet and even specially bred animals intended "to be slaughtered." The idea that aliens can do to people is the same, is dire and the desire to resist the alien invasion to the last drop of blood.
However, it is unlikely that cater to demanding taste of human flesh alien gourmets.
Most likely, aliens, going on a long journey, ensure yourself the necessary supply of products and the ability to produce them, so that prey on people they do not have to.
In addition, protein foods from the Earth is unlikely to be compatible with the digestive system visitors from another planet - is another argument in favor of the fact that travelers will capture all the food with them.
The development of civilization has always come to the fact that hunting and livestock - are not the most effective means of production of food, so the steaks from human flesh on the tables of the alien will not be gluttons.
5. Aliens - passionless killer

You've found in their home of cockroaches, ants or flies?
Further developments to predict difficult: first you violently exterminate defenseless and, by and large, harmless insects, and then put the special traps everywhere and process chemicals apartment.
Such a terrible fate may befall us: from the point of view of the aliens, people may well be something of these parasites, insects.
The new owners of the world may hold a large-scale purge, and then be safely dispose of the earth's resources.
To get rid of the planet from the parasites of people likely to be used bacteriological, climatological, or some other, unknown to mankind weapons.
6. Insects - no!

Writers of horror movies and science fiction writers sometimes imagine alien invaders in the form of huge insectoid creatures. Newcomers like giant beetles and wasps, probably one of the most terrible and disgusting creatures of the human mind. However, from a scientific point of view, this assumption can not be sustained. Rather, in such representations reflected people's fear of a purely terrestrial insect carriers of deadly diseases. Due to the specific structure of the body of insects range of comfortable living conditions for them is rather narrow. In insects, no blood, so they can not in sufficient quantities to obtain oxygen from the atmosphere - that explains their small size. Many millions of years ago, when the oxygen concentration in the air was much higher, the size of some species of insects have reached one meter, but these giants died out pretty quickly, giving way to more sophisticated and unpretentious animals.
7. Overmind

You probably noticed that almost all the cinematic and literary aliens have the Overmind. This is logical - otherwise they would be able to carry out a space flight, and even try to capture an alien planet?
However, aggression and bloodlust, which is usually attributed to the aliens, somehow did not really fit in with the way the supramental beings. If an alien civilization is at a high level of socio-political, scientific and technological development, it is unlikely it will arrange for representatives of the pashas banal world war - it can bring more problems than benefits. Mission aliens most likely will not be a military operation, and an invitation to dialogue. Politicians from the Earth and the leadership of newcomers will have to find a compromise and develop a mutually beneficial co-operation, while preventing bloodshed.
8. inhuman beauty looks

No matter how violent and was not a sophisticated fantasy people shape their fictional aliens often generally resembles the human body.
Filmmakers it makes it much more colorful and convincing depict scenes of communication between people and aliens: if the "green man" at least somewhat similar to earthling, it is already forcing sympathize with him more than, for example, there, looking like a bowling ball (this image aliens found in one of the books Clifford Simak).
However, something Simak was right: the aliens will surely be strikingly different from the animal world of the Earth.
The structure of any living being depends primarily on the environment and climate inhabited planets of other galaxies almost unknown, so if contact with their residents still take place, the appearance of the guests will be a surprise for mankind.
9. Skills speech

The development of civilization is largely determined by the development of forms of communication.
Technical, social and social progress of the last decades has allowed to raise the exchange of information between people on a completely different level - have become the main value of information, and each year the amount of transferred data grow.
Every day, people have to solve a lot of problems related to language barriers and ways of thinking in different countries, but in general any Earthman can somehow be explained with the neighbor country or continent, for example, through gestures or pictures.
If aliens visited Earth, first of all, to build relationships with people, they (and we) will need to take care of a method of transmitting information - accessible, acceptable and understandable for all participants interplanetary dialogue.
Everything is complicated by the fact that we do not know how the aliens talk to each other, because they can use to communicate electromagnetic waves, if not use telepathy.
10. Do not wait to visit alien "bodybuilders»

Numerous fans of movies and books about aliens will surely be disappointed that the burly, strong and devilishly clever alien monsters, which they say writers and creators of films, most likely, there is.
When a civilization reaches a high level of technological development, physical development of its representatives gradually slows down and may start degradation.
For example, if our ancestors to survive, had to have strong muscles and agility, many people today prefer not to torture yourself too physically demanding, because to have lunch, do not need to catch a mammoth, and you can safely buy clothes without tearing the skin with tiger .
With increasing energy the body has been steadily decreasing amount of muscle that at the same time compensated by the development of the brain.
This, in particular, refers to HG Wells (Herbert Wells) in his famous "War of the Worlds" - his Martians brain is extremely developed, but the body adapted mainly to using the buttons and levers to control a variety of mechanisms such as described in novel martial tripods.
11. Functional limb

Despite the fact that the aliens are expected will not possess the significant physical strength, they still probably be one or more limbs, their functionality similar human hand. To reach certain heights in science and technology, intelligent creatures should confidently manipulate tools and equipment, and for this they need a truly golden hands, then there are certainly capable of being precise and carefully planned movement. Tools are constantly being improved, simplified management, and at the same time expanding opportunities, but it does not always lead to a loss of skills fine manipulation of objects. For example, spears and swords as weapons is now hardly used, replaced by nuclear warheads and drones, but any adult, even if not perfectly, but he knows how to handle them.
Incidentally, these characteristics also apply to us. When we are traveling between the stars and arrival on another inhabited planet, we will be that way.