Photo Processing "alien" revealed the 60-year-old puzzle

A group of enthusiasts UFO researchers made a surprising discovery about the pictures 60 years ago, long considered evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials. They allegedly were shown the body of a stranger, which brought UFO crash site known as the Розуэлльский incident (Roswell UFO incident) - the alleged collapse of an unidentified flying object near the town of Roswell, New Mexico, USA in July 1947. Since the late 1970s the incident has caused fierce controversy and conspiracy theories, primarily due to obscure the nature of the object detected.
Previously, a lot of people in Mexico City to pay money to see released Roswell slides that have been declared as tangible proof of the existence of extraterrestrials. The event aroused great interest around the world for those who are interested in such riddles. But recently, a group of researchers tried to read what is written on the label about the mummy and applied software for image processing SmartDeblur to one of the slides. As a result, they were able to recover the following text: "the mummified body of a two-year child ... Museum of San Francisco».
The author of "Guide to the study of UFOs" Nigel Watson said: "These slides are genuine museum images that were erroneously associated with the Roswell incident and aliens. It's a shame and tarnished the reputation of all so-called experts who were present at the event. The credibility of UFO research greatly undermined, but that did not stop some people continue to argue that this photograph alien bodies and that the exposure has been specially rigged ».

Skeptics site Bad UFOs confidently believe that "now there is no doubt that the" Roswell alien "is actually a mummified body of the child, as well as a lot of researchers have assumed. Of course, Jamie Maussane, who organized a sensation in Mexico about these slides insists on the return, but who are now wondering ».
As it has been restored inscription
The original slide was filmed Kodakchrome, digitized copy of which was posted publicly available

It is clearly seen that the image although it has sufficient resolution, but strongly smeared. At first glance it is impossible to restore it, especially given how much was the original stage - shooting on film, long storage, digitization, correction. But using the latest developments in the field deconvolution can try to determine the trajectory blurring and pull the original text, which was done with the help of SmartDeblur :

On the basis of the resulting image was offered a possible deciphering the text on the label:

The whole process can be seen here:
According to the materials:
- metro.co.uk/2015/05/11/alien-in-roswell-slides-is-actually-a-mummified-child-5191131
- www.roswellslides.com/how-the-placard-was-deciphered Ul>
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