Passion is once again becoming a mass UFO

UFOs and ufology relevant again, despite the fact that out of fashion, they never came out. This Italian newspaper Corriere Della Serra, who remembers the incident happened a few days ago.
In Wales, three helicopter pilot stated that they observed a strange object emitting strong light rays, and they attempted to chase the object. They did not succeed, because at some point the object had disappeared.
This can be not the usual story of a UFO with a familiar epilogue, which says that we become witnesses and witnesses of unexplained phenomena. Three of these men said that they were of sound mind and memory. In addition, if their condition does not meet the requirements of flight safety, none of them have turned out to be on board the helicopter, the newspaper said. This three soldiers, in fact, acting, in other words - the people who must undergo regular health checks: their history, at least, should be examined more closely than the stories are more impressionable people, some were quite a few in the history of UFO sightings . But it has always remained a mystery. More or less serious, difficult to unraveling.
Until the facts in Wales again took place UFO in Phoenix (historical area where you can often see flying saucers and balls), and the tense hours aboard the shuttle Discovery, where a beam of light began to chase the ship (later NASA calmed astronauts: it was a fragment isolation divorced from Korablin). Finally, and above all, we can talk about steps governments, which have become more frequent than ever before, to remove the code "Secret" X-files relating to this issue in June this year it was the turn of Great Britain, and this year opened its archives France and Ecuador.
Opening files takes place in stages. England gave publicity eight dossiers appearance of others still have to wait. The most interesting, as it seems, are the documents relating to the KGB report (127 pages of records about paranormal phenomena), and evidence of that came from Ecuador.
As for the 44 declassified cases, the officer William Salgago claims without a shadow of a doubt, that "we are talking about extraterrestrial aircraft in our atmosphere, and we have to share our space with representatives of other worlds."
But why now the government disclose the file? "The UFO phenomenon has become massive: Requires an answer - explains Enrico Baccarin, head of the Italian National UFO Center. - Investigations and studies carried out by governments for decades, gave rise to more questions than answers. All this, together with the endless demands of ordinary citizens and different organizations has led to the fact that the authorities were forced to unlock their own part of the archives. " It remains to see whether it is feasible to prepare a solution with the people or whether these steps are intended to end the secrecy, because there is nothing serious or alarming. This last argument was used in the case of the opening of the British "secret materials."
"The theory of adaptation to the phenomenon, - says the National UFO center - realized against the background of confidence in the fact that not all governments reveal the secret to the end. State secrets, along with the danger of a possible culture shock forces to proceed with caution when releasing information. " Meanwhile, the world's growing desire to see a UFO, meet aliens. This interest, according Baccarin, is due not only and not so much spectacular nature of the phenomenon, "as the fact that strengthened the belief that life is not the exclusive monopoly of the Earth. Even the Vatican has admitted such a possibility ("You can believe in God and aliens" - said the theologian, astronomer Jose Funes Gabriele), and recent discoveries made by probes prove the existence of bacterial life forms on Mars; Finally, the discovery of planets outside the solar system similar to our own, proving non-unique solar system in which we find ourselves. "
Why do we have to be alone in the universe? - Asks the UFO Center. "For more than 60 years of observations in the sky made by military pilots, government officials, academics, ordinary citizens, indicate - says Baccarin - that the phenomenon exists. He studied dozens of government commissions, and not being able to classify this phenomenon, not to draw conclusions about what is the origin of these phenomena: the earthly or extraterrestrial. Even the BBC has its own management, which is engaged in statistical studies of this phenomenon. The reality is that the UFO phenomenon exists and interested representatives of the various layers as government circles, and those who are engaged in the study of anomalous phenomena. "
In 2005, former Defense Minister of Canada Paul Hella spoke at a conference in Toronto: recalling that he had participated in the meetings of NATO from 1963 to 1967, he said that since 1947 (when the pilot Kenneth Arnold reported that faced with a whole a group of flying saucers - episode occurred just before the Roswell case and notorious discovery of cosmic Korablin, crashed to the ground) a UFO fly in our sky freely. And not only that: the US desire to return to the moon before 2020 are likely to be linked with the need to create a database that would allow to protect the Earth from intergalactic attacks.
"The evidence of that in our sky there are unidentified objects - says Baccarin - is irrefutable. Even in the IV century BC. e. Latin writer Julius Obsekvens (author of "The Book of miraculous phenomena", a collection of various omens and portents. - Approx. Ed.) wrote about the "fiery shields" appeared in the sky during the ancient Roman Empire. UFOs, so there sooner than we think, and the story itself confirms this reality. Today, evidence of the phenomenon is not discussed, debated its nature or the possibility of negative consequences of social, cultural or technical nature. "