NASA Astronaut: Aliens exist

Speaking live over the phone on Fox News, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former astronaut program "Apollo" and the sixth person to walk on the moon during the Apollo missions 14, broke the conspiracy of silence and said that aliens really do exist, and that the government hid this information for more than 60 years. Currently 82 years, Dr. Edgar Mitchell announced this problem, and confirming the existence of UFOs for the past few years, and believes that the government must end secrecy in this area, and that the media discredited the theme.


Credible witness in each subject should be heard

While the media just laughing and having fun in connection with the statements of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, is not taking it seriously, it highlights an interesting point. Men and women, when they get older, are often given the freedom to reveal their secrets, because they do not have the usual fear of losing their jobs, ruin careers or worse.

Over the past 60 years, the topic of UFOs and aliens has been heavily criticized and discredited in the media. She hung on such labels as "conspiracy" and many other countless defamatory terms. However, what happens when reliable people from NASA, who are no longer afraid of the consequences of disclosure of confidential government secrets after they were forced to remain silent and now, when they come to the last days and they lose their fear of the state?

That's what the problem originated with Dr. Mitchell, because of decades discredited the theme Aliens / UFO information society, most people can more easily believe the informant of the NSA, and difficult to trust someone, someone spoke to "the field of UFOs," regardless the degree of his confidence level.

Nevertheless, the current disclosure of the spying NSA Edward Snowden and compulsive hiding secrets, offer some interesting possibilities. If it is now clear to everyone that the government has hidden all this time, information from the US and the world community, and at the same time, public confidence in the government is at an all time low, would it be correct to assume that all this time suppressed the disclosure and other information For example, about UFOs?
Will the major media is now more open to the other alternative, such as UFOs, or will continue to hide the truth from us?
Are we not able to trust a man who walked on the moon?

If it comes to that, what source trusted and what is the difference between the insiders, it is necessary to note that Snowden did leak, still being a part of the intelligence community, so it retains the appearance of increased reliability. However, it is well leak showed why most people do not do this and keep silent in fear of the consequences.
However, like Snowden, Dr. Mitchell has also worked "inside", and in the last fifteen years or so, came out to the audience and said that the question of UFOs and aliens are real, and that there had been a cover-up for six decades. But the difference lies in the fact that he is nearing the end of his life, and he was not afraid of the consequences of that unpopular truth will come out.






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