Myths about NASA
168 errors in the movie "Armageddon»
American unscientific fiction film in 1998 tells the story of the impending death of all life on Earth because of a collision with an asteroid and a desperate attempt to stop or destroy mankind is a celestial body. The film a lot of mistakes , and many are related to space and space flight. Therefore, NASA uses film to train new employees. All errors counted 168 future managers are invited to watch a movie and find as much as possible.
This bike is not only spreading « Wikipedia », развлекательные resources and a variety of websites about the movie, but also news media . The source of the myth is article in the journal NewScientist on September 1, 2007. At the same time the presentation of facts is no official confirmation, even in the original. Who came up with the number 168, remains a mystery.
In fact, is a myth . Once, during the start of classes at NASA someone showed a small excerpt from "Armageddon" and said that it is not so. This was done in order to somehow involve the audience - without reinforcement brain activity falls half asleep already ten minutes after the start of lectures . Spoiled phone brought a demonstration piece to complete regular screenings of the film as not even able to manipulate attention, and the role of formal exercise training managers. Showing whole movie requires permission from the copyright holders, and the studio may request payment. NASA no financial ability to spend money on such nonsense.
In addition, it is a very old myth. Previously, when children excursions could be said as a joke that the only right in "Armageddon" - a chair in jobs. Today's teens do not realize what kind of film in question.
Rover "Kyuriositi" programmed to perform Happy Birthday
Currently этот fact distributed in the form of citations of the form "If you're ever going to feel lonely, remember that the rover Curiosity is programmed every year to sing to myself" Happy Birthday " ». As most of the entertainment content in the modern Russian Internet, it is a translation from English.

This immediately raises the question: where "curiosity" speaker? And why it someone would set the machine to send to another planet on which sound almost does not apply? Will the tone of sound in the atmosphere of Mars, where the predominant carbon dioxide? The atmosphere of the red planet's density is less than one percent from the earth, so the sound will be heard almost impossible . However, there is no one to listen to the noise - even at the "Kyuriositi" microphone no .
For the convenience of video NASA does not mention that the human ear can hardly be heard playing sounds, and that there is no one to listen to vibration. Sample losing heard at around 1:20. Em>
Roots grow from the delusion that really was done in August 2013. The first anniversary of stay on Mars had once noted, rather, it was a job in public relations. And she was very good - a robot that is all alone on another planet and plays a tune to himself, caused a lot of sympathy. It is important for state agencies that have to fight for every dollar of funding.
Resonator, which works with the core sample, forced to operate in such a way as to coincide with the vibration melody of the song Happy Birthday to You. Typically, operation of the resonator tones usually indistinguishable. In 2013, the team specifically expelled from the Earth, the rover not programmed to repeat this action in certain date in the future. Data on repeat this action 5 August 2014 are no.
NASA Inventions
NASA and its divisions many own beneficial for all mankind advances, but some of the development of American industry unfairly attributed to space agencies. That the flow of budget money has not dried up, the agency не take almost any active attempts to stop the spread of these myths.
Title of the invention th> A common opinion about the authorship th> Reality th> Space Pen NASA spent billions to develop a pen that could write in microgravity. Soviet / Russian cosmonauts used ordinary pencil. The conductive graphite pencil usual grit settles to the electronics and enters airways. In space, space to handle treated with wax crayons and markers. The handle has been developed by a private company, Paul Fisher entirely on their own, without any order from NASA. For the development was spent only one million dollars. Pen use, including astronauts, and afford to buy such a can anyone. Teflon A program for «Аполлон» as thermal insulation. Randomly selected in 1938 by Roy Plunkett, a researcher of Kinetic Chemicals, later became a division of DuPont. Integrated circuits and computers td > created at NASA for lunar program. As is the case with other inventions of such complexity, a breakthrough was achieved несколькими people and organizations . First microarrays were created ten years before landing a man on the moon. But it was the first time NASA used ICs board computer "Apollo» . Tang Instant fruit drink for astronauts, specially designed for manned flights. < / Created in 1957 by General Foods Corporation in nearly a year before the formation of NASA. Velcro Velcro Fasteners created for the space program. Created by Georges de Mestral Swiss in 1941. Quartz Watch, bar codes, smoke detectors, cordless power tools Developed NASA for the space program. NASA used a special enhanced versions of these products in their missions, but the original invention do not belong to the agency. NASA finds aliens in 2025. < br /> The recent news caused Ellen Stofan statement. « I'm , that we can detect signs of extraterrestrial life in the next ten years, and convincing evidence - at 20. "Some publications even спутали floor speaking.

Stofan also said nothing about the detection of extraterrestrial life, or life in general - it was about finding attributes the simplest microscopic life.
«I believe that within a decade we get strong signs of life beyond Earth, and I think that in 20-30 years we will have accurate evidence. We know where to look, we know what to look for, in most cases we have the technology, and we are on the way to their use. » Blockquote>
« We are not talking about the Little Green Men. We're talking about small microbes. » Blockquote> Confidence such statements caused by several facts: throughout the solar system est much water , there are also many Earth-like exoplanets. The words were backed up by инфографикой.
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Among the technologies that are designed to ensure finding signs of life, there is a space telescope, the James Webb, scheduled for launch in 2018. This and some other future telescopes will block the light from the stars to better see exoplanets. Also vital signs will find a more detailed spectral analysis, for example, oxygen free detection is important.