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Handmade Star will call into space

For over a year the team is doing microsatellite enthusiasts, who will have only one, but an unusual purpose - popularization of Space and calls upon all mankind to raise his head and look at the sky. Satellite can go into space this summer, and for a few weeks to become the brightest star. I interviewed the founder of the project, the head of the educational program "Contemporary space exploration" at the University of Engineering and popularizer of cosmonautics Alexander Shaenko.

People and ideas h4>

Alexander Shaenko working in the space industry for more than 10 years. He participated in the creation of launch vehicles "Angara" and "KSLV-1" satellite "the DX1" private Russian company Dauria Aerospace, participated in the "Selenokhod" project to create a mini-rover. In recent years, the summer holds all-Russian program of popular science lectures on space exploration (the project "Space from sea to sea"), created the "Fundamentals of Space" course for those who have completed non-space specialty in higher education, has organized the Summer Space School, created and maintained by Bachelor program "Modern space exploration" at the University of engineering.

Alexander, work on the satellite is already far advanced, but I'm still wondering where did this idea? Why Star? B>
The idea of ​​"Beacon" originated from two sides. First, my experience in our aerospace industry led me to the idea that space achievements in the past, not because we have not enough money, not because people are stupid, and not because the equipment we weak . The fact that even the employees of the industry for the most part do not know why astronautics. For what they themselves need manned flights, which they are building a new launch vehicles, for which the interplanetary station. And because of this our space plans are constantly changing or delayed, and projects drawn decade. In thinking about it, I began to think out what I personally can do to change that. I thought that if people show that aerospace can give them in person, and it will be valuable to them, and it will change the society's attitude towards space exploration, and the ratio of the rocket and space industry in its work.
For this, I began to speak with popular scientific lectures, which went on to tell that the space program - it's interesting, unusual, beautiful, captivating. And after one of his lectures there was a second reason.
Secondly, at the end of December 2013 up to me after the lecture came a familiar, and asked how it is possible to run into space satellite. I explained to him how to do it, and gave the address Kosmotras site. Then he asked if he could run into a brick space. I replied that I can be, but no one will see. Much more interesting to run into space that will be seen. In my mind, I figured that this would be relatively simple. And then I realized that if I will convene enthusiasts make the satellite that will be visible from orbit with the naked eye, it can become a good example for the people, that the space program is now available. What to launch satellites into space real, does not necessarily work in a giant corporation, or to be a billionaire. And, as they say, Weathertop ...
In a symbolic way, these reasons are shown in this cartoon:

Do you have a team of like-minded enthusiasts. What can you tell us about them? B>
Except for me, and "Head of the department of psychological relief" pooch Quasar team ten more people. There are people working in the space industry, IT specialists, PR experts, students, everyone does that knows and loves. In more detail, what they wanted to tell us about yourself, you can see here .

design h4> As I understand, the satellite has to be simple enough structurally. What's he like to represent? B>
"Lighthouse" is made in the popular Cubesat format. This satellites having a limited, predetermined discrete sizes. A "discrete" satellite, one unit has dimensions of 100 mm by 100 mm by 100 mm and a weight of 1 to 33 kg. The format was invented for small satellites have been unified by the process start. For kubsatov was invented a lot of launch canisters in which they are displayed on the orbit at different rockets and from which then go into space. Generally speaking, any kubsat can run in any container. This greatly reduced the price and accelerate the launch.
"Beacon" - a three kubsat unit with dimensions of 100 mm 100 mm 340 5 mm. unit weight - 4 kg
Structurally, it consists of the following systems:

The drop-down solar reflector, Control system, The power supply system, Jet engine, Frame. < /

3D-model of the satellite exploded view i>

If there is a transmitter and receiver, it turns out, the satellite will operate according to the program laid down in it? Could you tell us about the function sequence of the satellite work? B>
Sequence diagram of the apparatus after separation from the launch vehicle (KO, contact offices) to turn off the control system is as follows:
CO + 0 seconds Enable control system. CO + 30 seconds. Home solar reflector opening. CO + 150 seconds. Completion of the solar reflector opening. CO + 151 seconds. Run the jet engine spins. CO + 1951 seconds. Switching off the engine. Turning off the control system. In the process, Lighthouse will open the tetrahedron from the polymer film, stretched on a frame, and is twisted in all axes with a total angular velocity of at least about 1 / s.

Two minutes to the disclosure of the reflector ... It's so big? B>
Yes, our reflector is a regular tetrahedron with a side of 3 meters. The area on the one hand, it is not hard to calculate, will be 3, 8 m 2 sup> and the total area is more than fifteen square meters. According to our calculations, "Lighthouse" will have a magnitude of -10, is brighter than any star. Coming down, the satellite will shine even brighter, and before entering the atmosphere will shine at magnitude -13, as the full moon!

How did you managed to put here this thick domomuchitelnitsu this one large tetrahedron into such a little box? Fold have clearly more than four times ...
Metallized film, which is made of a reflector, a thickness of only 5 microns, 20 times thinner than a human hair. And we disclose it on the principle of roulette - three elastically deformable profile (Consider web roulette) wound onto reels and unwound gearmotor. Strictly speaking, roulette and we have used in the tests:

Test deployment, October 2015. Two tapes move on the floor as if in zero gravity (gravity is perpendicular), the third tape can not be unloaded in this context and does not do anything i>

Why you spinning moon? B>
The satellite is twisted in all axes to ensure that the reflected light spot as often as possible swept all visible from the spacecraft of the planets, which will see the "Mayak" to the greatest number of people. The device will be screwed on all axes to the total angular velocity is not less than 1 revolution per second.

If you look at the sequence diagram, the satellite will twist for a half hour. You use some special engine? B>
The fact that it is impossible to use pyrotechnics kubsatah, toxic chemicals, high pressure. Therefore, for a spin, we have developed an engine which works on the thermal decomposition of ammonium carbonate. This substance is used in the food industry for the loosening of dough and dangerous. The engine is a sealed compartment with the nozzle. Inside the compartment located the so-called replacement reactor modules - this assemblage of two electric heaters, which is placed between the molded package with ammonium carbonate. The assembly is placed in termoopletku which is compressed and in contact with the heaters when the heaters reagent. In this reactor, two such module. This allows up to 30 minutes to have a draft of up to 5 grams with a specific impulse of 80 seconds.

The scheme of work i>

Made heaters i>

Rocket h4> I was surprised when I heard that you were able to get a seat on a rocket. It was very difficult? I had to go through the institutions and other big organizations? B>
No, everything is easier. On missile manages to get there with the help of money, as well as everywhere. But as long as the lighthouse in the composition pH is off the launch pad, I will assume that we have a place to get failed.
In the spring of 2015, we started to negotiate with the company "Sputniks", which began to offer their services for kubsatov launch. Later on we went managers of "Glavkosmos" is a kind of commercial interface Roscosmos to foreign customers. Since hitherto unprecedented launching Russian spacecraft are not from the industry was a little, in fact, the same "Sputniks" on "Dnepr" and Dauria Aerospace on the "Soyuz-2", they will probably become engaged and student projects. Glavkosmos offered a better price, so we went to them. There are foreign providers launch, for example, ISIS and Commercial Space Technologies , but they get more expensive.

And a startup you have an agreement? B>
We are preparing to launch in the "Soyuz-2" with the upper stage "Fregat". This support will display the SC "Canopus-B-IR", we are flying passing loads in June 2016. The initial height of 600 km orbit, sun-synchronous orbit, the inclination of about 98 degrees. On this orbit "Lighthouse" will last about 25 days.

Test h4> If you imagine the amount of work required, the June seems frighteningly close date. You have a lot of tests already hold? B>
Schematically, the test plan can be presented as follows:

Those tests, which have been shown that the system works well.
On the edges of the layout mechanism of disclosure perfected, now there is a mock assembly of the solar reflector assembly mechanism. After these tests, it will be possible to switch to the manufacture of solar reflector flight options.

In social networks, I remember, I saw a cautionary tale, as you have to stratospheric satellite test layout is not included due to some offensive bug. What are you doing to ensure reliability? B>

Stock stratospheric test i>

Yes, we have time telemetry and control equipment and began to reboot hung during the flight, so do not command the activation of the satellite. He landed and did not even get started. And for the reliability of our satellite we plan to do the following:
Power Components as the most loaded in the control system are duplicated. Dubbed as the signal lines, and mechanical controls (contact separation, the ignition key). Logic, in our opinion, is much more reliable and duplication, or other special measures for improving the reliability does not require.
Reliability laminated elements of the satellite system is provided of their working program - posistemnye first test, then integrated electrical "on the table", then power integrated in vacuo and then vibrodynamic, function checked before and after the application of mechanical loads
After the incident with the "Phobos-Grunt" involuntarily begin to be afraid of heavy charged particles. What if such a hit in your laminated Management System? B>
We have provided a software protection against HCP. When working on a flash writes the current time, when you restart the process moves to the last recorded step. It can introduce errors in the execution sequence diagram is less than 0, 1, that, for our purposes it is not essential. Engines and orientation of the system as a "Phobos-Grunt", we have :)

Money h4> In 2014, you have successfully collected 407,000 rubles crowdfunding. On they went? B>
In short, more than a hundred thousand spent on stratospheric test. Fifty thousand - for the manufacture of heaters. The rest - the gifts to sponsors and purchase the necessary tools and materials. The full report is available здесь.

Now, you're rumored to have half a million. What will this money go? B>
Current charges - is raising money for the production of copies of the flight of the satellite, we want to make two of them, the test payment and, in fact, on an orbital launch. Every little thing type of prizes also have the estimates.
In large, scheduled for the following expenses:

Production of two flight instances SC "Mayak" 1, 5 million. Rubles, Conduct vibrodynamic tests 1, 5 million. Rubles, Conduct thermal vacuum tests, 2, 5 million. rubles, The orbital launch of 2, 8 million. rubles, Non-technical expenses (prize sponsors, etc.) 0, 7 million. rubles. < / If it is possible to save money, spend money on additional testing of iron.

Conclusion h4>

Personally, I am embarrassed by the fact that the ISS is flying for more than 15 years, it can be observed on a regular basis, and, from my own experience, her observations are impressive. The "Lighthouse" will be better? H4> First, the "Lighthouse" will be brighter.
Second, the "Lighthouse" will be visible throughout the world, from the North to the South Pole.
Third, the "Lighthouse" will be given hands of enthusiasts, ordinary people, who want to be engaged in space activities. This is for me and for the project team is the most important result. So we can change society's attitude towards space exploration. We are able to show that the space program - it's interesting, beautiful, exciting. To deal with it, do not need to have billions or work in a large corporation. I Wanted, gathered friends, launched a satellite into orbit. Much the same has made the first Soviet satellite to mankind. Not equipped with scientific equipment, however, he was able to inspire many people to engage in space-and forced many countries to engage in space exploration. We expect a similar effect in relation to not countries, but enthusiasts.

In an official press release, the Russian Space Agency, which I saw on your website, write about other objectives of the project - testing the wind information system satellites from orbit to study the atmosphere and the determination of the brightness of objects. This masking or additional goals? H4> This is a very real scientific problems. Moreover, in my view, the system can be aerodynamic braking and commercial potential, as now for the satellite orbit information is required to have on board control and propulsion system, which is expensive and difficult. With construction similar to a solar reflector "Beacon", the satellites can be de-orbited much easier and cheaper. Moreover, such proposals have received me. A simple and cheap way satellites orbit information, particularly small, will greatly reduce the risk of the formation of new debris.
For scientists studying the upper atmosphere, "Lighthouse" is useful to their sensitive response to the density of air. In those places where the density of the satellite will decelerate quicker and stronger will decrease its orbit, and vice versa. Watching his flight, it will be possible to explore the upper atmosphere. Finally, the "Lighthouse" can serve as a reference for the object models for calculating apparent magnitude.

So in conclusion, we allow ourselves to dream. For example, "Lighthouse" was launched and successfully operated. What do you expect from the project h4> I would love to see that, thanks to the project "Lighthouse" in Russia, and there were teams of people in the world who have been engaged in space-in the broadest sense: go to study in the space program, including, and to me, create a space and missile startups to shoot good movies about space and write books about it, and the like. To the world asks for space exploration. If this happens thanks to my efforts, I will be immensely happy.

P.S. Alexander is on Geektimes 4110, for some comments he can answer.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/270570/