Five unexpectedly cheerful facts about NASA
Until today Editorial was confident that NASA - serious stuff. Yes, because it is, in general, and there ... except those Amusing epizodov.Dobro Welcome to the unusual side of NASA, there is a place where an amazing story!
1. Three Yemeni sued NASA, saying that Mars - the property of their ancestors h2> All of you correctly read. Nineties really were dashing. When NASA launched the space shuttle "Pathfinder" and the rover "Sojourner" for the exploration of Mars, a few guys in Yemen said that the Red Planet - their property, which got the legacy of more than three thousand years ago.
2. NASA lost video landing "Apollo 11" on the Moon h2> Understand that the tapes are lost, came to specialists of the agency in 2006. Fruitless search ended in 2009, and NASA admitted that the legendary recording ... erased. The legendary "moon walk" has been ruthlessly destroyed along with the other 200 thousand records.
3. NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building is so huge, that has its own weather forecast h2> Vehicle Assembly Building NASA's quite a lot. This large, there is sometimes rain. Rain. From these clouds. Clouds inside the building. The design, which was built in 1966, has air conditioning system, but the wettest days of the ceiling still forming clouds and rain drips. Interestingly, in the 160-meter building is the only floor. This is the fourth volume of the structure in the world, the height of its doors - 139 meters.
4. Astronauts bathed in a huge basin h2> To prepare astronauts for life on the ISS, NASA built a copy of it in the world - a gigantic pool. While studying astronauts spend six to eight hours under water for every hour of activity outside of the ISS (ie, spacewalks). Giant pool contains 23, 4 million liters of water. The idea of using immersion in water to simulate being in zero gravity was proposed back in the 60s of the last century.
5. NASA Engineer Lonnie Johnson - the founder of a water pistol h2> Johnson joined NASA as a senior engineer systems for the Jupiter Mission "Galileo". In 1982, Johnson was trying to create a heat pump in the bathroom and decided to attach a homemade nozzle and the hose to the sink. Thus was born the water gun! Engineer amassed a fortune in commission received from those who wanted to sell pistols.