Photos of the planets of the solar system
Currently, there are many ways to observe the cosmos, this optical telescopes, radio telescopes, mathematical calculations, data processing with artificial satellites. Every minute of the probes NASA, the European Space Agency, and others. Collect information about our solar system. Who supervised ships orbit the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Saturn; several more are on the way to small bodies, and several - at the outlet of the solar system. Mars rover named "Spirit" was officially pronounced dead after two years of silence, but his double «Opportunity» continues its mission, spent 2500 days on the planet instead of the planned 90. Here are pictures of the Earth and the planets of the outer group.
Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA took this picture of the moon, the sun passes by May 3rd. (NASA / GSFC / SDO)
35 photos + text
Detailed view of the surface of the sun. Some large spots in the active region 10030, imprinted July 15, 2002 by a Swedish telescope in La Palma. The width of the cells at the top of the image - a thousand kilometers. The central part of the spot (umbra) dark because the strong magnetic fields here stop the rise of hot gas inside. Thread-like formation around the umbra penumbra up. Dark nucleus are clearly visible in some bright filaments. (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
October 6th, 2008 the spacecraft NASA «MESSENGER» successfully completed its second flight around Mercury. The next day, pictures taken during the flight, came to Earth. This amazing photo was the first, it was made 90 minutes after the ship crept toward the planet in the near distance. The bright crater just south of the center - Kuiper present in images station «Mariner 10" in the 1970s. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)
Mosaic Spitteler craters on Mercury and Hallberg on 30 March. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)
South Pole and the boundary of light and shadow on Mercury with a height of 10 240 km. The surface temperature at the top of the image, basking in the rays of the sun, about 430 degrees Celsius. At the bottom of the dark part of the picture the temperature drops quickly to 163 degrees, and in some parts of the world the sun's rays do not fall ever, so it keeps the temperature down to -90 degrees. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)
The second planet from the Sun, Venus. The picture taken on June 5, 2007. Thick clouds of sulfuric acid fouled surface of the planet by reflecting sunlight into space, but keeping the heat of 460 ° C. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)
This picture was taken Lunokhod NASA's crater Aitken, including its top central and northern walls. The width of the surface of the picture - about 30 kilometers. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)
Flex zakraternyh emissions unnamed crater radius of 1 km on the Moon. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)
Landing ship "Apollo 14". The traces left by NASA astronauts 5 and 6 February 1971 are still visible. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)
This detailed view of our planet was created, mainly from observations of Terra satellite. The image is centered on the Pacific Ocean, an important part of the water system, which occupies 75% of the surface of our planet. (NASA / Robert Simmon and Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, based on MODIS data)
The image of the Moon, curved layers of the atmosphere. Picture taken by astronauts on the ISS over the Indian Ocean April 17th. (NASA)
Panorama of the central part of South America. (NASA)
October 28, 2010, astronauts on the ISS took this picture of the Earth with a bright night illuminated Brussels, Paris and Milan. (NASA)
Snowfall over the 30 US states in February last year - from the Great Plains to New England. (NOAA / NASA GOES Project)
The first quarter of the moon and the northern lights above the Earth September 14, 2010. (NASA)
South Georgia - arched Island, which lies 2,000 kilometers to the east of the southern end of South America. Along the eastern coast of the continent Neumayer Glacier snake stretches to the ocean. Picture taken January 4, 2009. (NASA EO-1 team)
This photograph was taken by James Spann Poker Flats, Alaska, where he arrived at a scientific conference to study the aurora borealis, March 1. (NASA / GSFC / James Spann)
Since ISS astronauts greeted the dawn. (NASA)
Amazing double crater with a common boundary sediments and lava. Apparently, these two craters were formed at the same time. The photo was taken on Mars by the camera on the Mars rovers in February this year. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)
Education in the sand on the surface of Mars crater Sinus Sabeus. Picture taken on 1 April. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)
This picture is taken the camera rover «Opportunity», «seated on the threshold" on the edge of the crater of Santa Maria (dark dot at top left). Traces «Opportunity», top right, you can see in the center. The photo was taken on March 1 after the «Opportunity» a few days exploring the area. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)
The rover «Opportunity» «looks" at the surface of Mars. Somewhere in the distance you can see a small crater. (NASA / JPL)
Neighborhood Holden crater - one of the four candidates for the landing of the Mars rover «Curiosity», January 4, 2011. NASA still mulling its next landing of the rover, scheduled for November 25. Mars rover to land on Mars August 6, 2012. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)
Mars Rover "Spirit" in the place where he was seen last time. He got stuck in the sand under the sun. For the past year, his radio stopped working, and last Wednesday NASA engineers sent a signal to the last hope to get an answer. They did not get it. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)
Comet Hartley February 4th November 2010. (NASA / JPL-Caltech / UMD)
First, the raw picture of the asteroid Vesta, made the ship NASA «Dawn». The picture was taken on May 3 at a distance of about 1 million kilometers. Vesta in the white glow in the center of the image. Huge asteroid reflects so much sun that its size seems a lot more. Vesta is 530 km in diameter, is the second most massive object in the asteroid belt. Approaching the ship to an asteroid is expected July 16, 2011. (NASA / JPL)
The image of Jupiter made the telescope "Hubble" July 23, 2009, after the asteroid or comet entered the planet's atmosphere and disintegrated. (NASA, ESA, Space Telescope Science Institute, Jupiter Impact Team)
The picture of Saturn, made "Cassini" on 25 April. There you can see several satellites along the rings. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
Detailed view of a small moon of Saturn Helen during the flight "Cassini" past the planet on May 3. The atmosphere of Saturn occupies the background image. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
Ice particles ejected from fissures in the south of Saturn's moon Enceladus August 13, 2010. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
The vertical formation on the main rings of Saturn rise sharply from the edge of the ring, casting long shadows on the ring. Picture taken spacecraft "Cassini" two weeks before the equinox in August 2009. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
"Cassini" looks at the dark side of Saturn's largest moon. Oreolopodobnoe ring is formed by sunlight on the periphery of Titan's atmosphere. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
Icy Saturn moon Enceladus with the rings of the planet in the background. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
Saturn's moon Titan and Enceladus pass rings and the bottom surface of the planet on May 21. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
and the last photo the shadow of Saturn's rings on the surface seem to be thin strips. Picture taken almost equinox in August 2009. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA took this picture of the moon, the sun passes by May 3rd. (NASA / GSFC / SDO)
35 photos + text

Detailed view of the surface of the sun. Some large spots in the active region 10030, imprinted July 15, 2002 by a Swedish telescope in La Palma. The width of the cells at the top of the image - a thousand kilometers. The central part of the spot (umbra) dark because the strong magnetic fields here stop the rise of hot gas inside. Thread-like formation around the umbra penumbra up. Dark nucleus are clearly visible in some bright filaments. (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)

October 6th, 2008 the spacecraft NASA «MESSENGER» successfully completed its second flight around Mercury. The next day, pictures taken during the flight, came to Earth. This amazing photo was the first, it was made 90 minutes after the ship crept toward the planet in the near distance. The bright crater just south of the center - Kuiper present in images station «Mariner 10" in the 1970s. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)

Mosaic Spitteler craters on Mercury and Hallberg on 30 March. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)

South Pole and the boundary of light and shadow on Mercury with a height of 10 240 km. The surface temperature at the top of the image, basking in the rays of the sun, about 430 degrees Celsius. At the bottom of the dark part of the picture the temperature drops quickly to 163 degrees, and in some parts of the world the sun's rays do not fall ever, so it keeps the temperature down to -90 degrees. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)

The second planet from the Sun, Venus. The picture taken on June 5, 2007. Thick clouds of sulfuric acid fouled surface of the planet by reflecting sunlight into space, but keeping the heat of 460 ° C. (NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)

This picture was taken Lunokhod NASA's crater Aitken, including its top central and northern walls. The width of the surface of the picture - about 30 kilometers. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)

Flex zakraternyh emissions unnamed crater radius of 1 km on the Moon. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)

Landing ship "Apollo 14". The traces left by NASA astronauts 5 and 6 February 1971 are still visible. (NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)

This detailed view of our planet was created, mainly from observations of Terra satellite. The image is centered on the Pacific Ocean, an important part of the water system, which occupies 75% of the surface of our planet. (NASA / Robert Simmon and Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, based on MODIS data)

The image of the Moon, curved layers of the atmosphere. Picture taken by astronauts on the ISS over the Indian Ocean April 17th. (NASA)

Panorama of the central part of South America. (NASA)

October 28, 2010, astronauts on the ISS took this picture of the Earth with a bright night illuminated Brussels, Paris and Milan. (NASA)

Snowfall over the 30 US states in February last year - from the Great Plains to New England. (NOAA / NASA GOES Project)

The first quarter of the moon and the northern lights above the Earth September 14, 2010. (NASA)

South Georgia - arched Island, which lies 2,000 kilometers to the east of the southern end of South America. Along the eastern coast of the continent Neumayer Glacier snake stretches to the ocean. Picture taken January 4, 2009. (NASA EO-1 team)

This photograph was taken by James Spann Poker Flats, Alaska, where he arrived at a scientific conference to study the aurora borealis, March 1. (NASA / GSFC / James Spann)

Since ISS astronauts greeted the dawn. (NASA)

Amazing double crater with a common boundary sediments and lava. Apparently, these two craters were formed at the same time. The photo was taken on Mars by the camera on the Mars rovers in February this year. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)

Education in the sand on the surface of Mars crater Sinus Sabeus. Picture taken on 1 April. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)

This picture is taken the camera rover «Opportunity», «seated on the threshold" on the edge of the crater of Santa Maria (dark dot at top left). Traces «Opportunity», top right, you can see in the center. The photo was taken on March 1 after the «Opportunity» a few days exploring the area. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)

The rover «Opportunity» «looks" at the surface of Mars. Somewhere in the distance you can see a small crater. (NASA / JPL)

Neighborhood Holden crater - one of the four candidates for the landing of the Mars rover «Curiosity», January 4, 2011. NASA still mulling its next landing of the rover, scheduled for November 25. Mars rover to land on Mars August 6, 2012. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)

Mars Rover "Spirit" in the place where he was seen last time. He got stuck in the sand under the sun. For the past year, his radio stopped working, and last Wednesday NASA engineers sent a signal to the last hope to get an answer. They did not get it. (NASA / JPL / University of Arizona)

Comet Hartley February 4th November 2010. (NASA / JPL-Caltech / UMD)

First, the raw picture of the asteroid Vesta, made the ship NASA «Dawn». The picture was taken on May 3 at a distance of about 1 million kilometers. Vesta in the white glow in the center of the image. Huge asteroid reflects so much sun that its size seems a lot more. Vesta is 530 km in diameter, is the second most massive object in the asteroid belt. Approaching the ship to an asteroid is expected July 16, 2011. (NASA / JPL)

The image of Jupiter made the telescope "Hubble" July 23, 2009, after the asteroid or comet entered the planet's atmosphere and disintegrated. (NASA, ESA, Space Telescope Science Institute, Jupiter Impact Team)

The picture of Saturn, made "Cassini" on 25 April. There you can see several satellites along the rings. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

Detailed view of a small moon of Saturn Helen during the flight "Cassini" past the planet on May 3. The atmosphere of Saturn occupies the background image. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

Ice particles ejected from fissures in the south of Saturn's moon Enceladus August 13, 2010. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

The vertical formation on the main rings of Saturn rise sharply from the edge of the ring, casting long shadows on the ring. Picture taken spacecraft "Cassini" two weeks before the equinox in August 2009. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

"Cassini" looks at the dark side of Saturn's largest moon. Oreolopodobnoe ring is formed by sunlight on the periphery of Titan's atmosphere. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

Icy Saturn moon Enceladus with the rings of the planet in the background. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

Saturn's moon Titan and Enceladus pass rings and the bottom surface of the planet on May 21. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)

and the last photo the shadow of Saturn's rings on the surface seem to be thin strips. Picture taken almost equinox in August 2009. (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute)
