Parade of Planets from 20 January to 21 February.

You want the best? Take!
We have a wonderful "heavenly news"!
From January 20 to February 21, will be the parade of planets.
If you are suddenly going to at this time to relax, to do nothing, to think about the eternal, I will tell you straight - I do not advise to do it. Because the parade of planets - a unique phenomenon, and the next you have to wait about 10 years. So whether or not to postpone for 10 years what you can do right now?
What is the special parade of planets and what opportunities it gives us all but aesthetic pleasure and the opportunity to observe all the planets in the sky at the same time live?
Let me tell you in plain language, without the use of complex astrological terminology, this is a unique phenomenon.
But first, to introduce you to the protagonists of the parade.
It involves five planets - Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. At the same time, three participants of the process, Mercury, Venus and Mars is personal planets, and two - Saturn and Jupiter - social planets. Typically, horoscopes, they are each in his place and in most cases we need to make efforts to ensure that our personality traits, needs, capabilities and desires coincide with the requirements and conditions of the society is perfect, like a puzzle, easily lying down in his place in the overall picture picture .
Usually, but not during the Parade of Planets! Month from January 20 to February 21 will be the amazing time, when your desires coincide with your opportunities. When you are provided at the right time in the right place with the right people. When any problem or the problem will find its solution. When the society will clearly give you an idea of exactly where and in what form will demand your unique qualities and abilities.
And you can use absolutely all the energy involved in the parade of planets, and, in a very particular style, which determine the sign of the zodiac.
That's what the whole month will be at your disposal, and you can take it almost for nothing. All you need is the willingness to accept and use these gifts.
Mercury - will give you an abundance of good and absolutely real ideas and solutions. He will give you the ability to clearly articulate what you need and what you want. As well, the ability to clearly and audibly convey to others their thoughts. Also, be prepared for an abundance of very useful contacts. New people with whom you can realize your plans.
Venus - will give you an appeal and the ability to please others. It will save you from fantasy and give the ability to literally attract money and valuables. Also, it will lead to your circle of women who are close to you in spirit and will help you with your goals. Any, from the search for her husband to work in your business.
Mars - will make you active and will give you a lot of energy. Pep and feeling strong flexible panther you provided. Let's just say forces in the implementation of any plan of this month you will be released much more than usual. Also, Mars is literally fill your space man, ready to help and solve a number of problems that you just can not tackle alone. Be willing to accept their help.
Jupiter - will significantly enhance your chances. Do not hesitate to raise the bar of their claims and ambitions of this month. Gifts will go to those who allow themselves to wanting more! Any promotion, business expansion, finding sponsors and raising their social status is best to lay during the parade of planets.
Saturn - will allow you to save the results calmly and consistently implement. He will not give everything that appears in your life during the Parade of Planets, vanish like smoke, and go without a trace.
So remember that in this period of your every desire, intention, a decision will need almost instantly resonate in the external world and society. And any possible outside immediately will cause in you a desire to implement them. Furthermore, you will know how to do it and you will have every opportunity for this.
Keep this in mind if you ever want to isolate themselves from the world and people and indulge in thoughts of his own impotence. During the Parade of Planets is the losing strategy. And it reminds me of a boy with whom I was in first grade. During all the holidays, when all the children happily assorted delicious sweets, he quietly hid in the corner and was offended that no one notices. But after the candy was eaten, I cried and took offense because they have not got it.
Corridor Eclipses really like a holiday opportunities. Which is not infinite. It lasts from January 20 until February 21. And at this time, "so abundantly covered and are full of gifts and goodies of life." And we're all invited to this celebration. And you. And I. So let's enjoy all of its features.
But if you were born in the period from 20 January to 21 February, look for this period highlight. Think tactically and lay the loop for the year.
If your birthday is not the period of the parade of planets - think strategically and lays the far-reaching plans for the next 10 years
And celebrate every day from January 20 to February 21, as a new day of opportunity. Be open to everything that society offers and do not hesitate to clearly and boldly assert itself and show itself in all its unique and amazing beauty of your personality.
Remember. You are beautiful! Now you need the society for what you are. So do not be afraid of your thoughts and desires and sincerely and boldly tell all the features of YES! Believe me, there will be more than enough.
Parade of planets - a holiday for all! Do not "stand in the corner," at this time!
And be absolutely sure. The world will take care of you. You only have to open him her heart and soul!
And all this time we'll be with you mentally.
With love and belief in what you are using is a wonderful time for the benefit of themselves and thanked the World.
AUTHOR: Olga Davydova