Scientists have discovered another star five ancient Earth-like planets

The other day, an international team of astronomers published a paper , which speaks about the discovery of a planetary system Kepler-444. The distance to the system is 117 light years away, that on space standards, not so far away. But the most interesting is not it, but the fact that the five planets in this system are the earthly type. Even more interesting is that the planet seems to be very old - scientists estimate their age at 11, 2 billion years.
All the planets are located at distances of up to 0, 1 AU from the star. Around its star planets rotate quickly enough. Astronomers estimate the turnover rate of the near planets in 3 to 6 days, and far - 9 to 7 days. The dimensions of the planets is less than the size of the Earth, and is estimated from 0 4 to 0 74 Earth radius.
Data from the telescope Kepler, scientists obtained earlier suggest that the planet must be rugged, if less than 1, the radius of the earth 7, gaseous and, if more than this amount. As far as can be judged by this criterion, all five planets found должны be rocky .
According to scientists, the location of the planes of the orbits of the planets and the characteristics of their rotation is such that all five planets are often arranged in a single line. Thus, if you are in the most remote from the light of this planet system, then at some point you can see all five planets lined up in a row.
Unfortunately, all five planets are located to its luminary too close, and the planet's temperature is too high, that does not imply the availability of suitable conditions for the emergence of life. However, once rocky planets are common in the universe (and apparently, it is), but life is likely formed precisely on rocky planets, then life should not be a rarity.
Now scientists are trying to determine the composition of the planets and some other parameters, which uses a telescope Keck. The density of planets can not yet be calculated because of their approximate weight is unknown. Planet too small to mass can be measured with the earth.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244982/
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