Cubans have created an island intranet, despite government prohibitions

Economic situation of Cuba, if you say mildly, leaves much to be desired. In addition, that the inhabitants of the island (at least most) are very poor, almost every activity of the citizen "Island of Freedom" controlled by the state. Anyway, until recently in Cuba were banned cell phones, has been banned and the Internet, as well as any radio equipment (including Wi-Fi), apart from the usual radio and TV.
All lines of communication in Cuba - under the supervision and control of the government, and access to the Internet is possible only in some hotels and internet cafes. However, local residents, despite the ban, built собственную network infrastructure . In the local "home lokalku" includes more than 9000 computers.
Using CAT5, Cubans connected to the network from house to house. Who could have used, and wireless equipment, with the antenna had to mask. It is clear that the network is connected to more than 9,000 computers, was what to do - here and the game servers, and online communities, and other, familiar to us with your belongings. By the way, Cuba has and its own top-level domain - .cu, but access to it is also controlled by the state, and the price is far from ordinary human capabilities.
Not so long ago, since the indulgence of political and economic regime, the government learned of the network Cubans. Investigation was conducted, even in order to find out whether not engaged in "connected" something illegal. LAN saved by the fact that the WAN connection was not here, so SNet (as Cubans call their lokalku) remained intact.
Now the United States and Cuba are looking for ways to establish political and economic relations, so that, most likely, will soon be Cubans access to the Internet. Note that the Cuban population is not that great - the island is home to 11 million people. In the meantime, here everything is bad even with conventional cellular networks: 2G-network covered is not the whole island, and only large settlements.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244974/
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