20 valuable facts of psychology
Psychology - the science that helps a person to understand themselves, and this is its main value. Site picked up two dozen facts that explain many of the psychologically significant moments. < 1. 66 days on average, a person needs to form a habit.
2. With eyes closed, we remember information more easily.
3. The brain and stomach are closely related to human. So some emotions are very strong physically affect the stomach. Especially anxiety.
4. love the image of man and love of man as he really is - very different things.
5. Writing down your dreams, we formulate them more clearly.
6. Of all the human senses of smell is most closely associated with memory.
7. The ability to think about how we think, is a sign of high intelligence.
8. In each person three persons: the one who he thinks he is the one whom he believes and who he really is.
9. The Dreamers are more likely to have dreams and remember them.
10. family and close friends - the most important source of happy childhood.
11. It's easy to dominate the interlocutor, speaking in a low, calm voice. Especially in the dispute.
12. People who know how to thank the easiest to get to be happy.
13. If you always speak in two languages, it is possible to delay the onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
14. enamored human behavior is similar to the behavior of a person with a nervous breakdown.
15. The most effective way to store information - the 10-minute breaks every 30-50 minutes of training.
16. In humans, there is a strong emotional connection to those with whom he sings.
17. If before an exam to write on paper all of his experiences, it can help to get the highest score.
18. lack of sleep causes irritability and increased risk of depression.
19. The five most common nightmare: falling, persecution, paralysis, delay and death of a loved person.
20. The man quickly decides when he wants to use the toilet.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/20-otkrytok-o-psihologii-957260/#image17512910
2. With eyes closed, we remember information more easily.
3. The brain and stomach are closely related to human. So some emotions are very strong physically affect the stomach. Especially anxiety.
4. love the image of man and love of man as he really is - very different things.
5. Writing down your dreams, we formulate them more clearly.
6. Of all the human senses of smell is most closely associated with memory.
7. The ability to think about how we think, is a sign of high intelligence.
8. In each person three persons: the one who he thinks he is the one whom he believes and who he really is.
9. The Dreamers are more likely to have dreams and remember them.
10. family and close friends - the most important source of happy childhood.

11. It's easy to dominate the interlocutor, speaking in a low, calm voice. Especially in the dispute.
12. People who know how to thank the easiest to get to be happy.
13. If you always speak in two languages, it is possible to delay the onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
14. enamored human behavior is similar to the behavior of a person with a nervous breakdown.
15. The most effective way to store information - the 10-minute breaks every 30-50 minutes of training.
16. In humans, there is a strong emotional connection to those with whom he sings.
17. If before an exam to write on paper all of his experiences, it can help to get the highest score.
18. lack of sleep causes irritability and increased risk of depression.
19. The five most common nightmare: falling, persecution, paralysis, delay and death of a loved person.
20. The man quickly decides when he wants to use the toilet.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/20-otkrytok-o-psihologii-957260/#image17512910