Belief in UFOs
UFOs as a new religion
UFO religion, as its name implies, is any religion with the beliefs centered around aliens and UFOs. Although raelizm and the infamous "Heaven's Gate Cult" are two of the most famous UFO religions, they do not in any way the craziest. In the world there are many other UFO religions that are just as (if not more) insane, like two religions, the above combined.
1. Chen Tao (The Right Way)
Formed in 1993, and the now-defunct Taiwanese cult, which used to believe in some very strange doctrine outlined the founder of the cult, a former teacher of sociology Hong Min Chen. Mixing beliefs of Christianity, Buddhism and UFOs, Chen came up with many strange principles. These included the idea that nuclear war - has created the solar system, and destroyed four different time periods, and that God - took the few survivors in a flying saucer. Chen blamed these disasters, and other problems that afflict humanity, to corrupt the souls of men, and devils, known as the "Royal devils».
In addition to the crazy beliefs, the group has been recognized also for the fact that the announced end of the world will come in the last week of March 1988. Chen believed that God would appear on television around the world, and shortly thereafter followed by a nuclear war and natural disasters. In 1996, Chen and his followers moved to Garland, Texas. They believed that this place as "God's Land", will protect them from the impending apocalypse. Unfortunately for believers, God was too shy to appear on camera, and the world - continues to rotate and after March 31, the predicted doomsday date. After this fiasco, the group quietly sunk into oblivion, and have not heard of them since 2001.
2. Order "Fiat lux»
Translated from the Latin "Fiat Lux" means "Let there be light." The Order has its humble beginnings in 1973, when its founder, the Swiss secretary Eric Bertshinger fell on his head while riding. Later, she discovered that she was the Virgin Mary, and was able to communicate with the transcendent beings, such as Jesus Christ. Changed his name to name Uriella it in 1980 created a very ascetic group, and later - has transformed its headquarters, in the Black Forest in Germany.
Uriella and her followers believed that the world - will be destroyed in mid-1988, the Nazi flying saucers and natural disasters. They also believed that the friendly aliens come to save a select few, and use them to populate the new paradise on earth. However, when the appointed time has come and gone, Uriella told his followers that God - temporarily postponed the event because all of them - bad prayed. Since then the group has disappeared, without waiting for the time when it's the other end of the world.
3. Academy of Sciences "Yunarius»
Founded in San Diego in 1954, husband and wife Ernest and Ruth Normans (who claimed to be reincarnations of famous historical figures) - Academy of Sciences "Yunarius" adheres very strange beliefs. First of all, they teach their members (called "yunariantsy") that their "mental prowess" will grow if they will meditate before the alleged 10-thousand-crystal skull named "Max." Claiming that they - the scientific group and not a religion, they also teach their members' interdimensional physics ", which, they claim, can answer all questions about the universe and our existence.
In addition, "yunariantsy" believe that the Earth will soon return to a coalition of planets that broke up hundreds of thousands of years ago, and that this event - will open an era of prosperity. They predicted it was going to happen in 2001, with the planting of several ships. When this did not happen, they later explained by the fact that the attacks of 9/11 showed aliens that humanity - is not yet ready to to reunite with them, and this event has been postponed.
4. "External spatial forces»
For eight years to an incredibly bloody "in Waco Siege," as frightening event occurred when the authorities searched the forest stock owned by Orville Gordon, founder of the "Outer space forces." Gordon created a group somewhere in 1960, when he became convinced that the representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization (known as the "Outer space forces") can start Armageddon after they saw how bad people are turning to the Earth.
Calling himself Nodrog (a "Gordon" backwards), he turned his property into a UFO landing base called "Base-Time Ark Armageddon." He believed that he and his followers will be picked up by aliens and taken away in a safe place during the end of the world. The band also gained notoriety after one of its members found a homemade bomb in the car of the former mayor in 1980 after he attempted to buy a lumberyard, and make it a shopping center. It is believed that in the 90th Gordon died, and was buried somewhere in the area of your site. Group - exists to this day, and its members even hold your own website.
5. Family Community "One World»
If there is any religion that best combines lifestyle hippies, communists and UFOs, it is - it is. Also known as the "Industrial Comforter Church of the New World," this religion - originated in California in 1973. Its founder, artist named Allen Noonan, has experienced a series of otherworldly encounters with aliens, who entrusted him with responsibility for the formation of "the Comforter of the New World and the channel of the prophecies of the Eternal Gospel».
After receiving these instructions, Noonan changed his name to Michael Allen, and started to form their own group under the central doctrine of "uni-communism." According to their beliefs, the world may come a time when all countries disarm and people - to form a commune like a hippie. In addition, members of the community believe in the group of aliens called "Elohim of the Galaxy." According to them, these aliens (who is also the creator of the earth), someday return to our planet, and help transform it into a society where energy is free, and injustice - does not exist.
6. "I - Activity»
Perhaps the predecessor of all UFO religions, "I - Activity" appeared in 1930, after its founder, Guy Ballard, said that he met with the legendary Saint-Germain in Shasta, California. Ascended Master Saint Germain Ballard instructed to spread the method by which people could unlock the potential of their "I" becomes sufficiently enlightened, and also turning to the Ascended Masters.
After this meeting Ballard in 1932 formed his movement, and constantly wrote books under the guidance of telepathic Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters, including Jesus. In the heyday of the movement, reportedly had almost a million followers. After Ballard died in 1939, his wife Edna has become a channel for the divine messages that she continued to receive until his death in 1971. Since then, the movement is controlled by the Board of Directors, which is located in Illinois. Although they claim to have 300 partner groups around the world, no new teachings after the death of the spouses has been received, allegedly because the Ascended Masters have not yet appointed the new successor.
7. "Templhofgezellshaft»
It is not surprising that neo-Nazis - so show off your race. But some of them went further, and believe that their ancestors - actually came from outer space. In a bizarre combination of false racial superiority and charm UFO in a "society of the Temple" (it. Templhofgezellshaft) - a neo-Nazi group that emerged in Vienna in 1990 years, believe that the origins of the Aryan race were actually ancient Sumerians from the planet Aldebaran, who came here millions years ago and settled in Atlantis.
According to the "Society of the Temple", these creatures - life led with the highest level of segregation, of course, is at the top of it.
They also believe that the Aryans / Sumerians, being by nature "celestial", are obliged to rule the world and conquer other races - especially the Jews.
Finally, members of the public continue to hope that reinforcements from Aldebaran (with which the Nazis allegedly contacted in 1967) - will arrive soon, in order to help them win the Second World War once and for all.
8. "Asylum»
Remember when we talked about how people will maintain a harmonious balance within yourself? Evidently, this also applies to groups. In 1954, Leon Festinger, is engaged in one of his pioneering research, managed to sneak and watch the Chicago UFO cult known as "seekers." Through the "automatic writing" of their foundress Dorothy Martin "Asylum" believed that they - receive messages from beings called "Guardians" who came from the planet Clarion. These creatures group warned that the world would end December 21, 1954, and instructed them to prepare for the salvation of the day.
When the appointed time came and went, Martin through "automatic writing" received another message which said that the world was saved because of their outstanding faith. Harassment by the media, and the threat of forced hospitalization led to the fact that the group dispersed. Dorothy Martin went to Peru, and lived there for several years. In 1965 she returned to Arizona, where he founded a new group called "Association of Sananda" (or "Sanat Kumara"). She continued to receive messages for your group (which is today - still in effect) until she died in 1992.
9. "Organization Urantia»
This group - the caretaker and promoter of "The Urantia Book", the group believes that descended from aliens, called "Commission Orvonton." According to them, "the Commission" (through a sleeping person-medium) got in touch with them and dictated the book, Dr. Sadler in 1930, in Chicago. Sadler then formed a group to check out the book, and analyze it for errors. In the end, the group was transformed into "organization Urantia", which currently has a partnership group in nearly two dozen countries, and published nearly half a million copies of the book.
The book is essentially a retelling of an alternative history of the Earth, the universe in general and Christianity in particular. According to the book, the real name of Jesus was "Michael" and the universe - is made up of seven concentric rings with "God's dwelling place" in the middle. "Organization of Urantia" also states that the book - displaces the Bible as the ultimate truth, and calls on local study groups and other movements to read the book.
10. "Cosmic Ring commonwealth»
This group was formed in the early 50s in Chicago. Its founder, a postman named William Ferguson (who, as it happens, was a convicted fraudster), said that come into contact with beings from other planets. The practice of "Deep Relaxation", Ferguson said that during one of the sessions in 1938, he was suddenly transferred to the "Seventh Dimension", where he received enlightenment. A week after the incident he had another experience out of the body, this time with a stopover in "Sixth Dimension", where there was creation.
He also met with a creature named Kauga (Ferguson being taken to Mars), and with the leaders of the Venusians - in 1947 and in 1954 respectively. One of the tenets of the group - Kaugi reverence as a divine being. Ferguson also argues that his deep relaxation techniques can help team members reach a higher level of spatial awareness, and allow them to travel outside their mortal bodies. After the death of Ferguson in 1967, the group took control of the Chicago branch, and it is - and is active today.
UFO religion, as its name implies, is any religion with the beliefs centered around aliens and UFOs. Although raelizm and the infamous "Heaven's Gate Cult" are two of the most famous UFO religions, they do not in any way the craziest. In the world there are many other UFO religions that are just as (if not more) insane, like two religions, the above combined.
1. Chen Tao (The Right Way)
Formed in 1993, and the now-defunct Taiwanese cult, which used to believe in some very strange doctrine outlined the founder of the cult, a former teacher of sociology Hong Min Chen. Mixing beliefs of Christianity, Buddhism and UFOs, Chen came up with many strange principles. These included the idea that nuclear war - has created the solar system, and destroyed four different time periods, and that God - took the few survivors in a flying saucer. Chen blamed these disasters, and other problems that afflict humanity, to corrupt the souls of men, and devils, known as the "Royal devils».
In addition to the crazy beliefs, the group has been recognized also for the fact that the announced end of the world will come in the last week of March 1988. Chen believed that God would appear on television around the world, and shortly thereafter followed by a nuclear war and natural disasters. In 1996, Chen and his followers moved to Garland, Texas. They believed that this place as "God's Land", will protect them from the impending apocalypse. Unfortunately for believers, God was too shy to appear on camera, and the world - continues to rotate and after March 31, the predicted doomsday date. After this fiasco, the group quietly sunk into oblivion, and have not heard of them since 2001.
2. Order "Fiat lux»
Translated from the Latin "Fiat Lux" means "Let there be light." The Order has its humble beginnings in 1973, when its founder, the Swiss secretary Eric Bertshinger fell on his head while riding. Later, she discovered that she was the Virgin Mary, and was able to communicate with the transcendent beings, such as Jesus Christ. Changed his name to name Uriella it in 1980 created a very ascetic group, and later - has transformed its headquarters, in the Black Forest in Germany.
Uriella and her followers believed that the world - will be destroyed in mid-1988, the Nazi flying saucers and natural disasters. They also believed that the friendly aliens come to save a select few, and use them to populate the new paradise on earth. However, when the appointed time has come and gone, Uriella told his followers that God - temporarily postponed the event because all of them - bad prayed. Since then the group has disappeared, without waiting for the time when it's the other end of the world.
3. Academy of Sciences "Yunarius»
Founded in San Diego in 1954, husband and wife Ernest and Ruth Normans (who claimed to be reincarnations of famous historical figures) - Academy of Sciences "Yunarius" adheres very strange beliefs. First of all, they teach their members (called "yunariantsy") that their "mental prowess" will grow if they will meditate before the alleged 10-thousand-crystal skull named "Max." Claiming that they - the scientific group and not a religion, they also teach their members' interdimensional physics ", which, they claim, can answer all questions about the universe and our existence.
In addition, "yunariantsy" believe that the Earth will soon return to a coalition of planets that broke up hundreds of thousands of years ago, and that this event - will open an era of prosperity. They predicted it was going to happen in 2001, with the planting of several ships. When this did not happen, they later explained by the fact that the attacks of 9/11 showed aliens that humanity - is not yet ready to to reunite with them, and this event has been postponed.
4. "External spatial forces»
For eight years to an incredibly bloody "in Waco Siege," as frightening event occurred when the authorities searched the forest stock owned by Orville Gordon, founder of the "Outer space forces." Gordon created a group somewhere in 1960, when he became convinced that the representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization (known as the "Outer space forces") can start Armageddon after they saw how bad people are turning to the Earth.
Calling himself Nodrog (a "Gordon" backwards), he turned his property into a UFO landing base called "Base-Time Ark Armageddon." He believed that he and his followers will be picked up by aliens and taken away in a safe place during the end of the world. The band also gained notoriety after one of its members found a homemade bomb in the car of the former mayor in 1980 after he attempted to buy a lumberyard, and make it a shopping center. It is believed that in the 90th Gordon died, and was buried somewhere in the area of your site. Group - exists to this day, and its members even hold your own website.
5. Family Community "One World»
If there is any religion that best combines lifestyle hippies, communists and UFOs, it is - it is. Also known as the "Industrial Comforter Church of the New World," this religion - originated in California in 1973. Its founder, artist named Allen Noonan, has experienced a series of otherworldly encounters with aliens, who entrusted him with responsibility for the formation of "the Comforter of the New World and the channel of the prophecies of the Eternal Gospel».
After receiving these instructions, Noonan changed his name to Michael Allen, and started to form their own group under the central doctrine of "uni-communism." According to their beliefs, the world may come a time when all countries disarm and people - to form a commune like a hippie. In addition, members of the community believe in the group of aliens called "Elohim of the Galaxy." According to them, these aliens (who is also the creator of the earth), someday return to our planet, and help transform it into a society where energy is free, and injustice - does not exist.
6. "I - Activity»
Perhaps the predecessor of all UFO religions, "I - Activity" appeared in 1930, after its founder, Guy Ballard, said that he met with the legendary Saint-Germain in Shasta, California. Ascended Master Saint Germain Ballard instructed to spread the method by which people could unlock the potential of their "I" becomes sufficiently enlightened, and also turning to the Ascended Masters.
After this meeting Ballard in 1932 formed his movement, and constantly wrote books under the guidance of telepathic Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters, including Jesus. In the heyday of the movement, reportedly had almost a million followers. After Ballard died in 1939, his wife Edna has become a channel for the divine messages that she continued to receive until his death in 1971. Since then, the movement is controlled by the Board of Directors, which is located in Illinois. Although they claim to have 300 partner groups around the world, no new teachings after the death of the spouses has been received, allegedly because the Ascended Masters have not yet appointed the new successor.
7. "Templhofgezellshaft»
It is not surprising that neo-Nazis - so show off your race. But some of them went further, and believe that their ancestors - actually came from outer space. In a bizarre combination of false racial superiority and charm UFO in a "society of the Temple" (it. Templhofgezellshaft) - a neo-Nazi group that emerged in Vienna in 1990 years, believe that the origins of the Aryan race were actually ancient Sumerians from the planet Aldebaran, who came here millions years ago and settled in Atlantis.
According to the "Society of the Temple", these creatures - life led with the highest level of segregation, of course, is at the top of it.
They also believe that the Aryans / Sumerians, being by nature "celestial", are obliged to rule the world and conquer other races - especially the Jews.
Finally, members of the public continue to hope that reinforcements from Aldebaran (with which the Nazis allegedly contacted in 1967) - will arrive soon, in order to help them win the Second World War once and for all.
8. "Asylum»
Remember when we talked about how people will maintain a harmonious balance within yourself? Evidently, this also applies to groups. In 1954, Leon Festinger, is engaged in one of his pioneering research, managed to sneak and watch the Chicago UFO cult known as "seekers." Through the "automatic writing" of their foundress Dorothy Martin "Asylum" believed that they - receive messages from beings called "Guardians" who came from the planet Clarion. These creatures group warned that the world would end December 21, 1954, and instructed them to prepare for the salvation of the day.
When the appointed time came and went, Martin through "automatic writing" received another message which said that the world was saved because of their outstanding faith. Harassment by the media, and the threat of forced hospitalization led to the fact that the group dispersed. Dorothy Martin went to Peru, and lived there for several years. In 1965 she returned to Arizona, where he founded a new group called "Association of Sananda" (or "Sanat Kumara"). She continued to receive messages for your group (which is today - still in effect) until she died in 1992.
9. "Organization Urantia»
This group - the caretaker and promoter of "The Urantia Book", the group believes that descended from aliens, called "Commission Orvonton." According to them, "the Commission" (through a sleeping person-medium) got in touch with them and dictated the book, Dr. Sadler in 1930, in Chicago. Sadler then formed a group to check out the book, and analyze it for errors. In the end, the group was transformed into "organization Urantia", which currently has a partnership group in nearly two dozen countries, and published nearly half a million copies of the book.
The book is essentially a retelling of an alternative history of the Earth, the universe in general and Christianity in particular. According to the book, the real name of Jesus was "Michael" and the universe - is made up of seven concentric rings with "God's dwelling place" in the middle. "Organization of Urantia" also states that the book - displaces the Bible as the ultimate truth, and calls on local study groups and other movements to read the book.
10. "Cosmic Ring commonwealth»
This group was formed in the early 50s in Chicago. Its founder, a postman named William Ferguson (who, as it happens, was a convicted fraudster), said that come into contact with beings from other planets. The practice of "Deep Relaxation", Ferguson said that during one of the sessions in 1938, he was suddenly transferred to the "Seventh Dimension", where he received enlightenment. A week after the incident he had another experience out of the body, this time with a stopover in "Sixth Dimension", where there was creation.
He also met with a creature named Kauga (Ferguson being taken to Mars), and with the leaders of the Venusians - in 1947 and in 1954 respectively. One of the tenets of the group - Kaugi reverence as a divine being. Ferguson also argues that his deep relaxation techniques can help team members reach a higher level of spatial awareness, and allow them to travel outside their mortal bodies. After the death of Ferguson in 1967, the group took control of the Chicago branch, and it is - and is active today.