Mother hid the letter in a secluded place to save her daughter from the tricks of a malicious aunt

Many people want to move from the village to the city. More opportunities, more life. On the one hand, this is true, and on the other hand, not all the gold that shines. Sometimes you can be like yourself. flat-out. That is what our story will be about. Have you ever been abused by your relatives?

Editorial "Site" He doesn’t want to take sides. We're just fighting for justice. As you know, everyone has their own. This is a story about a rural girl who was deceived by her aunt. Probably nothing unusual, because in life this happens everywhere.

Mama Vera lived all her life in her native Ivanovka. Husband, children, household. It was good and satisfying while my husband was alive. As it did, life became more difficult. Faith is still young, everything helps mothers. I went to the district to study seamstress, but left far and troubled. That's how my mom lives. And then my mother's sister showed up, Aunt Zina. She lives in the regional center, a hundred kilometers from here.

She has been gone for a long time, decided to visit her sister, and then she says, what will Vera vegetate here? Can I take her back to town? Still, there's more prospects. Vera's mother says, "God, Zina, who needs her there?" She should learn. I'm barely rustling around here, but she's the only one keeping the house. She won't want to go!

"So you led her," Zina says. Clearly you want a better fate for her. No education, so what? I work as a cleaner in a large company and I will arrange it first. He can study in absentia. I'll settle it in. The apartment is small, but you can get along quite well. The money will be sent to you.”


Mother Verina listened to her sister, blessed her daughter for the trip. And now they're in town. Affectionate aunt Zina suddenly turned into a frowning and categorical aunt, immediately set the rules for Faith. She will not be late for work, she will take all the money so that Vera does not waste them, help her with the housework, cook, clean and not whine. How'd she like to do everything she wants?

For Vera, all this was not unusual, she was used to work. The only thing Aunt Zina took was her passport and her phone. It's like I always have you in my sight, Vera. I'll talk to your mother myself. Get to work! And then her aunt completely shifted all her worries and deeds to trusting Faith. What does she say?


Aunt Zina used to put Vera out the door. A man comes to her alone, and Vera interferes. Sometimes she gives her money for a ticket to the movies, but more often Vera just walks the streets. To warm up, she comes into supermarket. And instead of going to the movies, buy chocolate. I met Sasha there. Or rather, he met her.

Sasha works here at the box office, and after work studies. Sometimes they walk a little, they laugh. And each in his own business. In a series of endless affairs, the arrival of a stranger to an aunt for Vera is almost an outlet. He's happy to run outside. I'd like to pick up the phone, but my aunt is adamant. Only adds to the work. Everything resolved one day.

Vera came to the office cleaning field, my aunt was nowhere. The girl habitually began to clean, wash dishes, wipe the floor and suddenly noticed a letter in a pack of documents. There was no mistake, my mother wrote it. Here's her special letter "D." It's strange my aunt didn't say anything about him. But Vera was even more surprised by the content of the letter. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

In the letter, my mother wrote that she was saddened by Faith. How can she squander all the money on entertainment, guys and things? My mother had a different opinion of her. Okay, she doesn't send her mom a dime, but why is she embarrassing her and Aunt Zina? Why doesn't he want to talk to her on the phone and his aunt keeps answering the phone? The earth went under Vera's feet.

By the time my aunt arrived, she had packed up. When she entered, she demanded documents, a phone, and the money she had earned. My aunt gave me everything but the money. You think you lived here for free, ungrateful girl? Get out of here! And don't come back. Faith, in fact, just went out into the night. How do I get home? She was rescued by Sasha, who had just finished his shift and was returning home.

He took her to his dorm room and went to sleep with a friend. I didn't want to embarrass the devastated girl. When she woke up a little, she immediately called her mother. She couldn't believe it at first. The next day, Vera went home. Sasha took her to the station. He told Vera that he had spoken to the manager and that he agreed to take her on. probation. Everything else will work out.

Now, five years after these events, Vera and Sasha are doing well, raising a baby and even targeting a mortgage. Vera’s mother had an unpleasant conversation with her sister. It turned out that the enterprising aunt received two salaries - both her own and Verina, took all the money for herself, and her mother lied that Vera was squandering everything. How my aunt's doing, no one knows.

It is difficult to understand the aunt motive, because sooner or later everything would have been revealed. Write in the comments what you think about this story. Have you ever met such aunts? If so, please tell me what happened. We are sure that everyone will be interested to know.


Quiet deception - it's even worse than straight. Especially when people are cheating, relatives. This situation is disgusting. Read our article about how mom slandered a village daughter-in-law before her son and how it all ended. Thank you for staying with us!


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