I came to visit my mother, but neighbors said that she sold the house and disappeared when she found her mother.

Lies and deception This is especially true if the offender is your relative. When you sincerely trust a person, it is hard to believe that you were used and abandoned. However, at the same time, this act can open many eyes and help to rethink your life. Something similar happened to the stepmother of the main character of today’s story, which you will learn later in the article.

My mother’s lies and deceptions disappeared when I was 6 years old. For a long time my father could not recover. A few years later, I met another woman who made me happy. At first I called her Aunt Oley, but she soon replaced my mother.

We started living together: me, Dad, Aunt Olya and her daughter Tanya. She and I were friends almost immediately. I felt that my mother loved me and tried to give me as much time as her own daughter. But when we grew up, everything changed.

Aunt Olya began to take a break on me, treat with contempt. I never understood why her attitude towards me changed. I was always very polite and helpful to her. When Tanya married a successful businessman and left home, I felt like a real outcast. At every opportunity, my mother reproached me, they say, look at Tanya, she is good.

Six months later, I went under the crown. However, I fell in love with an ordinary locksmith, which my mother, of course, did not like. She kept saying he'd leave me and I'd be alone. Ironically, that's what happened. Tolya wanted a child, but we did not succeed. After a while, my husband started drinking and blaming me.

At some point I did get pregnant, but Tola didn't need it anymore. He said he was leaving for someone else. When he found out that we were having a daughter, he snorted in response and said that he would stay for the “boy”. It was a difficult time, but I managed. With a child in her arms, she did not forget to visit her parents, always trying to please them with some gifts.

Aunty Olya did not show much sympathy for my daughter. But about his grandson, son Tanya, could not stop talking. She had a baby just before me, and she was the first. However, it turned out that everything in her family was not as happy as everyone thought. She divorced her husband because he cheated on her. She was alone for a while until she remarried another rich man.

A despicable act many years have passed since then. Tanya and I grew up and my father died. My daughter and I would visit Aunt Olya from time to time so she wouldn't feel so lonely. Tanya rarely came to her, and when she went abroad, she completely forgot where her parents' home was. My second mother’s grandson was still a god to her. Although he hardly remembered his grandmother.

One day I went to my mother’s house, but strangers met me in her house. I was very scared and immediately went to my neighbor. She said that Aunt Olya sold the house and left. Neither Tanya nor her son knew anything. I called all the hospitals, took the whole town up to find my mom. When I finally found her, I couldn’t believe what she said.

It turned out that the grandson came to her and began to persuade her to sell the house. Like, he wants to move her to the city, take care of her, and for the money to buy a large apartment for the whole family. Aunt Olya doubted, but eventually agreed. But she didn’t expect everything her grandson said to be a lie.

My mother wandered from acquaintances to acquaintances, lived where she had to. And as a result, she ended up in the hospital with complete exhaustion and a nervous breakdown. Never in my life was she as happy to see me as she was that day. She called me to her, took my hand and said, “Forgive me, Katyusha.” Forgive the stupid old woman! I'm so guilty to you. I built my own castles in the air and didn't notice your love and care!

My mom managed to get out and I took her to live with me. She lived another 5 years. Tanya tried to justify her son’s actions, but it was too late.

Not all lies and deception can be forgiven. Is it possible to justify the act of a young man who deprived his grandmother of her home and fraudulently took all her money? In such situations, it is said that God will judge. We're sure Aunt Oli's grandson will get what he deserves. What do you say?


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