Physicist Pavel Poluyan: UFOs are top-secret military technologies

When "flying saucers" began to appear in the American sky in the late 40s, the first explanations were quite natural - optimists thought that a new secret aircraft of the US Air Force was being tested, and pessimists suspected a possible enemy.
But the alien version came into vogue - UFOs were not like the usual helicopters. The alien plot was picked up by science fiction writers and filmmakers, and some liars gained fame by successfully selling fictional stories to a gullible public.
Pavel Poluyan, physicist, leading engineer of one of the Siberian enterprises, member of the Expert Club of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
But almost 70 years have passed, and there is no expected phenomenon of aliens, although UFOs of different forms are still observed here and there. Involuntarily comes the thought: maybe the "flying saucers" - not aliens from space, but just the same is quite terrestrial vehicles?
In fact, why are traditional propellers-turbines-rockets so cute to us, could not the inquisitive mind of a person invent something special that allows disc-shaped devices to soar silently, sparkling with mysterious lights? Clever men invented, craftsmen built, politicians classified – and used for military espionage purposes.
Alien “little green men” have long since settled with the light hand of journalists on the pages of newspapers, and recently this term began to be used in relation to soldiers of Russian special forces.
Meanwhile, in the novel by the famous American writer Christopher Buckley “Green Men” is exactly the name of the employees of the American special services who plant the legend of aliens from space – to mask secret military technologies. Impose persistently: even abduct ordinary Americans from time to time, conducting medical experiments with the probing of natural holes.
However, let’s ask the question: although the “flying saucers” are not made by aliens, but quite earthly engineers, why is this promising technology so long kept secret?
It's easy to answer the question. Such a convenient means of crossing borders is an important advantage that no one in their right mind will refuse. That's the secret. But, as the Gospels say, everything secret sooner or later becomes manifest.
In the late 80s and early 90s, the USSR was invaded by unidentified objects. What is Rust on Red Square! – the sky over our cities was flooded with flying saucers. It came to curiosities: in December 1989, Krasnoyarsk policemen arrived on call and watched as dark vehicles with colored lights tried to experiment with the transmission line leading to the aluminum plant (the story is described in the collection “UFO over Krasnoyarsk”). Many of my friends observed objects flying over the Yenisei and the regional center. I was not lucky, but I saw a UFO a little earlier – April 26, 1989 – in the Urals. “UFO over Perm”, as it was later called in the newspapers, became widely known, because there were many witnesses.
What are these secret “flying saucers” and mysterious electrokinetic engines? Their technology is not fantastic at all and is within the framework of known physics, within the limits of ordinary aerodynamics. Moreover, the principle of flying saucers was discovered almost simultaneously with others – helicopter and aircraft.
Often, newsreel footage from the history of aviation is shown on TV, where a strange device appears among antediluvian gliders - something like a huge umbrella with a motor and a pilot. The "umbrella" twitches up and down, and when it moves down, the device even separates from the ground for a second.
The patent for this new flying device – orthopter – was received in 1926 by inventor James Pitts (J. W. Pitts). According to the inventor, the umbrella was supposed to strike through the air during vertical downward movements, and during vertical upward movements, the narrow blades of the rotating umbrella were opened slightly to reduce the force of drag.
Yes, an umbrella plane looks funny, but you don't think an American spent money building this car just for fun, do you? The principle of flight, based on the creation of a seal under a vibrating plane, is no worse than that used in traditional aircraft. However, in those years, there was no technology to use the vibration at full power.
Look again at the umbrella plane and ask yourself: why can’t it take off and what needs to be fixed for it to take off? Any person with a developed engineering mindset will immediately find answers to these questions.
The device does not take off because when the umbrella moves up, the drag force still remains significant - the opening windows of the blades do not greatly reduce it.
As a result, the resulting momentum does not allow you to overcome the force of attraction. And the second: the scope of the movements of the umbrella is quite significant - it is rather just mixing the air with its movements, rather than repelling it. What's up?
The idea arises: to close the oscillating umbrella from above with a fixed dome – so that the umbrella moves in the inner space and transmits the momentum of movement only in the downward direction. And the second proposal: to make air strikes shorter, but more frequent, respectively - to minimize the amplitude of fluctuations - within 1-2 centimeters.
That’s when our device will turn into a saucer-shaped capsule, inside which there is a pilot and an engine, and instead of a ridiculous umbrella with slots at the plate below, a strong membrane will appear, which will vibrate very quickly, striking the air sharply and often.
The first “flying saucers” were similar to giant telephone speakers: one or more huge membranes under the influence of pulsed electromagnets beat through the air at a frequency of 1000 Hertz, and the streamlined top of the saucer provided a difference in drag forces from above and below.
In the USSR, as they say, the interest in the “plates” was already shown by Stalin, who gave instructions to understand. And understood the problem, of course, without the involvement of alien hypotheses. In 1957, the novel by science fiction writer Nemtsov “The Last Semi-station” was published, the theme of the book is the test of a saucer-shaped airship with rocket engines. So already in the 50s, it was clear to many that the mythology hides not aliens, but non-trivial technological secrets.
One way or another, but at the turn of 60-70-ies in the USSR appeared their UFOs. I remember the message in the program “Time” that the Soviet academician Shklovsky proved that we are alone in the universe. This was tantamount to the official statement of the Central Committee of the CPSU, they say that there are no aliens and we do not believe in your “deas”. Competent authorities took care of ufologists and began to censor newspaper publications in order to extinguish the pointless psychosis.
But, unfortunately, the USSR lagged behind: competitors then had the third generation of plates – dark objects that glow only small areas – activators of vortices. Light at the bottom - for flight, side - when you need to move to the side (lights "illuminators"). Zones of activation of vortices arise in the right place of the housing, consisting of cells-dischargers.
The body is monolithic and does not vibrate, but the adjacent layer of air is artificially ionized (in some models - weak radioactivity of the surface material), and current pulses, skipping with a megahertz frequency in the activation zone, cause it to bounce sharply, giving rise to a column of vortices.
The scheme described is quite clear. Only the habit of traditional aircraft makes it difficult to realize the ingenious simplicity of this electrokinetic engine.
By the way, I will also reveal the mystery of the “mysterious material ray” that UFOs emit (often reported by witnesses). Toroidal vortices-donuts form under the plate something like a baby pyramid, where pancakes lie on each other thin vortex rings.
In these vortices, the temperature drops, moisture from the air is frozen in the form of small crystals (the Rank effect is used in technology to cool parts). So under a plate in a whirlwind of microsnowflakes sparkles not so bright stream from the glowing activation zone. If the plate moves, the layers in the pyramid shift, and it seems that in some unthinkable way bent a beam of light. And when the plate hovers close to the surface, objects caught in the vortex zone, come off the ground.
The “beam” is curved when the activation zone is shifted relative to the vortices already emitted (this is how the “beam” consisting of tracer bullets is bent, if the machine gun is turned). It is clear that such a shift can be not only the horizontal flight of the device, but also its rotation around the axis, its swaying, etc.
Moreover, horizontal rays serve not only for pushing horizontally, but also for balancing (so that the device does not slip from the vortex supporting it). In some cases, the “plate” begins to look like a kind of gorgon jellyfish, from which glowing curved tentacles depart in all directions.
I often hear objections, like, how is it that no trace of secret technology has ever appeared anywhere? How can this be a secret for so many years? There must be some leakage of information...
Askers do not seem to notice that I use those “leaks of information” in my exposing materials. As for the widespread use of technology, do not forget that we are talking about military secrets.
If we move away from ufological mythology, it becomes clear: there is no more mystery. Many people know about the secret of UFOs, both here and abroad. I wasn’t even surprised when Neo was told in The Matrix that Morpheus’s ship was flying on an aircushion—fantastic anti-gravitators were missing.
To bring as evidence the technology of a fantastic ship from the movie “The Matrix” seems to be not solid, but, I believe, the noted coincidence is not accidental: in the United States there are influential forces that declassify the technology can bring benefits. They may make some effort to speed up exposure by showing the technology in art form.
And the fact that many in the United States know the true secret of flying saucers, we already know from the film “Roswell: Final Analysis”. The announcer at the end of the film says: Sooner or later, the American government will have to tell the whole truth about which vehicles plowed the sky over the Saccoro Desert in New Mexico, starting in the 40s. But whatever the government is hiding from the public has nothing to do with alien life.
I think it’s time for American “green men” to tell people the truth – to show their “plates” in all their natural beauty. This is especially important now in order to improve the international situation and make a real “reset”. But if the United States does not dare to tell the truth, we will have to.
Pavel Poluyan, physicist, leading engineer of one of the Siberian enterprises, member of the Expert Club of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Source: nlo-mir.ru
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