10 The Curious Case of "UFO sightings"
... And their rational obyasnenie
The universe is huge, and we can be sure that we are not alone in it. There is almost no doubt that alien life glimmer somewhere. It is even possible that the little gray men have visited us. Also, as David Duchovny in the 90s, many of us want to believe. However, blind faith can lead us, so to say, not very scientific ways. And while you think those strange lights over your home that you saw last night, it was a UFO, in fact it can be much easier.
1. Apollo 16, UFOs, and part of the lunar module
Shestisekundnaya videotape delivered Apollo-16 seemed to be a real proof that UFOs have visited the moon. The recording was made using a camcorder, filming was carried out directly from the hands, so the camera is constantly shaking. On the record shows awesome flying saucer hovering over the lunar module, almost like a Hollywood movie. Today, a variety of community devoted to the study of the UFO phenomenon, in one voice asserting that the record can be considered as proof of the existence of aliens, but NASA has debunked this myth long ago.
When experts analyzed the material filmed by the astronauts, they realized that something on the record looked like a UFO, was a common piece of metal sticking out of the lunar module. When a record is looked at normal speed, this part of the module was hidden in the shadows. However, she still images viewed very well. What at first looked like a UFO, it was just outside the lunar module spotlight. And the only newcomers on the Moon at the time were people.
2. UFO, the Taliban, and Computer Graphics < br />
At the beginning of 2014, the video appeared on YouTube, captured in one of the areas of Afghanistan US Marines. The video was recorded triangular shaped object, which sailed through the air and shot by a Taliban camp strange weapons causing massive destruction. These frames are made nervous a lot of people around the world. In The Daily Mail even had a serious scientific analysis of this video, arguing that the triangular object and in fact may be of extraterrestrial origin. And in The Huffington Post for a long time I could not decide whether it was a UFO, or is it just some kind of new military drone.
The correct answer to this question you probably already guessed yourself. It was not a UFO, not a military drone. It was the computer graphics, created some user YouTube. At some point he discovered on the network a very real video, which was recorded by the destruction of the very real ammunition factory in the Middle East. Discovered decided that this video is a little alien, and quickly corrected this misunderstanding.
3. The theory of ancient astronauts, invented Lavkraftom
You've heard the theory that aliens are visiting Earth in the distant past, it may have been taken by people for the gods. This theory was very popular. In 1968, Erich von Däniken published his book entitled "Chariots of the Gods", using it above-mentioned theory. He has excited and captured the imagination of readers, as was an excellent storyteller.
And what do you think? According to the report for 2004, published in the journal "The Skeptic", all the main components of the book Däniken were invented by HP Lovecraft.
More back in 1921, Lovecraft wrote his most famous story, "The Call of Cthulhu." It describes the horrible monster who waits for his coming to earth, and all that is worshiped as the new God. This story was popular not only readers, but writers who often inserted into their books by Lovecraft invented images. Basically as gods writers alien creature appears very similar to Cthulhu. The brainchild of Lovecraft was very popular in France, which was used as the main character of the book "Morning of the Magicians." Daniken used this book as a "source of inspiration", and based on it created a bestseller.
4. Goblins Kentucky
The incident in Kentucky is perhaps the saddest example of the misconceptions about the paranormal. One night, in 1955, the year, farmhouse, located in the backwoods of Kentucky, found himself besieged by evil goblins. Growth was essentially about one meter, they had a giant head, pointed ears, and a terrible, burning eyes. Goblins have surrounded the house, and the farmers who lived there, in terror began to shoot them out of everything that came to hand. In the end, the owners of the farm decided to get out of there, piously believing that witnessed this alien invasion.
In 2006, the year in Skeptical Inquirer published an article whose authors attempted to clarify the situation. The article noted that the farmers at the time of the event is likely to have been drunk, and that at least one of them was familiar with local tales of goblins, who supposedly live in these places. Goblins in such stories are usually described as creatures with pointed ears and a large head, and eyes that could glow in the dark. It may be so in the dark looking creature known to science as a giant horned owl.
5. UFO and broken windmill
In 2009, the British tabloid The Sun published an incredible story that has attracted worldwide attention. After a night during which the sky could be seen strange lights, Lincolnshire residents woke up and found the shattered 90-meter wind turbine. And he looked as if a flying object crashed into him at high speed. Within a few days the topic of UFOs did not leave the front pages of Lincolnshire, but then what has happened to the windmill there was a simple explanation.
In The Guardian published an article that stated that the lights in the sky were just fireworks. A company that manufactures wind turbines, conducted its own analysis, and found that the windmill collapsed because of a single bolt, which is due to high-speed wind turbine simply unscrew and departed. That's just the title of the form "The windmill left bolt" is not so attractive for the tabloids, as the title of "UFO knocks windmills».
6. "Mysterious lights" in which there was nothing mysterious
Since the days of the very first space flight at NASA appeared firm rule: give astronauts camcorder. Over the decades, it had accumulated several thousand hours of amazing shooting, and some fragments of these records, apparently, were captured UFOs. There is a video, known as "Mysterious lights NASA," which shows the strange flash, appearing around a variety of NASA's located in low Earth orbit. And as if to add surrealism of this situation, the astronauts always talked about these lights, as if there is nothing strange. For many, this behavior was further evidence that the US government has long been in direct contact with the aliens, so that the aliens have ceased to be astronauts unusual. At least one such theory exists. The case when ufologists much hasty and mistaken for a UFO lights reflected from one of the military satellites that capture and reflect the sunlight at a very odd angle. Other lights were just ice crystals that had accumulated in orbit. And sometimes it was just a distant stars.
7. Grey aliens from the old TV show
Thanks to television shows such as "The X-Files", the most famous type of aliens were "gray men". The first mention of these creatures come back in 1964. Someone mentioned them Barney Hill, who was supposed to have been abducted by them. While under hypnosis, Hill said that the group had met the "gray men" during his trip in 1961, that is, it happened long before the gray aliens have become a part of pop culture. Since ufologists believe that the abduction of the Hill is the first true indication of a person meeting with the aliens.
Although kidnapped him in 1961, Hill could well describe their captors until until he was hypnotized February 22, 1964-year. And thirty years later, a writer from the Skeptical Inquirer noted that the gray men of Hill began 12 days after television was broadcast episode "external limits", which was called "Shield Beller." The details of this episode is largely coincided with the fact that Hill said. What is even more interesting, Hill under hypnosis said that aliens communicated with him through their eyes that almost exactly matches one of the dialogues in the "Shield Beller." It seems that instead of meeting with the aliens subconscious Hill confidently reproduced elements of the TV series, which he watched for a few weeks before had been hypnotized.
8. "The Battle of Nuremberg"
In 1561, the year the residents of Nuremberg awoke and witnessed a very unusual sight. In the skies over the city there were strange balls and rods, the color of blood, which seemed to be fighting, shooting each other. This strange event was recorded by Hans Glaser in one infamous engraving. Sure, it may be evidence of alien visits, is not it?
No not like this. Engravings done on wood, this is not a photograph. Instead impartial pass events as they were, engraving, tend to be filled with a variety of items with religious overtones, or allusions to the supernatural.
In another engraving, dedicated to the above events, Glaser portrayed medieval knights encountered in the sky. And yet the event was portrayed in the engravings of a plurality of luminous crosses, in the form of angry gods, or in the form of celestial bodies with grinning faces. If you forget the engravings, and focus on their description, the whole "battle" will resemble a strange light effect arising due to ice crystals reflecting sunlight in the upper atmosphere. Glazer just added to this natural phenomenon a little more action, apparently hoping in this way to sell a few of his prints.
9. World War II, "Foo Fighters" and fireballs
In the dark days of World War II pilots flying over Europe to places bombing, we reported what they saw in the sky a lot of strange glowing balls. They dubbed their "foo-fighters", and initially it was assumed that it was some new kind of weapon developed by the Nazis. Even today, this story is one of the largest cases of mass UFO sightings.
On the other hand, the explanation of this phenomenon can be quite terrestrial. Lightning is known, it can take various forms, including the form of a small ball of light. There are records showing that these balls can move in the sky at a rate of up to 400 km / h, and that they can make the most unexpected maneuvers at a great height. It is almost perfectly coincides with that described by the pilots during the Second World War.
10. "Washington invasion" and drops of moisture
In 1952, Washington, DC, was the only American in the history of the city, which was captured by the alien fleet. July 19 urban air traffic controllers noticed a cluster of strange flashes on the screens of the radars. They contacted the aircraft, located close to the phenomenon and asked the pilots, they do not see that unusual. One pilot said he saw six bright lights crossing the sky. However, this was only the beginning.
When a week later returned to the strange flash in the sky the alarm had been raised interceptors. Their pilots reported the glowing lights, which quickly fly away from them. This meeting came in all the newspapers. In the end, that could affect the actual radar screens, and easy to get away from the actual interceptor but real UFO?
What about temperature inversions? A layer of cold air, surrounded on all sides by layers of warm air, can do very strange things. In particular, it can affect the radar screens. And yet because of temperature inversions can occur a variety of optical illusions, particularly when in the cold air, trapped in a "heat trap", contains droplets of moisture that can reflect light ground fires right before the unsuspecting pilots. And by the way, the weather conditions in Washington during those summer days were just perfect for the occurrence of temperature inversions.
via factroom.ru

The universe is huge, and we can be sure that we are not alone in it. There is almost no doubt that alien life glimmer somewhere. It is even possible that the little gray men have visited us. Also, as David Duchovny in the 90s, many of us want to believe. However, blind faith can lead us, so to say, not very scientific ways. And while you think those strange lights over your home that you saw last night, it was a UFO, in fact it can be much easier.
1. Apollo 16, UFOs, and part of the lunar module
Shestisekundnaya videotape delivered Apollo-16 seemed to be a real proof that UFOs have visited the moon. The recording was made using a camcorder, filming was carried out directly from the hands, so the camera is constantly shaking. On the record shows awesome flying saucer hovering over the lunar module, almost like a Hollywood movie. Today, a variety of community devoted to the study of the UFO phenomenon, in one voice asserting that the record can be considered as proof of the existence of aliens, but NASA has debunked this myth long ago.
When experts analyzed the material filmed by the astronauts, they realized that something on the record looked like a UFO, was a common piece of metal sticking out of the lunar module. When a record is looked at normal speed, this part of the module was hidden in the shadows. However, she still images viewed very well. What at first looked like a UFO, it was just outside the lunar module spotlight. And the only newcomers on the Moon at the time were people.
2. UFO, the Taliban, and Computer Graphics < br />
At the beginning of 2014, the video appeared on YouTube, captured in one of the areas of Afghanistan US Marines. The video was recorded triangular shaped object, which sailed through the air and shot by a Taliban camp strange weapons causing massive destruction. These frames are made nervous a lot of people around the world. In The Daily Mail even had a serious scientific analysis of this video, arguing that the triangular object and in fact may be of extraterrestrial origin. And in The Huffington Post for a long time I could not decide whether it was a UFO, or is it just some kind of new military drone.
The correct answer to this question you probably already guessed yourself. It was not a UFO, not a military drone. It was the computer graphics, created some user YouTube. At some point he discovered on the network a very real video, which was recorded by the destruction of the very real ammunition factory in the Middle East. Discovered decided that this video is a little alien, and quickly corrected this misunderstanding.
3. The theory of ancient astronauts, invented Lavkraftom

You've heard the theory that aliens are visiting Earth in the distant past, it may have been taken by people for the gods. This theory was very popular. In 1968, Erich von Däniken published his book entitled "Chariots of the Gods", using it above-mentioned theory. He has excited and captured the imagination of readers, as was an excellent storyteller.
And what do you think? According to the report for 2004, published in the journal "The Skeptic", all the main components of the book Däniken were invented by HP Lovecraft.
More back in 1921, Lovecraft wrote his most famous story, "The Call of Cthulhu." It describes the horrible monster who waits for his coming to earth, and all that is worshiped as the new God. This story was popular not only readers, but writers who often inserted into their books by Lovecraft invented images. Basically as gods writers alien creature appears very similar to Cthulhu. The brainchild of Lovecraft was very popular in France, which was used as the main character of the book "Morning of the Magicians." Daniken used this book as a "source of inspiration", and based on it created a bestseller.
4. Goblins Kentucky
The incident in Kentucky is perhaps the saddest example of the misconceptions about the paranormal. One night, in 1955, the year, farmhouse, located in the backwoods of Kentucky, found himself besieged by evil goblins. Growth was essentially about one meter, they had a giant head, pointed ears, and a terrible, burning eyes. Goblins have surrounded the house, and the farmers who lived there, in terror began to shoot them out of everything that came to hand. In the end, the owners of the farm decided to get out of there, piously believing that witnessed this alien invasion.
In 2006, the year in Skeptical Inquirer published an article whose authors attempted to clarify the situation. The article noted that the farmers at the time of the event is likely to have been drunk, and that at least one of them was familiar with local tales of goblins, who supposedly live in these places. Goblins in such stories are usually described as creatures with pointed ears and a large head, and eyes that could glow in the dark. It may be so in the dark looking creature known to science as a giant horned owl.
5. UFO and broken windmill
In 2009, the British tabloid The Sun published an incredible story that has attracted worldwide attention. After a night during which the sky could be seen strange lights, Lincolnshire residents woke up and found the shattered 90-meter wind turbine. And he looked as if a flying object crashed into him at high speed. Within a few days the topic of UFOs did not leave the front pages of Lincolnshire, but then what has happened to the windmill there was a simple explanation.
In The Guardian published an article that stated that the lights in the sky were just fireworks. A company that manufactures wind turbines, conducted its own analysis, and found that the windmill collapsed because of a single bolt, which is due to high-speed wind turbine simply unscrew and departed. That's just the title of the form "The windmill left bolt" is not so attractive for the tabloids, as the title of "UFO knocks windmills».
6. "Mysterious lights" in which there was nothing mysterious
Since the days of the very first space flight at NASA appeared firm rule: give astronauts camcorder. Over the decades, it had accumulated several thousand hours of amazing shooting, and some fragments of these records, apparently, were captured UFOs. There is a video, known as "Mysterious lights NASA," which shows the strange flash, appearing around a variety of NASA's located in low Earth orbit. And as if to add surrealism of this situation, the astronauts always talked about these lights, as if there is nothing strange. For many, this behavior was further evidence that the US government has long been in direct contact with the aliens, so that the aliens have ceased to be astronauts unusual. At least one such theory exists. The case when ufologists much hasty and mistaken for a UFO lights reflected from one of the military satellites that capture and reflect the sunlight at a very odd angle. Other lights were just ice crystals that had accumulated in orbit. And sometimes it was just a distant stars.
7. Grey aliens from the old TV show
Thanks to television shows such as "The X-Files", the most famous type of aliens were "gray men". The first mention of these creatures come back in 1964. Someone mentioned them Barney Hill, who was supposed to have been abducted by them. While under hypnosis, Hill said that the group had met the "gray men" during his trip in 1961, that is, it happened long before the gray aliens have become a part of pop culture. Since ufologists believe that the abduction of the Hill is the first true indication of a person meeting with the aliens.
Although kidnapped him in 1961, Hill could well describe their captors until until he was hypnotized February 22, 1964-year. And thirty years later, a writer from the Skeptical Inquirer noted that the gray men of Hill began 12 days after television was broadcast episode "external limits", which was called "Shield Beller." The details of this episode is largely coincided with the fact that Hill said. What is even more interesting, Hill under hypnosis said that aliens communicated with him through their eyes that almost exactly matches one of the dialogues in the "Shield Beller." It seems that instead of meeting with the aliens subconscious Hill confidently reproduced elements of the TV series, which he watched for a few weeks before had been hypnotized.
8. "The Battle of Nuremberg"

In 1561, the year the residents of Nuremberg awoke and witnessed a very unusual sight. In the skies over the city there were strange balls and rods, the color of blood, which seemed to be fighting, shooting each other. This strange event was recorded by Hans Glaser in one infamous engraving. Sure, it may be evidence of alien visits, is not it?
No not like this. Engravings done on wood, this is not a photograph. Instead impartial pass events as they were, engraving, tend to be filled with a variety of items with religious overtones, or allusions to the supernatural.
In another engraving, dedicated to the above events, Glaser portrayed medieval knights encountered in the sky. And yet the event was portrayed in the engravings of a plurality of luminous crosses, in the form of angry gods, or in the form of celestial bodies with grinning faces. If you forget the engravings, and focus on their description, the whole "battle" will resemble a strange light effect arising due to ice crystals reflecting sunlight in the upper atmosphere. Glazer just added to this natural phenomenon a little more action, apparently hoping in this way to sell a few of his prints.
9. World War II, "Foo Fighters" and fireballs
In the dark days of World War II pilots flying over Europe to places bombing, we reported what they saw in the sky a lot of strange glowing balls. They dubbed their "foo-fighters", and initially it was assumed that it was some new kind of weapon developed by the Nazis. Even today, this story is one of the largest cases of mass UFO sightings.
On the other hand, the explanation of this phenomenon can be quite terrestrial. Lightning is known, it can take various forms, including the form of a small ball of light. There are records showing that these balls can move in the sky at a rate of up to 400 km / h, and that they can make the most unexpected maneuvers at a great height. It is almost perfectly coincides with that described by the pilots during the Second World War.
10. "Washington invasion" and drops of moisture
In 1952, Washington, DC, was the only American in the history of the city, which was captured by the alien fleet. July 19 urban air traffic controllers noticed a cluster of strange flashes on the screens of the radars. They contacted the aircraft, located close to the phenomenon and asked the pilots, they do not see that unusual. One pilot said he saw six bright lights crossing the sky. However, this was only the beginning.
When a week later returned to the strange flash in the sky the alarm had been raised interceptors. Their pilots reported the glowing lights, which quickly fly away from them. This meeting came in all the newspapers. In the end, that could affect the actual radar screens, and easy to get away from the actual interceptor but real UFO?
What about temperature inversions? A layer of cold air, surrounded on all sides by layers of warm air, can do very strange things. In particular, it can affect the radar screens. And yet because of temperature inversions can occur a variety of optical illusions, particularly when in the cold air, trapped in a "heat trap", contains droplets of moisture that can reflect light ground fires right before the unsuspecting pilots. And by the way, the weather conditions in Washington during those summer days were just perfect for the occurrence of temperature inversions.
via factroom.ru