Famous UFO Photo - since 1870 and our time
UFOs - unidentified flying object; in the media any celestial phenomenon, the nature of which the observer can not detect. This usually meant that there was a compact moving object, like a flying machine, the appearance of which is associated with a visit to Earth from space aliens. The term UFO is a direct translation of the English UFO - unidentified flying object, entered into use in 1950-1955. In Russian, especially in the works of trying to bring the scientific basis for the study of UFOs, are sometimes used and other related terms: abnormal atmospheric phenomenon (AAP), the anomalous aero-space object (AAO), the unidentified aerospace phenomena (NYE).
Observation of obscure atmospheric and celestial phenomena is not an "invention" of the 20th century. In human history, there are numerous cases of "heavenly signs." Especially a lot of reports of UFO sightings have been reported by eyewitnesses (and jokers) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries., During the creation of the first airships and airplanes. The outbreak of mass interest in UFOs began in the heyday of aviation and rocketry creation.
Birth of a sensation. The first report of a UFO that caused a huge public interest and an avalanche of publications made American pilot Kenneth Arnold. Flying day June 24, 1947 near Mount Rainier in Washington State, he noticed nine strange objects. One of them looked like a crescent moon with a small dome in the middle, while eight others look like flat disks, glistening in the sun. According to the Arnold struck his object was moving at a speed of 2,700 km / h. Speaking about their appearance, Arnold compared them to "tailless aircraft." He noted that the movement was strange objects, "like glider, rushing through the waves," or "like a saucer thrown on the surface of the water." It thus came the now popular term "flying saucer" or "flying saucer."
The first publication of the case with Arnold was received with skepticism, but after a few weeks the media have filled the evidence of other witnesses. Began to leave magazines and books on the subject.

Observation of obscure atmospheric and celestial phenomena is not an "invention" of the 20th century. In human history, there are numerous cases of "heavenly signs." Especially a lot of reports of UFO sightings have been reported by eyewitnesses (and jokers) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries., During the creation of the first airships and airplanes. The outbreak of mass interest in UFOs began in the heyday of aviation and rocketry creation.

Birth of a sensation. The first report of a UFO that caused a huge public interest and an avalanche of publications made American pilot Kenneth Arnold. Flying day June 24, 1947 near Mount Rainier in Washington State, he noticed nine strange objects. One of them looked like a crescent moon with a small dome in the middle, while eight others look like flat disks, glistening in the sun. According to the Arnold struck his object was moving at a speed of 2,700 km / h. Speaking about their appearance, Arnold compared them to "tailless aircraft." He noted that the movement was strange objects, "like glider, rushing through the waves," or "like a saucer thrown on the surface of the water." It thus came the now popular term "flying saucer" or "flying saucer."
The first publication of the case with Arnold was received with skepticism, but after a few weeks the media have filled the evidence of other witnesses. Began to leave magazines and books on the subject.
