UFOs and the collective unconscious

Carl Jung was an interesting uncle. Collective Unconscious studied. And potsesse study in such a jungle got that switched to the study of religions, mythologies and rituals of all sorts.
And somehow imperceptibly I come to the conclusion that there is an analogy between the typical dreams and hallucinations in some patients and their alchemical symbolism. To understand the meaning and function of dreams, Jung began in a very serious study of alchemical works and is spent fifteen years! As a result, he found the archetypes, including alchemical symbols, similar to those found in the last mifologii.Otkrytiya alchemist of the XX century have shown that the archetypes are repeated with surprising constancy in dreams, visions, fantasies and hallucinations completely different people under very different circumstances and in the myths of very different people, including obviously did not have any contact with each other.
Jung risked his reputation and for the sake of convincing evidence of his ideas turned to the unexpected topic - UFO. Analyzing the "myth about unidentified flying objects," he writes, "prelude" to its occurrence have become mysterious flying missiles in the sky over Sweden, which talked about in the last days of the Second World War, as well as reports of "fire fighters" - a special glow, accompanied the Allied bombers in their flight over Germany. Then there were the stories about flying saucers over the United States, though extracted from adventure novels.
Jung understands that UFOs can not be confused with meteors or the phenomena of reflection associated with a temperature inversion in adjacent layers of air. He notes "a special interest in UFOs airfields and industrial enterprises related to nuclear fission," but surprised that these "objects", appearing everywhere, still "clearly prefer the United States" .Problema UFO scientist seemed so important that he thought "my duty to sound the alarm," because, as he put it: "My conscience compels me to warn the doctor about the need to prepare for the events that marks the end of an era of world history».
Conclusions KG Young are as follows: "People see something, but it - is unknown. Extremely difficult, if not impossible - to make any clear idea about these objects because they do not behave as a material body, but as weightless thoughts ».
Scientists estimate that 99 percent of UFOs are "a product of the spiritual reality." In his opinion, "we are talking about changes that affect the totality of existing mental dominants, archetypes," the gods "and cause or accompany any modification landmark collective mental substance. Similar changes occurred in the historical period, the beginning of which coincided with the birth of Christianity ».
Yet Jung was puzzled obvious "physical nature" of these facilities; "They have a surface which can be seen the naked eye, and which reflects the radar echo." He comes to the conclusion that in one case this phenomenon belongs to the objective world, that is, has a physical nature, and the other - the archetype itself generates a corresponding vision.
Of course, Jung was more interested in the nature of mental phenomena. That roundness bodies - discs or balls - are the images which most often are produced in our minds the unconscious as the content of dreams, visions, and so on. N.
"Everyone - wrote KG Jung - who knows the history and psychology, we know that the symbols round shape played a significant role everywhere and at all times. For example, in our cultural sphere, they signified not only the soul but also the image of God. Thus, in ancient times, the UFO would be easily perceived as a phenomenon exists of divine origin ».
We are witnessing a continuous myth-creating process. Myths are created in the same way as in the distant past.
Abstract structure of the collective unconscious acquire a specific, understandable and acceptable to the members of the collective form. "We see - we write Jung - as created a fantastic story about an intrusion attempt or, at least, the approach of extraterrestrial," celestial "forces».
Modern man, in his opinion, has lost the true faith in the supernatural, but the "heavenly signs" took the form of a UFO in specific to the era of scientific and technological progress form remind the person of the transcendental world, the faith which is almost entirely supplanted by the success of the positive sciences.
In 1944, Jung had a heart attack, and he experienced "moribund" left his body and soared into space. He surveyed the entire continent. Suddenly he saw his doctor, who told him to return to earth and then Jung realized that his term has not yet come, and he "came back." The famous scientist died in a private villa on the shores of Lake Zurich in 1961 after 86 year of life.